The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, June 07, 1906, Image 7

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■RKSi :> ••••• ■ ■ •' - - • w :v—trxrrw. ••• •• >; v > •-. «£&* wwHfflmr ■ THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 7,1906. J ED. B. ® CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys-at-Law, Bayers Sellers of Real Estate. We have five plan tations within a few miles of Albany for sale at reasonable prices. We also have a number of improved . lots in the city of Albany for sale. We also have list ed with us for quick sale a house and lot on the corner of Pine and Madison streets. This is an extra good bargain [at the price asked. If interested, see us at once. Rorfmi 3, 4 and S, Hobbs Building. Phono 408. Married Women Every woman covets a shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the loss of their girlish forms after marriage. The bearing of children is often destructive to the' mother’s shapeliness. All of this can be avoided, however, fy the use of Mother’s Friend before baby comes, as this great limment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother’s Friend overcomes all tho danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without pain. It is woman’s greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the use of this wonderful remedy. Sold by all druggists at Ifi .oo per bottle. Our little book, telling all about this liniment, will be sent free. Mother*s The Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Qa. Friend THE “DOMING PERIOD of a woman's life, Is the name often given to the "change of life.” Your menses come at long intervals, and grow scantier until they stop. Some women stop suddenly. The entire change lasts three or four years, and It Is the cause of much pain and discomfort, which can, however, be cured, by taking WINE OF CARDUI Woman’s Relief It quickly relieved the pain, nervousness, irritability, miserable ness, forgetfulness, fainting, dizziness, hot and cold flashes, weak ness, tired feeling, etc. Cardui will bring you safely through this "dodging period,” and build up your strength for the rest of your life. At all druggists in $1.00 bottles. Try it. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly,-telling us all your troubles. We will send Free Advice (in plain, sealed envelope). Address: La dies’ Advisory Dept.,The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. “EVERYTHING BUT DEATH I suffered,” writes Virginia Robson, of Easton, Aid., “until I took Cardui, which cured me so quickly It surprised my doctor, who didn’t know I was taking it.” His Eye on His Bathtub is what the wise man should always keep! Not only his bathtub, but on every bit of PLUMBING on his prem ises; for two good reasons. Because leaky pipes and worn out joints means typhoid and other ills, as pipes leads to and from the sewer, the latter ONLY when out of order. Reason second- repairing a small leak generally saves the larger bill. Expert plumbing on both new and old work. Our plumbing lasts. And our prices are low for tne extra fine work we do. HARRIS PLUMBING CO. ■Phone 255. :; Sec G. W. King for Cabinet Mantels;; ]| and Sash, Doors, Rough and Dress ed Lumber, shipped direct from factories. Phone 492. ...Good Groceries all the Time... If you want the best in the Grocery Line, and want the right prices, too, 'phone your orders to No. 91. S. STERNE, Washington St. Grocer In Session at Indianapolis. Surprisingly Large Num ber of Delegates Are Out spoken Bryan Men. Indianapolis, Ind., June 7.—A sur prisingly large number of the delegates to the Democratic state convention In sesston here today are outspoken In their support of William J. Bryan. Many of them expresp the opinion that Mr. Bryan will lie the next Democratic nominee for President, or will name the nominee, and they want Indiana to send a delegation to the national con vention that will have the. Bryan stamp on it. The staunchest repre sentatives of the Bryan sentiment are likewise the bitterest opponents of the BO-called “Taggart machine,” which Is In control of the party in tills state. They feel that so long as the Taggart faction remains In control the Bryan element will not have <a chance to make much headway. Interesting de velopments along this line are looked for In the movement (o reorganize the committee. More than 1,300 delegates and as many alternates filled Tomlinson hall when the convention was called to or der at 