The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, June 28, 1906, Image 7

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THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, THURSDA’ Is to lore children, and no home can be completely happy with* out them, yet the ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Mother’s Friend, by its pene trating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through _ the event safely and with but G&fiu/inhfi i little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold.” $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. THE BRADFItLD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Go. DRAGGING down pains are a symptom of the most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, t come Irregular, painful, scanty or profuse periods, wasteful, weaken ing drains, dreadful backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, Irri tability, tired feeling. Inability to walk, loss of appetite, color and beauty. The cure la WINE OF GARDUI Woman’s Relief that marvelous, curative extract, or natural essence, of herbs, which exerts such a wonderful strengthening Influence on all female organs. Cardul relieves pain, regulates the menses, stops drains and stim ulates the muscles to pull the womb up into place. It Is a safe and permanent cure for all female complaints. WHITE US A LETTER tn strictest confidence, telling us all your troubles. We wifi send free sd- vtce (In plsln sealed envelope). Ad- drese: Ladles’ Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga, Tenn. "I SUFFERED AWFUL PAIN In my womb and ovaries,” writes Mrs. Naomi Bake, of Webster Groves,Mo., "and my menses ware very painful and Irrtgular. Since taking Cardul I feel like a new woman, and do not suffer as I did.” MILKnPED CHICKENS. > A Fattening Method Which Reminds One of Strausberg Geese. From Philadelphia Record. Lovers of exqutsifte articles of food enn now obtnln In any first-class fiotel and restaurant mtlk-fed chickens, nnd thoso who have tasted the fowl will never forget tho tender, sweet flesh, which is unusually white. These chickens are fed In crates made of lath, which are ralsod several feet from the ground. Troughs run alongside of the crates, and Into these troughs Is poured n fattening mixture, which just suffices for the ordinary wants of the fowls, but Is not nllowed to stand, being furnished threo times n day to meet the appetite of the chickens, j. Tills fattening mixture Is composed of ground oats, corn meal, a little oil meal and bran and butchers’ scraps ground up, and the whole mixed with skimmed or sour milk. This mixture costs about a cent nnd a fourth a pound, nnd four pounds usually go to put n pound of flesh on the chicken. The fattening process takes about four weeks, nnd cannot, as a rule, be continued longer, because of the great tax on the dlgesttvo orgnhs of the fowls. These fattened chickens bring twice as much ns nn ordinary chicken, but are cheaper In the end, because of tho, quantity of meat stored up In the fattening process. Comparison of tho amount of flesh carried on nn unfnttenod fowl and a milk-fed chicken glvos the ratio off six to ten pounds; the edible fleih on tho unfattoned chicken wns one pound ton ounces, while the milk-fed chicken gave live pounds. So the first really costs one nnd n half times 4s much as tho milk-fed variety. KEEPS TAB ON HOT AND^ New Apparatus for Use Particularly In Smoke Houses. Drug Co. FOR THE BEST Values in Marble and Granite for artistic work manship, and the finest material in Headstones, etc., try The Albany Marble and Granite Works. , W. H. MILLER, Pronrle'or NOTICE. In the future our offices will be In ’the Woolfolk building, room 7. H. A. PEACOCK. 21-lmo L. W. NELSON. CITY LOANS We are still prepared to make Loans on City Real Estate on short notice and upon lowest terms. FARM LOANS also made, on farms in Dougherty, Lee, Terrell and Mitchell counties. & Owing to the higher price of chlckon j from his bakory kitchen, and they than beef, mutton or porlti the farrnor, made a quantity of alcohol fully equal will very soon take up this feeding of fowls, which enn be supplemented by forced feeding by means of a cram ming machine that consists of a forc ing machine worked byj a foot pedal, having a hopper at one pnd and a tube at the other, the tube being thrust Into the chicken's mouth and feeding Its crop full. The method will pile on weight with great rapidity. HOT WEATHER TRIP8 Via Central of GeorfllaRailway—Bum mer Excursion Tlskets. From Philadelphia Record. An ingenious apparatus for keeping tab on tho tempornturo of n smoko house; or, In fact, upon any sort of room where nn oven degree of heat or cold Is necessary, line recently been put on tho market. The mechanism Is hidden within a small cylinder of brass connected by electric wires with a boll or buzzer which glvos warning when the temperature around the ap paratus reaches the point nt which tho alarm Is set. Tho device may bo set so that It .records a falling ns well as a rising temperature, and thus Is of consider able service for refrigeration plants as well as for smoko houses. An advantage claimed Is that the dovice Is automatic, resotting Itself as soon as the normal tempornturo Is re stored. W. R. Ward, of Dyersburg, Tenn., writes; “This Is to certify that. I have used Orlno Laxatlvo Fruit Syrdp for chronic constipation, nnd It has prov en, without a doubt, to be n thorough, practical remedy for th)s trouble, and It Is with pleasure I offer my con scientious reference." Hllsmiin-Sale MorrlB Weslosky D. W. James First VlcS W. S. Bell Second Vice Joseph S. Davis P. W. Jones Assistant] First National . Albany, Ga. