The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 24, 1906, Image 7

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THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1906. Albany, Ga. L. H, MARKS, Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup is best for women and children. Tts mild ac tion and pleasant taste makes it pref erable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Oet the booklet and a sample of Orlno at Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.■ ALBANY TELEPHONES i Office 30. Manager 112. F. 0. Ticknob, Manager. Directors: Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown, M. Weslosky, J. R. Whitehead, T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker, Properly Pitted Glasses... Washington, May 24. — Consul Mc« Nally writes from Liege that the pub lication of the world's statistics by the Universal Postal Union, at Berne, de velops some interesting facts from which he deduces that from the amount or nature of a country’s cor respondence one cannot estimate its commercial activity or development along other lines. Following is the arrangement .In the order of their importance bf the num ber of letters and postal cards pass ing through the postofflce for 1905 of countries having over 20 per head: Great Britain, 78.3 per head of popu lation; United States, 67.6; New Zea land, 66.3; Switzerland, 59.7; Ger many, 55.9; Denmark, 41.6; Austria, 38.2; Argentine, 37.2; Luxembourg, 34.6; Holland, 31.1; .Belgium, 29.4; Sweden, 26.4; France, 26.2; Norway, 20.5. . . , It is evident that the development of instruction cannot be seen from the greatest correspondence, for coun tries having compulsory ‘education, such as France, Denmark and Nor way, hold a mediocre place, while other countries noted for the percent age of illiteracy are well in the front. It is singular to note that the citizens of Austria and Denmark write more letters than do those of France. Bel gium ranks eleventh in the list. A commercial' status or other develop ment does not figure, or both France and Belgium would hold a better posi tion. It is seen that those of Anglo- Saxon blood correspond more fre quently than do those' of the Latin races. Great Britain derives the greatest profits from her postal system, net ting annually about $23,438,627, the second country being Russia with $20,* 595,595 profltk Russia'is not consid ered a letter-writing country, and its printed matter is restrained, and yet upon its peculiar system it derives good profits. The (Russian postofflce department employs 65,187 persons, while Germany employs 263,517. Japan employs 61,430, or almost as many as Russia, but its profits are compara tively small. will relieve these muscular strains and the sooner applied,the better.: We are on the alert for a defect un discovered by your former oculist or optician. We take every precautions. Eyes Examined and Tested Free.j Largest and Oldest In surance Agency in South Georgia. Representing 25 of the largest and strongest Insurance Companies in business. Insurance against Fire, Lightning and WindSto^ms. Large Lines, Special Haz ards, Gin houses and coun try property solicited. Phij Harris {Leading Optician. The Kitchen Plumbing Very Special Things at Small Prices Letters to Albany Doctors. Dear Sirs—You understand chemis try; how’d you like to earn ?1,0007 Dovoe lead-and-zlnc — that's the name of our paint that talffes fewer gallons than mixed paint- and wears twice as long ns lead-and-oll—is made of white-lead, whlte-zlnc, its color, tur pentine dryer, and linseed oil. If any chemist finds any adultera tion in this paint we'!! pay his bill and $1,000 besides. It’s nobody’s business what we put in our paint, of course; but we want it known. For lead-and-zino and lin seed oil, ground together by machin ery, are the stuff to paint with; and lead-and-oil mixed by hand is not. We want it known that one word de scribes the best paint in the world; and that word Is Devoe. Are you going to paint? i Yours truly, F, W. DEVOE & CO., * ■ Now York, P. S.—0. D. Smith sells our paint. Come 'round this evening and see how the other games in the Georgia State League came out. Detailed tele graphic accounts at The Office. Ladies’ Wash Belts, Heavily embroidered. Price only 10c to 25c. White (variety of oth er shades) Wash Hand Bags, a swell line and very popular. Our spe cial price 25c to 50c. Leather Hand Bags, real value 50c, this week only 25c each. New style Leather Hand Bags, fine leather lined, real values 85c/ $1.50 arid-$2. Our spe cial price, 28c, 70c, 98c. Malt When a high grade of Malt and Hops is properly brewed into beer, it re sults in the most beneficial beverage known to medical science. Hops are] nature’s premier nerve restorer; Malt is its equal as a body builder, and the combination is perfected in We exjiibit a Beautiful assort ment of White Goods, Dimities, Nainsooks, Organdies andhandsome Mercerized Lawns, fancy and plaint Great variety of Colored Wash Goods in attractive patterns. • Then see our Si.00 special. Each pen is fully guaranteed. Made in chased holder and solid gold pens. We will refund your money if not satisfied with your purchase. " We also carry a complete line of self filling pens from $2.50 up. Satisfaction