Newspaper Page Text
4 1906 *>'
f" •» I i
Those Who Come and Go—Short and
Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody
Will. Read With Interest—What Is
Cuing on In Society, With Now and
Then a Little Gossip.
Messrs. H. C. Kietaber and Fred
Withoft, of Dayton, Ohio, Mr. D. A.
Gaddas, of Boston, Mass., and Mr.
Julian Peoples, of Atlanta, are spend
ing a few days with Messrs. W. H.
Newsom & Son at their place four
miles north of Albany. They are
making arrangements in connection
with the handling of the season’s fruit
Mrs. Maurice W. Tift entertained
the Northside Euchre Club on Thurs
day afternoon at her delightful home
in Arcadia. It was one of the most
enjoyable of the summer’s gatherings
of members of an organization which
is famous for the delights of Its
weekly meetings. After her guests
were served with delicious refresh
ments, Mrs. Tift awarded the prizes
to Mrs. W. S. Tarver and Mrs. E. H.
Mr. R. J. Sale is in the city to
spend Sunday with his family.
Mr. P. B. Hofmayer went down to
Brunswick last night to spend a day
or two with his family, who are visit
ing relatives there.
Mr. E. D. Brown will leave tonight
for his home In New York, after a
visit of two weeks to hls parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. B. Brown.
Miss Etta Brown expect^ to leave
tonight for New York, where she will
spend the summer.
Mr. E. E. Strauss, who has been
visiting at the home of Mr. S. B.
Brown, expects to leave tonight for
hls home In Louisville, Ky.
Miss Pearl Ledbetter, after a pleas
ant visit to friends in Albany, re
turned to Newton today.
Miss Florence Munnerlyn ■ left the
city' "today for a visit of several weeks
to Mrs. Olln Wimberly, In Macon.
Mr. Sam B. Wight, of Atlanta, is
in the city.
Mrs. H. A. Wilson returns to Ma
con, this afternoon from a very pleas
ant visit to Mrs. L. C. Bennett, in
Mr. Will Murrow, of Tlfton, was In
the city for a few hours today.
Mr. C. H. Goodman, pf Sale City,
is in the city today.
Albany friends of Rev. and Mrs. Ed.
F. Cook will be gratified at the news
that a splendid boy Is a welcome ac
quisition to their family. Rev. Mr.
Cook Is the presiding elder of the
Thoinasvllle district of the Methodist
Mr. R. P. Butler, of the Atlantic
Compress Company, was in the city
last night from Atlanta.
Master Robert Forrester has re
turned to Atlanta, after a visit to his
grandmother, Mrs. J. R. Forrester.
Mrs. R. M. Smith and children have
returned from a visit of several days
to relatives in Newnan.
Mr. J. E. Sumter leaves tonight for
Brunswick. Mr. Sumter will spend
several days on St. Simon’s Island
before returning to the city.
Masters Paul, Edward and George
Farkas are at home after several
days’ visit with friends in Pelham.
Mr. S. A. Freeman left the city to
day {or a few days’ outing at Tybee
Mrs. Annie, Smith left the city to
day after a delightful visit of several
days with Mrs. J. B. Gilbert.
Miss Scott, of St. Louis, who has
been the charming guest of Mrs. Nel
son Tift, returned today to her home
in the West.
Mrs. Gertrude Freeman went to Ty
bee today for a stay of several weeks.
Miss Sarah Hall, of Macon, who for
several days has been the guest of
Mrs. Nelson Tift, and who has made
many friends since her stay in the
city, returned to Macon today.
Mr. J. S. Farnum, of Charleston, has
arrived in the city to spend several
days with friends.
Mrs. Annie T. Muse will leave the
city Monday evening to attend the
Summer School of the South at Knox
Mr. Ben Cohn returned yesterday
from Dublin, where he has been for
several days, attending a house party.
Mr. L. H. Marks has returned from
a short business trip to Macon.
Mr. W. O. Pearson returned yester
day to Albany from Richland, where
he has been for a week, visiting his
The friends of Mr. F. R. Pelot are
pleased to hear of his great improve
Mrs. C. L. Hall is in the city from
Oakfield. visiting Mrs. J. W. Arm
Mr. Ralph Michels is In the city for
a few days visiting hls relatives.
