Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
The Oyntnamite War
* England trembles on the
pinnacle of excitement l»y rea
aoo of dynamite outrages
The world’s metropolis has
l»een threatened with destruc¬
tion by this powerful other agent
of ruin, and in many
places of the united kingdom
threats hate been made and
damage done. Why this sort
of warfare? It is said the
rights of a people have been
iuvaded. their liberties wrest ¬
ed from them, and the r pa*
triotism forbids them suffer
img longer the lashes ot an
eyeless, earless and heartless
tyranny, That any means,
however toul, should be re¬
sorted to in order to subserve
A desiied end. This logic is
talse from its very foundation
ami even its foundation is rot
ton. It contains within it a
poisonous torpedo, the explo¬
sion of which will disrupt the
harmony of society and offer
again tbe garlanded crown ot
earth to the grim old king,
chaos. This is the very rock
upon which the Agitators’
ship may strike and burst her¬
self into a thousand atoms.
There is a proper way in
which the wrongs ot a nation
may be satisfactorily adjust¬
ed. We say with all possible
em phasis that in a laud lighted
up by civilization’s sun and by
the star of Bethlehem there
can be no wrongs sufficiently
grievous as to justify the
wholesale slaughter oi innooent
women and children. Those
who resort t® such measures
ate so debased that so pure,
noble and generous a principle
as true patriotism will never
tremble tl-e pendulum of their
souls. Patiotism can live in a
dungeon because she purifies
the atmosphere she breathes;
but bloodthirsty paganism
will render impure the lucid
air of Eden . There is far more
her oism in open war than in
secret attempts to over awe a
government and fore® it to
terms. We may now lay down
the telescope and with a small
spyglass take under review our
own land. The thunder and
lightning of dynamite have
been heard and seen in Pitts¬
burgh Pennsylvania.
This sounds strangely to
American ears. vVe are not
so much astonished when we
hear that dynamite and dagger
move together against the iron
hoofed despotism of of Russia.
But we are astounded to hear
of such a movement iu our re¬
public. Tis true we have no
scare but there G a good deal
ot excitement. Is there any
reason for a dynamite scare?
Our land produces well so
that all may be fed—the press
is tree—opinion is unshackled- -
no iron rod strikes to the earth
the rights of any class of citi¬
zens in this the grandest coun¬
try on the globe. Here the
oppieased of tartb may find a
city ot refuge. Here the wan¬
dering Jew may take his harp
from the mourning willow and
be gre ti d by the gold tinged
flowers of prosperity and hap¬
piness. It is, certainly the
height of tolly f r a few frenzi¬
ed, worthless, reckless cranks
to undertake to get up the
war in this country. The red
fleg r.'U'cby snail not wceio
ih«u of our government.
Notica to Contractor*.
itio B h-^I of ComniiMiioiiers of
Murray c un y <1. uji.i. A ill R«
ct*)*e u«i:it tlit 20)li day of April
m x.. Sealed pr'-pouals fur buiid
iua a c-mrt house nt .Spring t in e
in said county.-60 feet by 70 IVm.
two 'torits bijih. with tin r< < f, io
>- e completed by the 1st day- i i"
Jaiuary 1806 Seventy five per ceut
cash on estimates fty the snperin
rendenl of construction will be
p id as the work progr< ss *s, and
final payment will be made at the
completion work. Speciflcatation and reception of the
and detail
draw ng will be on file in the Ordi
nary’s office in Soring Place after
the first d*y of April next. Th<‘
Boaril of Ooinmiss oi era will re¬
serve t e right to reject any or nil
bids Etch bidde will be required
to lccorapanv hie bid by two suffi¬
cient bondsmen who will be re
qai-ed to jastify io double the
amount of the bi<• tor faithful com¬
pliance *-ith the contract, within
the time specified, or for any dam
age said county may sustain by
reason of the non compliance of ih>
cont: actor.
Atlanta Weekly Constitution
pie 8e copy four times and send
bill to the O diearv of Murrey
County. This, Spriug^Pl ice Qa.
Kebruaiy Dennis 19tli 1885.
Johnson. E Witerhoose.
Sr .Samuel LTriuier, W J White,
John A Be rv, Board of Commis¬
sioner* of Roads and Revenues for
Murray Conntv Georgia.
A Woman Hir g M.
Spring Place,
her arms mound her liu
baads neck iiiip)i>riiig him to
take hel Selt ami children to W.
H. Wilson’s gall, ry to have
their pictures (taken. Work
done neatly and cheaply. Will
be in Spring Place only for a
few days.
