Newspaper Page Text
It is a well known fact that Albany’s
pitching staff Is second 16 none In the
league. The “support" is all that has
be.eti wrong, and a remedy has been
found for that.
Here Are Additional Values
Splendid Literary Address Was Ds.
Ilvered Yesterday by Prof. Passmore.
The dry corners of a grandstand that
Is as good as the one here are not
very plentiful. There was diligent
search made for them yesterday, but
the results of the hunt were fruitless.
Probably some of the new men will
be in today’s game. They are all good
baseball men, secured at a good deal
of expense, and they are expected to
make good with a rush. It is still early
in the season and no material damage
has been done to the team’s standing
as yet.
Special to The Herald.
Sylvester, Ga., May 21.—The com
mencement exercises of McPlmul In
stitute are being well attended and
highly enjoyed by the people of Syl
vester. i The literary address wsb de
livered today by Prof. L. D. Passmore.
It was well received and hold the at
tention of the audience to the end.
There will be a concert tonight, and
the graduating exercises take place to
morrow. Bight students will receive
their diplomas.
10c LAWNS, 3^c.'
We offer Monday at 9 oclock about
500 yards carried-over patterns,
otherwise a 10c value, Lawns and
Batistes, while the lot lasts, per
yard :
Wilson fielded his position well yes
terday. 1 When a "pitcher pays some at
tention to the grounders that come in
his territory he makes it a lot lighter
for the second baseman and shortstop.
Waycross 2 to the Good
When Downpour Came.
Tribble Put It Over the
Fence—The Albany Team
Much Improved — Pros
pects Much Better for To
day’s Game.
The game was called here today in
the first inning, rain preventing fur
ther play.
The Americas team hasn’t been
doing anything lately out of the usual,
which is only another way of saying
that they are still losing. It would
look strange to see them in any other
Worth up to 18c the yard. We have
placed on the table for lively sell
ing, an assortment of Nainsook
and Swiss Edgings. Next week,
per yard : 9c
The game was called’ in the last half
of the first inning on account of rain.
The score at this time was 2 to 1.
Americus at the bat having the one
’Phone 280 for stove wood and Ice.v
Since the change in management the
spirits^! the men have also undergone
a change. Instead of a sort of lethar
gic unconcern that was beginning to
grow upon them they look with confi
dence to the future. Snodgrass’s per
sonal popularity with the men is going
to affect things a lot. •
Albany-Waycross, rain.
Columbus-Cordele,' rain.
Valdosta-Amerlcus, rain,
1,000 yards beautiful Batiste and
Organdy Lawn, selected of new
patterns; 10c value. Aspecial for
the second week of the Mill End
Sale. 10 yards, worth one dollar,
Special to The Herald.
Dawson, Ga., May 22.—The marble
building for the First State Bank is
nearing completion, and is one of the
many substantial improvements of opr
town. We hope soon to have a systom
of waterworks like Albany’s. We have
the promise of improvements on our
depot, which are very much needed.
Rain everywhere yesterday.
Waycross at Albany.
Columbus at Cordele.
.Valdosta at Americus,
Wasn’t the shower most refreshing?
The bases were full once yesterday
and Carlton Beusse came to the baL
Despair was in the Albany fan’s heart,
for what he does to the benders of op
posing pitchers is enough, and then
some.. But Nunefly held him down to'
a fielder’s choice, and tho fielder, who
was Poole, chose to kill Wagnon at
the plate.
Better things in the future for you,
The remainder of a 100-dozen lot of
bleached, taped-necked Vests, a
10c value, will be offered Monday
at the Mill End Sale price
Tribble don’t mind hitting them,
South Atlantic and Southern League
detail telegraphic games at The Office.
A double-header lies away in the
misty future.
Columbus has revived a little since
they left here.
When the boys came home after the
downpour the water along the railroad
track made walking a somewhat diffi
cult matter. Harry Eidred, after the
manner of the tight rope walker, bal
anced gingerly on the iron rail. Snod
grass climbed up on a long string of
empty freights, high and dry, while
Crosley waded through it ankle deep,
with a deep uncortcern for the fate of
Ills stockings.
