North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, April 09, 1885, Image 2

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North Georgia Times 'V-Utns TMLBSltAV. APRIL • IMS. The Court House •h'* *1 t , As the new Court House li 'now the absorViiug topic. I desire to offer through your paper some suggestions lot the cousideratiou of the countv l>oard. ir- H will net be den'ed t hat question of the late elec¬ tion on the subject of the Site of the Court House, was re • iitoval to PleasantjVslley; the old site or some point equally , eligible. Nor will it be de¬ nied, that the chief reason, that tamed the election injavor of opting Place over Pleasant Valley, was a sense of justice in the minds of the people, to :the owners of in . Spring Place, that it would be wrong to depreciate' by re¬ moval, the value of property, bought and improved at, prices enhanced by reason of its itearlrimtt? .|h^cpi|nty seat, it was the Spring^la^i.jltistot sense of justic’atid not; love for ic ally, never very ardent, that gave the latter its majority o ver its competitor. Now if such was the question and such the motive of the people in de ¬ termining it, ought nc»t the new eburt house to be reloca¬ ted aB to conserve: the interests of the property holders in Spring Place, primary anti consult to the dullest' extent,. the interests, comfort and con ' venience’of; the county. Any . ehaDge of site, except to some point equally central, conven¬ ient and advantageous, would not only be an outrage ’W the people of Spring Place, but an . open and flagrant disregard of the erptessed and' clearly de duced will of tbe people of the ctountyv Another reason, why tbe old site should be retained or one vesy near it selected, is the comfort and convenience of those who are compelled to attend upon our superior com t. On the old site the people can remain in the business part of the village, in easy call of the court; m winter having access to toe fires of tke hotels sod business houses of the village, . and in summer where business ’ or pleasure may incline them, Ths ineon venience and uiscom of having the court house in ihe outskirts of the village, rvtuip' well illustrated by refer *nce to tbe two sessions of court, held iD the Methodist and Baptist church houses; to be in call of the court, parties, witnesses, jurors and attorueye were compelled to remain on the spot, away from the com¬ forts, amusements sod bust ness in the village and this % .during the rain and cold aud beat and dust of a winter aud sOramer session^was no small hardship. Several who were fined, have donbtles 9 an achiag memory of this hardship. L n other reason is economy as the couuty !s in no condition and will not quietly brook the ex pense.of buying unnecessary property and at an exorbitant price—proporty too, that is I emote from the centre of the village, that is pent up, lacks water. pYivacy, shade and etc., aiidA.hut is in the judgement of yjjany without the corporate Tunic* of "Spring Place. In com ittsioo we suggest if the board, insist on a change, the JVksoudot as the only feasible change—it is nearly as central aa^tjfcre old - it tidjoms tbe jarl propel ty—it is large enough tor all purposes—has a Hue elevation; sloping away to a myiuc; which by means of a culvert would cleanse the grounds njwly Editors, and coinpletetly. have Now Messers. we made these suggestions iti no in no spirit of dictation hut in a spirit of justice, of deference t, the expressed will, the con¬ venience. comfort, atKi weftl oi the people ut grand eld Mur r»y-. Civr». Chsr.cter Character and reputation are generally considered as posess - ing the same meaning. There 43 , however, a very obvious difference in their Character is what the man really is, and reputation is what others think him t.