The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 29, 1906, Image 5

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ALBANY DAILY HERALD, TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1906. ED. R. a CLAYTON JONE Attorneys-at-Law, Buyers Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Denny, of Rome, are among the visitors today. Mr. Morris Koppel has returned from a trip to New Yorlc. Mr. and Mrs. S.-M. Hardin, ot Co- lumbus, are among the visitors' here today. ' Mr. C. W. Bunting went to Waycross today. Mr. A. S. English, ot Pretoria, la mingling with friends In the city to day. Mr. R. Adams Mobre, of New York, Is among the traveling men in Albany today. . Mrs. Z. E. Pate is visiting relatives in Amerlcus this week.^ Mrs. E. B. Martin, o'f Leesburg, Is shopping in the city today. A Mid-Season EVERYBODY RIDE8 IN IT, AND THERE’8 ALWAY8 ROOM FOR ONE MORE. Sellers of Real Estate. Those Who Come and Go—Short and Snappy Paragraphs,that Everybody Will Read With -Interest—What Is Going on in 8oclety, With Now and Then a Little Gossip. Mr. Joseph S. Davis returned this morning from Athens, where he spent yesterday, attending a meeting of the trustees of the State Normal School. Misses Cena Whitehead, hazel Pope and Hazel Pray are expected to return this week from Athens, where they have been attending Lucy Cobb Insti tute. Mr. John D. Pope went to Dawson to day on a short business trip. Mr. Clarence LUlianthal, of Savan nah, was one of the visitors in the city today. Mr. Willis Rutland has returned from a business trip to Amerfcus. Mr. Jack M„ Witeman, a popular young traveling man, with headquar ters at Macon, Is In town today. Bishop Kelley, accompanied by Rev. "Father Reich, of this city, went to Amerlcus today, and the bishop will give the confirmation there tonight. Mr. C. B. Lee, of Columbus, is among the visitors here today. Misses Maggie and Katie Coffey have returned from a visit to relatives in Camilla. Mr. M. A. Malone, of Balnbrldge, Is in the city today. Ifrs. M. L. Heath, of Century, Is shopping in the city today. , Mr. Amos C. King, of Atlanta, Is here today. Mr. L. W. Morris, of Balnbrldge, Is in town today. Mr. Arthur D. Davis, of Rome, is in the city. Mr. C. L. McLees, of Augusta, is among the visitors in the city today. Mr. R. Lee Mayes, of Ft. Valley, is in town today. , Mr. L. A.. Weekes, of Atlanta, is among the visitors here today. Mr. C. W. Cox, of Gainesville, is In town. Mr. W; M. Ogilvie, Jr., of Charles ton, is in Albany today, attending to business Interests. Mr. E. C. Boynton, of Brunswick, is In the city today. Mr. Chas. W. Moore, of Edison, is among the visitors here' today. Mrs. C. M. Grantham, of Baconton. is shopping in the city today. Mr. Albert Myerson, of New York, is among the traveling men in Albany today. Mr. Maxwell C. Ellis, of Atlanta, ip In the city. Mr. R. C. McClellan, of Moultrie, Is mingling with friends in the city today. Mr.'B. W. Ragan, of Macon, is among the visitors today. Mrs. Jacob Samuels, of Macon, is Visiting Mrs. Max Altman. Miss Sophe Hall and Miss Mattie Eubanks attended the Sylvester an nual Sunday .school picnic at Beech- haven today. Mr. J. A. Johnson went to Waycross today. Mr. T. C. Cleveland and Vassar Thompson are in the city today, from Pelham. i Mr. Alfred Hall, of Oakfleld, is in -the/city today. Mr. N. L. Ferguson, of Atlanta, is among the visitors here today. Miss Elolne Nelson, of Macon, is in the city today. Mr. Robert B. McCollough, of Bruns- wick, is in the city today. Mr. J. W. Gaines, of Savannah’, is among the traveling men in the city today. Mr. G. W. Lagare, of Charleston, is in town today. Mr. E. Brabston, of Jacksonville, Fla., formerly a well known Georgia newspaper man, is in attendance upon the Elks’ convention, and was a wel come visitor at The Herald office to day. V II - ■ j ♦> X . $ 4 t 4 In addition, to the many other extraordinary happenings which have oc- y 4 t 4 curred during our great May Sale, we add the following specials in our Mil- Y 4 $ 4 linery Department. All Pattern Hats and all Ready-to-Wear Hats will be y 4 t 4 placed on SPECIAL SALE at just one-half regular