North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, April 02, 1885, Image 2

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Jfortii Georgia Times thihsdav. a Phil a ises. Profanity Thu fondness betrayed by some men lor irreverent lang¬ uage is exceediuglv strange. It seems with some, whose con¬ versation we have heard, to be a confirmed habit, petted and caressed with such endearment as would be expected from a ] wing mother to her tender babe. Again there is another class of persons who have, what is falsely termed, a refined way of cursing—the substitution of by-words, prefenng these to oaths that make gentlemen Blush and are so painful to the ears of the fairer sex. 1st. Profanity is nseless. It will make you no money. It will not bring to light the no¬ bler qualities of your nature. It will not add any laurals to the crown of your fame, even if it does add to your notoiie ty, It will not strengthen your influence for good; but wd! paralyze that influence and make it prolific for evil. 2nd. The best society tbe world has ever known has placed a stigma upon you if you transgress her laws of pro¬ priety and politeness by indul¬ ging in this impious habit. Yet. there are men who care not for the feelings of others .and persist in their course of disrespect to ladies, old age, ministers, angels, God, by their use of vile language in their presence or at least in their hearing. flilfPl'fm habit is in direct violation of our Creator’s com¬ mandment. God’s authority is supreme. We, who are the recipients of His love and mer ¬ cy should recognize Ilis right to enact laws for our govern¬ ment and should consider our¬ selves duty bound'to render stiict obedience to Ilis ordain— inents. “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain,” is the highest author¬ ity we can give upon the sub¬ ject before us, and the founda¬ tion for the strongest plea we can make against the use of profane language. If you are in the habit of cursing wheth¬ er for pastime or to give evi¬ dence of the storm of anger that rages in your'soul let me entreat you to determine to give uu the Labit forever. Janus. Virtue Necessary to True Suc¬ cess- 5th. Never learn to misrep¬ resent anything in your busi¬ ness transactions, By this means you will get the, confi¬ dence of the public; and when this confidence is gained the battle is more than half fought, continue to do right and the victory is yours. 6th. To succeed, moreover, it is necessary that one be in¬ dustrious and persevering. Did yon ever see one. young man doing well who was indolent? The history of all our success¬ ful men prove that had it not been for their industrious and persevering habits they would have full-n far short ot success. V !>. You/must not be self i-h ir is right for you to pro tec. y >ur own interests; but you also regard the inter* * st.s u;' other people, When j ui;ng man giius the victory h’mself he has gained a triumph than was ever by Hanibal or Bona parte. 8tb. Do right because it is right, How important lot us so act that we may please Creator, Seek not up plause for the sake ol applause but struggle to do right be cause you are actuated by a noble desire to be good and to do go d. With my best wish H6 for the success ol the young men of our country allow me to subscribe myself, the young man’s friend. W. D. Petty. Perhaps no appointment which President Cleveland has yet made will give more satisfac¬ tion than that of Dick Hub bard, of Texas, to be minister to Japan. Dick is fat, jocular and popular, and to crown all is as good a Georgian as ever left the old empire state to grow up with the country iu Texas. The French troops in Ton quin have suffered a ssvere de¬ feat, at the hands of the Chin - ese, who are 50,000 stroug Tlje French are gti n retreating and may meet with still fur. ther disaster. Great excitement exists in Paris, and tbe defeat of the government is confident¬ ly expected. The Mexican band gave