We offer Monday 25c and 35c value
Wash Belts, six different pat
terns,, each
At the beginning of the last half of
the third, Blankenship, the new um
pire, who hails from Columbus, called
the game. The rain, which everybody
had been predicting, and which most
of them had been hoping for all the
afternoon when the crippled condition
of the home team became known; fell
a little bit, not to express it too ex
travagantly, and after a few minutes,
in which it was seen that there was
no possibility of the game being re
newed, it was called off. It was a
God-send to the Albany team, for al
ready Waycross had piled up two runs
—one of them being the work of Trib
ble, the terrible with the stick. Only
a short time was consumed in the
making of this one, a single crack of
the bat and the sphere departed over
the right field fence.
'The team was handicapped by the
fact that the most of the men were
playing in strange places. Snodgrass
held down the initial sack, Boyd was
taken out of center and played short,
Crosley playing his garden, and Nol-
ley ambled round in left field. Of
course it was the best that could be
done under the circumstances, the re
leasing of some of the players making
gaps in the line-up, which, though they
will be filled at once, couldn’t be sup
plied yesterday on such short notioe.
The men were all determined in their
efforts and there were several times
when it looked as if two or three runs
couldn’t help being made by Waycross,
but .which by heady playing were
warded off. When the new material
arrives and the men Btrike their gait
the Albany fans will have to make
good their boast that they will sup
port a winning team.
The interposition of a kindly provi
dence saved Albany yesterday, though,
it cannot be doubted. But today the
men will be in far better shape to p^pt
the fixings to the men from Waycross.
The visitors are all a crowd of hitters,
as a glance at their physiques] will
show, and they won’t give up easy.
They have been accustomed to win
ning, though, and it is a habit that is
very, very hard to break.
So give the boys the glad hand the
rest of the games this week. They
are making a hard effort to pull out,
and they will. And a little sincere en
couragement will help matters won
derfully. They know as well as you
that there have been some games lost,
and Manager Snodgrass isn’t promis
ing to go to the top of the percentage
column In a week, but he and his men
are going to put forth every effort to
get there as fast as possible. Yester
day as many of the fans as were out
were well pleased with the general
appearance of the team. •
Eidred pulled in a nice pop fly. He
is good at this.
McCormack’s work was up to its
usual standard.
Gold and Persian effect Belts, 35c
value, on satle Monday at..... ,19c
The uniforms of Waycross and Al
bany are nearly similar.
When the .500 mark is reached again
the rest will be easy sailing.
72x90 Sheets offered Monday, while
the lot lasts, each ,
Imitations never equal the genuine.
Insist on getting Acme Brewing Co.’s
“Bohemian Export Beer. 19-2t
Snodgrass worked on first as if he
had been playing there a month.
Truly, the tin can man has been in
our midst. He was needed, too, a little
The Waycross players are all built
for business. Brawny doesn’t half de
scribe them.
order was given, “Get out now, boys!”
One little fellow, who had evidently
not fully recovered from the shock of
the storm, was loth to start out, but
when urged he finally picked up his
bag of papers and muttered, “If it
does it again, I just know I won’t have
sense enough to carry the papers into
the houses.”
Fred Buesse has a nice arm. He
puts them over to first from third like
it wasn’t any trouble at all.
The inhabitants were discussing the
tornado’s destruction this morning at
the expense of less exciting subjects.
But, after all, in two or three-days the
weather and the crops will again come
in for a monopoly of the conversation,
and the storm be a thing of oblivion.
We have just received a shipment of
Miller & Hart’s choice Breakfast Ba
con, sugar cured and smoked, 3 pounds
for 50c. If you want an elegant piece
of bacon at a moderate charge, ’phone
70 a trial order. You’ll like it.
W. E. fields!
Anthony is no longer a member of
the team. Snodgrass decided that he
had a sufficiency of pitchers. .
The best safeguard against head
ache, constipation and liver troubles is
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. Keep a
vial of these famous little pills in the
house and talcela dose at bedtime when
you feel that the stomach and bowels
need cleansing. They don’t gripe.
Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale
Drug Co.
What a blessing is good Soap and healthful Talcum Powder in
the hot summer time.
Try a box of our 3 for 25 cents Soap. Lilac, Carnation,
Rose, Violet and Heliotrope. You will be so pleased that you
will always use this Wand of pure and sweet soap
The two games that the boys will
take away from the visitors today and
tomorrow will be a just revenge.
