North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, February 05, 1885, Image 2

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North Georgia Times THURSDAY. FEBRUARY S, I 88 J. ■*F Tha Railroad Question. While the country has been and is Vicing checked by van i.US lailroads over mountains aud valleys whether steiile or fertile, it is quite strange vbv such a vast section of beautiful country as that between Dalton and Gainesvill has as yet been left without, the iron track and 1 oaring engine. In ’84 the Gainesville & Dalton Short cut Railroad was strongly talked of, and in fact, a number ot capitalists, it seemed, had al¬ most decided to begin its con¬ struction. But from some un¬ known cause the enterprise was a failure. Since that time and especially of late, we have frequently been asked, would such a road pay? In reply to these questions we will say that in our opinion, there is no stctionol road in the soutli of the same length that would be more valuable. The distance from Dalton to Gainesville on a direct line is only about sev¬ enty-five miles, and a survey can be made iu such a way that the cost of buildiug would not exceed that of the average road of equal length. This line would connect two great sys terns of railways, the Weste: u & Atlantic, East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia at Dalton, the Air Line with its numer us branches at Gainesville, which would undoubtedly oive it an immense custom from the two broad sections ot tenitoiy through which these gigantic systems run, unknown to any abort line, The above in con nection with the countless sources ot support along the line would guarantee a hand¬ some per cent, on the capital expended in construction. Such a road would pass through the rich valleys of Murray county that cannot be sui passed lor agricultural products iu Geor gia, and the mineral region^ ot Gilmer, Pickens and Dawson counties. A scope of country so largely able to support a road cannot possibly remain much longer unnoticed by cap¬ italists who arc willing t» in¬ vest something from which they may realize a good con - pensatiou. One of the greatest questions of the age is that of draining the Mediteiranean Sea into the Sahara desert in Africa. This desert is below the level of the sea, in area about the size o; the United States, and the ca¬ nal which is spoken of, beween the sea and desart would furnish a passage tor the wa¬ ters to till that broad, arid ba¬ sin changing it from a steiile desert to an inland sea. This would likely affect the climate of the whole Eastern w ot Id Te careful ye ocean builders or you might throw old eatth off her balance. The question of the dynam¬ ite explosion in London having arisen on a train between Lon¬ don and Liverpool a few days ago, the opiniou was expressed by some English passengers that America was in some way responsible. An American be ingontlie train defended his country, the crowd attacked him, lie drew his revolver and kep. iheui at bay until the tr&. . reached the station where he jij ’.iped off and escaped. President-elect Cleveland, it is statod on good authority,; will go to New York early February to remain a week or two, and possibly a month, while he discusses with pi omi nent Democratic statesmen politician*, who will be sum inoued here, the formation of a Oabinet. Col. Janies E. Caster, super inteudem; D J Roberts physi¬ cian, aud F S Harris, warden ot the penitemiory of Tennes¬ see, has sued the Nashville Banner, A L Landis and G H Basket for $80,000 for damages for an article which appeared in the Banner in regard to the management of the peniteotiory. Mrs. Thankful Tanner has sued Mrs. Garfield, wife of the late president, for $25,000. Mrs. Tanner alleges that on or about the 22nd of Dec. ’84 she was knocked