The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 16, 1906, Image 6
' - TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. N*« SK THERE ARE ALE SORTS OF TIMES, BUT NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT. THERE ARE ALL SORTS OF REFRIGERA TORS, BUT NO'REFRIGERATOR LIKE The “North Star.” MORAL: Own a “North Star” or none, and OWN IT NOW! A volume might be written about the “Wliys” and “Wherefores” of NORTH STAR superiority. To ^um it up in a single sentence, the fact is this: NORTH STARS combine all the advantages, all the triumphs, all the conveniences of the best that has been discovered in the field of refrigerator invention and exploration, and have none of the faults found in so many of their rivals. We show every interior finish — glass, opaline, enamel, tile, and zinc. We show a variety of sizes and designs, suited to the various needs of different customers. We guarantee every refrigerator to be the best in construction and finish. As for the purchaser, he takes no risk whatever. He gets nothing but satisfaction. W. S. Bell & Son. "Bell prices Bing True.” E. H. DENNISON—Dentist. ’Phone 248. J. W. DORSETT, Dentist, now lit Davls-Ex. Bank Bldg., Phone 418. The cucumber Is In evidence these days. The baseball {an is in his glory at present South Atlantic and Southern League detail telegraphic games at The Office. The knowing ones will breakfast, dine and bup lightly this sort of weath er. And also cut out the "between meals” Jag. Either this or medicine to be taken with their full meals. Xs the Only PoMlble Way of llavla« An Effective Gore* It you see a woman or a man with lux uriant glossy hair, you may be sure nel- i tner has dandruff to amount to anythin* In nearly every case where women and men have thin brittle hair, they owe It' to dandruff. There are hundreds ot prep arations that "claim” to cure dandruff, but not one but Newbro's Herplclde tells you tbat dandruff la the result of a germ ' burrowing into the scalp, 'and 'that' per- ■ manent cure of dandruff and Its conse quent falling and baldness, can only be bad by killing the germ;-and there la no other preparation that will destroy that ■germ but Newbro’s Herplclde. "Destroy the cause, and yon remove the effect." Bold by leading druggleta. Send 10c. In stamp* for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Albany Drug Co., Special Agents TELEPHONE AT THE DEPOT AT LAST. “Baby jElIte" and “Shlnola” shoe poliBh, 10c each. W. E. FIELDS. Booth ..Installed Weeks Ago, but Now There Is an Instrument. After a day's work on a Bcorching day the business man Is nearly fagged out. While there really Isn’t as much to do In the summer season as In win ter, the heat and dust, etc., conspire to keep his existence from being alto gether Idyllic. ’Phone 280 for stove wood and Ice. ALBANY COAL & ICE CO. The police force have discarded their winter uniforms and appear to day In new summer clothes. The ap Do You Use Paint? Most of the world does and most of the world uses Sherwin-Williams Paint. It’s made to paiht buildings with, inside and outside. It’s made ready for the brush. It’s made for home use and for practical painters too. It’s pure lead, pure zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by ■specially made machinery operated by experts. It’s made for you. We carry a full line of this high grade goods. Please call and see us, or phone No. 5 for color cards and prices. R. C. Eatman. 25 Washington street. Albany, Ga. ATLANTIC COA'T LINE RAILROAD CO. PASS NGER SCHEDULES. IN EFFECT APRIL 9, 1906. NOTE.—These arrlvnla und departures, as well as connections, are given nformatlon, but' arrivals, departures and connections are not guaranteed. hIXo. 71 ; .al 4.00li -jSiJ 6.1B|> (A-Wal 6.30p - Hip] T.30p Lv Alban Ar Thnmnsvi! Lv Thomnsv!" Ar Month ell’ INo. 74IN0. 72||No. 71) \rl 7.75p Lv 4.3!)p ,Arl 2.1I)| Lv| l.Olp U.45a|| 4.00p|Lv Albany Ar 9.26a G.16p Ar Thomasvllle Lv G.lOall 1.15ajLv Thomasvllle Ar 6.20a|| S.06a|Ar Montgomery Lv •’Op'Lv Albany Arlifl, JRplAr Tlfton LV >UpjAr Waycross LV 5piLv Wayoross Art •<>p Ar Jacksonville Lv. , »p!Lv Jacksonville Art ViAr Pulatka Sanford Orlando Lakeland Tampa jN<\ MlfNn. HljNp.95 Lv Lv Lv Lvl S. HiAr Port Tampa Lvj 8. 1 10p “’Rp •v !*•!> 55a !5a ,2Ua /'2a 20| top 00 ji i.lBa ’.45a >.50a 2.00p 0.00p . o.aop 55p 9.35p ,05p 1.35a ,10p 5.55a 45p 1.40p ,17a S.OOp •54a|11.50p . 9a 1.43a .22a I 4.25a Mi I 7.23a Albany Waycross Waycross Savannah Savannah Charleston Wilmington Richmond Washington Baltimore Philadelphia New York No. 94 11.45a 7.55a 6.05a 3.16a 2.50a 12.01a 3.45p 9.05a 4.30a 2.51a 12.19a 9.25p No. 74 7.05p 4.30p 2.30p 6.50a No. 90 10.30P 6.30p 6.00p 2.45p 9.00a 7.00a 7.25p 3.45p 2.12P 11.56a 9.26a N. J. CRAIG. Passenger Traffu Wilmington & A. ATKINSON "... Ticket Age. • M tlhjpv C T. C. WHITE, Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. T. J. BOTTOMS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomaevllle, Ga. % indstinct print pearanco of the men Is Improved a great deal by this change from the heavy winter uniforms to the light, comfortable summer garments. Bar- No Ice famine In Albany now. ron sends It when you want 1L ALBANY COAL & ICE CO. The clouds passed off yesterday without a downpour,' though once It looked as If It must surely rain. The baseball fan was In agony of spirit for a while, and when things began to lighten up his joy was boundless. "His” joy, for there were only four la dles out Buy your Coffins and Caskets from ALBANY BUGGY CO. tf That telephone at the depot Is at last a reality. tt Is No. 495. It Is in the first-class waiting room, and reposes In a neat booth which af fords privacy to the party using It. And now the party who is