The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, June 28, 1906, Image 6

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ALBANY DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1906. IAT HOME. E. H. DENNISON—Dentist 'Phone 248. J. W. DOR8BTT, Dentist now In DavU-Ex. Bank Bldg., Phone 418. Almost any of these afternoons can scare up a thunder storm. South Atlantic and Southern League detail telegraphic games at The Office. Have you picked out a site for the government building? Everbody else has. Few more tons native hay, Cruger & Pace. Cotton has now been blooming for some time, and the first bale should be putting in an appearance In the near future. Coal miners' strike cannot affect Al bany. Barron's getting coal In solid train loads. *^9ne of the largest crowds that has attended a ball game In Albany this season witnessed yestorday after noon's game, according to the report of the gate-keepers. Before purchasing your coal call and soo our fancy lump. ALBANY COAL A WOOD CO. There was a light broete blowing Inst night, but In spite of that fact It was one of those nights which will be remombored as having deprived most . of us of some hours of sleep. It was "good and hot" with a vengeance. Constipation makes the cold drag along. Get It cut of you. Take Ken nedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar cough syrup. Contains no opinion. Albany Drug Co., Hllsman-Salo Drug Co. BLACK8MITH WANTED —Apply to J. T. Rutland, Albany, On. It Try n can of our "Carwlsco" Geor gia cano syrup; 2-Ib. tins, 10c; 51b, j30c; 10-lb, (10c. W. E. FIELDS. 'Phono 70. Large soft lump coni, 2,000 pounds to the ton. ALBANY COAL & WOOD CO. It Is hoped tlint when the Howoll- Smith Joint debate occurs In Albany tlio wenthor will bo cool. A red hot I day and a rod hot debate might com bine to bring about conditions which would set the town on tiro. APPEARING OLD Arts as • Bar to Profitable Employ- You cannot afford to grow old. In these days of strenuous competition It Is necessary to maintain, as long as possible ones youthful appearance. It Is Impossible to do this without re taining a luxurious growth of hair. The presence of Dandruff Indicates the presence of a burrowing germ which lives and thrives on the roots of the hair until it causes total baldness. I Newbro's Herplotde Is the only known destroyer of this pest and It Is as effec tive as It Is delightful to use Herpldde makes an elegant hair dress ing ns well as Dandruff cure. Accept no substitute—there Is none. Bold by leading druggists Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herpldde C&, Detroit Ml«h. Albany Drug Co., Bpedal Agents THE EARLY 8TAR8. Rosamund Marriott Watson In the Pall Mall Magazine (London). Tho slender alders by the (tream Are veiled In leafage faint and One, Frail as the fabric of a dream, And all about the grasses gleam The gilt stars of the celandine. Once on a day—how long ago!— Deep In the grass we saw them shine, Beside this selfsame streamlet's flow, While sweet blrdB fluted high and low, The gilt stars of the celandine. Beneath the trees, beside the stream, Fair as of old we Bee them shine— Dear, might we dream the selfsame dream, Were youth once more but yours and mine!— Evnnge.s from the past they seem. The gilt stars of the celandine. $25 EACH. Tho above amount will be paid for the return of either of the following described convicts—double the amount for both—who escuped from the camp of C. H. McConnell & Bros In Bakor ^county, Wednesday morning, 27th Inst; Aaron Kent—Slim, ginger-cake col or, 5 feet, 10 Inches high, nearsighted, and has mean expression of counte nance; wolght M0 pounds; wears No. 8 shoe. Adolphus Edwards—Black, pleasant expression; 5 feet, 8 tnchcH high; weight 140 pounds; wears No. 9 shoe; limps slightly In left leg. Notify G. B. D. McConnell, Pretoria, Ga. 28-lwk Tho sworn stntomont of the manu facturer* protects you from opiates In Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar— the cough syrup that drives tho cold out of your svgtom. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Htlaman-Sale Drug Co, Isn’t it what you put in or feed to a Refrigerator that you should consider? The AUTOMATIC-as we l can prove to you-is the one to buy. The exclusive features will appeal to you at once. They save the food as well as the ice. R. C. Eatman. ALBANY WAREHOUSE COMPANY. OFFICERS : W. W. PACE, President. A. P. VASON, Vice-President. W. Mv WILDER, Sec. and Treas. T. N. WOOLFOLK, Manager. WE WILL ADVANCE Elks Had Social Session. j Lint night wits tho fifth anniversary of Albany Lodge No. 713. Bonevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and the members of tbo lodge, together with several visiting Elks, enjoyed a pleas ant social session immediately follow ing a short business session. Mr. Henry Lanier presided over the social session, being assisted in bis arduous labors by Messrs. !. J. Hofmayer and John H. Mock. Refreshments were served (hiring the session. i Thousands annually bear witness tot the efficiency bf. Early Risers. These pleasant, reliable little pills have long borne a reputation second to none ns! a laxative and cathartic. They are as' staplo as bread In millions of homes, j Pleasant but effective. Will promptly relieve