North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, April 16, 1885, Image 2

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mi' 1 l> >2^ THURSDAY. AMID 16 s I6SS. ; ■ ; ■ - . —* Our home Land Twenty years ago. 9 tb of this mouth, since our noble Lee surrendered at Appomattox. At that time the condition ot rhe South was indescribable, gloomy. Her fortunes shattered, thousands of her noblest sons lying ou the field of battle or else hurriedly, roughly covered by the chilly sod, the earth dampened by the tears of wid¬ owhood and the heavens reech oiijg the sorrowing cries of des¬ titute orphanage. Mother mo jrning for children slain, and father bent with age lilting dim spectacled eyes to his God for needed help, and then glancing down the long narrow lane, hoping almost against hope, t: see him that was to be the stay of his declining years, making his way to the bright and happy home, to receive the loving embraces of a fond moth¬ er and the tearful benedictions of an aged father. Dark indeed were those days; but they were harbingers of a brighter morn. Stepping from the gloomv past to the bright, prosperous present of out south land, our hearts should beat with joy as we survey her wonderful acheivements aud her still advancing glories, Her progress on every fine is phenomenal, and she is prepar ing for still grander victories in the future. Coutrast the pres¬ ent outlook with that of two decades and see it there not much ot wlfrttr we nr«y justly proud. Grand old land of historic memories, the home of patriots as pure as ever blessed the world, the mother of statesmen who art* worthy to attend the courts of a Solo - raon, the mother of orators whose eloquence has been heard around the globe, the mother of poets whose tenderly pathet¬ ic strains are sung by the peo¬ ple of two continents, to you are bound, by the golden chain of filial devotion a million of earnest selfdenying hearts. For you rises morn and eve, thoiw* audsof anxious faithful prayers, in tbe answer of which prayers will descend upon you bre- zes of still greater prosperity from the hills of God, and your histo¬ ry in the future will be lighted up by tbe brighter smiles of uneqnaled ea’thly rappiness. Your crown of lejoicing will <>e geraed by your multitudinous merits, overhung by tin* ma¬ ny colored rainbow, laureled bv the flowers that bloom on your bosom and interwoven by the loving wreaths of your children. Newspaper Laws- 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the con¬ trary are considered as wish¬ ing to continue their subscrip¬ tion. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their period¬ icals tbe publisher may con¬ tinue to send them until all arreaiages are paid. ft. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to which they are directed they are held re¬ sponsible. 4 If subscribers move to other places without informing former dir they re .held responsible. 5. ’he courts have decided that dusing to take periodic alsfi in the office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, it is priinu facie evidences of in tentional fraud. 