The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 25, 1906, Image 8
THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1906. — CLARK & CO., I0TT0N FUTURE BROKERS. ALBANY, GA. THE MARKETS Local Cotton Market Good Middling. .. 11 1-4 Middling 10 7-8 Low Middling 10 8-8 Demand for better grades keeps pace with rise and fall of contract market. Offerings limited. Now York Cotton Market (embers Leading Exchange s. Private Leased Wires to New Orleans, Chica go and New York. INSTANTANEOUS EXECUTIONS. New Orleans Correspondents, Gibert & Clay—Cotton. New York Correspondents, C. D. Freeman & Co.—Cotton. Chicago [Correspondent, Pringle, Fitch & Rankin—Grain. New York Correspondents, Marshall, Spader & Co.—Stocks and Bonds. Correspondence Invited Li'Vingstoris Stable, H. HOMS. Trap. JOB H, MYERS, President WM. E. MYERS, C. E. FRYER, Manager. Seo’y d Treae. 4< Insist on Getting Pride of Illinois” Canned Corn from your grocer. Satisfaction • Guaranteed. Albany Grocery Company, Wholesale Distributors. ' K DRINK A BOTTLE CARBONATED EVERYWHERE 5 CENTS. We thoroughly ^Sterilize eveinf hottleJ|before it_ is washed and rinsed. Drink Only The Genuine! The Trade Mark is securely stomped upon every bottle. “IT'S CLEAN AMD PURE. THAT'S SURE" THE ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Pre* Op’d High Low Close Close July 11.17 1120 11.14 11.17 11.15 October 10.64 10.70 10.61 10.66 10.64 December 10 66 10.70 10 62 10.67 10.66 Jan.. 10.00 10.78 10.08 10 71 10 60 Spots quiet. Mid. 11.00. Sales —. Futures closed steady. Liverpool is due unchanged tomorrow. One fare plus 25 cents from Anda lusia, Ozark, Fort Gaines, Albany, Amerlcus and Intermediate points to Eufaula, Ala. Tickets on sale May 23-30, Inclusive. Final limit, May 31, 1906. For further information apply to R. 8. MORRIS, Commercial Agent, or S. A. Atkinson, Union Ticket Agent, Albany, Ga. * l8-6t New Orleans Cotton Market. Prev Op'd High Low Close Close July 11 35 11.42 11.88 11.80 11.86 October 10.55 10.62 10.68 10.60 10.56 December.... 10.54 10.62 10.62 10.60 10.66 Futures closed steady. Spots firm. Mid. 115-16, Sales 2,476. Liverpool Cotton Market June* July.. Sopt-Oct.. Oct-Nov .. Nov-Doc . Op’ 2PM Prev, Close Close 5 08 5.08 5.08 5.04 6.80 6.80 5.80 6 70 6 74 B.74 6.78 6.76 6 74 6.72 6 72 6.I& Sales 10,000; Middlings 6.20; Receipts 1,000. Futures opened firm and closed steady. CO RN—W H E AT—M EAT. Chicago, May 25. — Opening. Close. Wheat—July 83 83 1-8 Corn—July .47 6-8 47 1-8 Oats— July 33 1-8 33 1-8 Pork-July 16.30 16.25 Lard—July 8.80 8.77 Ribs—July 9.30 9.30 PRICE’S STATEMENT. (By Wire to Clark &Oo.) New York, May 26, 1906. Sanger & Ettelson’s report is prac tically confirmatory of the five impor tant reports previously issued, and comes very near to settling the acre age at about 27,600,000 acres. On this acreage, as I pointed out yesterday, an average crop will be about 11,000,000 bales. The present condition, according to ganger & Ettelson, is below the aver, age. Logically, therefore, the present indications are for a crop of less than 10,000,000 bales. If anyone sees any thing in this situation to justify bear ish operations in cotton they are wel come. I do not. I regard the position of cotton as the strongest I have ever seen in my experience in the trade. THBO. H. PRICE. NEW ORLEANS COTTON LETTER. By wire to Clark A Co. New Orleans, May 25, 1906. The advance in American markets yesterday found a ready. response in options in Liverpool, which, closed 4 points higher than on the previous day. Spot transactions continue to he the chief feature in the foreign market and the steadiness with which this large volume of business has been maintained has doubtless caused as much nervousness abroad amongst the short interests as has. recently been marked here. Sales today were 10,000 boles at an advance of 4 points. The prospects for s a very bullish supply statement this afternoon is the