Flour tor Sale
At tin Spring Place flouring
mills, situated nine miles east
ot Spring Place, on the wateis
of Holly creek; first cl ss lamiiy
flour is always kebt on hand
at the lowest cash price.
A. i’. oOAN.
imponeti aich-ifeiuiii will not
be allowed to destroy the
bright vissious ot peace an .
happiness that tue d inert nil.g
eye sees iu tb.» near lutme ot
oar country. •
It is estimated That there
were fifty thousand visitors at
the NewOrleamrJSi^osition on
St, Valentines day. This will
greatly encourage all who are
anxionis for the success ot the
exhibition. W ben we weie iu
New Orleans the gravest fears
were entertained that there
would be a financial failure.
Competent observers claim
this Exposition to be nearly, it
not quite, the equal of the
great Centenniel of 1876. The
people of the U. S. are deeply
inteiesfted in the success of this
enterprise, and it should be
mortifying to the nation to
think of its failure. But more
especially should tbe “New
South” determined to make it
a success.
Emory Speer’s confirmation
has not yet been made. Senator
Brown is fighting tor him and
Senator Colquitt is boldly U8—
ing every honorable means to
secure his defeat. May Col¬
quitt succeed.
Glover Cleveland like a|
sensible man that he is will not
publish the corning cabinet.
There is something thrilling ii
the anxious interest that now
gathers around this fog capped
“Burn that Letter” will be.
one of the several plumed
knights that will hold eompli
mentaty tickets to Vie;***I ind’s
inauguration ball. Wonder if
he will burn the tieMbt?
Rossa forgets his wound and
offers ten thousand dollars for
tlm Prince of Wales d- ad or a
live. The p*ince can get Rossa,
dead or alive, for less money
thau that.
Gordon County gave the
wet ticket preference last
Monday. We hear that the
election will probably be con¬
tested as there are some eliat ces
of fiajd.
The Soudan war still rages
but,there are still mysteries a
bout it that we cannot fathom
but we do not doubt that
there is such a war.
Some of the members of
Congress have a very polite
way of giving each other the
‘not ho.” Very sharp men
these days.
Latest di Hpatcuhrs from
Loudou say theie is great OX
citemeut. ptevailiug on
of an armed mob parading °
The Governor’s gu u ds ot
South Carolina, will attend
inauguration in Washington.
♦ ♦- ♦ • - ------
The eagle eyed Logan has
uot been reelected senator yet
Hope Morrison will beat him,
“Ohiuese” Gordon is missing.
The correspondents aie trying
to prove that he is lead.
Lord Gladstone is greetly
troubled over the allairs in
An oil well n- r Mae- li, Ga.,
has recently been diseovi reiL
Mrs. Dudley will ^iv.- a
three thousand dollu; bull.
President-elect Cleveland r®
coived 2,103 valentine.
, Directory,
J C. Fain, Judg Superior Court. i s'
C. N. Kinx, Clerk Su|>sri'.rt“Url
C. L. Terry. Sheriff.
W. II. R»iueey, Ordinary.
T. J. Ovbey, Treasurer.
M. H. Bremblett, Tax Receiver.
W. D. Gregory, Tax Collector.
M. M. Bute,. County Surrey or.
C B Holland, Coronor.
Counuiarionera, D«nui> Johna.m, K. W»ter
houre, Sr., 8. L. Triimuier, John A. Bern ,
W. J. White.
Board of Eduoatiuo, M. K, Chaatain, Prea.
S II. Henry, dec’y and County School Cow
miariioier, W. G. Harria, II. L. Pungle, John
G. Spruill. •
Spring Plaee—8iith Dial., 8 0 Ca-ler J.P.
U lleartaili N. I*., U 0 Ken er and John
Cbildert C Datable*.
Ball Ground—8JStli Diet , W It Hartrili
J. P., J A Black N P , J M Weat and An
derauii Black CunatableH
Eighth—«84.h Die , W K Lackey .1* P.,
J H Kuhn N. P., J M Fux and John Ingle
Doolittle—JMnil Di*t. W C D Oordon J P.
D E Humphrey* N. P., J Murriaon Con.
Te th— 874tb Dial., T J Bryam J. P., D C
Dunn Conauble.
Alaoulsa—1011th Dial., J H Oneil J. P,
J H Wilann N. P., J D Baxter and E S llow
ell Cunatablea
1013th Dist , M W Cloer J. P., B F C
Loughridg# N. 1*., E L Bute and G IV
Swtttinon C<»nMab e*
Shucl< Pcn—I#3#,u ,>i " t • K w B,,nd J
J B Bond ami nnd IV M Roh.r.l- Co stables.