constipation without griping. I Sold by Albany Drug Co., HUsman-; Sale Drug Co. WHEN YOU DROP YOUR EYEGLASSES It's two to one you (1ml on picking them up that something Is broken. Bring them to me and I will match tho broken part ami repair It for a nom inal sum. I Repair Eyeglasses so they nre as good ns \sln*n pur chased. I match any lenses you may break, or supply new ones entire. My optical stock is so well select, d l can please the whole of Albany and vl-j clnlty. Examinations are free, See the Physician. Dr.Cl.Hutchason, Oculist, and Albany's 1 omllng Opu. , »n, Dt\vls-ExchMi||fl Utvnk lKiltdlnij. Little Difference. ’Twlxt beggar man and man of wealth, The difference Is not Immense; The former lives upon his rags. The latter on his rents. . —Boston Transcript. A man who Is in perfect health, so he can do an honest day’s work when necessary, has much for which he should ho thankful. Mr. L. C. Rod gers, of Branchton, Pa., writes that he was not only unable to work, but he : couldn’t stoop over to tie his own j shoes. Six bottles of Foley’s Kidney ; Cure made a new man of him. He says, ’’Success to Foloy’s Kidney Cure.” Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. CENTRAL OF CEORCIA RAILWAY Arrival and Departure of Tralni at Albany. Gn. In Effect June 3. 190C. CASH TO FARMERS ON THEIR COTTON CROP. COTTON COKE. COAt CARTER & CO. Wareliousemen and Goal Dealers COME TO US FOR COAL. Wa Are at Same Old Steed on Ptao Street. We keep In tock Montevallo, Climax, T< Top and Bloekton, the best bom the Cababa, Ala., coal fields. A Iso tbr celebrated REX and oth— hlgh-grade Jelllco coals. Accurate w eight* and satisfaction guaranteed ok ftU coal told by us. O'Also hard Coal (or Furnaces, and Blacksmiths' CoaL Three Ways. A story conies from the Vatican that Cardinal Merry del Val was speaking with a friend on the Storer Incident and the Roosevelt letter, when sud denly the cardinal said, smiling, "There are three excellent ways of disseminating news—telephone, tel egraph and tell-a-woman!” You cannot Induce a lower animal to eat heartily when not feeling well. A sick dog starves himself, and gets well. The stomach, once overworked, must have rest the same aa your (eet or eyes. You don’t have to starve to rest your stomach. KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA takes up the work for your stomach, digests what you eat aud gives it a rest Puts it back In condition again. You can’t (eel good with a disordered stomach. Try Ko- dol. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hlls- man-Sale Drug Co. DEPARTURES: For Dotnan, Florala and Lock hart 7:45 ar, j For Dothan, Florala and Lock hart 3:50 nm> For Macon, Atlanta. Augus ta, Columbus. Savannah.. 4:05 are i For Macnp. Atlanta, Colum bus. Montgomery, Troy... .11:54 am For Macon, Atlanta. Savan nah 9:00pm arrivals: From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan S :45 pm From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan 11:40 am From Augusta, Savannah, Atlanta, Macon. 7:21 am From Montgomery, Troy. Co lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm From Atlanta, Savannah, Ms con. Montgomery, Colum bus 11:30 pm ALL TRAINS DAILY. Drawing room sleeping cars b» tween Albany and Atlanta on tralni arriving at Albany at 7:25 a. m. and leaving Albany at 9:00 p. m. Parloi car between Albany and Atlanta on train arriving Albany at 3:40 p. m. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a. m For (urther Information apply to & A. Atkinson. Depot Ticket Agent ot O. A. DEWBERRY. T. P. A., Albany, a*. FOR THE NEXT - 10 DAYS We will offer Unusual Inducements m Price on 100 Rolls Jap • • • stud • • • ChmaMattmg These goods are all this season's im portations, and in variety of pattern •and quality are unequaled. R-ememher that the special price on these goods only lasts for 10 DAYS, dnd are of such a substantial nature as to he worthy of your most serious consideration. The Steele Furniture and Hardware Store, Leaders in High Grade Goods m rA FACTORY 8 (Jfi (1 B fi BBBB.BB : Hlr Boaono f s o n o n o y BOB nil s R B IF) n (1 f 1m fVo" 1H Ip 4 SSSrf^K @0 1 THE GREAT SALE Continues its onward slaughtering of prices. Surely it is the talk of the entire town and the regret of many that it did not come sooner. But, even though many may possibly be supplied, they can not help buying these matchless values. Really, you can afford to buy and lay aside, for truly this "is the most phenomenal bargain opportunity the people of Albany and surrounding territory have^ ever had. Listen! Everything in the entire store of S. Reich, all goods shipped in and his whole stock, for the next five days will be sold at factory prices. Actually, you can almost buy as cheap as the mer chants of your city. Come, se for yourselves and be convinced. The Mill Factory Syndicate Sale, From 415 Broadway New York, of S. REICH’S STORE. Goods are Constantly Arriving for this Sale. PIANOS! TWENTY INSTRUMENTS ON OUR FLOORS FOR , YOUR INSPECTION. A PIANO, like a wife or husband, is frequently a life companion. You therefore want something to suit you perfectly when you buy. We believe we can give you satisfaction in the two essential points— QUALITY AND PRICE. BEAMAN’S MUSie HOUSB IOC Pine Straot, (R -mnoy Building.) Albany, Ga.