Mr. I. M. Cox left the city today for
Mr. Frank Schwarzbaum, of Savan
nah, is In the city on a short visit.
The Epworth League entertainment
that was given last night at the resi
dence of Mrs. W. E. Gannaway, was
a very pleasant and interesting func
tion. A bright and entertaining pro
gram of music and recitations was
given and enjoyed greatly by the
members and friends that were pres
ent. After the program there was a
delightful course of refreshments
Miss Carrie L. Smith, who has been
spending a week or two in Barnes-
ville, returned to the city last night.
Mr. C. A. Dewberry has returned
from a business trip to Barnpsville.
Friends in Albany of Mr. Bussey
Smith regret to learn of his Illness in
Miss Eva Werd, of Milner, is ex
pected In the city Monday to visit.
Miss Emma Carter for several weeks.
Where Albanians Will Worship To
Methodist Church.
Thomas H. Thomson, pastor.
Services as follows:
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., A. W.
Muse, superintendent.
Junior Epworth League, 3:30 p. m.
Senior League 4:30 p. m., Mrs. An
nie T. Muse, leader.
Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m.
Subject of morning sermon, “The
Penalties of Pardoned Sin."
Subject ht night, “The Power of
Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m.
A cordial welcome to all.
Presbyterian Church.
Rev. W. H. Ziegler, pastor.
Regular services at 11 o’clock a. m.
and at 8:15 p. m. Sermons by the
The I. O. O. F. will attend In a body
at the morning service.
Sunday school at 9:30 a.-sa., E. H.
Crain, superintendent.
Mid-week service on Wednesday ev
ening at 8:15 o’clock.
You are cordially invited to worship
with us.
St. Paul’s Churen.
Rev. Charles T. Wright, Rector.
Second Sunday after Trinity.
Celebration of-the Holy Communion,
7 a. m.
Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m.
Evening prayer and sermon, 8:16 p.
Sunday school, 9:15 a. m.
East Albany Chapel.
Sunday School at 3 o’clock p. m.',
W. A. Woodln, superintendent.
Preaching at night at 8 by Rev.
A. P. Spillers.
Bible reading by the congregation
Friday night at 8 o’clock.
Bynes Hill Mission.
Sunday school at 4:30 p. m„ J. S.
Crews, superintendent.
Preaching at 7:30 p. m. by Rev. J.
B Dickson.
St, Teresa's Catholic Church.
Sunday services as follows:
Mass at 9 o’clock.
, Sunday school at 10 o’clock.
No evening service.
Mrs. E. C. Bledsoe has gone to Tate
Spring, Tenn., to spend some time.
Miss Laura Joiner will leave tho
city tonight to spend several days at
St. Simon’s.
Miss Sudle Crews leaves In a few
days to make a visit at Cordele.
Mr. C. A. Brannan, of Pretoria, Is
in the city today.
At the Presbyterian church tomor
row morning the Rev. W. H. Ziegler
will preach to the Odd Fellows, the
local lodge of that order attending the
services in a body.
First, It's Pure
Then, It's Good
Perhaps the principal reason for the popularity
of our Soda Fountain is the purity of the drinks and
ices we serve. Only the best and most wholesome
ingredients go into the A. D. Co., concoctions.
Then our drinks and ices are good—delicious.
Years of experience have taught us to make drinks
and ices that will just suit your taste.
Albany Drug Co.
Baptist Church.
Wm. L. Richards, pastor
Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., J. S.
Crews, superintendent.
Preaching by pastor at 11 a. m. and
8:15 p. m.
Mc-rning subject, “ That Greatest
Miracle—the Birth of Christ." It will
be noted, of course, that the pastor
has changed his subject, as announced
at jiprayer-meeting last Wednesday ev
ening. It was expedient
Evening subject, “ A Shabby Soul.”
“(jet rid of your old clothes," says Ella
Wheeler Wilcox. “ There is new
strength, repose of mind and Inspira
tion in fresh apparel.” The sermon is
to folk, young and old.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday even
ing at 8:15.
Public cordially Invited to each of
these services.
Pews free. Glad welcome to all.
Strangers are requested to make
themselves known to pastor.