> be. It is possible for a man to have an enviable teputation; but still have a verv bad character. It of isp ssibU ior a man to have a toad reputation but yet be a good mao. Our estimate of men is often false, because it,is tounded on what they appear to 1.0 not Kb.1t thoy ro»Uy are.; Character then is the pecul iar qualities of the mind and soul, and man can have strict dealt to him, only, by this standard. of measurement. Good character must ..Jiave a «« ^ Then, substantial material, inflexible principles, f virtuous actions, upright ttitcnn tions, that noble desires, self, the, of v which spirit conquers out to rear the grand* supersU^ict me. S.kI. « ot.»Wter not dread the criticisms of the vulgar; nor the foul ,salii.ya .of the slanderer. It need not fear the heaviest and darkest storms of adversity; but should grow stronger and brighter un^| it 'is meet to vise to the World above, and have companionship with the angels and the white robed redeemed; Let us learn that tbeopiuious entertained of us by others, do not make or affect our character; though they may affect our reput;i. tion. Wear, the architects of our own characters in the same sense that we are the architects of our own fortunes. No pow er of earth or hell cau touch yojr goo-1 character, except yourself. You may spend years in growing a spotless character, an<! then iu one un¬ fortunate movement, ruin it all lot ever Many au innocent person has suffered the loss of a go m 1 rep¬ utation by th • fo it ,• isp.ii hi of vindictive enemies; but by all this the character was untouched and eventually when justice with his two *-dcg t*d sword of vengeance, appear cd.on the arena, the clouds vanished, the character of the person slandered shone out in pristine purity, substantial the wondeof all beholders. Janus President Cleveland has withdrawn the nominuti<m of G©u Lawton as ministar to Russia. Th© senate having failed t<> concur, on account of Lawton’s rather active part in a hte unpleasantness be twe©R two sections of our gTanij republic; claiming that bis conduct- while not uhpar donablo, was unpardoned and therefore he was ineligible^ Capt. Evan Howell, • while highly appreciating Cttsefey. the' favor wufe«n] hy his pB©»id nt (’If r©laii(l y H;ijl go-t ttiie' vppoitffeMQot b» England; I >ut will' b- main* The ho„, e people «d «rim of 8t6 This* B to’v,.^ coufatsy’ by sending f. Tile ConKrmiyios s * • , TheiB ,. . hrtnte' ;a^ -U&W*. TO , '* ....'—-*----^ - . , #t , ? "Newark', . N/.Lr April 5 -?~Ex S» or**tarV FnliOghhv;in, i$\ fit;,, lit | .« jffl ,jng» s’.uc*- • this ,i • iu"rut.ig ; and the doctors st fc that b** had field woW fc. w .I,,,. rgM deal and taken a h* tit nounsb m«*nt, although very wenk. No immediate d}inge;-‘ of his^dleath is appieheltded. Washington, Apiil 5.—Kep rtjsmtalive Randall, who has been ew-rioUidy ill is very mucli better to-day, and expects to be able to go out early nest week. Hepry Ward Beecher recently reviewed in regard^to the south says: All the south reminds nw of a budding spring intellectually i morally, spiritually. i •> '< The trouble between EnghtoD andBussirseems to be but tem l^ranly sett ed h tn uje goveriuuer.t being wi.'