Bull Pen—1291th Dist., J W Fincher, .1 P.
B B Brown N P., A i Oiboru and W H
Biown Constubles,
Arrival and Hep irture of M.tlla
Dalton—Departs 7 a, in. dally,arivas 5 pm.
Tiilhing R 'ck—Departs 7 ». m. Saturday,
arrives A p. m Fridav.
Eliijsy—Departs 7 h. in, Tues'ey, Thurs¬
day. Snturday; Arrives 5 p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Fridav
Cassville—Departs A * m Monday, Wed
nesday, Friday; arrives 8 p M. Tuesday,
Thursd y, Saturday.
Connasauga—Departs 0 a. tn. Thursday;
arrires 7 p. m. Thursday.
grata or Cxokois MusBar ConxTT.
Whereas G W Mayfield Adm’rof w illiain
Mat Hr id deceased represents tn the court in
his petitfo duty filed and yntered on rec¬
ord that he has folly administrated-aaid sa¬
lute. Thta is there ore to cite all persons
concerned kindred and creditora r» a ow
cause if auylhayean why said Adm’r should
not he discharged from his adtni istratiou
and receate Itttera of diamiasiou on the first
Moaday hi March 1885.
t W H Ramsey Ordts*ry.
Stats or Gbohoia, Murray County:
P A Hath | Petiii u to set aside
▼ 8 i marriage eoutraet iu
Matilda Habkis. Murray Sup’r Court.
It appearing to tbe Court from the return
iheSberiff Ih-t tbe deft does nut reside
this county, and it further appearing lhnt
does out r side iu said state: 1 1 is there*
ordered by the court that service b* per¬
by publication in tbe North Georgia
IS, a newspaper published in said county,
terms of the law. Aug. 18 1881.
J C FAIN, J.S. C , C.C.
The above is a true extract from tbe min¬
of court. C. N KING, Clerk.
On Five Years Tone, st 8 per
by Corbin Banking Co., of
York, on improved farms in
Murray county. Application
be made thr< ugh
dec 7, tf. Thakioll Stark.
wiib Rad Tin Tag; Koae Leaf Fine Cut Chew¬
ing; Navy Clippings,and Black, Blown and
FellowSNDFFS are the best and obeapest
duality considered.
Maccoboy Snuff.
Caution to Consumers.
As many inferior irri tations have
»pi>(*arei| upon the market in pack
ages .teceive so elose'y resembling ours as
to the unwary, we would
r< quest purchaser to see l hat th
red is httifurraplied packed tin b- cans in which
it always ar
\ Our Name and Trade-Mark.
In buying I he imitation you pay
as much fur an inferior article as
the genuine costs.
He Bare Yon Obtain Tbe Genuine.
Red Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco.
The Fliieat Sweet Nary Chewing To¬
bacco Made*
Beware of Imitations.
Statc or Gaoaou Mcbbat Countty
Will be aold before the court h-.u- door in
tbe dar town atpubljo of Spuing Place, to thn h g 1 at bid
outcry, b- tw -en tin- l.-u b»i,rr
of aale on tbe Srat Tuoml iy in Man h uext
the iollowiugdeneribed property i -wit:
lot of Ian.I No, 155 ut (lie twenty
seventh <1 strict ami sre nd wee i ti
of said coudi. Levied o viri
ue of an i to satafv a tux li la in
favor of ihe sia'eiitnl county 8 -
eninst said lot of la.'d fur i lie ymu>
1882 and 1883.
A iso at the sane time am 1 nl ie<
lot of land No. 315 in il«e i w< • i
8i-v nth dnHid did 2ml v. e e n of
s:>id e limy. L vied on h ^ llllf*
of mid to antinfv « tnx fi Ot in i r
iif tile Hint- and <‘i'lirn.y t-f gup
said lot of land tot the y-i nr eiub
t®en hand ed and eij>|it:v-two.
Alan at the some time and place lot nfland
Rn18Sin the 27di-tritt and aeonnd sect nf
•aid Co. Levied on by virtue nf and to arlia
v a tax (I fa for the yea- 1888 in favi-r the
State and couuty v« said Intnf land.