a concert in the Exposition mu¬ sic hall March 29, afternoon. A peiee of music written in honor of Liberty bell was received arranged tor sixty-six instrn ments, rehearsed and perform ed succssfully in the space twenty four hours. Monday, President Cleve¬ land sent, among ninny others, the following nominations to the Senate: Evan P. Howell, Consul of the U.Sat Manches¬ ter, Eng.;A. R. Lawton, Minis¬ ter to Russia; Gen. J. E. John¬ son, Railroad Commissioner. The election of Mr. Cleve¬ land turns out a great many rats that have grown gray in office. The? decapitated post¬ master of Galesburg, Illinois, had held the place twenty four years. The Mohammedans are 1 23, 000,000 in all /countries, but e veniu European Turkey, com¬ monly consi tiered the strong hold of Islam, only one fourth of the population is Mohamme¬ dan. Earl Granville has instruct¬ ed the delegates ta the Suez conference to be held in Paris to refuse to consider any propo isition that might interfere with the customary quarantine regulatins. The latest from the west iu dicate that the Indians are to attack Battleford to day. The settlers and their families are being moved to Swift Ckrreent station. Great alarm is felt. Messts. Garland and Lamar are the two quiet members of the cabinet. Neither ot them will d<^ anything in the way of entertaining. The deudioek In the Illinois legislature continues. Logan xvi 11 persevere and finally com.' in or keep his antagonist out. The French cabinet resigned March 39, and effort is being made to elect a new oue. It is tbonght Guu. Grant dying. SPecial Notice to Tax Payers Whereas (here -ippeats to be a raisunderstandiutr by roany*of the lax payers o t Murray countv in regard to the proposition to be voted on Saturday the 4th day of April next this is to more fully explain the same. The County build Board can borrow money to public buildings at 8 pei cent interest per ar.nom di ?idtd into four tqual installments payable on the first days of Janu ary 1886, 1887, 1888. and 1889, lo.r which the County Board desire to give th ir notes payable an i bear ing interest as aforesaid in the same manner as one individual borrows money from another, In the tecord book of the comity board these notes are called coun¬ ty warrants. of flit A vote of two thirds qual¬ ified voters of said c unly will be required board give io authoiize the counly to these netes according to law 'faking Ihe last general election as tba standard one thousand and thirty five votes will be required •‘For Warrants.** in order to, cairy the proposition. If the number of votes are not given * for warrants" the only alternative left the coun ty board will be to levy'and col lect the whole tax this year, which will rmonnt, including current tayation to about two dollars and twenty five cents or. the hundred dollars taxable property. Th<5 ques¬ tion presented lo the tax payers is simply whether wo pay the whole tax this year, or have four y- are to pay it. in. There is no selling bonds in the case. Dennis JonN -on Chairman U, B W H Bamsky Ordinary. Flour for Sale At the Spring Place flouring mills, situated nine miles east ot Spring Place, on the .jvaters of Holly creek; first class family flour is always kebt on hand at the lowest cash price. A. T. Logan, BENJ. F. CARTER Attorney at Law/! * Spring Placs: Georgia. HOMESTEAD NOTICE ~ Statu of Groroia Murray County H ugh L Pangle has applied for exemption of personality, and setting apart and valuu-. tion of homestead tid I will pngs upon tlio same at J2 O'cduek ui on the 15th. of April 1885 at my office* Tin* March iI4, 1885. VV. ii. It A M S E Y, 0 rd i r»ury. Directory, J. C. Fain, Judg.Superior Coajrt. C. N. King, Clerk Superior Court. C. L. Teiry. Sheriff. W. II. Reiusey, Ordinary. T. J. Ovbey, Troaiurer. M. II. Bramblott, Tux Reeoivet. W. 0. Gregory, Tax Oolleotor^ M. M. Bates, Cnunty Surveyor. C. II Hnlland, Coronor. Coraiiiissior.ers, Hennis Johnso.n, E.Wntcr houso, Sr., S. L. Trimuiior, John A. Burry, W. J. White. Board of Education, M. II, Chastain.Pros. S. II. Ilonry, Seo’y and County School Com¬ missioner, \V. G. Harris, II. L. Tangle, John G. Spruill, JES'IICEV. Spring ?laoe—824th Dist., S G Ca-tor J. P. H llaurteill N. P., 1) C Ken.or nn^ John Childers C nstabtev. Ball Ground—825th Dist ', W D Ilartsili J. P., J A Blnnk N P, J JI and An¬ derson Black Constables Eighth—984th List , \V K XiSnkey J. P., J II KiihnN. P., J 51 Fox and John Ingle CoNstables. 