Mr. A. C. Durden, the enterprising
superintendent of Mr. Morris Weslos-
ky’s Jeannette Farm, brought to The
Herald office yesterday afternoon a
bunch of very large white onions. And
to one who has hn eye for onlonB they
were beauties. We suppose they were
onions. They looked like onions and
smelled like onions, and Mr. Durden
said they were onions, and very good
onions, but we have to take his word
for this, as he took them away, saying
that Mr. Weslosky had told him to
bring them by The Herald office to let
us LOOK AT them.
Some of the playing of the Waycross
club was very “clockworky.” It’s team
work that wins, and therefore they are
at the top. ■
There are a great many farmers
throughout this part of Georgia who
will do their best to get to market
with the .first bale of new crop cotton,
but it is taken for granted in Albany
that Deal Jackson, the successful.col
ored planter of West Dougherty, will
again get off with .the 1 honors of the
season, as he has done regularly for a
number of years past.
With the odor of Fresh Violets, counteracts excessive perspi
ration. Lends an exqisite fragrance after the bath. Purifying
and healthful to the skin.
The man that didn’t get wet yester
day at the park was a genius. The
grandstand seemed to be a popular
place for the raindrops.
The warm light of victory has light-
ened the path of “The Machinists” so
far. Albany wants a few of the rays
to point their way just a little.
See the list of Albany Bellers of
Acme Brewing Co.’s “Bohemian Ex
port” Beer. When you want the orig
inal and genuine “Bohefnian Export”
go to one of the places listed on page
9.' ■ 19-3t
The new umpire seemed to. please
them all. He is a brother to Clifford
Blankenship, who is known in base
ball circles all over the country.
Postmaster Robbed.
G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at River
ton, la., nearly lost his life and was
robbed of all comfort, according to his
letter, which says: “For 20 years T
Best Cream and Fresh Candy,
A citizen of Albany who is in a pm
sitlon to know says that the health
conditions of the city as they now are
have never been surpassed. And at
this time of the year this is especially
to be a .source of gratification, for gen
erally the summer is the worst time
for the sanitary conditions to go
iiacl chronic liver complaint, which' led
to such a severe cake of jaundice that
even my finger nails turned yellow;
when my doctor prescribed Electric
Bitters, which cured me and have kept
" ' Sure cure
Crosley -captured two in one inning
yesterday and still wanted more. One
of them was an especially difficult one
and he got the cheers of the crowd.
me well for eleven years,
for Biliousness, Neuralgia. Weakness
and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and
Bladder derangements. A wonderful
Tonic. At Albany Drug Co.’s drug
store. 60 cents.
Tom Griffin made a lovely catch of
a hot liner on.second yesterday that
looked like It was gone. With one
hand, too, which made it all the more
If you are troubled with Piles and
can’t find a cure, try Witch Hazel
Salve, but be sure you get that made
by E. C. DeWltt, of Chicago. It is the
Original. If you have used Witch
Hazel Salve without being relieved it
is probable that you got hold of one
of the many worthless counterfeits
that are sold on the reputation of the
genuine DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve.
Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale
Drug Co,
The small boy trudges to school
these days with the spirit of vacation
filling the stray corners of his heart
that his text books don’t occupy. These
text books leave a good many stray
corners, too. Only two weeks more
and he exults in glad anticipation of
the time when the teacher will be only
a piain citizen.
re is nothing you could get for your baby
that would give it more pleasure than a
More News from the New England
If anyone has any doubt as to the
virtue of Foley’s Kidney Cure, they
need only to refer to Mr. Alvin H.
Stlmpson, of Willimanttc, Conn., who,
after almost losing hope of recovery,
on account of the failure of so many
remedies, finally tried Foley’s Kidney
Cure, which he says was “Just the
thing" for-him, as four bottles cured
him completely. He is now entirely
well and free from all the suffering in
cident to acute kidney trouble. For
sale by Hilsman-Sale Drug Co.
It also learns baby how to walk, without any trouble
on your part. We have .just received a shipment of the
best we could buy.
A tale of horror was told by marks
of human, blood in the home of J. W.
Williams, a well-known merchant of
Bac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years
ago I had severe hemorrhages of the
lungs, and was near death when I be
gan taking Dr. King’s, New Discovery.
It completely cured me and I have re
mained well ever since.” It cures
Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Set
tled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the
only known cure for Weak Lungs.
Every bottle guaranteed by Albany
Drug Co., Druggists. 50c add $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
Monday, Tuesday and