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Cv .
Dainty Undermuslins at Dissolution
Sale Prices.
[ H., J. & Co. took a pardonable pride in their 1906
. stock of Undermuslins. The stock is pretty near ideal.
• It embraces a wide range of styles and qualities, and
' having been bought long ago and before tire advance
’ in prices on such goods, it contained excellent values
,.at the H., J. & Co. moderate prices. But with these
I prices substantially cut, we can only say in all frank-
>. ness that no stock in the store offers more tempting
' values. The garments are all well made. They are
I full and fit admirably. No undergarments on the mar-
[Sj| ket have won such great popularity as those which H.,
!• J. & Co. provided for their customers. There is practi
cally a limitless variety of styles and prices in Gowns,
Drawers, Skirts, and Corset Covers. We. know that
• you will find it profitable to look over these lines, noting
the prices and qualities.
Laces and Embroideries.
In this connection we desire to call attention to
the splendid stock of Laces and Embroideries, all of
which have been greatly reduced. Those who have had
occasion to look through our 1906 stock of Val. and
Torchon Laces, Swiss, Nainsook, Hamburg and Baby
Irish Embroideries need .not be reminded of its elegance
and satisfying scope. Those who have not seen the
beautiful Edgings, Insertings, Allovers and Matched.
Sets have a rare treat in store for them, a treat which
will be made doubly enjoyable by the big reductions
which have been marked on all of our exquisite laces
and embroideries.
Good Investments May be Made in
Household Linens.
Special prices in Table Linens mean a great deal
to the thoughtful and economical housewife, especially
now, when the market seems to indicate further ad
vances. Our ontire linen stock, marked at old prices
. in spite of advances, has been marked down to prices
that make buying compulsory to the economical house
wife. Better buy now and be glad of it, than to be
sorry you didn’t. Here are three strong specials:
72-irn Silver Bleach Linen Damask, good, sturdy
quality, cut from 85c to 65c
72-in. Silver Bleach Linen Damask, beautiful
quality, reduced from $1.00 'to 78c
72-in. Silver Bleach Li ; nen Damask, extra heavy
and excellent quality, reduced from $1.35 to... .97c
Not only is the piece Damask reduced, but all those
fine Linen Table Sets have been reduced one-third. Our
exquisite line of Scarfs, Trays, Lunch Cloths, etc., is
, offered at Dissolution Sale prices.
Some exceptional values are offered in Sheets and
Pillow Cases.
Full size Breach® Hemmed Sheets are reduced
from 80c to • 67j4c
And from 65c to 53c
Pillow CaseS are offered in specials at...‘... 10c and 14c
Bed Spreads Deeply Cut.
H., J. & Co. never had a prettier line of Spreads
than that which we have taken and marked ’way down
■ for this sale. Read over, some of the popular specials
hi this line:
White Spreads, full size, plain, reduced from
65c to 55c
White Spreads, full size, plain, reduced from
$1.00 to 75c
White Spreads, full size, plain, reduced from
$1.25 to 93c
White Spreads, full size, plain, reduced from
$2.00 to ;.....v.\ $1.43
White Spreads, full size, plain, reduced from
$3.90 to $2.87
White Spreads, full size, plain, reduced from
$4.00 to $3.00
White Spreads, full size, figured, reduced from
$1.50 to $1.19
White Spreads, full size, figured, reduced from
$1.90 to $1.43
$1.50 Huck Towels, $1.00.
200 dozen extra quality large size Huck Towels.
Just received in time for the big sale. Worth
$1.50 a dozen. Special for this sale at $1.00
Bath Towels at Cut Prices.
All Bath Towels in our big stock have been liber
ally reduced. ’ •
Bath Towels that were 12j4c cut to 9c
Bath Towels that were 22c cut to .16c
Bath Towels that were 25e-cut to ......... .20c
Bath To,wels that were 35c cut to 25c
Great Opportunity to Buy Hose,
And hundreds are making the most of it. The tele
phone rings constantly bringing in re-orders of Hosiery
Specials. No wonder, when we offer such bargains as
Ladies’ Fine Maco Hose, black only. Regular
"25c value everywhere. Dissolution Sale price. .15c
Misses’ All-over Lace Lisle Hose, white, black
and tan. Worth 35c. Dissolution Sale price... 17c
. Men’s Lisle Thread Half Hose, black only, dou-
. ble toe and heel, reduced from 17}4c a pair to 12j4c
In again emphasizing the great'
money-saving power of this sale, we
want to begin with a little confidential,
heart-to-hear talk with Our customers,
which practically means the general
public of South Georgia.
The season of 1906 began, more au
spiciously than any year in the long his
tory of H. J. & Co. The business was
increasing more rapidly and trade con
ditions fully warranted the purchase of
a larger stock and a finer stock than
this store had ever handled. This very
growth of which we speak brought
about the dissolution, now passed into
In accomplishing this complete sep
aration of the Hofmayer and the Jones
interests, it was necessary for the new
firm of R. L. Jones & Co. to purchase
the largest, the finest, therefore the'most
costly, stock that H. J. & Co. ever
It is to meet the payments upon these
large sums involved in the purchase of
this big stock that has forced this sale—
that has necessitated such unheard
of reductions on thoroughly salable
goods. The stocks that are offered at
the wonderfully low figures of the dis
solution sale are not old, shop-worn,
out-of-date goods, such as one might
suppose from the prices. They are the
best and the biggest stocks ever offered
in this store, all new and desirable mer
chandise of that high character which
has won for this store the enviable title
of “The Quality Store.”
