The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, June 13, 1906, Image 7

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THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1906. To Be Frank you have really never eaten a true soda cracker until you have eaten Uneeda Biscuit The only soda cracker which is all good and always good, protected from strange hands by a dust tight, moisture proof package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Miracle blocks are fire proof.. Albany Pressed Stone Co. Make Your Home Home-Like Let us help you to make your home prettier, more attractive and cozier than it has ever been before.. We can furnish your little home com plete for a very small cost. Call at our store and let us show you' what we would put in each room of your home. You can pay part down and the balanee in monthly payments if you so desire. INSPECTING BEEF PUNTS Twenty-nine Governments Have Experts at Work. Fate of the Business Hangs Upon Result of These Investigations—Re ports Already Going Forward. DEATH CLAIM PAID PROMPTLY. Death Occurred Sunday; Reported Monday; Check Reached Benefici ary Tuesday. Chicago, June 13.—The beef trust today is being investigated specially and separately by twenty-nine govern ments of Europe, Asia and South America. Upon the results of these inquiries depends not the mere ques tion of the payment of a few score government inspectors, but the entire export trade of the Chicago packing houses. The trust is in danger of having its product barred from all of the twenty- nine nations. Each of these governments, stirred by the sensational charges of the Reynolds-Neill report, and the practi cal corroboration of that report by oth er American investigators, has ordered its consul in Chicago to have made an expert inquiry Into the conditions at the stock yards. And the experts sent by the consul to make these inquiries will not be de nied nor deceived. The packers have been given to un derstand, it is said, that it is up to them to disprove positively the alle gations of Roosevelt’s commissioners. Any refusal of the beef trust to give the foreign government agents infor mation they seek will result in a re port to their government that “the beef trust has failed to disprove the charges,” which will mean the barring of the Chicago stock yards’ product from that country. Alexander Finn, the British consul, has prepared a preliminary report for the inforamtion of his government, “and It will be forwarded to London today. Another report on the conditions in the packing plants is in course of preparation in the office of Baron Schlippenbach, the Russian consul. Each report will be based on indepen dent investigations conducted by rep resentatives of these powers. The report that Is to be forwarded from the British consulate takes the observations of Vice-Consul Thomas Erskine, who made a personal inspec tion of the packing houses a few days after the publication of the Neill-Rey- nolds report. Baron, Schlippenbach declined to re veal the identity of the agent who made the investigation for his govern ment. B. F. Powell, the well known colored farmer, received a check yesterday for $100 in full •payment of Policy No. 881, this amount being the full face value of a policy with the Georgia, Alaoama & Florida Live Stock Insurance Co. of Blakely, Ga., of which organization Mr. D. W. James is president. Living ston Bros, represent the company here. Such promptness in settling all just claims is characteristic of this com pany and is certainly commendable. It is, however, only one of many ex cellent features that proves conclus ively the superiority of this company’s policies. In the Georgia, Alabama & Florida Live Stock Insurance Co. the loss falls directly upon the compauy (not the policyholders), and is paid by them immediately upon proof of loss. Livingston Bros., the popular local agents of this company, have written over 250 policies within twenty-five days, or more than ten per day. The premium Is low, being only $3 per each $100 Insured. It seems fool ish for owners of live stock to be without this protection. Following the Flag. When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most important consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Sergeant U. S. A., of Rural Route 1, Concord, N. H., says: “I was two years in Cuba and two years in the Philippines, and being subject to colds, I took Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, which kept me in perfect healtn. And now, iu New Hampshire, we And it the best medicine iu the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles, and all lung diseases.” Guaranteed at Al bany Drug Co. Prices, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sutne Thin*. “Rimer takes himself very seriously, doesn’t he?” “Yes, indeed.” “Most of his poetry is pathetic, Isn’t It?” “Tliat’s what lie calls It, but the edi tors say 'It’s pitiful.”