North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, March 26, 1885, Image 2

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X.irthttwHTTia Times ^rjrr_:sr T4UKOOV. MkRCH |IMI8U. Obscjn* Language •- Obscene language is defined t-» be such as a high toned pun lie opinion will designate as in delicate autl disgusting, vulture will be delighted with a dish the very scent of which wiH be nauseous to & delicate palate* Our language is the cmbtHHitfent of our thoughts* Our conversation, whether yml^tc ... or private, . pictures the creations desires and inclination ofour souls. Coarse unchaste anJ vulgar language indicates the impurity ot the fountain Iron! whencs it flows, and the capacity of ita vender, to think and the dimensions of their • ,ut,aP * * Having a clear* uu<!t;r*tau<l ing—‘Now,” said the gloom to the bride when they Standing before we settle to married life; are you to be president or vice .president of ,hi s concern.!" -1 neither president nor vie- p‘es i(lent . sh , ^ be content with a *u> tmltii He positJo,,.” “9, hat is that*” .<c 0 ntrol)er of the cum ncy — — ►» * « Conuril BluffvWa, March 19.—The suprotue court, through .1 Mg- ito<h*»ck, all the bench , concurring, • tvn <lere«l »n opinion affi niing the eonstituuoriiilit of the bition law Tit opinion is aweeping, c<*nctusive and plete. It sustains the Validity of Uk- injnmirai, to do* saloons, rnd in every Men, carelessly, use unfitting language - • ° in the presence ‘ of young m-ttin/their people and children, for getting their certainty celtamty to to em em . • late, and the sowing seed that briug ? forth an ill and poison ous harvest. a Ta It is • a pity *a tor a the , dehcatelv , a i attuned aa j etrs ot a au innocent child to be gtated by the foul trash of Billiug gate. Let us be careful as to the language we use. Cultivate nobb thoughts and an elegant manner of expressing them Detest * obscenity. Hate that which degrades the mind and defiles the soul. 1 et y our characters be built of pure material, then they will stand the tests ef time and eternity. Truly Janus s ' ■■ Virtue Neoessary te(T rue Sucoess* ! First: A young’man who desires to be successful in the j s * e&ioinplishment of good must the right direction; thus laying a firm foundation on which the temple of charac¬ ter may be reared. How im¬ portant that the student of mathematics, for instance, have n sound premise in order that a legitimate conclusion be rea¬ ched so that to be successful for good, the yong man must see well, that the right lounda tion be laid. 2nd: A young mao should consider well what avocation in life will best suit his genius. All cannot engage in the same work, for meD differ as much iu taste and temperament they do in physical appe trance. No young tuan should himself a blank; but sh uld no lily endeaver to do some work that will be advantageous to his fellow tuan. When he as¬ certains the Hue that he : s best fitted to follow; then he sho lid more on this course with zeal and perseverance. Having at all times an eye single to the glory of God. £rd; Never become discour aged if you meet with adversi¬ ty. No occupation is iree from misfortune. The farmer’s crops often fails, the physician often loses a patient. Rise from ad ¬ versity with a fixed purpose to do or die. 4th; Be prompt in business, Always, it possible, keep your promise. Obsei ve natures leg tllaiity and get a pattern of life h orn her. The great secret iu most mens lives is theii promptness in the occupation they follow. (Continued.) W, jj, I'lrrix SPeoial Notice to Tax.Payofa. ! to be mmOoderatan4ii»K by moo; Lllhe A P r il “ex* th.H is to more fully The County B :?ard van borrow ” ,0,, *y *° hudU public building# at payable on tba hrs< <iav*of J.*nu ^' I, to 1 .Jvet . it notes payable ku-I i.ear il! r5s * *« afor^th! r the same manner as rue ■tt 1 borrow# monoy-froui another. 