N/ B.—The pastor earnestly requests
every member of the church who pos
sibly can to be present at the service
tomorrow morning. He begs his peo
ple to make, if necessary, .a distinct
sacrifice to be there. He has a state
ment and a proposition to make after
the regular service that ought to be of
especial Interest to each member of
the church.
WM. L. RICHARDS, Pastor.
Mr. Brimberry Buys.
Mr. H. F. Brimberry this morning
concluded the purchase from Mr. Jos.
S. Davis of the handsome dwelling on
Broad street, which the latter and his
family occupied for a number of years
The Davis home Is one cf the most at
tractive places in the city, and alto
gether a most desirable piece of prop
erty. The price paid by Mr. Brlmber
ry Is not made public.
St. Petersburg, June 23.—Dispatches
from Blalistock say that citizens there
are panic-stricken by unconflrmable
reports that the excesses will be re
vived there today.
Lawton, Okla., June 23—Fifty homes
were wrecked between Lawton and
Quanah, Tex., last night by a heavy
wind storm. No lives were lost, so
far as reported.
For You
With Us
1 9 0 6
The Campaign is On
■ **
The state and municipal platforms have
been adopted and they “point with pride”
to former great deeds and outline for the
future a policy liberal and loyal.
Our Platform:
K YU gneinn Our increasing business shows that
E«ApclIl3lUll M this is a cardinal principal with us.
“Good goods, reasonable prices, fair
treatment and liberal advertising do the work.
» I
Smiiwl Mnnov Makes the mare go. It’s all
JUUUU 1““sound, all we want is more'of
' it. We believe in quick sales
and small profits. That makes safe business and safe busi-
nese makes sound > money.
PfAtfirtlAr We shield our customers from unfair
i l UlCCllUIt"treatment and shoddy goods. We
guarantee every article we sell to you,
and if you are not satisfied “your money back on demand.”
We’ll protect you, if you’ll stay with us.
Tril«?K— Thc P eo pl e trust us f° r square dealing. It
* * HJl»J**"*has become widely known that we carry the:..
best in Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Shoes,
etc. We do not have a monopoly on good goods,, but we
keep no other kind.
We are with the la
boring -man-, that?5
The Labor Question-
' just wliat we
We toil early and late to provide a good living for ourselves, -
and at the same time provide the public a safe trading place;
We have solved the labor question. We Strike for irioref
business. )
Thic PI » tfnmi Is safe and mutually bene-
A illj runiunn—ficial. While the guberna
torial campaign is on let us
sell you your Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Millinery,'
Carpets, Curtains, etc.
I . .
Rosenberg' Bros,
Do You Travel!
if so you are especially invited to
call at our store and see the great
est line of
Trunks. Suit Cases, Satchels
ever shown in Albany. Roller Tray,
Automatic, Self-Lifting, Wardrobe
and Skirt Trunks, at
-j- Broad Stroot.
* .*$aSNbk;x£
Max Cassel Sister
Hats and Millinery at very low prices.
A pretty line of Skirts of Voile, Panama and White Linen. Cut prices of
25c on the dollar for cash.
Also a nice line of Shirt-Waist in Silk and Lingerie Waist. We sell a 50c
Corset for 35c. Also have a full line of Baby Caps.
Max Cassel & Sister.
See C. W. King for
and Sash, Doors, Rough and Dress- J)
ed Lumber, shipped direct from
Phone 492.
..Good Groceries all the Time..
If you want the best in the
Grocery Line, and want the
right prices, too, 'phone your
orders to No. 91.
Washington St Grocer
••• •
That’s slang, but It’s expressive, and
good advice.
Don’t Strain Your Eyes.
They will be needed for reserve use
later on. More people suffer from im
perfect eyesight through neglect than
Is Imagined.
Don’t Risk Your Eyes
to Incompetent examination. Como
here and have an oculist do the test
Don’t Run a Risk
by using glasses that sometimes cause
Optical Science,
as applied to my high grade of glasses,
Is a positive help toward curing eye
infirmities. See the Physician and
Optician and be sure. Examinations
are Free. Consult
• Oculist, and Albany’s Leading Optician,
Davls«Cxchanf(e Ba.nk Building.