The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, June 28, 1906, Image 8

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,Y HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1906. The enormous profits which have been' made by Southern shorts will make them strong flgtate’i on the long side when the time for action comes. FRUIT JAR TODAY’ FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COTTON QUOTATIONS. After all, it was Daniel J. Sully who taught the South the real value of Its great product. Wide Mouth Atlas Special, Mason s Patent Jars, Pints, Qarts, Half Gallons. FRUIT JAR RUBBERS Stock Absolutely Fresh, , Prices Right. Sparks-Saxon Hardware Co. Phone 300. Waco wired, “Weather Ideal, and crop conditions as near perfect as Is possible." Wheat, Com, Meat and Cof- fee — Letters on the Cot ton Market and Opening and Closing Quotations. .eased Wires to York. By no stretch of the Imagination can the market be called weak. The market is extremely sensitive to the slightest bullish influence. iCUTIONS. Local Cotton Market DIVIDENDS Demand poor. Offerings limited. ARE ASSURED rt & Clay—Cotton, fcian & Co.—Cotton. [i & Rankin—Grain, ipader & Co.—Stocks Now York Cotton Market For Stockholders of the Central of Georgia Railroad. Op'd Blah Low Close cioM uly 10.16 104U 10.13 10.14 10.18 lotober 10410 10.80 10.20 10 20 10A1 lecember.... 10.41 10.41 10.83 10.80 10.41 an., 10.44 10.40 iOJM 10.87 10.40, Midi. 110.80. Salu—. FnhirM closed itcndy. Liverpool liduo 1 down tomorrow. Special to Iho Herald. Savannah, Ga., June 28.—The report of the auditor of the Central of Geor gia railway abowa that for eleven months of the fiscal year ending June 30, tbe gross earnings of the company have Increased 81,162.705.49. This practically assures the full dividend of E per cent, on the first second and third Income bonds for this year. This will equal last year's record. The Cen tral has had four or five years of un interrupted prosperity, and the hold ers of Its securities have been lucky In pulling down the dividends during that time. Invited WARE & LELAND New Orleans Cotton Market ALBANY. GA. New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Association, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange, Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. Op’d High Low OIom Close 10.88 10.88 10.71 10.78 10 88 10.27 10 87 10.82 10.22 10 80 1082 10,82 10.25 10.20 10.84 10.84 10.85 10.82 1082 10.40 M1(L 11c. Bale* 1,175. steady. July October December.... Jan.,,.. Spots stead: Liverpool Cotton Market. Prer. Op’ 8PM Close Clone ■July.... 6 86 5.85 6.81 6 83 f-Aug.. 5.80 6.80 6.77 5 78 [kept... 571 6.71 6 08 600 t-Oot 5 02 6 82 6 01 6.01 les 0,000; Middlings 0 16; Receipts 7«KW. itnrw opened steady and closed quiet. PROFESSIONAL Won'if Stable\ CORN—WHEAT—MEAT. Chicago, June 27.— • Opening. Close. Wheat-July 83 82J Wheat-September..... 83 88 Corn—July 52 52| Corn—September 52 52| Oats-July 39 39| Oats-September 86i 36* fork—July.) 16.90 17.12 Pork-Septembor 16.72 16.80 Lard—July 8.70 8.75 Lard—September 8.90 8.90 Rlba-Jufy. 9.32 9.32 Riba—September 9.26 9.25 Physicians and Surgeons. OFFICE : Corner Broad and Washing ton Streets, Albany, Ga. ’Phones II, 32, 98. IN8URE8 QUICKEST POSSIBLE EXECUTIONS. Albany office, Pine St., next to Postal Telegraph Co.’s office. Phone 8& i. J. KALMON, Mgr W. E. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law, Room 4, Woolfolk Building. Albany, Ga. The Best Place to Buy Your Clothes NEW ORLEANS COTTON LETTER. By wire to Clark A Co. New Orleans. June 28,1906. Liverpool was very quiet, furnishing tho American markets wltb no news of consequenee, but judging from the course of options, it Is but nntural to assume that the excellent progress made by the crop thus far has Imbued the foreign trade with more bearish sontimentB. Spot sales wore 6,000 bales at an advance of 1 points, while options closed with tho loss of one point. Today's local session was devoid of the persistent covering by shorts that made the previous days' trading note worthy. In the absence of such sup port values sagged following their moro natural bent, and were It not for tho foot that July positions still lend an air of uncertainty tho market prices would doubtless show further docllnea owing to tho remarkable pro gress mado by the crop ns Indicated by reports from all sections of tlie belt Our own advices today are fraught with information of n like tenor, some points In Georgia and Mississippi de claring that tho crop In those sections compare favorably with tho best of years. It Is entirely a weather mar ket and governed by the information received. So tong as conditions re main as thoy ( now are existing senti ments will become decidedly moro pro nounced whilst crop scares to bo ef fective must ho of serious proportions to shako tho strongly Intrenched posi tion of the shorts. Yours truly, GTBKRT & CLAY. f One good reason why you should buy your clothes here is your knowledge of their posi tive newness. The pro- lounced change in fash ion this spring makes it imperative for you to buy from a store that keeps up with the styles, as this establishment Our store is new all through. All our goods are fresh from the best- known makers of high- class Clothing and Fur nishings, and better still, are the very cream of their products. We have the latest models from houses like Schloss Bros. & Co., the celebrated tai lors of Baltimore and rine Clothes Makers New York. Baltimore and New York . ___ Look around—and then come here. For quality, style, fit and the right price we can satisfy you. Let us show you the new models. 6 Per Cent. Farm Loans THOS. H. MILNER, aHomsy-al-Law, Komn Bit nulldln*. Albany, (In. MYERS. . President. WANTS BLACKSMITH WANTED —Apply to J. T. Rutland, Albany. Go. *' It itisfaction WANTED —One second-hand Smith- Premier typewriter; must ba in good condition. Apply C. R. Walters, tf pany FOR RENT —Two rooms on Mercer street. M. A. Blum. tf SCREENS, BUNDS (VENETIAN), HARDWOOD FLOORS —I sell the famous Victoria screenh and blinds, also B. & B. baft wood floors. If you would like to haveinie make you an estimate on your llouse, drop a postal to Screen, care ihe Herald. 28-3t \ MORRISM AYER’S'DEPOT, . Fernland {Farms . "Dairy^Tiepartment Sweet Cream Rich Milk High Grade! Butter , Patronage Solicited For Engagements Telephone No. 199 BICYCLES REPAIRED. Supplies of all kinds kept in stock. Special line of Tires—liartford, G. & J., M. & W. and Puncture Proof Tires. . \ Work called for and delivered. .’Phone No. 96. , H. M. BROWN) COTTON PICKINGS, Furnished for Dally Herald Readera by Clark & Co. The foreign markets’ opgnlng was hardly up to expectations. Futures were only 2 better on sales of 6,000 at 0.16. Foreign news was, to the effect that “No new price making factors In sight, and attention being' paid only to weather In the belt" BEFORE LEAVING HOME for your summer vacation INSURE your VALUBLE PA-3 PERS, JEWELRY, etc., [by storing [them [in a SAFE DE POSIT BOX in our firejand burglar proof vaults. The cost is very reasonable. Inspection invited. EXCHANGE BANK OF ALBANY. Favorable news from every section of the belt caused a rapid slump of 6 points soon after the opening. Southern spot markets show no weakness. Cotton Is firmly held. Correct Dress The bulls seem tame enough to eat out of your hand just now, but they may see a red flag some day. Moved! Few mlllB In New England have cot ton enough to see them through Sep tember. Mr. Jos.' L. Rarey, tbe old reliable tailor, has moved his place of business to No. 98, over M. Crme’s store, south Broad street. My Spring samples are ready for in spection. Albany Electrical —>and—- instruction Co. ^ G. W. Saye. PreB, Again the forecast was for “fair and warm" weather. tod domadc fabrics fr«n wiuch to cb S. a BROWnTco!, Albany,