1»* ifce void book of the county calied couu a » c of two thirds of lie qual bed v i .r# of #aid c nniv will be r* quo 1 lo anihoriae the ctfmlv i,, ard to give those not* a according maintains the provisions of the i ac f a ® l . t stands i to-day , i on the , j statute la,oks of the 'tate. .., " 4 h: cahl,, . . ' t r : ~ ,,, . . . " tt '‘ 11 H l vw -* „ , 1W b cll| . • inUMt , ^ ol ' / °} 1 ' ' U , 11 n J , , . S ° sol r l d I »i‘M w li and lion y\ f nl 1 eh , os*; ted a 1 i big • uostiiled, *, , . healthy ,a, nu n; • and . these , qualities .. good go a deal further 10wm l develop ing the sort of energy that an administration needs than •night be supposed.--New York Sun. Th« republic, Guatemala, has set on foot a project the end in view Vicing the consolidation of Central American republics, against the d- sires of several of those vepnblics A chieftain is' now marsh idling his forces and it is thought war is imminent-.' The United States will see that thiscentralization schetn^ ulterly fails. Reports from Utah say, that Clevelands inauguraj addtess has created a greater sensation of fear among the “Saints” than all previous proclimations and persecuti ns against them. The reason is, they know, he will execute the law to the letter, regardless of sectional popularity. President Cleveland lusreiit ed a pew in the first Presbyte¬ rian church of Washington, <e which Rev. B. Sundi Hand, for¬ merly chaplain ot the United States senate is pastor I’ll.* pew was occupied la-n Sundii v by M ss Cle< eland and M Hoyt, sisters of the president. It .Si*PtlIS til it G t. 'i>;ir.-io*, presidfllt rtf tsVl.i iiUlitlu, has ttttrtlUJ)! Oil to SCl/V tljnti tilt territory and dt*»l -oj tin rity of quit,-.. in. illair ..I . In Central ^Vmerican rvpiiM cs But the Unit' d Slat s have taken action up, n tli> qu s ion having -ent --.’P** io. ii in stoj>pin r th* in n rceiion. It is reported lin s.t .me majesty was iu Bibb eoimt jail one night last w-ek, tiii? may l> - true, hotvev. i w I .--a he m i!v* g to-l hi- esc^p It • fore the coining o-jl t\ . oth illg pi escllts n tut,i'' a)>pear>hf*e *»> hi.n'ihan l ot Tw eiiint m-.iu-i n part fliers have bet n *1 ,»i« iuii m l in lie iicighboi a * i <• m i-iioH to the hea<lq"ii> ie> ol i li C*"H nasauga liver, i. nd al-o in t!t northern portu n of Murray Gotinty.—Dalton Argu«. ______________ Hon. K Jeff .i ds, a Mi-sissip pi Congressman, died last week. i Notice to Corttractora. P*’ 1 * 4 '* oiCbmmisnoitmB_of * Dli i , u *.jOth day of April; 4wo »torifea high, jvith tin roi.f, *o be compifeted by the is! day of Jai nary 188$ Seventy five per cent cash on estimates by the superin rerident of construction will be p id as the work prugr* i«b is, and filial pay merit will bo made at the completiou and reception of the work. 8p@eiflcatat.ion mad detaii dia-w ng will be on file in ‘he t'rdi narys office in Soring Piace after t he first day ot April next. l’h< Board of Oomnuss oners will re¬ serve ti.e right to reject any or all bids Eacli bidde will be required to tccumpan * his bid by two suffi¬ cient bondsmen who will be re ed to in double the ^a«dIr.lo«e .... !*nd l 1 .hi.ty flvf votes will be r-ouiiwd V!| ;>• o n f jo *t ‘ i i yrurrat^s** - i ct the whole i vXih # v' .r. which inolu-t-mg *ftj' urreht tay ikai to about i»>■ dul and | Wel , < v f v< cents on the hundred *d. I j r p <tv. 1 he qu-s* i . tesfMlied .».» tlM t«X pftVer# »8 sim. v whether pav the whole -ax hi. year, or l ave four y ars to , v iu . There is no wiling bond in the c»se Dkk» ; h Jon>.