10 o'clock this morning by W. H. O’Brien, chairman of the state com mittee. After the customary formali ties had been disposed of Mr. O’Brien handed the gavel to Benjamin F. Shiv ely, of South Bend, tile permanent chairman of the convention. Mr. Shiv ely’s address was the principal fea ture of the forenoon. He spoke en couragingly of the Democratic outlook In Indiana and dealt at considerable length with the leading Issues, espec ially state issues. When he had con cluded, the convention appointed the usual committees on resolutions, nom inations, etc., and a recess was taken until afternoon to permit the commit tees to prepare their reports. The convention will nominate a full state ticket, with the exception of gov ernor and lieutenant-governor, which offices are not to be filled this' year. Candidates for the principal places have.been agreed upon and not ipuch difficulty Is expected In making up the tlqket. The resolutions will deal prin cipally with state questions after de voting a paragraph or two to the In dorsement of the Democratic attitude regarding the leading notional Issues. LOW RATES To Boston, Mass., and Return Via Atlantic Coast Line. ■ Rate from Albany to Boston and re turn via alt rail $34.75; dates of sale May 31 to June 9; final limit June 18. Via Savannah and steamer, $35.40 round trip. Tickets will be sold for steamers sailing ffom Savannah June 4, G and 7, return limit June 18. Ex tensions can be obtained by deposit of ticket and payment of fee of $1. Stopovers allowed at New York. Only fe whours ride from Savannah. Direct connection made at Jesup via all rail. 2-lwlc OF The Dryest Place and the Wettest Place on the * Globe — Where Living Is Not Pleasant. Should the western citizen be asked to name the hottest and coldest, places on earth he would most likely montlon Yuma, Arizona, for tho former, and some spot In the Northwest Territory for the latter. In such selections he would be some considerable distance out of the way, though neither has a great deal In the way of climate to recommend It. For Instance, neither the Bahrien Islands, In the Persian Gulf, nor Ya kutsk, Siberia, would be a wise selec tion as a place of residence. In Bah rien you cook, and in Yakutsk you freeze. Bahrien is said to be the hot test place In the world. The ther mometer often registers between 110 and 120 degrees, night and day, for months at a time. This rather beats Fort Yuma, Arizona, which is consid ered the hottest place in the United States. Yakutsk Is called the coldest city In (ho world. The thermometer fre quently ' registers 73 dogrees below zero. Though Yakutsk is the coldest city In the world, Verkhoyansk, In northeastern Siberia, claims to be the coldest inhabited place on the globe, the thermometer registering 90 de grees below zero In January. ft fs also claimed to he the place possessing the most variable climate, for while it Is 00 below In January It Is 86 above In the shade In August during the day, with a drop down to freezing every midsummer night. The wettest place In the world is Greytown, Nicaragua, where the an nual rainfall Is 200 Inches. The dryest place In the world 1b probably the rqlnless coast of north ern Chile. They have a shower there about once In every ten years. Noth ing grows on this desolate strip of barren coast, and the dreary towns from which the nitrates and the min erals mined In that region are shipped depend for their subsistence upon food brought to them In the ships from the fertile strips to the north and south of the desert. \ Northern Russia and the shores of the French Congo are said to be the cloudiest places In the world, and for fog "there Is no region like the Grand Banks, the southern coast of New foundland and the waters of Nova Scotia. This region Is one of fog for a large part of the year, and the very home of the fog Is the Island of Grand Manan, at the entrance of the Bay of Fundy. Death From Lockjaw never follows an injury dressed with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its antisep tic properties prevent blood poison- blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, mer chant, of Rensselaorsvllle, N. Y., writes: “It cured Sqtb Burch, of this place, of the ugliest sore on his neck lever saw.” Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and Sores. 