6. Any person who receives a periodical ami make u<e of it, whether he lias ordered it or not, he is held in law to lie a su'« icr. 7 If subscribers pay in ad~ s they aie bound to give nolict* to the publisher at the end of their time if they do n t wish to continue taking it, otluhwise the publisher is au¬ thorized to send it on, and the subscribers will be responsible until all express notice, with payment of an airrears, is sent to the publisher. Augusta, April, 10—The di ectors of the Augusta, El berton aud Chicago milroad, met to d- y, and passed resolu ti< ns gi v i ng 1 he su bsc rbers who had not piid the install¬ ments called in, sixty days g ace. Afte: that time the stock is to btr forteited. Tim prospects of this road being built independently, are but a syndicate expecting T o build the Chattanooga Ai‘ Lin« t om Augusta to Chatta¬ nooga, have th< i eyes on the cha ter ol the Augusta ami Elbetton. This Air Line, P esident James Ve dery, of the Noilheasle’ n and C. thinks will be built sooner or late*’, and he looks with much in the future ot his line. Qhnttfcnooga, Teun., Ap il l/o w . n|Smm , 8W iv- -^4*1 of way are being p ,sted in alt the counties in Georgia traver¬ sed by the proposed railload from Augusta, Ga., tothisc’t v. It is the p’ ejected line of the Memphis and Cbmleston rail oad, which now te»miimt**8 at Chattanooga. A link has been built fpo© Cha* lesion to Au* gust a. f i hose at the head of the enterp:i-e are leading capi¬ talists in Geo gia, and anuouuce their intention of building the fine. Tiie company is capital¬ ized at five millions. Just now itst*t ms that war is inevitable in the four quar¬ ters of the globe. Russia and England are making active preparations and if they come to a hand to hand confliot it will be no childs play. The Cential American republics an* fienzied with excitement. Par¬ ties of red men of the wild west are on the war path. While there are wnis aud rumors of wars in other paits ol the world. A no7el school has be«n opened by an English professor in London. His avowed pur¬ pose is to bestow upon his pu¬ pils an infallible memory, lb hits a class ill “never forgetting" and another composed of per¬ sons whose minds are given to “wandering,” which habit he proposes to cure. New York, April 10 .—Mr. Richard (riant White died of gastritis at his house in this city, aged sixty three, ilc had been ill all wintel. For neatly thirty years Mr. White has been constant!) before the public as a writer of magazine and newspaper articles upon literary and art matters. At el 80 wnsaiion for the week m & pist, is ih>w over and is * have bee n a brilliant 80m eople call make a l|jjj. iant affair out of anything tlk eit in hand; but it is cel a questionable p^ocedu to "Tap dancing in the \|,r h robes of charity for tiie posts of lifting the veil o% ut . ft cm the hearts of soiTo PS poverty hr >und them, fLet the pouR b=* called ton all means, but let it be ip ne >m the puiticipal faculty not of simply the mind to gR&jjy tint p!easuRe,j j t i cessantly calls foR JI1( ] that will biting down upon t j lt . chuRclt the deadliest toRij Q f wonldliness. Ex Wall Rtreet kyj„ has been fount! 0 n|t r cou'nts of i^ffietment. The penalty each ci^fjjj; imprisonment jo n from five to 'ten yeaif tya k Twain says after spelt nn g a whole night trying to P M rtmunee some Russian nain'-s 16 AVoke up next morning with lock jaw. (President Cleveland’s fame plac. d «>u :<n enduring A new 2. ly i ■r tire oil hj-1,1 bus been i me*. _ f>r liiiii. An itgiioj-tio WaS xp diet! a Masonic Lodge in Can-* ‘wla last week. lie proposes *!o appeal to the graml lodge. China’.' Emperior announces that defeated France is suing for peace. Ex. Seciotary Frelingliuysen is thought to be dying. -------- Directory, fy " J. C. F»tn,JudgoSuperior Court, C. N. King, Clark Superior Court. C. L. Terry. Sheriff. IV. 11. Rmnaey, Ordinary. T. J. Or hey, Treasurer. M. II. Bruuiblett, Tux Receiver. W. D. Qregiry, Tex Collector. M. M. B.tes, County Surveyor. 