The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 31, 1906, Image 5
ED. R. a CLAYTON Mrs. J. P. Callaway, ot Leesburg, Is shopping in tho city today. Attorneys-at-Law, Bayers H. D. Land,- of Macon, is among the visitors today. EVERYBODY RIDE8 IN IT, AND THERE'8 ALWAYS ROOM FOR ONE MORE. Sellers of Real Estate. J. S. Perry, of Savannah, is In town today. A. R. Richardson’, ot Atlanta, Is In the city today. Those Who Come and Go—8hort and 8nappy Paragraphs that Everybody Will Read With Interest—What Is Going on In 8oolety, With Now and Then a Little Gossip. S. R. Jones, of Tupelo, Miss., Is In Albany today. OF VAST IMPORTANCE J. H. Meyers, of Richmond, 1b among the traveling men In the city today. T. H. Wilkins, of Savannah, Is among the visitors today. W. H. Long, of Leesburg, Is here today. Notwithstanding 1 the vast amount of j property listed with' j us for sale recently, : we have practically : sold every foot of it. Now we can’t sell i; real estate unless we | ■ S; have it to sell. If' you do not wish tq ' H sell your property! ;; that’s your busi ness. If you have some that you do HufitieM Especially if dirt is in or adja to Albany. We Will cut prices on all TRIMMED HATS and READY- TO-WEAR 25 per cent, from Monday, May 4. We have also received a full line of BABY CAPS. SKIRTS and pretty SILK WAISTS. FOR ALL EYES It requires years of experience in the optical line to know how to fit them. That’s an easy proposition, though, with me. “Fitting eyes” is my business. “Eyes Perfectly Fitted!” will be the exclamation of you and your friends after visiting me. I never “guess” what to do, like some times happens elsewhere. Let me take care of your eyes and they will be properly looked after at a minimum price. Examinations are free. SEE! Dr. See. Eye. Hutchason, OCULIST. And Albany’s Leading OpUcian Davis Exchange Bank Building. Do You Travel! Ideal Wood Fibre Plaster, Longview Lime., . The Best Portland Cement, Windows, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, Moulding, etc. J. D. WESTON. Telephone No. 44. ALABASTINE THE ONLY DURABLE WALL COATING ,='!• (1,___j\ Q ft Kalsomines are temporary; d i 1 \ L& r°t, rub off and scale. ISlHiSB small pox an< ^ other disease germs are iWOraS'g.ijll r r\ nurtured and diseases dissem- & inated by wall paper. BfflmEfoA.- ALABASTINE ghould be used in renovating and disinfecting all walls. ALABASTINE COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich, ra, A W. Hose, Idem. V.-Preel J. P, Munnerlyn, Ouhler. If’so you are ^especially invited to call at our store and see the great est line of TranKs. Suit Cases, Satchels ever shown in Albany. Roller Tray, Automatic, Self-Lifting, Wardrobe and Skirt Trunks, at OF ALBANY, GA. Opened Business Sept. Oth, 1800 CAPITAL - - $50,000 8URPLUS. - - 15,000 Every facility in the banking busi ness offered to customers. ‘ Savings Department. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. ’Return Your Taxes. The city tax books will close on June i,' and all property-owners are given this last notice to return their .taxes before that day. Parties falling to give in their returns before June 1 will be double taxed. Y. 0. RUST, Clerk. Ehrlich’s ALBANY DRUG CO THE ALBANY. DAILY HERALD, (THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1906. .:i i C. A. Comisky, of Savannah, Is in the city today. G. W. Arnold, of Atlanta, 1b In the city looking after commercial Inter ests. S. J. Powell, of Leesburg, Is In town today.. John C. Dearlso, of Sasser, Is In town today. H. W. Melvin, of Moultrie, Is among the visitors today. Miss Mollle Alexander, of Baconton, Is among the shoppers today. John Underwood, of Blakely, Is In town today. Mrs. W. E. Wooten and little daugh ter left last night for Atlanta, and will probably spend the entire sum mer In North Georgia. Mrs. A. C. Tompkins has gone to Hartwell, Ga„ where she expects to spend the next three months. Miss Exa Brown has returned from Macon, where she was graduated yes terday from Wesleyan Female Col- ,lege. Miss Brown took a high stand in her classes, and received, besides a diploma In Instrumental music, a cer tificate In vocal. Col. J. H. Esttll was the guest of honor