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits. 83 Power from Garbage. From tho Sioux City Roglster. At n mooting of the City Council re cently a resolution wbb carried re questing City Chemist W. Lee Lewis to make an Investigation Into the pos sibility of making denatured alcohol from tho garbngo collected In Sioux City, the ulcool to be used ns fuel to operate light engines In the city build- IngB. Alderman Mnxtoner subsequently declared that with Chomlst W. Lee Lewis ho took two buckets of garbage Morris Weslosky., President D, W. James Vice-President iF. H. Bates .Cashier |N. R. Dohon Assistant Cgshler and to all appearances as good alcohol ns was ever made from any kind of "wood." As soon ub Inventions are completed to make It possible to use alcohol to run the light plant in the city building and library building, the city of Sioux City proposes to dispose of the garbage of the entire city hy converting It Into fuel fluid. Tho potato peelings and biscuits', chicken boneB and apple cores, old rags and cherry seeds will all be bolded up together and converted Into, power for thousands of oleotrlo lights. Mr. Lewis; who Is professor of chemistry tn Mornlngslde College lab oratory, said regarding. the plan; “I am sure It Is practical. Garbage, To the Seashore, (Mountain and Lake Resorts In the No/th, South, East and ( ^ en ™^| *”• I kind of wood alcohol. I believe the id Sail to New York, g ar |, a g e 0 [ gioux City would run the , Philadelphia and mun i c jp a i plants and the plant neces- it via Savannah and Ba ,.y t0 ma g 0 tho alcohol. It Is cer- ls to be considered ta | n iy an economical proposition, rl- | vailing the Idea of Victor Hugo that on sale at all cou- France loses' $50,000,000 every year hy pon ticket offices. For rates, sched* allowing the sewage to drain into the ulo« etc., apply to any agent or ropre- ocean, when It should bo put In the sentatlve of (he Central of Georgia i vineyards. WeBt are now on A trip by Rail Boston, Baltimoi points in the Steamship Llnei at this season. Tickets are low Railway, or Cl A. DEWBERRY, T. P. A., Albany, Gu. Malt andflopjr When a high grade of Malt andHiips is properly brewed into beef, it re-, suits in the most beneficial beverage known to medical science. Hops arei nature’s premier nerve restorer; Malt is its equal as a body builder, and the combination is perfected in AMERICAN QUEEN "I shall prepare the planB for the Sioux City plant, and we will be, In all probability, the first city in tho United States to have such a plant.” Excursion Rates Fourth of July. Central of Georgia Railway will sell excursion tickets between all points south of the Ohio and Potomac and east of the Mississippi river, Including St. Louis, Mo., at one and one-third fares, round-trip, on July 2, 3 and 4, limited for return until July 8, 1906. For further Information apply to C. A. Dewberry, T. P. A., Albany, Ga. 0-21-tf We are still selling three canB of tomatoes for 25c, okra and tomatoes, j 10c; corn, 10c, 12% and 16c; Van Camp's lye hominy, 3-lb cans, 10c 1 each. W. E. FIELDS. I 'Phone 70. We import Bohemia's best Hops, and the world’s finest Malt, and here, as elsewhere, our methods fre character ized by extreme cleanliness. The malt to He used is put through a thorough, long-draw-out process if mechanical cleansing, which purifies it of every particle of foreign matter and dust, leaving the malt kernels finally as clean and perfect as can be. With due regard for your health, this is a bfeer you can well afford to drink, j American Queen Beer is sold at dll hotels, dubs, cafes, restaurants, etc. CaU for it and keep it in your home. ACME BREWING CO. MACON, GA. Letter to John Mock. Dear Sir—If you could get the ex clusive sale of a sweeter sugar for five miles round—% 11). as sweet as . a pound of usual sugar, and cost no more—you’d Jump at It, wouldn’t you? There wouldn’t he 100 lb of any other sugar sold In u year In your town; you’d gobble the trade; and it wouldn’t hurt your whole business. Devoe Is like that among paints; It Is twice as sweet as some; It Is sweet er than any; not one exception; one gallon Is two or one-and-a-hulf or one- and-three-quarters. Better than that: paint has to-be painted; that costs $2- to $4 a gallon. A gallon saved Is $2 to $4 saved In labor, besides the paint. Even that Isn’t all. A gallon Devoe put-on wears as long as two gallons put-on at a cost of $2 to $4.a gallon and two gallons more put-on at $2 to $4 a gallon. Count all that The paint that wears double costs less by 3 gal lons of paint and, 3 gallons of painting; that’s about $15 a gallon for those su perfluous gallons. - That’s as good as a double-sweet sugar, Isn’t It? Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE ft CO., New York. V. 8,—C. D. Smith sells our paint. Deposits reoelved subjeot to Sight Draft, A general banking business transacted. Bankers’ and merchants’ accounts solicited. Third National Bank Of Albany, Ga. CAPITAL .. i $50,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS .... 12,000.00 Elicits accounts of flrmB and Indi viduals. , J. Si Davis. J T. W. Ventulett. S. DAVIS & GO., Insurance Agents AGAINST 150 pairs mer wear; ish and s fit best ai‘ from $1.9] Attrac weight 85c. Big l Sample, ety of ' below Fu Neck Negligetj styles; noveltied Exquiij for war Under gan finis] 40c, 50c ; Umbrella Half L. G FOR 8ALE—Til gins, shafting] G. D. Collins, TALKING FEE' The late Marshall ant prince of Oh lea hod treated his feet frightening tho wits “ray feet are all rlgM to do Is to tell me all worried almost to iy without most pleasing exper.. a corn and It does not antiseptic, _ DP Burgeon Chirop— P, a-Dri WlUlami Ingrowing nail be cat Mrs. Williams does sage aud hair <* and the morcel 1