or money back. 71 Broad. Street, HOT WEATHER TRIP8 ■ We import Bohemia’s best Hops, and the world’s finest Malt, and here, as elsewhere, our methods are character ized by extreme cleanliness. The malt to be used is put through a thorough, long-draw-out. process of mechanical cleansing, which purifies it of every particle of foreign matter and dust, leaving the malt kernels finally as clean and perfect as can be. With due regard for your health, f _ _ Lamm O TTT/vl 1 4- /S JuimI. Via Central of Georgia Railway—Sum mer Excursion Tickets. To the Seashore, Mountain and Lake Resorts in the North, South, East and West are now on sale. A trip by Rail and Sail to New York, Bostbn, Baltimore, Philadelphia and points lh the East via Savannah and Steamship Lines, is to be considered at this season. Tickets are now on sale at all cou pon ticket offices. For rates, sched-. ules, etc., apply to any agent or repre sentative of the Central of Georgia Railway, or R. S. MORRIS, Commer cial Agent, Albany, Ga. GULF COA8T RESORTS. . Low Round Trip Rates to Lanark, FI • • } '• Panacea 8prlngs, Fla., via S< choppy. Leave Albany vli Central of Ga. a Arlington, 7:45 a. m. and *3:60 p. m Arrive Sopchoppy 3:14 p. m. a •9:61 p. m. Arrive Lanark 3:45 p. m. and *10: p. m. . •Saturdays and Sundays only. Round Trip Rates from Arlington. this is a beer you can well afford to drink. American Queen Beer is sold at all hotels, clubs, cafes, restaurants, etc. Call for it and keep it in your home. ACME BREWING CO. MACON, GA. Watch for the next advertisement on aging beer. To Lanark 4.75 6.30 2.S0 To Sopchoppy ........4.16 5.66 2.60 a— 1 Tickets sold daily, Anal limit 15 days. j b—Tickets sold dally, final limit 30 days. „ ■ ■ . A c—Tickets sold Saturday' P. V trains and Sunday trains, final llr HICKS’ ■ CAPUD1NE wmepmkly cures ^ HEADACHES Brens up COLDS S8«3 In 6 to 12 Hour. Indigestion 1b much of a habit. Don’t get the habit. Take a little Kodol Dys- pensla Cure after eating and you will quit belching, puffing, palpitating and . frowning. Kodol Digests what you eat and makes the stomach aweet. Soldi by Albany Drug Co, HUsman-Sale T f t t T f t t T f t f t T T X t t f f f f t t t f T Imitation the Sincerest Flattery \ , •. . . The best articles which have won popular favor through genuine merit are always imitated. / “BOHEMIAN EXPORT, BEER,” that UNEXCELLED BREW of the ACME BREWING COMPANY, has been set up as a standard by many imitators. These imitators are wonderfully successful in getting names that sound like ours, and bottles that look like ours, but they can never get a beer that tastes like ours. The wonderful qualities of the genuine “BOHEMIAN EXPORT” are the results of a careful and competent brewing, such as cheap imi tators can not do. Be sure that the label contains the name of “Acme Brewing Co., Macon, Ga.,” a guaranty of excellence. Original BOHEMIAN EXPORT is sold only at the following places in Albany: Powell & Co. Dennard Whiskey Co. O. K. Whiskey House H. Cassel J. H. Cdffey Price & McLarty W. B. Mallard The Beazley Bar J. P. Drinkwater Deese & Deese Albany Manufacturing Co. Altman Whiskey Co. Max Lonsberg Marvin Cohn Rialto Saloon McCarthy & Stewart T. L* Pattison Deariso Bros. Star Whiskey House Albany Whiskey Co. Be sure the label contains the name of “Acme Brewing Company, Macon, Ga,” a guaranty of excellence. ACME BREWING CO., Hair Brushes There’s not even the suggestion of exaggeration in the statement that this new shipment contains more splendid brushes than we’ve ever seen offered in a city several times the size of Albany—many real beauties priced from $1.25 to $4.00. Albany Drug Co. is probably the most Important in the house. Is yours all right, or does it take streaks? If it doesn’t'work just right all the time, better send for us. We know ALL ABOUT KITCHENS. The tubs, the faucets, the hot water boiler. We can make them right os can be. And we will promise not to muss up your kitchen while doing it. That’s something you will appreciate, we know. HARRIS PLUMBING CO. Two Men in Crowd at Hoke Smith Meeting Engaged in Duel — Many Shots Were Fired. Columbus, Ga., May 23.—A special to the Enquirer-Sun from Shipley, Ga., says that an outdoor political meeting addressed by Holte Smith was broken up there today by a pistol duel in the edge of the crowd in which Joe Has- tey, a farmer, was killed, and John Ir vin, his slayer, was killed three blocks distant by a crowd who pursued him. -j. It is reported that bad feeling had existed between the two on account of a small debt—fifteen cents—and when they met at the speaking today the quarrel was renewed. In spite of efforts to calm them, they began shoot ing, with the result that Hastey fell, dying almost instantly. Irvin ran, fol lowed by several men whose identity is not known. The pursuers kept up a fusilade of shots and about three blocks distant from the meeting Irvin fell, pierced by a number of bullets, dying immediately. About sixty-five shots were fired*/ Two spectators at the political meeting were slightly wounded by stray bullets. Some Interesting Postal Sta tistics and Comparisons. The British Write More Letters Per Head of Population Than Any Other Country, and Next Comes the United States. :.<• G, F. & A. RY.