dowu aud se¬ verely trampled by a team attacked to a carriage aud carelessly dliven by Mrs. Gar¬ field’s co lohman * The census shows that the United States are making mon¬ ey at the rate of seven cents a day for each inhabitant, wheth¬ er infant or ud'ul:. This is reckoned by political .j econo mists to tw ,lo,no oxueumlv well. It iUHoutiti* to tuote tlwin ;i million dollars a day. Pl'esid'-itl-t leet Ch-v. laud has engaged a >uite of • UlS :it the Arlington in Washington tor hiiuselt and si-tels, to ready ti 2nd. . .. on e i land will J>.tV a- 1 ■ e g". - having declined all tenu"i.- ' >. . hospital il T t,n ' il Ill-lit. --- i Mrs. Lan,e I) P - c I of C-<»iO ? *a»lo, Wib mitniUA'l ia ! t (* i V . 1 t *11 •. 2S Supreme com I ia -!■ Vl 4 > l i 1 1 •. j Ah.-. Gordon and Belva Lock \\ n OG ;IJ»* tit olllv \N Dim-ll ill" k) j to pi net Ice 1 H* t < * fit ! li*tv Court. c d lug ■ mini > oiliufae! m ng fin ;.:hnients in Non li which mid I-e n close-' during t!,e all have resumed oper tioiis since the first ill stant. ------- It is thought that Ibesidetlt . Arthur will lonu a law p;t• t nership with t lv Stiller hi (<>i met law p-i tu r, IP , t vJT ; * / Rollins, oi N • v Y*vk, i tec the 4th ol M i ch. ------------- Captain Evan I' iiowTi, w the Constiuiiioii, h j - i 11 ;il>~ paiute.l on. . ii tilt capitol c< in tuissioue.s i fiil tli^ place mad.- vacant by the death of Major Crane. O’Douovau Rossa, the Irish dynamiter, was attacked and shot by Mrs. Dudley asunpos ed British spy on the streets of New York on last. M mday. The federal c mstil >t Swit¬ zerland receiv'd I notice on the 30tli instant, of an intended dynamite attack upon the fed - oral palace, by anarchists. Vice President Hendricks thinks the Southern States should be represented among the President's advisers The questiou of Emory Speer’s confirmation will not be considered till Joseph E Brown returns to Washington. Miss Lula Hurst still con~ tinues to surprise and electrify large audiences throughout the state. Some trouble has arisen be tween the East Tennessee Yir gima & Georgia and the Wes tern & Atlantic railroads. The vY. & A. now prohibits the use other side tracks toiler rival. Vice President elect Hen d; . icks w}1 | ; { v , Qr leans expositi n this week. February the 11th is the day set apart by congress to cast the electoral vote. A dry goods store in New York, was blown up by dyn» amite ou the 1st. Senator Bayard thinks the coining administration will be a business one. The U. S. Supreme court adjourned Monday until March the 2nd. The contest between Johnson and VYright for ordinary of Floyd county has not yet been decided. The depth of the artesian well in Atlanta is 1235 feet. (Joma in and pay np your sub¬ scription for I lie? past year, We need h uionev and must insist on its payment. Flour lor Sale At the Spring Place flouring mi 11s, situated nine miles east Spring Place, on the waters of D “% c "'' k; *«* tl: ss hirail V flour is alw»y» W.t ou lio.ul at the lowest cash price. A, T. 1 OOAN. Directory, J C. F.iiti, Juilg Stipt-rior Court c N K , Dg>0 i.,k SuperinvCurt c. L. Tarry. Sheriff. II Rnm.oy, Mrliunry. T - Trcnsumr. M. H. Biiudblott, T’.»x Receiver. ” "• <3re ^ ' ry ' T ’ ,x M. M. B-tie.**, County Surveyor. c H H<>llahd>Cortmor . -ioi ers, Dunuifi Johnson, E#Wntor ii'*u-o, Sr, S. L. Triiuinier, John A Berry, J White. .Bond of Education, M. h, Chnstain, Pres. S' il. Henry Sec'y amt t’oinn Soin*oi Cihii ff- vl. ilauis, II. b. Patigle, John I f» dp ui 11• .7 US t ICE-. : Spri g I’tace—824 lU Dist , S (i Cft’ler J. P. H llcurtfitl N. V., W C K«*n er and John Cbiidet '8 C UStiibleh. [ Bill Gnipnd—83- 'h Pint ‘ V ’ 1 Hartsil. , ! J. I\, J A Black N I* , J M West und An* I der»»on Black 0unst>iblC8 I Eighth—9T4th Di-si , \V U l.nckev J. P., J II Kulm N. F., J M F x and John Ingle ONflnVlC8. D;»oliti)u—792ud Di-t. AV C D.Gordon J 1». D K (lu.Hphreys N. P., J T Morrison Con* ; etab'e. i i’e lh—87-ltfi Dist T J Br.v.nt J. I'., DC . I)u b Cof/.