4 Doolittle—782nd Dist., 4V C D Gordon J P. D E Huunihreye N. P., J T MofrUou Con. stable. To th—874tb Diet., T J Bryant J. P., D C Dunn Constable. AlaouUft— lOUtb DiRt., J U Oneal J. P, J II Wilson N. P.,JD Baxter and E S How¬ ell Constables. J013th Dist., 31 W Cioer J. P., B F C Loughi'idge. N. P., E 1, Batos and G W Swanson Constables. Shuck Pen—-1039th Dist., E W Bond J. P., J BBondandaud VV M Richards Cot it|b1ea. Bull Pen—1291 th Dist., J W Finoher, J P. B B Brown N. P., A T Osborn uud VV 11 Brown Constables. Arrival and Departure of Malle. Dalton—Departs 7 a, in. daily, arives 5 pm. daily. Talking Rock—-Depart«7a‘. in. SalurdAy, arrives 6 p. ui. Friday. Ellijay—Dpparta7n.m, Titos lay, Tbur» day. Satnrd iy; Arrives 5 p. m, .Monday, Wednesday, Frirlay. CnssvtJle—Departs Bum Monday, Wed nesday, Friday; arrivta 0 p 51. Tuesday, y, Saturday. j Conn.ipauga—Depart* d ft- Thursday; 1 m. arrireu 7 p. uq. Thursday^ Notice to Contractors. The Baud of Commissioners of Murray c unty Georgia. \Vill Re ceive unti| thb 20lh day of April next. Seated proposals for build iug a court house at Spring Bla, e in said county. 50 feet by 70 feet, two t-torieB high, with tin roof, to be completed by the 1st day of January 1886 Sevanty five per cent cash on estimates by the superin¬ tendent of construction will be paid a3 the work progresses, and final payment wiii be made at tbe completion and reception of the work. Specifloatation and detaii draw tag will be on file in the Ordi nary‘8 office in Soring Place after the first day of April next. The Board of Ootmnissoners will re¬ serve tbe right, to reject any or all bids Evclt bidder will be required to accompany his bid by two suffi¬ cient bondsmen who will be re quit ed to justify in double the amount of the bid for faithful com piianoe »-iUi the contract, within ibe time specified, or for any dam age said county may sustain by reason of the non ocmplience of the contractor. Atlanta Weekly Constitution pie se copy foor times and send bill to the Ordiearv of Murray County. This, Spring Place Ga. Febrmuy 19lh 1885. Dennis Johnson. E Waterhouse, Sr.,Samuel LTritnier, W J White, John A Be- rv, Board of Commis¬ sioners of Bonds ami Revenues for Murray County Georgia. MONEY TO LOAN, On Five Years Time, nt 8 per cent, by Corbin Banking Co., of New York, on improved farms in Murray county. Application must be made through dec 7, tt. Trammell Starr. Stock and Convey- ances For hire or sale at JESSE HOLLAND’S Livery Stable m Daitott, Ga. Abo a wagon Yard is kept in connection therewith. The patronage of the people is much desired, and especially those fjora Murray Couoty. LOKILLARD’S Maccoboy Smilf. Caution to Consuraers. As many inferior imitations lnve appeared upon the market in pack ages so elosw'y resembling oms as to deceive the unwary, we would request purchaser to.sea that Hi¬ red lithographed tin cans in which it is packed always In ar Our Name and Trade-Mark. In buying the imitation you pay as much f >r an inlVrior article as tlie genuine costs. He Sure You Obtain The Gcuuiue. LO R ILL A R D’S CL! M A N Red Tin Tag Plug Tobacco. The Finest -^weet Navy Chewing To¬ bacco Made* Beware of Imitations APRII, SHER1FI<»S SALE. Static of Gkorgia Murray Countyy W ill be sold before the eourt home door In tbe town of Spuing Place, to tlio highest hid der at public outcry, Tuesday between the legal hour* of saloon flic first in April next the following described property to-wit: Twenty reven acris oflatul more or less beiug parti g lorg No. 245 in the 9th dis¬ trict ami 3rd #ecttou of s*«ill co’uotv, M »re fully «lqM bfe ribediua deed from Mary J O Oaiirf K VVtlsntt rennrded in lUn k *:*>” page Record • of deed Murray Superior Court aud being the place on which Mr* S K WJI80I. N««\v hrea Levied on a a the property of Mr* S E Wilson, to gutisIy a fi f t from the Superior Court of aaid eou «y in f J vor of f’ra.’ » , Boyl^tnn & Co, v*. S E \\ R.hou, This M ureli 3rd, IF85. Aim at the some time un.l pbioe 20 ores of land as tlie property f JI |> B ind ml jninioK a 20 acre piece ofluiid uwni-d by T'H L.ilspeich lyirgin ihc South e *M- c'irncr of lot Nil. «5 ill I he 2 h d strict aud 3rd scc lion of Murray Comity Geoigia said land levied ot. by rirlueof an attachment fi fn. Is Iii'd fiiijn tile J ml tee c-iirt oftho 824ih *'• M * n fbvorufJ vt'Petrie against B U"W lyadoand returned to me by D CKen. er, L <.. Also-It the same lime , 0 d pbioe thirtf a Tf 5.1 in mo the ''' nr '**? Distriet the ami ""•"I 3rd ».<*’ siotiou « f tot said No. of eminty levied on bv virtue of« Ja lino Ceurt “• f» Iron, lOlSlb district It. Ji. }„ favor ^ defendant 03 ^ “S Q . f and returned to tpe. C L Txeav Sheriff, GO TQ ; -v W ooten S <« < Hoi I i es, Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Dalton, Georgia, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION! Ju*t Received at tbe Milinery Store ot J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A new nnd elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goods,eonsisting of Straw Bonrets and Ladies’a-d Chitdren’s Hats [trimmed ar.d untrimmed] Neck and Sasli Rihhons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Sro. Our goods were bought of the largest and best importing Houses in Balti¬ more and New Yora, and will be sold at very low . prices for cash. GUANO FOR SALE BY Ovbey & Martin. Delivered in Spring Place or Dalton We guarantee fresh goods shipped directly from the works, You can save time and hauling.ov.tti* almost impassable roads by buying at home* 9 Now offers to the Planters ol Georgia the most F powerful STUMP EXTRACTOR ever invent,«d <*; Given up by the Leading Expert Machinists to l e more powerful than any other device ever invent* ed. >H- u ill sell county l ights or any num¬ ber ot counties in ihe State of Georgia. t«ood live men eun make from &10 to $12 a day \\ itL this iqnchine i t any season of the year. Parties that mean business eau address J H. BERGilN, Wootilawn, or Dalton, Gg BSTA full size working machine can be seen at Dalton. Ga.^Jg Petition for Incorporation. NOTICE OF TnE FORMATION OF A COM¬ PANY F OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RAILROAD FROM AUGUSTA, GA., TO « HA fTA^’OOGA, TBNJf., AND I IS IN¬ TENTION TO APPLY FOR A CHARTER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEN UR¬ AL RMLROAD LAW OF THE STATE, APPUOV ED Sept. 27, li>81 and existing amendments thereof. We tbe undereig ed Paul R Sle<lge, W M Timberlake- Alfred Baker, Z McCord, Geo. T Bar es, T D CaaweHi C ement A Evans, of Augusia, G>»., and Win A Courtenay, Jab E Edgnrton, Geo W Williams* Jr., John B Peck hi d J E Adgor, of Chiirleftton, S C., do here¬ by agree to f irm and d-> hereby form a com¬ pany for the purpose of constructing, main, taining a railroad for public use in toe con¬ vey anon of persona nod property from the city of Augusta, in the county of Richmond* and State of Georgia,on a line as Near a* practicable as astra gut line to a point io the county ofCatooen, inlaid »3tate, uu the line dividing *» e State of Tennessee from the State of Georgia, and at thatpoint to be on nected with a railroad to be constructed un¬ der the laws of the State of Tennessee either connecting with some railroad in tile State of Tennessee, ti w ente ing the city of Chat icivoogn, in the Slate of T«noessce« or to be cohstiutMed direct from said point of inter¬ section to the stud city of ChA'tunooga. The following hi iitg the C'>uotieti through which or into which, the proposed railroad Columbia, is in¬ tended to be made. Richmond, Liucoln V' likes, Oglethorpe, E'hert, M-tdi- 8<»n Jackson, Clatke, Frank ia* Banks, Hail, Lumpkin, Da w.