North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, March 19, 1885, Image 2

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North &eWia Times J ST THURSDAY. FEHHUAflY aeieaa. The New Enterprise In this issue will l>e found the advertisement, to obtain a • barter for the Augusta and Chattanooga Air line Railroad. Tin*, people alocg the proposed route tor thisline of road should do all iu their power to confirm its construction and hasten the completion. For it cannot pos¬ sibly be moie to the interest the corapany building than to the people living in the locali ties through which it may pass. Of course, it tnay be -expected that a great mauy thoughtless persons will hoot at the idea of such a road be¬ ing built. To such doubting Thomases we would ask why may not one of the most won¬ derful sections of country in the south be traversed 1 by a railroad when some of the most sterile are continually made to quiver by the rumbling wheels of the rushing steam car. Let all who feel an interest in the present and comiDg generations advocate the great enterprise. Then wealth and talent wil be induced to come and aid id developing the crude, hidden millions of north Georgia. Keep up With the Prooession. AH who wish to accomplish anything at the present, must keep up with the rapid march in whatever detachment they have enlisted or they will be passed by and left to struggle alone. It is not chance nor a routine of circumstances that make the vast differences be¬ tween men of equal capacities aodJmoviDgin the same society. Bat it is a fixed determination to accomplish, at all hazard, every honorable business tran¬ saction that is undertaken. Taking it for granted that what has once been performed by man can be reperformed, or something superior to it. The busiuess procession of to day is moving with electric speed, not making the slightest halt for the taidy and inattentive, but constantly awarding those hold¬ ing places near the front with lavish endowments of fame and fortune. It is not an inexplica¬ ble mystery why so many who begin life with brilliant pros¬ pects terminate in the most squalid degradation for all such failures aio usually the direct results of gross negli¬ gence on tbe part of the fated one; and could have been eaaily avoided by strict and c natant attention. If the desireifor success is ever satiated, it will uot be acquired by those who lag lazily behind, but by the vigilaut, attentive and indus¬ trious. These characters will always be found up, aud many times in advance of life’s rap¬ idly moving procession. Sumach Dots Nice time for gardening, Mr. N H Henry is very sick but is new on the mend. Tbe school at this place is flourishing. Some of our citizens com¬ plain of their chicken roosts being visited at night; others of corn, fodder, oats, etc., being missed. Such matters as these dem nd our prompt atteution 1 . CjuU you give us the address K. M 1 ' ;* i,i Of the K. K. of • e.untyl We understand there will m t,e a meeting of fanners at flail’s chapel on the night of the 21st in regard to establish¬ ing a fanner's guano agency in Murray county. We consider this a step in the right direc¬ tion. We believe the Times is in¬ creasing in popularity and we think every enterprising citi zeu should take his county pa. per. V OBIS. Another action tor libel wasl brought against Ed muud Yates I to day. This time it is Mr. I Legge, editor of the Whitehall! Review, who is the aggrieved] action up] party. He bases his on a squib in the world, which said that Legge was a very ap¬ of] propriate name. The editor the Whitehall the publication Reiview charac-j terized as a “Fish monger’s organ,” and in¬ timated that Legge had be¬ come its editor, “because he was acquainted with things fishy.” It is a strange thing wbat parents allow their children to attend church for if they don’t teach them to behave properly; It is a sad thing to see a child disturbing the congregation who want to listen to the ser¬ mon, when his parents, by a little moral suasion in the shape of a good size sprout properly laid on, could remedy it all. Spar