-«at Chaibmah < B • W li lUaSEV Ormnarv. Flour lor Sale Ai. the Spring Place flouring mills, situated nine miles' east Spring Place, on the waters of Holly creek;'first ch ss family ’flouf is always kebt on hand at the lowest cash price. A. T. Looan. BENJ. CARTER, ’ F. Attorney at Law. ' -SFB1MO PtaCE, G*b»ou. ■t ‘. HOHBSTKAD '-Xr . FOTICS < ; ' • St.ti or Qioboia Moeraj Cocntt H ugh L Bangle h*i applied tor exemption of pereonepty, end letting apart a d valua¬ tion of homestead nd 1 will par. upon the same at 12 O’oloek m on the' l&th of April lS8i at mjr office, Thi• March 24, 1885. W. II. ItAMSBY,Ordinary. -f--------- ! Directary, J. C. Fain, Juvlg* Superior Caart. C. N. King, Clerk .Sujierl jr Court C. L. Terry. Sheriff. W. II. Ramsey, Ordinary. T. -i. Orbey, Treasurer. M. U. Bramb'ett, T.,r Reoeirer tt It. 0 eg ry. T iX C ,llert->r. M. .M B iter, >\-unty Surveyor. C. B ft -Hand, Cor-ieur Coin<ni«-ioi.ere. Iteouie Jnhneen, K Water huu«o,Sr, S. L. Triinmier, Johu A. Berry, W. J White. Boftr/I <»f K DicftLion, M. K, C'-a^Diio, Pr«8. S II. Henry, -ec'y »4»j*l County £ohnoJ Com iniswioTier, W G. liarria, II. L* Paogle, John O Spruill. nmiiCE-, Spri- g P see—824th Dist., S 0 Cu ter J. P. II HeartsiH V. p„ D 0 Ken e» aud John I'hildere C nstub ee. BailGnm d-S.-Std Dist , W b tiartsiii -nd Aq dcrsoi. lilack Co h d - , w u ihmhu-> j. p., " J " F ’ * " **• d -ohii B —7#2u i dl-i w c d Gordon j p. u * Humphreys N. P . J r Morrison Con. nt»ib!e Te th—8T4fh Dim. T J Br‘v»nt J. P.,DC Du n Uo* .>»t»bfe. tilt'll SH- IftHtli D-hvi t J U OutJVl J. t*, J II ib'o \ !>., J D B ami E S H*»w of. C**uetiibU*i* iOldit, Ih-I., M VV Coer J. d. , B F C Lough ridge .V (»., k p, But,< * d tt Sw in.on C sjnb ee. Sliucs Pen— 18301 h Dist ' ^ ^*i J B Bondu I . ..i \ ,1 Ri.-n oil. •' ,.tnh-" ’ B»,«. pun—!29hh Ditr . J W K B B B-own v I*. * V, 1, BruVVt: CvIhKt tb e-, Arrlvtl a»d I>oj> r urt- of A7 iiv DaD»>n—7 n. »n. fitiVyybriv^kS p *r in fly. _ T-i'i i’igR . _ -ok—Departs 7 m Saturday, arrives 8 p. m. Friday EDiJoy—Depart. 7» m, Tues'ay. Thurs¬ day Saturday; A-rlves S p. m, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Onssviils—Deports (Sam Monday, Wed* (tesday, Friday; arrives « p M. Tuesday, Thursd y, Saturday; Connapnogs—Deports • . fl o. IS- Thtjrsihyj •frlves 7 p. a. fboxttis?: 1 '' amount ot toe bid tor faithful com* phanne * ith the contract, within be time specified, or for any dam ag said county tnay sustain by reason of t he non complience qf the eoiit: actor. Atlanta Weekly Gonstiiutiop pie 8e copy font times and send bdl to the Ordiearv of Murray County. This, Spring PI. ce Ga . Fybruaiy Dennis 19th Johnson. 1885. E Waterhouse, Sr , Samuel L Trimier, W J W bite, John A Be rv, Board of Commis¬ sioners of Roads and Riven: es for Murca Obuntv Georgia. MONEY TO LOAN, On Five Years Time, at 8 per cant, by Corbin Banking Co., of New York, on Improved farms in Murray county. Application must lie made through rlec 7, tt . Tiumueix Stabr. ’ Stock and Convey ances For hire or sale at JK. V SE HOLLAND’S Livery Stable m Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon Yard is kept in connection therewith. The patronage of the people is much desired, and especially those 6 out Murray County: ' LORILL A RD’S Maccoboy Snuff. Caution to Consumers. As many inferior imitations kiv*> appeared upon fh» market in pack agt/g so clotu y .resembling ours as to deceive: the unwary, we won'd request purchaser^ to see that th red itUiographed tin cans in which 't i>< packed.’dways )» ar Our Name and Trade-Mark. 1» bn>'Ti!* tlt«im;1 tiii«m you pay as lu'ivu f i tt ini', j-ji'f article a< tip,. ottino curls He Sure You Obtain The fSenultie. LORILLARD’S (’UMAX Rr-d Tin , ,, r Plnar Tobacco. * aL ] Th>- Kiiteot “wee avy Chewing Tin. ba**co Made* * Beware of Imitations APRIL SIIKHIM’B OLE, ST4TK or Gaosof Mr hr at v'ouiuty W ill he -old ho.fote the court h»»o-- dooriN the town oCSpiiojj F'M'ne, t., th* lughA't*! l*i der at on blit* utotv, iw «n fb‘ horn of 8 1 >4‘ ' ■ t lit- fin* J a* i- > t«r XI th»* iiotvi t *t• “i br*ll - ’y - w • Tw. *t'T* I rue” L-st' I) MI X |*l» ! t. i 24 i VV* w ! trie! S • •fV hi f • «<«l f*,oa • _; *. M fll‘>' f|> tl 1 ■ti - G i>tV; M i .» . | r>*rt»y t . I u t >«I! • <*o ••!