prices. This offering pre- V 4 $ 4 sents an opportunity to get a fresh, new hat, in the very latest fashion, to y 4 $ 4 finish out the season, for practically next to nothing. To those who are an- y 4 t 4 ticipating a vacation or summer outing this offering will be especially timely, y 4 t 4 as a saving of one-half in a new hat will lessen the expense of the trip consid- A erably. ¥ South Atlantic and Southern League detail telegraphic games at The Office. Visiting Railroad Men. . A number of visiting railroad men are in the city today endeavoring to secure the routing of the Georgia dele gation of Elks to the Grand Lodge meeting in Denver. Among those who are hard at work among the Elks are: Mr. Cole Danley, Florida passenger agent of the,N., C. & St. L.; Mr. E. J. Walker, southeastern passenger agent of the N„ C. & St. L.; Mr. Fred D. Mil ler, traveling passenger agent'of the Illinois Central: Mr. Paul E. Rogers, traveling passenger agent of <tfie San-, ta, Fe; and Mr. H. H. Hunt, traveling passenger agent of the Frisco. ’All of those men are doing “some tall hust ling" for/their respective routes, and it will be difficult for the Elks to de cide which way they want to go, so charmingly are the advantages of each loute being presented. N o t w i t hstanding the vast amount oif property listed with us for sale recently, we have practically sold every foot of it. ■ t Now we can’t sell real estate unless 'we have> it to sell. If. you do not wish to sell your property, that’s yotlX busi- ■ ' .. / ness. If you have some that you do wish 'to sell—that’s our business. An Unusual Saving in Fine Ribbons f y The Millinery Department also offers the following specials in Ribbond. X In this lot are included Taffetas, Louisines, Messalines. The widths, 5, 6, 7 ¥ inches. All colors included in this offering. Former prices, 30c, 35c, 40c the X y ard - / $ Special May Sale price. .< 19c yd. 4 t 4 Persian Ribbons, of the choicest designs and patterns: 4 i 4 The 65c quality, May Sale price 43c yd. 4 t 4 The 75c quality, May Sale price -. 53c yd. $1.00 Corsets, 69c. Broken lots of W. B. and American Beauty Corsets. If your size is here you get the benefit oj: this great May Sale reduction, 69c each. Ice Cream Festival. The first ice-cream festival of the season will be given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church Thursday af ternoon and evening, beginning at 6 o’clock. The festival will be given on the lawn of Mrs. E. N. Clark’s home, on the corner of Broad and Jefferson iven for the bene- A great many choice garments left in this lot, each one .marked lower than the cost of the raw material. May Sale, prices still prevail. Gowns .......25c to $2.98 Drawers .-19c to $1.19 Corset Covers .25c to $1.48 Chemise streets. It will be fit of the pew fund of the Presbyterian church; and a liberal patronage will, no doubt, be accorded it. Delicious ices and calces will-be served at rea sonable cost. Everyone is invited. $1.25 Navy Blue Panama Cloth, 98c. A most de/irable fabric for Separ ate Skirts; full 54 inches wide, dur able Chiffon finish. i May. Sale price.... 98c yard. .... • i Fancy Worsted Suitings Reduced A most fashionable fabric for Skirts; checks and stripes; 36 inches wide; regular 50c value. May Sale price 39,c yard 48c to $2.98 \ '■ „ X Remnants Less Than One Temple Services. Rabbi E. A. Landau announces • ser vices for the Feast of Weeks at 7:45 tonight. Services tomorrow morning will begin at 9:45. ‘ Confirmation ser vice at 10:30. Many desirable lengths left in Silks, Dress Goods, Waist Goods, etc. May Sale prices less than, one-third regular prices. Ladies’ Parasols Reduced I The Herald, received the first peaches of the season' today, and they are sure enough ripe peaches. They came from Mr. W. W. Wilson, and in the basket was -this, laconic and char acteristic note: “Don’t have time to make corn and cotton, hut I can beat the country on peaches.’’ .Sure! Mr. Wilson’s peaches are all right, and he has the counts* fairly beaten so far as The Herald’s information extends. 'Btifines;* Not one of the lot worth less than $1.00; many worth more. May Sale price.... 