-G. b)u. Alaen sa—105Uh Dist., J 11 'h.eal J. P, J U 'Vilnoh N. P.,J D Baxter aud E S IIow* ! t*M Constables. , I Old, b 1 /n.i , M W C our J. I*., B F C Luughriilge N. I*., K L Bates and G W Swausou 0. ustabics. Shuck Pen—10;i9th Dist., B W Bond J. P., J B Bond aud aud W AI Richards Constables. Bull Pen—1291th Dist., J W Fiuoher, J P. B B Brown N. P., A T Osborn and W U Browu Cons tables. Arrival and Dep .r .ure of M »Us Da'ton Departs 7 a, m. daily, ariveB 5 p in. daily. Talk!lig R Ok—Departs 7a. ra. Saturday, litriie., 6 p. in Friday. I'-liij ty—Departs 7 a. m, Tues lay, Thurs¬ day, Saturday; Arrives 5 p. m, Monday, IVcdnesdav, Friday. Cassvillc—Departs Bam Monday, Wed¬ nesday, Friday; arrives 6 p M. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Connasauga—Departs ,8 a. m. Thursday; arrives 7 p. in. Thursday. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Stats of Georgia Murray County. Whereas GW Mayfield Ailn'r of William Mayfield deceased represents to the court in bis petition duly filed and yntered on rec ord that he has fully administrated said es¬ tate. This is there ore to cite all persooB concerned kindred and oreditors to show oausoif auythoyean why said Adtn’r should not hs discharged from his administration and resesve letters of dismissiou ou tho first Monday hi March 1883. * W B Ramsey Gniltrs>y, divorce sowck. Stats or Qioisu, Murray County : P A Bates ; Petition to set aside vs marriage contract In Matilda Uasbis. J MurrapSup’r Court. It appearing to the Court from the return of the Sheriff that the deft does not reside iu ‘Iiis county, and it further appearing that s,.., does not r‘side in said state: It is there¬ fore ordered hy the court that servieebs per¬ fect'd by publication published in the North said Georgia Tines, a newspaper in county, in terms of the law. Aug. 18 1884. j c Pain, j.s. c, c.c. The above is a true extract from the u> u tltes of court. V. N. KINO. Cleric. MONEY TO LOAN, On Five Years Tune, at 8 per cent, by Corbin Banking Co., of York, on improved farms in Murray county. Application must be made through dec 7, tf. Tkammkll Stark. DO YOU KNOW THAT LORILLARD’S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine Cut Chew* iag;Nary Clippings,aud Black, Biown and Yellow SNUFFS are the best and cheapest duality considered. LOKHL'A RD’S Maccoboy Snuff. Caution to Consumers. As many inferior imitations have uppedretf upon the market in pack <gts so elose'y resembling outs as to deceive the unwary, we would rtquesl put chaser to see that tie • ed is tUiou-i a plied tin cans in which it packed always b- ar Our Name and Trade-Mark. In buying the imitation von pay ss much for an in ft l ior article as the genuine costs. Be Sure You Obtain The Genuine, LORILLARD’S CLIMAX Red Tin Tag Plug Tobacco. The Finest, ^weet ’•avy Cite wing To baoco Made* Beware of Imitations. MAiiCil SHERIFF'S SALE. Stvtk opGkoroia Murray Countty Wilt he sold betore the courthouse doortN the town of Spaing Pluce, to tho Irgh. «t bid¬ der at public outcry, hetwoen thel»-r*; hours of 8 iiIcon the first Tuesday in March next the following described property to-w t: otofe.n- .Vo. 155 n the t wenty i -i iii -oi'l si e nil eec'nu. I f S:’ I (V OUI Levied O ' b* virt Hi- "f un : • ■ srtt sfy :i tiix ti f i ir, i ' r f I In- s ale wild oountv h niiii -t Riii i In 1 of fs»r«ii»- yent> 1882 and 1883 AiRDitt t.Lp Rame time and plme I "t of land No. 315 in (tie twenty sevt ntli district mid 2;d section of sod c nnty. Levied on bv v itm of and to satisfy a tux fi la in favor of Hit* siato and county ttirams H ii ! lot of land (.»