< il u li U : sc*!" * “ •'••• W! - On %'(■ »<■ ; v<-8 I • V ;• (1 , rt titU • v- Of f’rty •• Mr s rwiV’i, fi i I tom the Sups ... 0,1 1 .aid " e,m £ Y. v ■ V* v ut of ra , » y St,„. a to, vs. , , r. M il ja* TbifAI «rcii ^rd, iKSi# t.lie t-amr time iinfl n ft 20 <»f land a? fhe propertv f M P B *irl .7*1 j I :>i? tr a 2D -rf're piee<' of land owned by T M L t peie.h Vi«,gia th» South w wt et rru'T 1 - I 1.0' No. B6 in th* 9 h d strict ud 3rd sec tim> of Murray County Georgia said land levied •» by virlneof an attachment fl fo, Is md from 'he Ju-iiee o--urt ofthe 824th districtII. M In favorof J W Patrie against >1 P Bond Levy made and returned to n>e by D CKen er, L Also at the same time and place tbirtf « eres more or less off the west a d of tot No. 43 in the 9th District and 3rd seetioo of said county levied <w by virtue of a Ju tiee Ceurt fl fa from 1013th district ft. M. in favor of A T Logan Ve. Joseph T Stftflb, as the proper¬ ty of defendant. L,ty lead by constable eodretttme* t» a*.,;.ULTofitvSEsriff uo TO W ooten AM) Holnei, Wholksal* Dealers is drugs, oils, paints, windqw glass, cigar* '5 AND TOBACCO. • * Dalton OeerslA NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGN’S IN j Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION! Ja«t Receives at the Wllaery Mere «t. , it % , J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, '£*«*, '* -.0 - S¥* . Dalton, Georgia. ■$ / f A new eai elegant aeeottment ef Milinery eruTStree S*e#^,#fStraw Bon>,eti mid Ltdle*' »-d Children’s H*t« [trimmed - *r d an trimmed ] Veek end Smh Ribbon., Vllvet Ribbons, Reek Ties, Boee.t Silks, Setins, Velvets end Crapes, Flowers, Foetbers,Ornaments houses he. Oar, |oods were bought of the largest and best Importing in Bela- ' more end New Tors, end,will be sold et very low prices for oesh. I GUANO V- v FOR SALE BY ' i •- * Ovbey & Martin* D divered iu Spring Place or Dalton We guarantee temk odis sliipped directly from the works. You can save tine . over almost impassable roads by buying £at hornet J. II. Bergen ■ Now o ers to the Planters ol Georgia the most *'p«werJ8i SLUMP EX'I IlAt TOR ever invented. Gives up Gy the Leading Expert Machinists, to I« ipovw power!ill than any other device-ever invent-, ed. He will sell county rights or any bnuw ; her ot cuuutieH in the State of Georgia, - Good live m«fu eau make iiotn |ylO,t#. r $1.’ a day with this machine nariy '.: ?• season of the year. Parties that „ mean business can address 1 '■■■? :■} J H. BERGEN, Woodlatyn, orDitliojo, 6t i^'A lull si*, u f> i kiu_ machine can be seen-at Dalton. Ga. Petition fo^ Incorporation. N ‘TICK OF THE FORMATION OF A COM PANY OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RAILROAD FROM AUGUSTA, GA., TO HArTANO'iGA, TENN..AND ITS IN¬ TENTION TO APPLY FO -. A CHARTER I ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENER¬ AL R vILROAD LAW OF THE STATE, APPROVED Sep' 27, 1881. We the uuderaig «d Pau' R Sledge, W M Tiiuberlak,- Alfred Baker, Z MoCord, Geo. T Bar ea, T D CuewuiIt Clement A Evans, of Augusta, Ga., ami Win A Courtenay, Ja« E Edg-irton, Geo W Williams, Jr., John B Peck a- d J E Adger, of Charleston, 6 C., do here¬ by agree to f.rui au4 do hereby form a com¬ pany ior the purpose of constructing, main, taining a railroad for public use in urn con¬ veyance of persons and property from the city of Augusts, in the county of Riohmond, and St-te of GeurgU.ou a tine aa »eae aa practicable as a stra gut line to a point in the i-onnty of CatO 'sa, in said State, on the line diridiig e State of Tennessee trout the State of Georgia, and at that point to be on necteii wnh a railinad to be constructed tin¬ der th* aw> of rbe Snuo of Tennessee either coiiiiei-ti g with some raiiroud in tile State ofT