—Boston Adver tiser. TO THE PUBLIC FREE! To those who have con tracted the habit of taking one or some of the danger ous advertised remedies this communication is particular ly addressed. If you take some of the various so-called tonics, dys pepsia remedies, kidney, liver or stomachic cures, cures for insomnia, if you are in the habit of taking daily "doses of effervescent salts for the nerves, of cathartics for con stipation, nostrums adver tised to clear the blood, take away pimples, clear the skin, etc., apparently harmless but highly dangerous advertised headache cures, then we say try us without a cent of cost to you. 100,000 people die annual ly in America from the use of dangerous headache — heart —and liver and kidney reme dies. Bromonia is absolutely harmless and more effective as a cure for the above com plaints than anything known to medical practitioners. Not a patent nostrum. Cut out coupon at the bot- toti of this article, send it to us. You will receive a pack age free of cost. Be sure to write name and address plainly. $5000 will be paid , to any one who can show that 'Bro monia is not absolutely safe to take. Formula furnished to any physician. Hospitals and doctors supplied in bulk fr#e of charge. FREE BROMONIA COUPON. 3 MY GLASSES! See how I look. How good they feel, and should you want- to feel Jthat way, too, always go to the | IJleading optician to have your ,, , .'eyes examined and tested free. . > - ‘‘It is to your interest to come to •; ij .seeus. We make a specialty in , .lexpert examinations and in fitting the eyes to just what they need. CONSULTATION FREE. iiPhil Harris, Leading Optician. LOW RATES TO ATLANTA The best safeguard against head ache. constinat-lon and liver troubles is DeWItt’s Little Early Risers. Keep 8 vial of theso famous little pills in the house and take a dose at bedtime when rou feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They don’t gripe. Sold bv Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. A POLITICAL RUMOR. CITY LOANS We are still prepared to make Loans on City Real Estate on short notice and upon lowest terms. FARM LOANS also made on farms in Dougherty, Lee, Terrell and Mitchell counties. file Jones k Hi Title Giarantr k Lean Co. Why pay $100 for a Typewriter when we can sell you one of any make at half price. Write today for Catalogue. Atlanta Typewriter * Exchange, Y. M. C. A. Building, At- . ’ lanta, Ga. Vincent T. Sanford to Oppose Comp troller Wright. Special to " r he Herald. Atlanta. Ga., June 13.—It was re-, ported at the state capital yesterday that Vincent T. Sanford, former tax collector of Floyd county, recently ac quitted of the charge of murder for killing George Wright, ticket agent of the Southern railway at Rome, because of Wright’s alleged intimacy with Mrs. Sanford, will be a candidate for state comptroller-general, opposing Hon. W. A. Wright, who has held the office for many years, and is known as the dean of the state capital officers. It Is stated that Sanford will Issue a for mal announcement to the public this week. He is at present visiting friends In Athens. An Alarming Situation frequently results .from neglect of clogged bowels and torpid liver, until constipation becomes chronic. This condition is unknown to those who use Dr. Ktng’s New Life Pills, the best and gentlest regulators of Stomach and Bowels. Guaranteed by Albany Drug Co. Price, 25c. . Well, maybe It didn’t blow some yds terday and during the first half of the night. But we .have a suspicion that It did, which suspicion Is confirmed whenever we take a peep at the streets, the trees, shrubbery and now and then a damaged ro,df. Deadly 8erpent Bites are as common In India as are stom ach and liver disorders with us. For the latter, however, there Is a sure remedy: Electric Bitters, the great restorative medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of Bennettsvllle, S. C., says: "They restored my wife to perfect health after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chronically torpid liver." Electric Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, kidney troubles and bladder dis orders. Sold on guarantee by Albany Drug Co. Price, 50c. Via Central of Georgia Railway, Ac count Annual Convention- B. Y. P. U., June 19-^1. One fare plus 25 cents for round trip (55.74 from Albany). Tickets on saie June 18 and 19, Anal limit June 22. For Information consult nearest agent or C. A. Dewberry, T. P. A., Albany, Ga. 12-7t S. B. Brown, ■ A. W. Muse, President. V.