89c each 20c and 25c Mercerized Waist? ings 15c yai 7 l / 2 z Apron Ginghams 5c yai OUR DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT WILL CLOSE JUNE H. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW. ' Deaths from Appendicitis decrease in the same ratio that the use of Dr. King’s New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from consti pation and the ills growing out of it.. Strength and Vigoi always follow their ubo. Guaranteed by Albany Drug Co., druggists. 26c. Try them. Especially if the dirt is in or adjacent to Albany. We sell * ' • • k • it quicker and get a better price than you’ 11 really expect. ' ’ . , .. . You need not bring the property with you—just come to our offices and list it. We’ll do the rest and do it quick. A few lots are still on the tnarket in Ar- ckdia, for $59 each; $10 cash and $5 per month. The best safeguard against head ache, constipation and liver troubles is DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these famous little pills in the house and take a dose at bedtime when you feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They don’t gripe. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. Splendid line of low quarter Shoes for men and women at special prices at J. L. Forrest’s. 26-3t Do You Travel! More News from the New England States. If anyone has any doubt as to the virtue of Foley’s Kidney Cure, they need only to refer to Mr. Alvin H. Stimpson, of Willimantic, Conn., who, after almost losing hope of recovery, on account of the failure of so many remedies, finally tried Foley’s Kidney Cure, which he says was “just the thing" for him, as four bottles cured him completely. He is now entirely well and free from all the suffering in cident to acute kidney trouble. For sale by Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. SOMETHING NEW! A passenger launch in the creek above the dam DID YOU KNOW that you can take a trip up the creek in this launch for twenty-five cents, that you would give dollars to take if it wasn’t so near home. Pon’t be afraid, it is steady and safe, an expert engineer to run it. Special rates to picnic parties. T. M. NELSON. No ice famine in Albany how. Bi ron sends It when you want it. ALBANY COAL & ICE CO. You can" find many matchless bar gains at Forrest’s new cash ^tore, Broad street All goods new and fresh. No old stock. 26-3t ALBANY DRUG CO Blown Tumblers at 4Sc a. dozen at J. L. Forrest's. ' 2G-3t if!so you are ^especially invited to call at our store and see the great, eat line of Trunks. Suit Cases,Satchels ever shown in Albany. Roller Tray, Automatic, Self-Lifting, Wardrobe Ideal Wood Fibre Plaster, Longview Lime, Tie Best Portland Cement, Windows, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, Moulding, etc. J. D. WESTON. Telephone No. 44. A tale of horror'was told by marks of humap blood in the home of J. W. Williams, a well-known merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the THE ONLY DURABLE WALL COATING Kalsomines are temporary, lungs, and was near death when I be-’ gan taking Dr. King’s New Discovery. It completely cured me and I have re mained well ever since.” It cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Cqughs,; Set tled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure for Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed by ’Albany Drug Co., Druggists. 50c and (1.00. Trial bottle free. =S' a/\ AA rot > ra b and scale. SMALL POX 3$$) and /other disease germs are t' V* v nurtured and diseases dissem- inated by wall paper. ALABASTINE ** -is?* 1 should be used in renovating and disinfecting all walls. ALABASTINE COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. Iroad Street. Max Cassel fe? S ister |§ Will cut paces on all TRIMMED HATS and READY- TO-WEAR 25 per cent, from Monday, May 4. We have also received a full line of BABY CAPS, SKIRTS and pretty SILK WAISTS. Moved! Mr. Jos, L. Rarey, the old reliable tailor, has moved his place of business to No. 98, over M. Crme’s store, south Broad street. My Spring samples are ready for in spection. - JOS. L. RAREY, Rooms 3, 4 and 5, Hobbs Building. ALBANY DRUG CO