at an Informal dinner at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Eatman last evening. A. J. Mitchell, of Brunswick, Is In the city today. J. R. Benham, of Macon, is in the city today. R. R. Otis, of Atlanta, Is among the traveling men In town today. R. E. Page, of Chicago, Is in Albany today attending to business interests. P. E. Flatron, of Atlanta, Is here today. Mrs. J. S. Crews, Miss Helen Crews and Miss Sudie Crews returned yes terday from Forsyth, where Miss Su die Crews has just graduated from Monroe College, having made an .en viable record In that famous Institu tion. Her friends are delighted to have her home again. M. W. Welch, of Moultrie, Is In the city. N. Shelley, of Eufaula, Ala., Is In the city today. R. A. Forrester, of Leesburg, is In town today. G. W. Griffin, of Greenville, S. C„ Is in the city today. T. H. Wilkins, of Pelham, Is In town today. J. R. Rawlins represents Quitman in Albany today. R. L. Williams, of Jncitsonvllle, is imong the out-of-town people in the ilty today. Mrs. Z. E. Pate returns today from Americus, where she has been visiting her parents. W. E. Carter has returned from a trip to Adel. L. E. Confad of Balnbrldge, Is in Albany today. George W. Callaway went to Pre toria today. L. W. Cosgrove, of Thomasvllle,- Is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Ragan have re turned from Atlanta, where they have been visiting his brother, Mr. W. L. Ragan. C. H. Hall, of Newton, is In town today. Rufus J. Pearson, of Baconton, te In the city today, the guest of his brother, W. O. Pearson. The Baconton schools, of which he Is principal, have just closed and he is on his way to his home in Richland. A. S. McGowan went to Moultrie to day on a business trip. F. W. Carson, of Augusta, is in the city today. Phil Sternberg, of Savannah, a pop ular traveling man, Is in town today. Mark W. Wilson, of Tifton, is in the city today. J. W. Fouche, of Century, is in the city today. , W. M. Ogilvie, Jr„ of Charleston, is among the visitors here today. A. C. Kaufman, of Atlanta, Is In the city. . Geo. W. Nichols, of Columbus, Is in the city. L. C. McCaBkill, of Balnbrldge, is here today. Frank W. Armond, of Louisville, Is among the traveling men In town to day. F. C. Harber, of Atlanta, Is In town today. Miss Mary Hall, of Sylvester, Ls shopping in the city today. Mrs. L. K. Morris and two Interest ing children have gone to Virginia, where they will remain for the rest of the summer. Mr. H. N. Hall leaves this afternoon for Thomasvllle. A. H, Burden, of Macon, ls among the out-of-town people In the elty to day. J. P. McGhan, of Moultrie, Is here today. Joseph M. Breltensteln, of Atlanta, a young insurance man, ls In Albany to day. R. C. McCraney, of Fort Gaines, Is in Albany today. ALBANY DRUG CO. Involving More Than Fifty Dozen Men’s f | Shirts Worth 75c, $1.00, $1.25 at ‘ ■ the Phenomenally Low Price of 50 CENTS EACH Men of discrimination will heartily and quickly com- 4 mend these new styles for summer wear. ♦♦♦ • The material comes from mills famed for the excel- 4^4 lence of their fabrics, and they are made by a manufac- turer noted throughout the country for the style and X «♦ faultless fit of their garments. This lot embraces the | enormous quantity of more than fifty dozen, equally di- vided between the figures and stripes on white grounds. Also some of the popular grays. Plain and plaited 4 A to 20. f ■f ♦14 4 fronts, cuffs attached or separate; every size from 14 4 ***■ ). 4 This sale of-Shirts will make friends for us, because ♦> 4 A eir great value, and the extreme Come while your size is here. . . i SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. ❖ of their great value, and the extreme low price attached. >- ■** A ♦> ♦> if f f t f f t f T f f f f t f ❖ Rosenberg' Bros., The One Price Store. Max Cassel Sister wish to sell—that’s < our business. mm m iJl We Do the it quicker and get a better price than' with to you’ll really expect. You need not bring the property you—-just come - our offices and list it. "... ■ -r.jjjaigi W.e’ll do the rest and do it quick. A few lots are still on the market in. Ar cadia, for $59 each; cash and $5 per month. swmiw BHI r