A’ao at the eauietiine and place lot nfland
Nua 298 in the twenty seventh diatriot and
second section fosaid minty, lovicil un by
virtue of and to satisfy a lax fl f- for I88 s
in favor f the State and Co vs said U.t nfland
Alan at the snine'ime and p'aco lot o laud
Nil 341 in the 37th d'St and 3nd seoi nf said
C». Levied nil by virme nf ar.d to sati.fv a
tax fi fa for the year 1882 iN f vor ef the
•tat and Ce \ s said lot nf land
Also at the same time and p'rce lot nfia d
No 348 in the 37 dial a d 3d <«ct of-aid Cm
Lerjed on by virtue nf and to satisfy > tnxfl
fa for the year 1883 in tavor f the State an
onuuty vs s id let nf land.
Alenntth same tint and place I t nfland
No 385 in the 37th dial and 2d sect nfsaid
enuntv. Lovied ntt by virtue nf and to aa:i.,
fy atax fi fa fur the year 1883 in favnr nf
the state and cu. vs said lot ol land.
Also at the same time ami i.lacn Io' nf I , n ,|
No. 359 in the 3# th dist and 3nd section ul
said Co. Lovied un hv virtue nf and tn -atisfy
a tax fi fa for the year 1883 in favor uftn'e
State and Co. vs said I t nfland.
Also a t the same time and place lot of land
No 237 in 27th dist and 2nd seot of sa d Co.
Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi
f» for the year 1883 in favor of the state and
Co. v* said 'ol nf land.
Ala > »> th* Mtis time and place lot of land
No 233 h ine 37th di-t and 3od sect of sold
Co levied on by virtue of and tn satisfy a
tax fi fa for the year 1883 in favor of the
Slate aadCo. vs said lot of land
Tin* Dec 2 A T L< oan Sliff.
Stay* nr Quintan, Murray County:
Where*. J W Fivcher administrator of
Elias Fischer represents to the Court in his
petition dn'y filed and eNtered on reonrd,
that he has full administered asid deceased
estate. This ia therefore tn Cite all pet anna
on- erned, kindred and creditors, to show
oause if any they can why said administra¬
tor should not be discharged from h<s adtnin
iat’atien and receive letiers of dismission on
th* 1st Monday ia February igf^ This Nov.
Ifh 1R#« WB Raeayey Ordieqry.
W ooten AND Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
duugs, oils, paints, window glass, cigars
and tobacco.
Lai ton, Georgia.
Millinery Goods,
lust Received at the Miltnery Store et
J. <fc J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A iiaw and elegant aiiortment of Mllinery and Straw flood,,consisting of Straw
Bod *ts and Ladies’a-d Children's Hats [trimmed aid un Silks, trimmed] Neck
and Sasb Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Tiss, Bonnet Satins,
Velvets and Crspet. Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our good*
wars bought of the largest and best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Von, and will be sold at vary low ^
prices for oash.
dt -
$ ^ 500.00 ■—\ IN PREMIUMS* BLISS' liU'BMK m FAR! i» fllUffl.
. nKPDEN.FVe'wV Beaut lout, Colored and is iavaluabl* Plate. It
m HundJook'^ SEEDS. I for i&^ctescnbesthe^ncwest and choicest Flowon,vSS
p mjsmbs ^ ■ tables, Plants, Pages. Cereals, Profusely Small Fruits, Illustrated. etc., introduced Wrec. the
past Our year. *o GRAIN CIBCULAK.,
w Illustrated accompany*
AND GAROET | ing Oats, the above, Cum, is specially farm valuable to all planting
W of successful Wheat, compatiticraB or other for Cropc. Grain I^ttivos Promt-, reports
our whereby!
■XUH" urr there s yields in 188S, and the red._ rnstbod of cultivation {
were sect
Estabushed 1 S Full particular, (riven In our Novelty Lick)
45 . ojr.C Grui a Circular, m.ilcJ Froe.
B.V, Saury .Ward Beecher eaye: “Your - ”” “
peas arc wonderful; none others so good.
year, | do not intend to plant any others, early or late."
CAUTION.—As ^ ll< there ? C4Cr ‘Fdon is i mailed dcrior I*ea toapplicants. in die EMI
an r.iar-
70c. per qt..40c. per pi.. X pi.. aOc.,/M»^«uA
BXrISS CD SOKTS. 04 **-v i-e.
J. H. Bergen,
Now ofiers to tin- Planters ot Georgia the most ''powerful
STUMP EXTRACTOR? ever invented. Given up
by the Leading Expelit Machinists, to I o more
powert ii than any ever inv ent¬
ed. He will sell county rights or any num¬
ber of counties in the State of Georgia.