25c at Albany Drug Co. LC-,< AMERICAN QUEEN BEER Is made very much as you make tea; two of the most healthful vege tables known to medical science (Malt and Hops) are boiled and the essence made into American Queen. That is all there is to it. The small percentage of alcohol, less than 3 1-2 per cent., has been declared by physicians to be an aid to digestion. (Some patent medicines contain over 40 per cent, of alcohol.) Hops are an unequalled food for weak, starved, shattered, irritable nerves. Your doctor will tell you so, and Malt conveys even more nutriment than bread, the “Staff of Life.” Furthermore, you get the two as a liquid, a form in which the most delicate stomach can digest and assimilate their beneficial properties. It is something absolutely needed by every woman, child, invalid, convales cent—and in fact by every person weak from any cause. You never hear of a pale, peevish, dyspeptic drinker of beer. Theyhre healthy people. We invite the moat critical inspection of our brewery for cleanliness and purity, and for high quality of ingredients used. We do not fear comparison. Acme Brewing Co., Macon, Ga. Watch for our next ad on “TeJting American Queen.” , Attention, Odd Fellows! Regular election of officers for the ensuing term tonight. Be on hand promptly at 8 o’clock. Work In third degree. R. L. KEARSEY, it Secretary. A man who Is in perfect health, so he can do an honest day's work when necessary, has much for which he should be thankful. Mr. L. C. Rod gers, of Branchton, Pa„ writes that he was -not only unable to work, but he couldn’t stoop over to tie his own shoes. Six bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made a new man of him. He sayB, ''Success to Foley's Kidney Cure.” Notice. Sealed proposals to do the public printing of the state will be received by the Commissioners of Public Print ing, at the office of the Secretary of State, In Atlanta, for thirty days from June 1, 1900. > On the first Tuesday in AuguBt fol lowing the public printing will be let to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders whose hid Is filed In compli ance with law, the said commissioners reserving the right to reject any and all bids and relet the same should they deem it to the public Interest to do so. Specifications may be had oh appli cation to the Secretary of State. PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State, Chairman. 5-24-4 Thurs BICYCLES repaired and keys fitted. BICYCLES for sale. BICYCLES for rent. BICYCLES called for and delivered. BEST and all kinds of materials, sund- dries, etc. WORK GUARANTEED. Broad, between Jackson and Jefferson. 'Phone No. 96. , JsjSjf’fij EYES TESTED FREE. Sooner or later the eye loses its flexibility of focus. We try to read small print but it ia difficult, and we strain the eyes Until at last we realize that we must have f lasses. Then we go where we now we will get an expert and correct examination and cqrrect and well fitting frames. Of 1 ' course we go to i Phil Harris,:: Leading Optician. L,. GEIGER. Very Special Things at Small Prices FOR THIS WEEK! Ladies’ Wash Belts, heavily embroidered. Price only 10c to 25c. White (variety of oth er shades) Wash Hand Bags, a swell line /and very popular. Our spe cial price 25c to 50c. Leather Hand Bags, real value50c, this week only 25c each. New stylfe Leather -Hand Bags, fine leather lined, real values 85c, $1.50 and $2. Our spe cial price 28c, 70c, 98c. We exhibit a beautiful assort ment of White Goods, Dimities, Nainsooks, Organdies and handsome Mercerized Lawns, fahey and plain. Great variety of ; Colored Wash Goods in attractive! patterns. L>. GEIGER, 71 Broad Street* H. M. BROWN. i rnn Check the name of the book you want. Now is the time to buy. THE FOLLOWING BOOKS ONLY 75c EACH: The Castaway, The Sherods, The Leopard’s Spots, Voice of the People, Graustark, St. Elmo, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Lady Paramount, The Stow Market Mystery, The Deliverance, Hearts Courageous, Fpr Love of Crown, Tito. See Our Line of Confirmation Presents Hr BOOK AND MUSIC HOUSE. ALBANY ratal AGENCY. TELEPHONES: Office 30. Manager 112. F. 0. Ticknob, 'Manager. Directors: Jno. D. Twiggs, , S. B. Brown, M. Weslosky, J. R. Whitehead, T. M. Carte’-, A. W. Tucker, Largest and Oldest In surance Agency in South Georgia. Representing 25 of the largest and strongest Insurance Companies in business. Insurance agaidst Fife, Lightningand WindStorms. Large Lines, Spe.cial Haz ards, Gin houses and coun try property solicited. W. E. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law, Room 4, Woolfoik 1 Bulldln Alb y.-