-on,Gomer, Fannin, Piekenw, Murray, • bitfield and Catnos . Said Company to be organized and conducted in conformity with the with alt the regulations, provisi tt and requirements f the spityie of the State of Georgia, known, as the General Law l >r the Incorporation of R Dreads, apbroved September 27th 1881, nt;d entitled av act to provide a genera law tor the incorporation of luilroadri and to regiPate the same, and ex* ing a in cud me nts thereof. The Ui tnpairy thus formed •ball be k mwn as the Audits asd l ballon oga Ruitruad Couiany, a^d ttie raif.oao enstru ted by said eoinpasy iiur<ugli said cutties and t»e tweeu ttlu f •reg'Ong des Tibeti points, shall be. ss t.**iir as cm n be m-w usvettaMic.,1, two hu - died and tw nty mil s to Ldtgtli. .... ihe capital rto. lt , ol , aai.l ... Ceutpat.y rUol . ... be | fotti toiui.o... I ..uliors, <I 1 TI<IO<I <«•« forty I t. OHS i«l abate- of oue Im .div.l ....... ..... The piiueipai uffiee .ltd midt-uce of «»id till, slui 11 iko city , < oo puny in sluie e hi hi «t uigus-.. a...l eouiny <d ttichui«,„l. I« wilne-s wlH ie. f «<■, Hie undersigned, buve heienuiu rigoeil toe t -iea.«< g un cles of uKtMM iittion <ml have affix U nppohite <tur tdgnatures the uumber ofalnoert agreed to be taken by us iu said company, together with our r Hpeetive places of evidence: Paul K. 8letl e, five shares, Augusta, Ga. VV M Tiiuberiwkc, five shales, ** * 4 Alfred Baker t n shares, Z. McCord, to *h re-, Leo. T Bar* es, five hares, Cement A. EvauF, fiv< Utiares, Win ACourtenoy five shires, Charleston, sc " J .s E. Edgerton, five sb re,, Cha leston, g. c. Gto. W Wi liams.Jr, five shares, Charles ton S. C. 1 John U K-. k fi» e shares Uh»r’esl.„i, S . i Of thm/ihe foregulrg^weiV^poHob ubaH b* tbe directors for the |r»t year. Election Notice. Notice to*the qualified voters oi Murray This County. is to frive notice that an el¬ ection will he held at the variour voting pre cincts ot Murray County on 1885, Satuijdfly to decide the 4th day of ot April whether County Warrants shall he issued to bor r»w monoy to pay for the buildings ol a Court House, Jail and jailers House, for said county The a nuaiiit necessary for this purpose w II he about l'welve Thousand dollars besides interest said war l'ttr.tsto be issued and pavable on Ihe Lt days of January 1887 1888 • oil 1 83 and drawing interest at Bight p'-r cent p >r annum. All pertons qual fieri to vote for mem hers of the general assembly all qualified Those voting to vote for the at issue said election of said warrants will put on th-dr Ballots, “lor Warrants’’ those opposed to Hie issue shall have on this Ballot “Against* Warrants’* The returns of said election will be made to the bounty Board of said county by ibe nianatrers there ot. This the 4th day of March 18S5. D ’iims Johns jn E Waterhouse* Sr., k’.'iinuel L Triinmier. W J VV'iiite, John A Berry, County tvoinmissionevs, DIVORCE NOTICE. Statk OP Gkokgu, Murray Coiiatj: . N ancy Moati. 3 5 Murraa Superior Court, V 8 > Mareb adjourned term J as. It. (. AIoatks J 1885. It appearing to the Court from the return of'ho Sheriff th t the def’t does not resid* in title oiu.ty, and it further appearing that abe doea nutr side iu said state- Itisthere f -reordered by theeourt that sorrieebe per Te-ted by publication iu tbe North Georaia Tiuks, a newspaper published in said oouuty, in terms of the Inw. March 2 1885 j c FAIN, j'. S. C.', C. C. The shove is a true extract from the min utus of court. C. N. KING Clerk, * 1)0 YOU KNOW THAT LOIULLARD’S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag; Boee Leaf Fine CutChew inn;Nary Clippings, anil Black, Blown amt bellow SNCFFi ar. the b4«t and oh.apeati duality conaideted,.