^oiit a eabineC . The ne'cietary of the navy has order*da number of war vessels to the Isthmus. „ %»**. a t, , , ____ - Grant still lipgera between life and death. - : , _ ^ Prudent Barrios ofUtiAtemnla iy,,^«ad- | rlati' ^ to fight GhiaaWH^vb^dWi ,* i... n-S'..-.-, Dlyc^toryi " •s' .V ’ ^ v ,J. fi. r»7«'J«sg«s ap «a«r.^: ’ c. ». Xlo'f;a«k sap»rt#.r.<^a« 5 - Terry, sheriff. . W ' 11 T. J. Orbej, Tr.u.ul. r M. U. Br.nubl»u, T. « ttvo»-iv«* » i>. on,*.**. t.o m. o-.iu.jy. },».■. k«,r.““rs.T.’ ^2,,,*.I 'itlS''-'um Triwmi*.V^#» ■ v, 1 w • „ „ tSZZ , miwi« n .r, w' o. a«rtri», it. j,. Wangle, John a ' 8pru1 "' , ; H/sllCEfi. Spii g P .ice—824th Hist., 8 G Ca-ter J. P. II llowrtHiil N. P., D 0 K«u jr and John Cbiider* C. art..bins. Ball Ground—875th Dirt , W J) Itartsil. J. P>, J A Black 21 P , J M West aud An¬ derson Black Constables ; Eighth—984th Di»t, W R Uekay J. P., J H Kuhn N. P... J M Fm and John Ingle Cogitable*. Doolittle—79Sn<U>i-'t. WCII Gordon J P. D K Humphrey* S. P., J T M .rri*on Con. ■table. Te th—874th Di»t.. T J Bryant J. P., D C n« n const*bit. Al.aoulaa—1011th Dial., J B Oneal J. P, J II Wilton N. P., J D B ixter and K S How¬ ell Coiotable* 1013tb Dint., M W J. P., B K C Loughridge N P., " -L H»t.» erd G W Swiiiiaon U .-leltle*. * ; » Shuck Pen—1039th liint , L W J P., J B Bonda-i i and VV M KicUurtl-* Co etables. Bull Pon—1191th Di*t., J ifl Finober, .1 P B B Brown N P., A r 0*born aud W 11 Blown Constable*. Arrival and Itep r uro .-f M ile. Daltoa—Departs 7a, m. daity.xrl*** 5 pm. dally. Talking Rook—Departs 7 a. m. Saturday, arrive* A p. m. Friday. Bllijay—Depart* 7a. m, Tueelty, Thura day, Saturday; Arrive* » p. ta, Monday, Wedneidav, Friday. Cmrille—Deperla 4 a m Monday, Wed ne«d*y, Fridsy; arrive* I i|, Tue*d*y. > Tburiil y, Saturday. * Cetn»*eag*—Depart* 9 a. _ 7 Thvahag.. * Notice to Contractors, Tbe Bnutl of Ooraiaissioiiers of V’‘ n< xi, »; :wi .pm* Mm buno. Wiiffirn r«* f. cash •*DVf« : Hnatehi o* the sapm-m cotmtruction Hill toe |# 4 it *s the work pi-urn .-v s. and Aim! p* f me»t *'t rift. , .U* <i tbe -work,, i.vmjpiei.un^ii^ •''pecilcnlatio.i i* cejplimi md of detail the ^ S . ** ,r ^ r ’ \ in;; P;ace after ••«• 'if d! i ■ OoruiuissoiuTS >.’ April - s?xt will The ip u»rrp t< « rl*bt to'reject anyor *11 E<bli bidde-. will be required ss&FJsntvs quited to justify bid in double tbe amount of the tor faithful coin ptm»o.8 ^ith tbe contract, within tbs time Bpeciflsd, or for any dam age said oouoty may sustain toy reason of the non com phenes of tbe contractor. Atlanta Weekly Constitution ple se copy times and send bill to the Ordinary of Murray Oonuty. This, Spring Fince Ga.. if’ebruaty 19Ui 1885 Dennis Johnson. E Waterhouse, Sr., Samuel LTriuaier, W J White, John A Bo ry, Board of Oommss sioners cf Honda and Revenues for Murray County (luorgia. MONEY TO LOAN, Qn Five Years Time, at $ per cent, by Corbin Banking Co., of New York, on improved farm* is Murray county. Application must be made through dec 7, tf. Tumnu. Stabs. Stock and Convey ances For hire or sale at J*ESSE HOLJ- AND’S Livery Staid, tn Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon Yard is -kept in connection therew th. The pationage of thepe qile is much desired, amt especially those fiom Murray Oouoty. t ■ •; F LOHILLARD’S •at- Maeeoboy Siatlf. Uautiou to Consumers. As tuativ inferior im.l.t'- «»> "in e irf 1 o . m... i'. .<•<• , . \ ■* mbb ',.