Good live men can make from $10 te
$12 a day with this machine rtany
season of theyear. Parties that
mean business can address
J l El(GSN t WooJIhwd, or Dalton, Gf
53^A full size working machine can be seen at Dalton. Ga.
flat! 47mm
HtMUiBtliM, •••l the LlducT®y®pl«»Bl parftljili.aeinlKiB, dlBMMM,torpid rclutU liver, a, dUea*> root,
•tnlnal ealwIoRit Inootency, MtkmR, heart dl«
tf«a, djBpepol**, kmla ronetfpatlon, rryilnoJai, e^Uepoj, IndlfM
«r tiftHNi MtJvrk, »Um,
•wo?* When iMt MySeMUty vltallljr. of lack the of GENERA TJYE mmd OUUtl vlror,
wn-tlHft weakieMM, nnd nil nerve th— lorve of
•oonl from whatever dliwnses continuous n per*
nntnre, Kagsetlim enune, the
stream of permeating th reach the parte
lanet reetore them to a healthy actios. Tlitre U no
mistake about this
TO THE LADIES:—sit",'P-s‘.“s
KilBiiHion,D Kldacjfk lieauache ( Tfip«paln,orvltk #r€oW ttlaeuaca Feet, of the Llr
«* Weak twoilea ar
and pair Ankle*, of M.ip’’ arSwellea Ic IV»t Batteries Feet, an have Abdominal superior Balt
a no
Intha re'lef and . o of all these complaints. Hiey
JMJT a powerful luaguoUo Corot W the teat of the
. ow For of the Lame woolb« Back, Leneorrhsta, Weakceeeef Chrealefallumais the Ipfo®. Fall¬
Gc» Md 11 deration of the Womb, laetdentai lice
errhateor Blraatniettee, Flood in*. PalnfoL Ilarrenaeoa. Rappresacd and I*w ef
tJ$ 1» it the Beat AppUeeoe and chancre
ea«i Ciratlr* igwl
pawed For[£i by anythlrtf forms of bet FemeletMBeaKtras ore invented, both ana II te curative nnsai*
Price and as a source of power ar d riUiiiation.
of either Belt with Magr:c; icFoot Batterlea, $10.
sent by expr; ss C. O. I) , and ex.vndnation allowed, or bv
mail on receipt of price. In ordering, send measure oc
valst and sine of shoe. Ren itt ucacoix be made in cur*
wwey^sent in letter at o- rrink.
The Magneton Garments Goni.jent h are are adopted adapted to to all all uts, iftii, are are
worn hu nf, over^the »»o ».»r'ttatr.inil’amTineeMa’nns- underclothing, feat maxt to the K
taken ga A’srJis&Tisesn al^seasonsof theyear. " d • hOT,d
To nil whom It may oouoerti; I.nci da Cox
aNd 11 It Bevel having in proper form applied
to me for permanent letters of administration
on the stale of T M Cox late of aaid county.
This is to cite all and siugulnr ’ho creditora
and n x* of kin of T M Cox to he and appear j
."nd m 4 , :® 'ca" i .'e h , , uX' i ry P r,rj{;; rt pcCH W
font adtnil iattnt.oN should ot be granted to
Lncinda C x nnd II R Bcvei on T M Cox’a
estate, >V|tneas my hand and offloia signa¬
ture this No?. 4 1884. W H.
T' AtheneiHiDb-E.’
i. s-stgE. 2 ’’vsy,
f*. i. ft t, h:
mun mud; 005% u
Qrdinaray.47 balJ«e WtifR.,
DI S0°R R D ER E d W Uv’e D,
tu,J8 ‘ : “v'uroes axiae Uiiea-fourtha of
.n- ciwuudt’-d of llio kQiuiiu
race These
App acho, ctjtc, fulliic-a itowala ultar c« at tT«, Sick Head
•“J 11 "" ot b,,<1 caltuu, anralou la
Jr ar wind, Fi actatlon
ored Urine, UtJiSTIPATlO.vf aud deT
sjssgw K . m.f. S 0 e ? ns , 1 - ,oemass T, * ir action on tte
bod^ BAlU
antid ote to mal aria.
ro^®wuiET5iw mar.
inat nave < >f nj»8, done nnd me TtJTT-S Rood am the lh"t
cleaned nioely.*Mw any Thev have S
S^VSBft^STir me out
tnan W. D. EDWARDS, Palunym. O.
Fo! vrrrwlirrr.anc. ogee,44MamySWK.V.
lift Office, by t xpress on rt-o«1ptof $1/^ liark,
44 Murray Strm t, New
rs UMtMi )F USEFUL RSMimritp
Optician and Jeweler,
ELRY &c.
Alla via,