Of the very bigness of the stocks, there
fore, this sale was born. Thousands of dollars
worth of goods have gone from our shelves
and counters during the first week of the sale,
yet yon can not mis’s them. The stock is so
enormous that the second week of the sale
finds no gaps. The assortments of styles and
sizes in all the stocks are still complete. With
the stocks just as full and the crowds probably
smaller, the second week offers more satisfac
tory shopping.
Just one word here about the reductions.
The reduced prices affect all departments of
the store, the reductions averaging about one
third. On some staple articles which have
been leaders with us and which have been
sold on narrow margins of profit, the reduc
tions are seemingly small. Many such articles
which have sold regularly for 50c cost us 45c.
The dissolution sale price is 45c on such arti
cles. The reduction seems so small that some,
who have happened to price only such articles,
have been disappointed. Now, do not judge
the saving power of this sale by the price of
any one article. Go over the store, into all
the departments. Examine the goods, ask the
prices, and we are sure that you will find hun
dreds of rich bargains, the saving in which
will repay you many times for yoUr trouble.
Looking b,ack over the records of the store
for a period of nearly forty, years we find no
special sale, and there have been many, where
so splendid a stock has been offered at such
greatly reduced prices.
Albany, Ga.-THE QUALITY STORE-Albany, Ga.
Great Big Savings in All Kinds of
Ready-to- Wear.
Everybody should share in the savings offered
in our Ready-to-Wear Department. These r efiuctwn|
will be found unusually opportune for t 10
be going to-the resorts this sumemr or surely a bUk
or Linen Suit or an extra Skirt wi 1 be needed Our
Ready-to-Wear Department is stocked with the very
choicest styles of the season. In fabric, colorl J^.
design, all the garments offered are absolute y . •
The price cuts on these garments are so deep that we
will charge for alterations during this sale. Look over
these reductions. Can they be equalled anywhere.
Reduced from Reduced from R e ^ ced
$12.50 to $7.75 $17.50 to $10.00 $20.00 to $12.00
Reduced from Reduced front
$20.00 to $13.75 $35.00 to $17.50
Worth $6.50, Worth $7.00, Worth $15.00,
Cut to $4.90 Cut to $5.25 Cut to $9.75
Worth up to $30, Worth up to $15,
Cut to $16.50 Cut to $9.50 f
Worth $7.50,
Cut to $5.75
Worth $7.00,
Cut to $5.25
Worth $8.50,
Cut to $6.50
Worth $6.50,
Cut to $4.95
Worth $13.75,
Cut to $9.75
Worth $15.00,
Cut to $11.00
Splendid Savings at the Silk Counter
There is scarcely a counter in the store where so
many matchless bargains are offered, as at the Silk
counter. It is difficult for us not to particularize, yet it
is impossible for us to enumerate all the special Silk
offerings. We earnestly invite every lady in South
Georgia to visit our Silk counter and see what wonderful
things we are offering. Our Silk stock is enormous, but
the reductions have been liberal and the sales astonish
ing, so we are afraid that the assortment will not re
main complete throughout the week. Come early. Dis
appointment gnd money, too, will be saved.
Two Unheard of Offerings.
Two beautiful qualities of 40-in. Persian Lingerie
Lawn, one worth 18c a yard, cut to 10c
Another worth 25c, cut to 15c
Don’t forget the India - " Linen values we offer
at 10c and 20c
All through the magnificent stock of White Goods !
and Summer Wash Goods, including the season’s most
popular Novelty Weaves, you will find every piece
greatly reduced.
All Lace Curtains Marked Down.
Hundreds and hundreds of Curtains have gone out
at these cut prices. These seem to be bargains that
appeal to all.
3-yard Nottingham Lace Curtains reduced from
$1-25 to
3j4-yard Nottingham Lace Curtains reduced
from $2.50 to. $1.65
3 l / 2 -yard Nottingham Lace Curtains, reduced
from $2.75 to ..$2.00
3-yard Muslin Curtains reduced from $1.25 to 95c
3-yard Muslin Curtains reduced from $1.75 to... .’$1.35
3-yard Renaisance and Irish Point Curtains re
duced from $2.75 to $2.15
3J4-yard Renaisance and Irish Point Curtains ’
reduced from $4.25 to $3.75
3j4-yard Renaisance and Irish Point Curtains
reduced from $5.75 to $4.50
Beautiful Bonne Femme Curtains, of real hand,-"
made lace and medallions, reduced f, TSi
$2.75 to <£2 iq
Beautiful Bonne Femme Curtains, of real hand-
made lace and medallions, reduced from
$ 3 - 75 t0 $2.95
Don't Forget the Cheap Ginghams.
Two of the best Gingham offerings of the sale are
Apron Ginghams, all checks and colors, cut from
7j4c to 5c
Amoskeag Ginghams, regular 8c and 10c quaii-’
ties, cut to. ... j • z
25c Colored Madras, 5c.
One lot beautiful Colored Madras, 36 in. wide.
Sold up to 25c. Dissolution Sale price.
Some Big Nainsook Specials.
A full case of Checked Nainsook, all patterns
regular 7 l / 2 c quality, has been reduced to..... So
Big Savings in Men's Furnishings.
There are enough big specials in the Men’s Fur
nishings Department to enlist the keenest interest of
g£S STnE & w y Cn„ Y ° U ^ a
blurt, or an L. & W. Collar any cheaper than ordinar
ily gentlemen, because our contracts with thesemanu-
facturers forbid our reducing prices on them buTyou
can buy any Faultless day shirt or nivht shirt
you can buy 50c Elastic Seam Drawers for 38c you can
buy 75c Undershirts for 40c; you can fffiv *1 osm r
gee Shirts for 98c, anO many other’th’ings’just as cheaD
Come and see for yourself. 5 J as cnea P-