--a nine fir. r qiu-s' iMi.ohaM to si-e that th St n ‘fT* n w.ays j. ai •” dA Our Name and Trade-Mark. • . In huyinsi Iheim'totion yon pay a* tintelt f -r ho inf. i-i> r ar'ioJt 1 » th n ui nt* .costs. Hsr' , ''«ur«! Vott Obtain The Ceitulue. LORILLARD’S CLIMAX Red Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco. The Eitieat 'tovol-i \nvv Clit-witty To b»>-c.* Marte. ■is' Beware of Imitations. Flour for ale At r.h Sjiriiij P1.KV flifUtitig mills, >ii uat> i nine miles t-asi oi Sjn-iiig (Macv,on tin- vva\f‘is tot Ilolly creek; first el. ss tatuily, flour is always kebt on haml at the lowest cash price. a. r. t o« \x. BENJ. F. CALTLb, ' Vn Attorney it Law. Sntsa Placi. Qkosau, IIONB87RAD NOTICE 8»»t» or Gxotuu Motssy Cougtv D Pangle he* applied for exemption of perwiaujity, and *ettiug opart ar.d value ssssssuMiBs n# ■ ' GO TO - ' •*i' 5 ' : • -f Wooten pt UNV H elmec Dealiibc *•- »'*r Wholesalk I* V;**- '.■tjft, HUUGs, oils, paints, window glass, cwaiu ' U. K-*v N AND TOBACCO. iaiwn &".jy Qoor^n ■ - NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS 1H Millinery V W y.- .jhi- Goods -* g tr f ■ ■ 9 LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION! m ' ImI aetfltH it tb* Klllaary Star* •< '. •» J. & J; B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Stemt, Dalton, Gaoigia. A b«w »nd liMriatiOf Mi!tn*rjr Bats »mt [tiinned 8ir»w #«•<>(,illlnf vntriumad] HhI Boncttiaiid Ladie*’*"iJ Children , *• d and Sash Ribbon*, Vilval Ribbon«, Nook TOa. Bonnol Silk*, Satina, VoiTote and Crapo». riow»r«, ?eaih«r* ( Ornanien(« Ao. Oar (Oodl ten boankt of iho large,I and boil importing Bliuill Salll- > moro and Now Tara, and nil I he cold at vorj low *■'' : • ! prioti for e»*b. a G IT A NO H , v ;- 2. FOR SALE BY Ovbey & Martin Delivered in Spring Place or Dalton We guarantee i goods shipped directly from the works. You can save 1 and hauling over almost impassable loads by buying at h J. H. Bergei t Now offers tO’ the Planters of Georgia tbe most *toovrerftM stump Extractor ever invented. Given «p by the Leading Expert. Machinists t* 1 e m»r* powerful than any other device ever invent¬ ed. .He w ill sell county t ights or any nnw byr Good of eouuties live in the fState of Georgia' men can. make from $10 to $1 i a day with this uiauhine t t auy s<-asoii of the year. Partiea’tbat mean busitiesa can addivs* f H. BERtlEN, Woodlftwn, orJDalton.-Q, •,.<“11 '■ •' hiiiu roueliiue cau he seen at Dalton. 6s. * .; ‘ _________ _ __ : Petition fo. fncorporatiO . N‘»TICG< If TUB FORMATION OK A COM CSV orthecos^tkitctiox op a iuii.iMio K.MM AT.tas.TA. «t, to ha tiv»> MiA, tk\ > , am». t *h tM TB.NTt '' T.i ACl’I.Y F*i AClIARTBR 1 ACC '• K W I I U f It K I18N t- H AtoR-HsKO-tO LAW OP Till. -TATE, l*I*It**-• 1.0 27, 1881 unit ext,ti"g ain«nduient* tii<-reof. > H e cite und«-reig eil Paa> R S'eilge, %V M Timb'eriuk ' "Alfred B4n, % MeCord, Geo, T Bur <»», T 1 J yakwei-. Cieun-I l A Kvfiii-, Aii/ju.-Ih, Ga., and Wm .A »*, Jus R arid Edgurliin. J :>.*!' '*V Wiilian;,, Jr., J- lit. 0 iVek R Adger, f CaurlesWe, 8 <: , iur» li> ajiree to f .rta iiiid d-i hereby form a com [,ar.y lor tbe imrpoae of coi.atrueii.ifi, mail, tatttittfi.-nd opersfinfi a railroad for pit Mia usa in theeot veyanoe of |.er8ona amt prooi-rty. trout the city of A uguatsi. in tbe e .iitit, of Kichmood and 8f,»te of Georfife,on a line as soar a, |tviifltieifbio a« a stra gtit t»«o lo a point is the .