*■ tho y nr eisih ■ hu d-ed and eialitv-’wo. Ugii *it the S" ui« time nnd pU/^e lot of In nd No 188in thi* 27di-tritt. and second sect of Sii'l Co. Levied o»» by virtue of nnd to srtis y « fax fi fa for file yen- 1883 iu favt-r the Stall- and couuty vs said lot of tjmd. A so a* tlie same time and pl»eo lot of land Nos l*98 in the twenty <cvfiiIIi district and s cciiiiJ ."ccion t'lisnid ounty, 'evied on hy virtue of and to satisfy a tax f! f* for I 885 ia f »vor • f ihc State aud Co vs said ot of land Also at the time and place lot of laud Xo 241 in the 27th dist and 2ml sect ni said Co. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi fa for the year 1S82 is f.vor cf the state and Co. vs said lot of land. Also at the same time and p'roe lot of land '0 21A in the 27 dist and 2d sect of said Co. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi fa for the year 1882 in lavorof the State and oouuly vs slid lot of land. Also at th same (into and place Ii t of land N" 2R5 in the 27th dist and 2 d sect of said eounty. Levied »» by virue of and to satis, r.v a tax fi f. for the year 1882 in favor of tho suite ami r.o. vs said lot ot land. Al«»o the same »ime »n 1 lot of I«ntl No. 259 ill the 26 th and 2nd section ot silid <’o. Levied mi hy virrue «.f and to satisfy a tax fi fi for the year 1882 in favor of the State and Co, vs said l. tofland. Also at the snme time unii place lot of lam) No 237 in 27111 Hist and 2nd sect of satd Co. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi fa for the year 1882 in favor of the state anil Co. vs said 'ot of land. Also at the s,.me time nnd p'aoe lotof lend No. 233 ih ihe 27th dist ami 2nd scot of said Co. Levied on hy virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi fa for the year 1883 in favor of the State aNdCo. vs. said lot of land This Dec 2. A T Logan Stiff. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Stats or Gborgf^, Murray County: Wherea. J W Fivcher administrator of Elias Fischer represents to the Court in hia petition duly filed and eNtered on reoord, that he has full administered said decoa-eii estate. This is therefore »o Cite n'l peisnns con erned, kindred and i-reditnrs. to show cause if any they can why said administra¬ tor shon'd not be discharged front h's admin¬ istration and receive tellers of dismission on the 1 st Mnpdnv in February 1886, This Nov. 6 th 1884 W R Ramsey Ordinary . UO TO Wooten •IN V Holmes, Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, OILS, Paints, window glass, cigars AND TOBACCO. Dalton, Georgia. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION! J»it Received at the Mtlluerj Store ot J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A eew end elegant assortment of Uilinery end Strew Goc*?,consisting of Straw Bonnet* end La die** a-d Children's lints [trimmed a- d un trimmed] Reek and Saeh Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neek Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crepes. Blowers, Feather#,Ornaments An. Our goods were bought of the largest end best importing House* in Balti¬ more and Kew Yore, and will be sold at eery low prines for cash. $500 .00 ill I N PREMIUMS; BUSS* IA1MWK FOR Fill IX* C1RDHL I —i Pafits, If5> goo 1 Uustratioas. Otaxu/ui Coto-ed Flate. tt tells WHAT, WHEN, auT HOW to plant, and Is Invaluablt m ■um. tojifl BLins* inr^rcstei rLLUSTiUkTED ia eardenin? ar«? farmmv, KOVHXaSY Mailed USS for 6 C. m Si ja£7A ■ • fMii i M'ji e , for tab*, i 84 Hants, d scribes Cereals, t ie uev Small cst aud Fnits, choicest etc., Floweis, introduced V«^ tts® & P* OcrUiwfcratai 5 ’* ^ a> 1 ‘arcs. OBAIK I > rofcssbrUhi'l?«SrcL CIDlCCJIaASL Free. ia? tbsaboT .ii upecIftMy valuable nilplanting accwrpany ia: [fuT, 8 to o Oats. Vr noat. Coin, or fane crops. IL gives reports ■73 of p-aceer^i ccmpetttlers far ourGrfcln Preml* .rfT c yi"*ds 3 ^ ICklS, tad u;c red laoibiod of cultivation wherofenri ti.