under lying influence in affecting market prices in today’s local session. Shorts have been quietly covering and traders who still have a favorable opinion of the market are supposed to have add ed to their commitments. In reality the marked improvement in the sta tistical position that is looked for Is attributable to the large average that spot sales abroad have maintained and to the fact that for the week just passed receipts at Bombay have fallen off 33,000 bales from the corresponding period last year, while shipments for the same time have increased 2S.000 hales. Rut even should the most radi cal expectations be realized it is pos sible that little more than a temporary improvement will be observed as the temper of the trade is such as to mili tate against a marked advance from the present price of cotton. Yours truly, .GIBERT & CLAY. EXCi/riBON RATE8 To Eufaula, Ala., and Return via Cen tral of Georgia, Account Eufaula Chautauqua, May 23-30, 1906. WANTS. FOR SALE — Cash register. Apply Wooten & Hofmayer. tf FOR SALE—My grey horse. For In formation write or see Dr. A. S. Bacon. 25-3t FOR RENT—New cottage, just com pleted, on Residence street. Apply to Mrs. F. L. Stewart, No. 50 Society street. 25-tf FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms. Apply 138 State street. 24-2t FOR RENT — Four-room house on South street. J. C. Hale, Ventulett building, Washington street. 24-3t WANTED—Position as bookkeeper by a young man with wholesale experi ence; best reference. Address H. A.- Suggs, Moultrie, Ga. 5-1612t FOR RENT—Seven-room dwelling on State street. Apply to S. W. Smith. 23-3t FOR RENT—The entire third floor of the Welch building, corner Broad and Washington streets; just reno vated, suitable for small manufac turlng plant Apply to Annie T. Hobbs. 23-6t FOR SALE — One acre, with 4-room house, on South Madison street, for $1,500; $450 cash, balance $20 per month. J. W. MoSweeney, at Mock & Rawson’s. 21-6t FOR SALE — One large American evaporator; cost $160; will take $25 for It, f, o. b. here; also one small, same make, never used, will take $18 for It, cost $40; reason selling am out of fruit business. W. W. . Thompson, Smlthvllle, Ga. 21-6t Dissolution' Notice. Notice 1b hereby given that the law Arm of Walters & Walters, composed of Jesse W. Walters & Jesse-W. Wat ters, Jr., is hereby mutually dissolved. JESSE W. WALTERS. JESSE W. WALTERS, JR. 17-lwlc. COTTON PICKINGS. FOR THE BEST Values in Marble and Granite for artistic work manship, and the finest material in MONUMENTS ELECTION OF TEACHERS For the Qity Schools of Albany, June 6, 1906. Headstones, etc.,, try The Albany Marble and Granite Works. W. H. MILLER, Proprietor HICKS’ CAPUDINE DMUMMfLY CURES HEADACHES I Brtsfa lip COLDS J In 6 to 12 Hours* *tDng£tun BBmbsb Albany, Ga., May 19, 190G. The Board of Control of the City- System of Public Schools will, meet at the court house on Wednesday, Juue 6, at 4 o’clock p. m., to fix salaries and elect the teachers, as follows; Superintendent of City Schools. Principal of High School. Two lady teachers for High School. Principal of Albany Academy. Eight lady teachers for Academy. A teacher in vocal music and draw ing. A teacher In manual training. A principal of Negro School. Seven class teachers of Negro School. C. W. RAWSON, Mayor, L. E. WELCH, Chairman. Secretary. . - . Furnished for Dally Herald ■ Readers by Clark & Co. Liverpool came firm this morning, 4 up on futures and 5 on spots; was due 3 up. Prices yesterday were within so small a compass that they possessed no great interest, the net result for the day being a small advance. Now for a month of dry weather, and crop conditions will be Al. Liverpool closed steady, 4 up for the day. Labor is reported scarce everywhere and the Increase In acreage is various ly reported at from 2.70 to 7 per cent. Postmaster Robbed. G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at River ton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: “For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my linger nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters, which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years.’ Sure cure for Biliousness, Neuralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder derangements. A wonderful Tonic. At Albany Drug Co.’s drug store. 50 cents. Formation of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given of the forma tion of a partnership, for the general, practice of law, the Arm name to he Jesse W. Walters & Sons, being com posed of Jesse W. Walters, Jesse W. Walters, Jr„ and J. Hilsman Walters. 17-lwk. Morris Weslosky, President!. D. W. James, W.Pell, 1st Vico-Pres. 2nd Vice-Pres Joseph 8. Davis, P. W. Joner Caslier. Ass’t Cashier. pirst Rational Bank. ALBANY, GA. Capital $50,006 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 80,000 MONEY LOANED. Deposits received subject to Sight Draft. A general banking businesi transacted. Bankers’ and merchants’ accounts solicited. Morris Weslosky, D. W. James. President. V.-Pres F. H. Bates, Cashier. N. R. Dehorf, Asst. Cashier TM National BM OF ALBANY. GA. CAPITAL $50,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS .... 12,000.00 What are you waiting for? We have just received another lot of ARCTIC and WHITE MOUN TAIN Freezers. 1 These Freezers, are good and the prices are better. Give us a call. "If we please you, tell others. If not, tell us.” SparKs-Saxon Hardware Co. Phone 300. WARE & LELAND, ALBANY, GA. gvMEMBERSTe) New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Association, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange, Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. PRIYATE MS TO PRIICIPAL POINTS INSURES QUICKEST POSSIBLE EXECUTIONS. Albany office, Pine St., next to Postal Telegraph Co.’s office. Phone 6& I. J. KALMON, Mgr. The Best Place to Buy Your Clothes "yrlghlF il906 By m SCHLOSS ilfibs. A CO. Fine Clothes Makers Baltimore and New York One good reason why you should buy your clothes here is your f knowledge of their posi- | tive newness. The pro- i lounped change in fash ion this spring makes it imperative for you to buy from a store that keeps up with the styles, as this establishment does. Our store is new all through. All our goods are fresh from the best- known makers of high- class Clothing and Fur nishings, and better still, are the very cream of their products. We have the latest models from houses like Schloss Bros. & Co., the celebrated tai lors of Baltimore and New York. Look around—and then coma here. For quality, style, fit and the right price.we can satisfy you. Let us show you the new models. MORRIS MAYER% DEPOT, ALBANY, ,GA. . Fernland Farms . Dairy Department Sweet Cream Rich Milk High Grade Butter VatronageJSolicited For Enga.gemervts Telephone No. 199 Solicits accounts of firms and lnd* viduals. H B. Brown, .AJW. Muse, President, V.-Preeident J. P. Mnnnerlyn, Cashier, itay National Baiii Of ALBANY, GA. Opened Buelnese Sept. 6th, 1000 CAPITAL 8URPLUS. - $60,000 - 15,000 Every facility in the banking busi ness offered to customers. Savings Department. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Fat Hens... Shipment just received. In perfect condition. 50 cents each. Plenty of Fresh Eggs, 20 c ents per dozen. Beans and New. Irish Potat oes, fresh from the truck uaraen. All kinds of Seasonable V egetables always on han„ „„„ liveries promptly made. Fresh Bread, Rolls and Cak e dally. Grocer_ E. 'BVSH-^Kc Broad Street. FIRE AND EARTHQUAKE In San Francisco did not destroy the Safe Deposit Vaults Their contents were preserved. I Insurance policies, securities, money and jewelry were saved to their owners. Should Albany be burned, would your valuables be safe’ The cost of a two-cent stamp, saved daily, would insure vod against: fire and burglary. EXCHANGEuBANK OF ALBANY.