oeseee, n w enie i qg T-noessse. i lie city of Cbut ir.onga, in theSiute of or to be t-obetruoled direet frmii anid point of inter reetion to the smd city of Chattanooga. The fo mng being the counties through which or into which, the proposed railroad is in temtesl t> he made. Richmond, Columbia, I.iuenln ilkes, Oglethorpe, K'bert, Madi¬ son Jackson. Dawson, Frank in, Bonks, Pickens, Hall, Lump- Mur¬ k n, Gilmer, Fannin, ray, bitfield andCalops.. Said Company to h, .rganisnd and conducted in conformity with the with all the regulations, provui n and Georgia, requirements km-vrii f the statute General of the Law State ol as the f.»r ti,e 1 nt-i.ri'uiution of It i)made, apbroved V p einbi r 27th 1881, and entitled aa act to provide a genera aw fur the incorporation of nilroads uad to rev-a are the same. Toe Couip o, thus foi-iiied ahull lie known as the • As . tt!» No t h iiioi. oga Railiond j Co lo- H ,\ .1 n.-raii,. H.i eo.nstru ted by said n ugh said e unties and he b« >M»: 111 i - g eg he aeseribed aseeitaiue.i, points, shall tSjfi t t'*' 11 >* two no ,1 e . n . t« .ty icitI., length. Coils nd Sh i-e of one hundred d-.Uftia each, T: C p.iueipu off.- and residence of -aid l' iU, -S '• <" -"’I- ha I he in the oily i.l ugu* mid cmnr.y -I K..-Iiiuoh.I. j nitoo-s wh. , i w.-, the undersigned, have hereunto signed the f- iegoiog, urticies of .issiw-iuitoh «d have affix d Opposite our -‘‘gooiures toe ouinhe of shares agreed tube i.'-ken t,y Us in >uid company, together with • •ur r speetive U places five of esidenee: Paul .-led e, shares, Augusts, Gs. V M Tiuibenske, five shales, “ “ Alfred Baker t n shares, <4 II Z. McCoid, te sh res, 4i tt Geo. T Barnes, five -hares, tt 4* C emwnt A. Evans, five shares, M <« ha A Courtenay five shares, Charleston, 8 C. Jas E. Edgerton,five shsrts, Cha'lsston, 8. C. Geo. W Wi llsms.Jr , fire shares, Charles¬ ton. 8. C. John B Peck five shares. Charleston, 8. f. J R Adger. firs shares. Charleston, S. C. Of wke. ,h. foregoing, .kail directors for the first year. -e Election Native. Notice to the qualified votes a ef M uri ar County. This is to give hotic » that as el¬ ection will be held at the varioar voting precincts ol Marray County on Sat urday the 4th da-, ot of April 1885, to decide whether County Warrants shall-be issued to bor rnw money Ooiirl House, to pay for Jail ,.tha baildiug oi a and jailers House, for said'- county The a uif wdl nut be necessary about for,this purpose J welvs Thousand dollars besides interest said war ifti.tsto bo issued and payable on the 1st days of January 1887 188$ and 1 89 -*»d’drawing interest at Bight per cent per annum. All pert b«re ou« the quafified to vote for mem of general assembly all <ju i lifted 4o rote at' sRid election Those voting for the issue' of said warrants will put on th**ir Ballots 'Foi Warrants’’those opposed to f ? «is-ue shall have on this Ballot "Aaai nsts Warrartts” Xbe returns of Siiid election wid be made to the County the Board of said -joiiuty by luarmgerafcbere of, This t!ie 4th day of March 1885- £1 D nnis Johnson Waterhouse Sr.. S&inael L : Triinmier. W J White, John A Berry. Oouuty Oommissionera, ,. mvoicsTorics. State or SstIMi, Karra; C.wty: Namcy MoaTn \ MarraaSuperior Court, vs J V March adjourned Ism J.,». R, .<• Moateb 1884. It appearing to the Court from tbs rsturt of *he Sheriff that tho deft does u.t reside in this county, and it further appearing that footed by publieatiou is the North Georgia Timxe, a newspaper published i. said oooAty, in terms of tho law. March J. 188*. J c FAIN, J. 8. C., C.«. Ths above is • true extraet from the min* utes of eourt. C. N. KING, Clerk. DO YOU KNOW HUT LORILLARD’S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tim Teg; Rose Leaf Fioe OutCkaW ing; Na»y.Clippings,and Sleek, lists Msfi J duality # ''“ w8S0 couUtrMs ^ W * “4 ii 5 " - - ; r _ ;*