* • r w :c secu . ( ^'*00 IN I’lvKMTUMS OF7XX5D FOR. Established 1 S 43 . rtS irovulty “*■ BUSS’ AMERICAN WONDER PEA . war ttaacte J* ^o 1 a!S 1 s ■ Aifc iTg hFB cij J301STS3, fiW.SMT. at. J. M. Mergea, Now o ,! ers to the Planters ol Georgia the most f powerful STUMP EXITlAt-TOR ev. r in vent ,d. Given up by the Leading Expert Machinists, to !e mote powerful than any other device ever invent¬ ed. He will sell county rights or aiiv hum. her of counties in the Elate ot Geotvi.-i. Good live men can make frjm_$lO to $12 a day with this machine rtmiv season of the year. Parties that mean business cau address J ti. BERGEN, Woodlawn, or Dalton, Gf EUT'A lull size woikmg machine can lie seen at Dalton. Ga.^ witmuotMediihe. A Fm”: Dunn. Cry Ewan“ for W manhunt u- THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO OEBEf-V”"?. Sc : emit, dyspepsia, ca.etfpution, e-T.l--l.-ls I.iiIlCM. tonal, from whatever cause, tl.e continuous strt-am of Magnetism permeattagthrou*ti .* 6 the pom. mistakeaoout thin «• S ‘oaUky BcUon TLcre is so 1 Warranteti TO'uii.fAcaartl'eUv* THE IA 3 IES:—SWp* 2422 S! ej> ^eok Kldncyn, llcadacho orCold fcit, fe*ur.lien b? Ankle*, or&w< Don Feet, an AhdontUud be II carry disease. a pew Fan. tioi aa<3 Cloeratloa of the Womb, Incidental lien* errhttfco rennlar Menstruation, op Flooding, Painful, Harrcuac**, fiupprcMcfi and Ir Ufe, thU Uthe Beat and chancre ot known. Appliance and Curative Agon* For all forma of Female DIQralH''* It Is umraN passed and by anythin}; before invented, both asaewativo agent Price of either as a source Belt with of power Magnetic and vi Foot tali Batteries, nation. $10. Bent by express C.O. D ,aml examination allowed,or by mail on receipt of price. In ordering, t-t nd measure of waist and size of snoe. Remit mneo con he made in cur¬ rency^ sent in letter at oerrikk. The Alainieton Garment.* are adapted to all am are ]>“*• taken advertiaed off at night. eo They extensively) hold their power end forovmr. should and be are worn at all seasons of the year. ur d w^ o i^r*%OTu^jr'^ t ■“in. MAGNETON APPUANCE CO., ill. SIS Statu BU. Chicago, ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Stat* o» Gsoroia uurbay cooutv. To all whom it may ooneern; Lucinda Cox aud H R Bevel having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of T M Cox late of said comity. This is to cite all and singular he creditors and n x,t of ki*i of T M Cox *o be and appear at my office withi the timo prrseiihed hy law and show cause, if any they un n why perma¬ nent iidministiatsoN should ot hn 'grim'ed to Lucinda C x and II R Bevel on T M Cox’s estate. Witness my hautl and official signa¬ ture this Kov. i 1884 . W. . , SASmm Biemk 1 ■' _ _ ABDOMINAL IAC^SaGKETiT^^P SUPPORTER. •rdioaray.FTIt .ill Me Wt)8t., mtimwg't'afiag W and” an? ?ugfimstck. at: TB? 5 RE; OME TREATMENT. K* PILLS From tau* • pviuroes Ul-iau lLi,«.iniivtl,.«» k-s exertion of b.idv n. MWi-Vt*’ 13r«ci*U«ra l.' r , lon to ef food bl,,t F ot **l»|iei-, Low spirits, \ ...cling »&^* or ] 1(lv | u „ “a;vS J, ’. ™ ” “","'a“" , I hii ■ A 8 V llLl Xlli }' Y' r Their i»*HiioiiK‘ iictlo* tuxthS Ki ia* i»h>h ind^k M isa'No onth® 1111 iiupurtfiea through these nrotttpf : tem ovinir " r •'**• p'ol'ucint •• ‘^T. ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. ” n - FI315I.S UUE ------ A' MAiY Ki ms in puis, and *»ll*ri *s ui- tim « t Ihnt. have dour me auy good. rs clt*nivd mo oat nlof-Jr. annerl-a'l. Th> v lmvr spl< n.lid f.» el dk—sis ix-adilv. JIv lut\e nuluMil uiul I nnw mur. " w. passages. U. KUWARDS, | fet*i PatoyrS. Hire « ’.Ob's—, g?’ OBrt-.riMurmyS'-.X.?. a 11 3 c H, 1>y ‘l*?!® 93 «oetpt «f •,. ER LAWS HE, Optician and Jeweler, -DEALER IN CLOCKS, JEW / ELRY I &c. AU*n«», cn