e the rod and spoil the peace of the church¬ goers, The bank building of John H James Atlanta, war burned yesterday morning. We have not the estimated loss, but we learn the byilding was worth 60.000. He has been very un ¬ fortunate. Ex Commissioner of agricul¬ ture Thomas P Janes, died last week Some think he commit - ted suicide on account of fi¬ nancial embarrassment. Others say that there is no foundation for this conjecture. The annual convention of fat women was held last week in Chicago, Mrs Hannah Bi*t tersby, of Bethlehem, Pennsyl¬ vania, (Weighing 728 pounds, took the cake. Henry Ward Beecher, the Brooklyn divine, has started on a lecturing tour through the south. Gordon. the British general in the Soudan, is to have a monument erected to his mem¬ ory. The confusion amnhg the European nat ions seems to con stantly grow more intense England and Russia, are still wrangling over the Afghan questiou. The members of tbe new cabinet are all lawyers except Mann iug. Governor Brown was well pleased with the inauguration. March 24th is .>et apart as Georgia’s day at New Orlea a a. ■ Blaine has given Cleveland a call since the inauguration. Tbe contest between France and China, still waxes warm. _ _ General Grant is said to be graduall y »inkin g , ..'Cleveland proposes ..... to 1 pay | for wbat ho Eleotion Notice. Notice to the qualified voter* of Murray This County. 5 . is to give notice that as el¬ ection will be held at the vetriour voting Saturday products of Murray County on the 4tl day of of/April 1,885, Warrants to decide whether County shall b® issued to; bor¬ row money to pay for the building of a Court House, Jail and jailers House, for said county The a monnt necessary for this purpose will be about Twelve Thousand dollars besides interest said war rautsto be issued and payable on the Ibh days of January 1887 1888 and 189 and drawing interest at Eight per cent per annum. All pewons bers of quaf general fimj to vote assembly for mem the all qualified Those to vote at said eleotioa voting for tbe issue of said warrants will put on tb«nr Ballots “For Warrants” those opposed to tlieissue shall have on this Ballot “Againfeta Warrants’* Tbe returns of said election will be madje to th County Board of said county by }he managers there of. : This the 4tU day of March 1886. <A D *nnis Johnson E WaterFui 86 Sr., Samuel L Tritnmier. W J White, John A Berry. County Commissioners, Directory, J. C. F*l», Judge Superior Court. C. N. King, Clerk Superior Court. C. L. Terry. Sheriff. W. H. Ramsey, Ordinary. T. .1. Ovbey, Treasurer. M. H. Bramblett, Tax Receiver. , W. D. Gregory, Tex Collector. M. M. Bites, County Surveyor* C B Holland, Coronor. Com mins loners, Bennie Johnson, R. Water house, Sr., S. L. Trimmier, John A. Burr*, W. J. White. Board of Eduoation, M. R. Chastain, Pres. 8 II. Henry, Seo'y end County Sohnol Com¬ missioner, W. 0. Uarrie, U. L. Psngle, John G. Spruill. JUSTICE*. Spring Plnoe—824th Diet., 8 0 Carter J. P. H IleartBili N. P., D C Ken er and John Childers C nstiiblrr. Ball Ground—825th Diet, W D Hartrili J. P., J A Blank N P , J M Weal__and An¬ derson Black Cuimtables Eighth—#84th Dial , W R Lackey J. P. J II Kuhn N. P., JM F»x and John Ingle Coaetsblee. Doolittle—TMnci Diet. W C D Gordon J P. D K Humphreys N. P., J T Morrison Con. stable. To- tb—874lb Dint.. T J Bryant J. P„ D Du: n Constable. Alaculea—lOITtb Diat., J H Oueal J. J H Wilton N. P.,JD Baxter and E S iluw ell Constables 1013th Dist., W Cloer J. P., B F Loughridge N. P., E L Bates and G W Swaneon Constables. Shuck Pen—1039th Diet., K W Bond J. J B Bund and and W M Riobard. Co etablet. Boll Pen—1291th Diet., J W Fincher, J 1». B B Brown N. p., A T Osborn and W II Brown Conetnblea. 4 .