-»#!,ty of Catuofa, ... rot.i S..t’o, an the line diriding »oe State of Tetmees.o trom th* State of Georgia, and at that point to be on neoted with u railroad to. be oop irutded w« tior the iawr t»i» tlie Ssatfiibf Te Oi'i'.eee emineoting with ^ryne.. raiivo»d in; the State. ofToouesaoe, n w eutp jttg .he city of Oh.itt trnoogtr, ill raid Si>Ate of 'frnnessae, or to b* constructed direetfront point of inter ruction to tbe -aid eity of Chattanooga. Tha following through b. th<> counties in this stem whieh or into which, the proposed railroad ia intended to he made. Richmond, Columbia, bt-rt, Madison Munoln, Jack.on " ilkos, Cimke Og'eiitorpn, franklin K 1 . | Ranks llall, I.umpkin,Dnwron,Gilmer, Kin.tiin, Pick ens, Aiurr.iy, hit fie Id endCiuoos. K/ud Com P»n> to be organised and conducted in con¬ formity with all the r*gul«tiona, pfuviai us »nd requiiernetite f the rtattjte of the Slat* cf Georgia, known »s the General RaA for the Srptetnber Incorporation 27tb of R i I roads, npbroved provide 1881, and . niitlvd ha act to * genera- law for the innorporatiou ‘oi railroads sitd to regu ate the same, and ex- j mg amendments thereof. . I he Company tlms !■ . ..o d shall be known ! #s tbo A Of u.< rrd I hort»h ».ga Hsifrond i Comnny . asd the railmud con-iru trd by said couipniij foregoing tbrrough sold comities and be tweoi. the tie- TtU-tl point*, shall be, se i.eirns cav be n a asctnatueil, two hundred and tw t.ty mil - in l.-ugih. the enpitui rtoek ol Ceiupuny shall be fwut foul liiiijibttsof U.iili.iiinJ Hollar.,, mlmr-, divided divided i«m uun forty forty t/ious ud iFlt«r.t*8 ot otic liQiitiiTti 'L’ititij* 'i tit piifteipuJ ofiiu- md t t pidtuoi af »uid •uutpfin; in Thin nh« I he <n in the city wl ^Ithetos Hmt ctuutv »f Ra4wtofid. 1 li. t wr, the ujidiTsigiHjil, oraespeiafion uttYe teteuntexjifgtK-d the tor ego trig rirticiev aud h*v* *4Si d oppotlt* »ur •igunlari)*'the ttuuiber ofahnrea agreed- to be', taken by u* in aaid eotnpany, together with OUT x r r fUuulift rpvvtive Uln.COM place* of of v'ttsidanrn- --evidence: Paut H. sfctlje, live -iiHrcs, Augusta,Ga. W M Timberiekv, l*i'*h*ir.a, •* *• Alfred Baker, t- a iheret, « . .V* Z. McCord, ten sh-res, ML ‘S. Geo. T Borne*, tre there*, M «« T D Caiwell, ire choree, Clement k. Bran* , ■ b ive iva ehafti, ChaHaatou, g J*e. B. Edgerton, Iva •haw*, Cka;lesion, 8. C. Gee. W Wiitiaml, Jr., tv* (her**, Charles* .JSSgssMSxaac^ ...... homestead Hoticb. Isaac W McLain lias " HDnli.rl : o ; i -xotofcljon of penonnltr and ^eltinE iipirt and valuation of ••omontftifl, and. I will n 88 a upon ^ f '• R » <la r v atl2oY °c ^ r, L |ock ®>ght-teas M on hon- the l - ’* e -md , oighty-flvo at my office W H Bunaey Ordinary ER UW8HE, Optician’and] Jeweler, —'-DEALfilt IN— watches, clocks, jiw .ELRf Aa. V tthillllf What., AHaaka, •» DIVORCE lOlkc'R, 3T»T* of GaottU-, lam; ^ Ceaaty t -^' Nclf Moirca l MutrrhpSuperior Court, J-s. R, v < - Moatih I > 1885. .March adjourned lefts ^ artsearing to the Court frota tha return F *o.c SherU th- t the dsft dans uot roelda V *he n doe* oouoty,and it further appearing that fore antr side in said state: Ittithin ordered hy the court that aereUahe aer £»cted Ttuoa, by a newspaper publication published in the North Georgia *••’>»* j a aaid oo*a», ,n of tha law March J, lM£ Tha J C VAtN, J. 8. C., C. 6. above i».» true ex treat fro* flue »l* utea af court. C. N. KING, Clerk. DO YOU KNOW nut LORILlarD’S i CLIMAX • • >- .r ’ ••■‘ir • PtOG: - ■ TOBACCO J »*:h Byd tin Tog, Rm»: Leal Steak* flu* ««tCh*^; «WlifSlMUiMtta M WMF «h»^*' i / ;