-Presldent. J. P. Muuuerlyn, Cashier. Of Albany, Ga. OPENED BUSINESS SEPT. 6, 1900. CAPITAL - - SURPLUS - - $50,000 - - $15,000 Every facility in the banking busi ness offered to customers. Savings Department. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Name '. city :.... State f .... My disease Is .; My nearest druggist Is la Address BROMONIA CO 688 Broadway, New York. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. - ALBANY DRUG CO., EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE AGENTS. Beautify the Complexion IN TUN DAY8. Nadinola The UNEQUALED BEAUT1FIER, en dorsed by thoiuandi; guaranteed to remove freckle«, pimples, all facial discolorations and restore the b e a u t y of youth. The worst cases in twenty days. 50c, and $1.00 at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tana. ALBANY TELEPHONES t Office 50. Manager 112. F. O. TlCKNOR, Manager. Directors: Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown, M. Weslosky, J. R. Whitehead, T. M. Carte-, A. W. Tucker, Largest and Oldest In surance Agency in South Georgia. Representing 25 of the largest and strongest Insurance Companies in business. Insurance against Fire, Lightning and WindStorms. Large Lines, Special Haz ards, Gin houses and coun try property solicited. , ....................... Post Cards 50,000 New Views, inclucL- [! !ng many exclusive “Photo” views of our city.. All of 1I tile prominent buildings and streets. Exact reproductions, beautifully finished. 25c Per Dozen Saves letter writing, and is a ;► souvenir for your' friends, ! j To be had only at : Book & Music House.:: >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ M ■■m Morris Weslosky President D. W. James Vice-President F. H. Bates Cashier N. R. Dehon Assistant Cashier Third National Bank Of Albany, Ga. capital UNDIVIDED PROFITS .$50,000.00 . 12,000.00 Solicits accounts of firms and indi viduals. Morris Weslosky President D. W. James First Vice-President W. S. Bell Second Vice-President Joseph S. Davis ;Cashier P. W. Jones Assistant Cashier First National Bank i Albany, Ga. Capital $50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 80,000 Deposits received subject to Sight Draft. A general hanking business transacted. Bankers’ and merchants' accounts solicited. J. S. Davis. T. W. Ventulett. J S. DAVIS & CO., Insurance Agents against i FIRE, LIGHTNING, TORNADO. Agenta of the Southern Mutual Inaur- ance Co. Office—Ventulett Building, •Phones—343, 88, 122. D. NEUMAN, UNDER THE OPERA HOUSE. Prices Reduced For Next Week. Ladies’ Hose, in black, tan . and white, regular price' 15c, go at 10c Children’s Hose, in black and white, regular 15c value; all sizes go at... 10c Men’s black Half Hose, white feet, regular 25c value; go at 15c Ladies’ Corset Covers, of goQd Cambric, neck and armholes lace trimmed, front with two crosswise rows of insertion, double stitched seams, draw strings, will go at.... .25c Other goods in proportion. D. Neuman, Agent tor May Manton Patterns. BICYCLES repaired and keys fitted. BICYCLE8 for sale. BICYCLES for rent. BICYCLES called for and delivered. BEST and all kinds of materials, uund- driea, etc. ’ WORK GUARANTEED. Broad, between Jackson and Jefferson. •Phone No. 96. UU£a99BByl H. M. BROWN. L». GEIGER. Very Special Things at Small Prices FOR IRIS WA! Ladies’ Wash Belts, heavily embroidered. Price only 10c to 25c. White (variety of oth er shades) Wash Hand Bags, a swell line and very popular. Our spe cial price 25c to 50c. Leather Hand Bags, real value 50c, this week only 25c each. New style Leather Hand Bags, fine leather lined, real values 85c, $1.50 and $2. Our spe cial price 28c, 70c, 98c. M m . % We exhibit a beautiful assort ment of White Goods, Dimities, Nainsooks, Organdies and handsome Mercerized Lawns, fancy and plain. Great variety of Colored Wash Goods in attractive patterns. L.. GEIGER, 71 Broad Street. W. E. SMITH, Attornoy-at-Law, Room 4, Woolifolk Building