-T . Arrival and Departure of ftjUMa. Dalton —Departs — Ta. ’ £. m. daily, artvee 5 pm. daily. Talking Rock—Departs 7 a. at. Saturday, arrive* 8 p. m. Friday. *ny»y—Depurut*. ■>, Tuaaiuy, Thum S»F. Saturday! Arrives 6 p. m, Moaday, w * dn * ,d ‘ T ’ Prid * T ' JaSSTSU: T,,ur * d ^' ‘ *• ^ and Convey mS ances V hire or sale at JESSE Livery Stable Dalton, Ga. Also a wagou is kept in connection The patrouage of people is much desired, and those from Murray Flour for Sale At the Spring Place flouring situated nine miles east Spring Place, on the waters Holly creekj’first class family is always kebt on hand the lowest cash price. A. T. Logan. BENJ. F. CARTER, Attorney at Law. Plaob, GiohAu. MONEY TO LOAN, On Five Year* Time, at 8 per by Corbin Banking Co,, of York, op improved farms in county. Application be made through dee 7, tf. Trammell Stabs. DO YOU MOW THAT LORILLARD’S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf fine Cut Chew lag; Nary Clippings, and Black, Bcowtt and Yellow SNUFFi ara the bait and obeapeet duality considered. LOKILL ARD’S Maccoboy Snuff. Caution to Consumers. As many interior imitations Inve appeared upon the market in pack ages so closely resembling oars as to deceiv*- the unwary, we would request red purchaser to see ihat th it is lithographed tin cans in which packed always b<ar Our Name and Trade-Mark. In much buying the imitation yon pay as for an inferior article as the genuine costs. He Sure You Obtain The Oenulne. LORILLARD’S CLIMAX Ri j d Tin-Tag Plug Tohac^r*. The Vlneat Sweet Navy Chewing To* barco Made. Beware of Imitations. APRIL SIIEKim SAI.E. St»tx or GxoRQtA Muriuv Coowttv WiII he aold before lliu court houa* doorix the town of Spaing Place, to thn highest bid¬ der at publio outcry, h-tween the legal hour, of sale on the Bret Tuesday in April oexi the following deecribed property to-wit: Twenty .even aorie oi lu ml more or leaa bciug parting lota No. 24V In the 9th dis¬ trict and 3rd eectiou of raid county. More fully described iu a deed from Mary J C Oalia to S R Wilaon recorded in Book *:•)” page 462. Record- of deed Murray Superior Court aud being the plaoe on which Mrs. 8 K Wilaon now lives Levied on aa tlie property of Mr» S E Wilenn, to eatiafy a fl (a from tbeSuperi-r Court of said oou- ty in farorof Craoe, Boylrton A Co, va. SB Wileon, ThisMorch 3rd, 1885. Also at tbe same time and place SO ares of land an the property -fM P Bond ad¬ joining * an acre piece of land owned hv‘ TO! Lot-peioh lying in the South fimr o«rnpr of Lor No. S3 iu the 9th d strict and 3rd dec-* tion of Murray County Georgia said land levied on by virtue of an attachment fi fa. Is*ued from the Justice court ofthe 824th dietrictO. M. In favor of J W Patrio against 31 P Bond. Levy made and returned to tue by D CKenrer, L C. Also at the aan^e time and place thlrtf a eras more or less off the west tide of tot No. 33 in the 9th. District aud 3rd section of said county levied on by virtue of a Justice Oewrt fl fa front 1013th districts. M. in favor of A T Logan ve. Joseph T Smith, ea thS proper ««d ty of returned defend^at. 48 V*y jpad» CL Yiauv by constable Bftorfg nr*. ■ - goto Woaten i —r , H GKV ■ - ■ r ^-c 5S, Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Georgia^ NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION 1 Just Received at the Mlllnery Store •! J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. ' A now end elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goods,eonilltlng of Reek Straw B n nnet(and Ladies’ and Children 1 ! Bata [trimmed aid untrimmed] and Saak Ribbon,, Vilret Ribbon,, Reek Tiea, Bonnet Bilke, Our goods Satina, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments Ae. were bought of the largestand beet importing Housei in Balti¬ more and New Yon, and will be aold at very low prises for cask. GUANO • FOR SALE BY Ovbey & Martin Delivered iu Spring Place or Dalton We guarantee fresh goods shipped directly from the works. You can save time and hauling over almost impassable roads by buying at home. J. H. Bergen, Now offers to the Planters of Georgia the most "powerful STUMP EXTRACTOR ever invented. Given up by the Leading Expert Machinists to l e more powerful than any other device ever invent¬ ed. lie will sell county rights or any nniii bi-j- of counties in the State of Georgia. Good live men can make from $10 to $12 a day with this machine rt any ‘ t season of the year. Parties that mean business can address J H. BERGEN, Woodktwn, or Dalton, G« JW“A full size working machine can be seen at Dalton. Ga. j 3 p Petition for Incoryoration. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION o? A COM* PANY FORTIIKCONSTRUCTION OF A RAILROAD FROM AUGUSTA, GA., TO : HArTAXOOGA, TENS.,AND IIS IN¬ TENTION TO APPLY FOK A CHARTER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEGENER ALR WLKOAD LAW OF THE STATE, APPROVED Sept. 27, 1881. W* the undt-rsig ed Paul R Sledge, W M Tiuiberlnhe. A'fi«-d B iker, Z MoCord, Geo. I Bar e*, T 0C»iwc!« Clement A E rune, of Augusta, U»., anil Win A Courteoay, Jas E Bdgartun, Ueo W Williams, Jr., John B Peok ai d J E Adger, of Charleston, S C., do here¬ by agree la form anil d > lierehy form a com¬ pany ior the |iur|iu*e «f constructing, main, laining a railroad for public use iu ineenrf veyamni "I persona and property from the city of Augusta, in the county of Riehtuoud, Hit*! St»ti) of Goorgi » t on h* lit*® as Neat ns |iMciionblK us a atra gi»t l‘H« fo * point iu the county of Cato<»*H, in said ou the line litvidn g ti e State of Tet»ne*aee from the .State uf Gvorgia, and at thnti'tdnt to be ou neuteit with a railroad to be constructed un¬ der the laws of the State of Tennessee either coiineoti“g with pome railroad in tile Statu of T* nne«wve, n w ente iug the city of Chat tMM.oga, itttbeSiate of Tennessee, or te be constructed direet from e«id point of inter¬ section io the !*a»d city of Chattanooga. The f .lb.wing bring the counties through which or into which, the proposed railroad is in¬ tended to be made. Richmond* Columbia, Liucoln Wiikes, Oglethorpe, B’bert, Ai.»di- 8<m Jnckeon, Franklin, Bank*, Hall, Lump¬ kin, DaWfon, Gilmer, Fannin, Pickens, Mur¬ ray, v. bitfield nndCwtuoS". Said Company to be organized and conducted in conlormity with the with all the regulations, prorisi n and requireiuente f the sjatut« *>t the State of Georgia, known »a the General Law for the Incorporation of Railroads, apbioved Si ptetuber 27th 18BI, and entitled av act to provide a general Saw for tbe ino .rporation of railroads and to regulate the 8«uie. The Company thu* formed shall be kaown as tbe Augus'a and Cbatton oga Railroad Cotnany, and the rail,wad c«*ustru ted and by said eotnpHNy thrmugh **aid counties be tween the foregoing dencTibcd points, nhal) be, sa nOHi a8 can be u**w aaceriained, two hundred and tw nty mD** h i* 1 l^hgth. The cRpi'ai atoek ut said Company ahall be four itiibioh^of dol ara, divided into forty thou*- .nd >harei« of one hundred dollars each. Ti.e principal office and reeideuoe of ^aid eoinpany in thin state ehail be it * u ot Augus*., and county of Richmond* In witnemj whereof wc, the und® r *** ne ^> have huiuuutn aigned the foregoing articles of aneoeialion and have affix d uppo* *• 00r aignatures tbe number of shores agreed ^ taken, by uv in said company, together w^h our r spectivs places of eniilenoe: Paul K. Sledge, five shares, Augusta,Ga. W M Tintberlake, fire shales, «< Alfred Baker, t* n shares, u Z. McCord, too sh res, «« Ueo. T Barnes, five .hares, n •< Clement A. Evans, five shares, <■ «> Win. A Courtenay five aharea, Charloiton, 8, C. ^Jne.K. ‘ j Edgertoa, five share*, ChMleaton,; 4 g WiHUms, Jr., five .hare., Churl., M ONE TREATMENT. aanssasBRsdBSEac AWsssSssHSaia* Tutps PILLS 0 tohpid bowels. ,so ^ E J/ .Vr K *- 1 IhU iliauuaua aourcus ---------- arise three-fourttw . of of the human nice. nice lie^S Thin* Those ZSJuE* Appetite, M atowele aioat ? costive. Kick Heed. oehe, fuUneaa alter tellug, uvcralon to eterUon of boh, or nlaa. Eructatin. of food. -r .’ cs ssa jaga5*ig 8iS jgs^aaaa&Etigiag aTSoSk-VS’tBBW nauw*a or griping nor iAhunuu PE ?'i s 2t IME A SEW KAK. ln»^SR3!Stf38.<HKSg JrtnUa <>t pills, and TTTT'S are tbe first that Imve done me any good. They have cleaned uje out nicely. My appetito Is have splendid, food diseats readily, mid I now natural passages. 6. EWARDCFalmm.a I feel like a now man- W. goldcvorywln rc,ane. Qfflre.44 Mumy8t.,K.T. TUTTS HAIR DYL ss®r 53»aBEff!,tsaS 5 Jsas-dSS&S 6 s A EB LAWSHE, k> > Optician and ‘Jeweler, t . —MALM f*— WATGHBS^ CLSCK^, JEW , , -sv- m*’! BI^yAr J# ■3 • ?