about to board an outgoing train, and who de sires to communicate with some store, or with his or her family; or the par ty passing through, with a few min utes between trains, may secure con-/ neotlon with the desired ’phone with out having to hunt up some other in strument in the neighborhood of the depot, with the chance's almost'even that when found the said instrument would be In use. It Js not Intended that the privilege which the public has of using the de pot ’phone should be abused. Conver sations should be limited to two or three minutes. Sweethearts are es pecially Invited not to become ab sorbed In each other over the wire, nor should dressmaking plans or poli tics be discussed- during rush hours. The new ’phone at the depot is an other proof of the efficiency of the Al bany Business League as an organiza tion. Through its efforts the conven ience was provided. It Is a small mat ter, to be sure, hut no Individual In Al bany could have secured It. Do You Want 1o See Something Beautiful And Varied? Umbrellas are getting to be necessi ties with the fair sex these glaring days. Complexions must be maintained at any cost. The bloifdo type, whose natural enemy is the freckle, espec ially is filled with dread. The "guar anteed" freckle remover will see s hard time from now on, and will work overtime all the time. No. 1 PEAVINE HAY, $14 a Ton. Cruger & Pace. ' Mr. J. A. Rumney has let a contract for the erection of a modern two- story brick building on the lot where his tailoring shop now stands, be tween the fire department and the building occupied by the Harris Elec trical Co. and Beaman’s Music House. Work will be begun on It In the near future. Contractor Watson will do the work. " Saratoga Club ’’ Worcestershire Sauce, 10c; Arlington Sauce,-16c; Hlrsch Bros., 20c; Lea & Perrins, 30c bottle. W. E. FIELDS. Attention Elksl Important session of Albany Lodge No. 713 this evening. Matters In con nection with approaching entertain ment of the State Association to be considered, and nil brothers are or dered to attend. H. T. McINTOSH, Exalted Ruler. Indigestion Is much of a habit. Don’t get the habit. Take a little Kodol Dys- pensla Cure after eating and you will quit belching, puffing, palpitating and frowning. Kodol Digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsmnn-Sale Drug Co. Our “Gladiator” coffee Is the best, nt the price, 1-lb, tins, 25c; 5-lb. tins 22c; "Cobana," 2-lb. tins, 95c; package coffees, 20c; bulk goods, 20c, 25c and 30c lb. W. E. FIELDS. Fortunate Missourians. “When I was a druggist, at Livonia, Mo.,’’ writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graysville, Mo., "three of my custom ers were permanently cured of con sumption by Dr. King’s New Discov ery, and are well and strong today. One was trying to sell hlB property and move to Arizona, hut after using New Discovery a short time he found It unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. King’s New Discovery as tlie most wonderful medicine In existence." Sur est Cough and Cold cure and Throat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Al bany Drug Co., druggists. 60c and $1. Trial bottle free. Do You Use a Fountain Pen? Then see our $1.00 special. Each pen is fully guaranteed. Made in chased holder and solid gold' pens.' We will refund your money if not satisfied with your purchase. We also carry a complete line of self filling pens from $2.50 up. Satisfaction or money back. UMEMTS AND MUSIC HOUSE. A Mountain of Gold could not bring as ranch happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wls., as did one box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a running sore on her leg, which had tortured her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores. 25c at Albany Drug Co.’s drug store. When a girl begins to boss a fellow It’s a pretty good sign that she has made up her mind. Why pay $100 for a Typewriter hen we can sell you one of any m ike \ half price. Write oday for Catalo ue. Atlanta Typewriter Exchange, If you are troubled with Piles and can't find a cure, try Witch Hazel Salve, but be sure you get that made by E. C. DeWltt, of Chicago. It Is the Original. If you have used Witch Hazel Salve without being relieved it is probable that you got hold of one of the many worthless counterfeits that are sold on the reputation ot the genuine DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. Y. M. C. A. Building, At lanta, Ga. ALBANY BKI1 CO BRICK. —MANUFACTURERS OF— Annual Capacity* 10.000.000. Then coine around to our store and see our line of TOILET SETS We have over FIFTY Sets for you to select from. The Steele furniture and Hardware Store, Leaders in High Grade Goods Telephone No. 136 | S. REICH | 96 Broad Street A ? of $ and Cts. WHERE ? Can I get the prettiest patterns of White Wash Goods for the season’s wear? Hid you ever ask yourself this question? If you have or haven’t we will answer the ques tion for you by quoting a few prices: ’ Beautiful white sheer goods, ISc quality 9c yd. 36-in. Nainsook, extra quality, 15c quality... ,9c yd. India'Linon, superfine, 15c quality. 10c yd. 40-in. “Standard” Lawn, \7]/ 2 z quality 10c yd. 36-in. “Old Glory” chamois finish Long Cloth, 17^c quality 1214c Now’s Your Chance 3x7 Window Shades 3x9 Window Shades . sg c See our “Floral Organdies” for .9c, 24c, 48c / S. REICH. PIANOS! TWENTY INSTRUMENTS ON OUR FLOORS FOR YOUR INSPECTION. A PIANO, like a wife or husband, is frequently a life companion. You therefore want something to suit you perfectly when you bu y. We believe we can give you satisfaction in the two essential points QUALITY AND PRICE. BEAMAN’S MUSIC HOUSE 104 Pine Street (Rumney Building.ICAIbany, Ga; i r: ■