0 B Holland, Coronor. Couimiesloi.era, Deonie J.ihnme, G Wnter house, Sr., S. L. Trimtnier, John A-Berry, IV. J White. Bo ml of GduaHtinii, M. I>, Chastain. Pres. S. 11. Henry. Seu’y and Countv Sishnol Cnin iu)i«ioner, W. U. Uurrie, II. L. I’auglu, John 0. Spruill. jusiices. Spring Place—824th Diet.', S G J. P. (I ffuaruiil N. P., 1) C Koti er aud John Childera C nstubleji. I Ball Ground—8-5th Diet, VV D Ilartsil, J. P., J A Bhti’k N P, J M West and An* dernou Btark Coiistubiud Eighth—984ih Dial , W H baciey J. P., J II Kuliu X. P., J M Fux aud Juhu Ingle nSataliie*. Daolittle—792nd Di*t. IV C D Gordon J P. D E Humphrey. N. I*., J T Murrieon Con. stable. Te th—874th Dial.. T J Brjaat J. P., D C Du -a Cunatiibie. Alaoulsa—1011th DigL, J H ’Onea) J. P, J II Wileun N. P.,JD Baxter and E S How¬ ell Constables. 1013th Diet., M W Clner J. P., B F C Lnugbridge N P., K L Bate, and G W Swansuu U <ustabtes. Shuck Pan—1039th Dial , K W Bond J. P., J B Bond u.i l and VV M Kiehurdti Co stablus. Bull Poi.—1291 ib Di*t., J VV Fincher, •» I*. B B Brown N. I*., A 1 Oab »ru mid VV II Blown Canal,tb c - i . Arrival and I)«-p .rture i.f Mails. Dalian—Departs 7a, in. dal'y^arivesi pm. daily. Talk ing R.ek—D-part* 7 a. ip. Saturday, arrives (1 p. m. Friday. EDijiy—Depart. 7e.m, Tniyt.l»y, Thnra day. Saturday; Arrlvei 5 p. m, Monday, WedneedaY, Friday. ra.rville—Depart* (l n m Monday, Wed neaday, Friday; arrive* fl p )I. Tuesday, Tburad y, Saturday. Connasauga—Depart* < a. hdey; wrlree 1 Tbaraday. Notice to Contractors. Tbit* U -niit ot CornoiiShiuijeis of ! Murruye a toy Ge rgi t. Wit! Re | ci ive mu it b ftOtk day if Api* | a xi. S Hleii <atV for build Mi|t H C lUt 111 OK*, rtt feel, htpl'intf fjy 70 l.iH.-eJ feetd in said cunt). 60 iwo i turns high. *illi toi r«» f, ti'l be contpir ted by It*: 1st day of JaMltry 1880 bryvOnty fiv . par cent easii efUnil'UHi ny itie sUgprin ier Jeiit of construction will be p id as the work pro«r*>8di«, and final paj tuunt will b** iu-»d« at tbo completion aod reception <i»d of desao lire work Specifics I at inn in tlte Ordi draw ne will be on tiie naiy‘8 ffli e in Spring l*iace afo r the first d'<y of April Dtxi. Th« iioHiii of Couiniiaa »>» tra w i!l re¬ serve t e liaht to n. j«st any or sill bidB Rich bulde will b« required suffi¬ 10 imnupHii * his bid by two cient bond.‘•men who will be re qui ed to jaiUfy in double Ibe amount of me bio lor faithfnloom plianne *■ itb the contract, witnin •be time said specified, or for scstain any dam by age county may lh< reason of I be non complience of Atlanta Weekly Constitution pie secof.y four times and aend bill to the 0 dlcarV , f Murray ( ontoy. This. Spring PI ice Ga, February 19 ib 1885 . D.miius Johnson. E Waterhouse. Sr , Sum ml LTriiuier. W J White, John A B« r.V, Board of Commia sinners 1 f lioiuls an 1 R. venues for Murray Omiutv (Jeorsia. MONEY TO LOAN, On Fiye Yours Tim®, at 8 per cent, bv Corbin Banking Co., of New York, on improved farms in Murray county. Application musi be made through be 7, t.f. Trammell Stahr Stock and Convey* ances For hive or sale at JESSE HOLLAND’S Livery Stable in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon Yard is kept 111 connection therewith. The pattonage ot the people is much desired, and especially those fioiu Murray ------- ___..J.:,.. ,, LOKILLARD’S Maccoboy Snuff. Caution to C’onsumers. As many inferior imitations hive appeim-il upon tin* tnaiket in pack ag(-s •leceiv'- so ehmtt'y rescmblinp; ours as Pi ill** nnwarv. we would nqtiPBl pinchasci to see llial th r*-i| Hliotriaplied tin cans in which il is packed always b ar Our Name and Trade-Mark. In bnyinsr I lie imitation yon pay a« mill'll f tr an.inferior article as the (lonuine costs. He Sure You Obtain The Genuine. LOKILLARD’S CLIMAX Red Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco. The Klnest Pwcel *avy Chewing Tn_ banco Hade. BeWatfe of rinitations. Flour lor Sale At the Spring Place flouring mills, situated nine mil. s cast ot Spring Place,on the u ate i> ot Holly cieek; fust cl ss tatnib flour is always kebt oil han<l at the lowest cash juice. a. r. i on an. BENJ. F, CARTER, Attorney at Law. Spiiino Place, Gecroia. HOMESTEAD NOTICE Stay* of Gkihoia Mnnnay Cnuvrr Hugh I, Pangle ha* applied fur exemptien of per*oH*iiiy, sad setting apart a d va’a*. 1885 et toy offiee, This M»reh S3, 1885. W. TI. KAHSEY.OrdiuAT]. c ■ V • •: 9 S ? ?| U 0 TO - % V * H *’“ ' ‘ ’V' . Holmes, Wo. i I esale Dealers is r ■:& 01 IA ‘nINTS, WINDOW GLASS, CIGARS : 4 i"f , and tobacco. ;: r w Dalton, Georgia. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION! Jut Received at the Milliierj Store ot J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85 , Hamilton Street, ■il: Dalton, Georgia. - A new and ologaat aunrlment of MHIoerj and Straw Goo't:,eon«tstfng of Straw Bonnets and Ladio*’ »-rf Children’* Ilatr [trimmed a d untrimmed] Reck and S»«h TUhtwin*, Vltvot Ribbom, Featbara,Ornaments Neck Tie«,.Bonnet Ac. Silks, Saline, Velrefa and Crapaa. Fti>wcr«, Our good* were bought of the larceatand beat import in* Houses in Balti¬ more and Now Tors, and will be sold at very low prices for casb. J. S. Barnett 9 ■I if GEORGIA. Agent for WALTER A. WOOD’S Harvesting Machines, Reapers, Alowers and Binders. Also agent for FRICK & CO’S Eel ipse T action and Planing En gines; V pirating 'i hreshers, Cotton Gins, Grist M JD, Can* M ills and a General hue of Machinery. J. H. Bergen, Now offers to the Planters of Georgia the most powerful STUMP EXTRACTOR ever invented. Given u.p by the Leading Expert Machinists to he fn'ore powerful than any other device eve; invent¬ ed. Oe will sell comity lights or any nnm, ber of counties in tlu* State of Georgia. Gj 4 *d li ve men can make from $10 to * <1 mean business can address J H. BERGEN, Wootilawn, or,Dalton, Gf HT”A full size ivoiking machine can he seen at Dalton/Ga._ g* J Petition for Incorporation, NOTICE OF TIIE FORMATION OF A COM¬ PANY I OR THKCUNSTRUOTION OP A RAILROAD FROM AUGUSTA, GA., TO * II A TTA AIOOGA, TKN V., AN !> ITS IN¬ TENTION TO APPLY FOw A CHARTER I ACCORDAV'K WITH THKGENIvR Al. RULHOADLAWOF the hTATB, APPRO 1 KD Sep'. 27, 1881 uiid existii.g nineutliiicnt* tliere»r. " e Ihe iind.-mg rd Piiu' R Sledge, W M Tiraberlelc". A*f<vd Baker, Z McCord, Guo. T Bur e», T DCarwi-lll C.ement A Evunn, of Aiivuutn, tin., Mid Win A Courtenay, Jna E and Kdprnui, J E Adger, Geo W of William*, Charleston, Jr., S C., John do B here¬ Peek by (tgreejn form nod do hereby form a cotu pany taiiiiiigenditpyrhtinga fdrWf-purj^e pf Constructing, lnH j n . railroad for publie use in t'ne conveyance of persona and property front the city of Augusta, in the county of Richmond and State of Georgia,on a line as near aa practicable a* agtra gut line to a point in the t-ouniy of Cntonaa, in said State, on the line dividing *i e State of Tennessee from the State of Georgia, and at that point to be on neeted with a railroad to be constructed un¬ der the laws of the State of Tennessee either connecting Tennessee, with some railroad in the State of n w ente ing the city of Cbui trnooga, in said Slate of Tennessee, or to be constructed direct from said point of inter¬ section to ihe said eity of Chattanooga. The following hi ing the counties in (hit stats through which or into which, the proposed railroad is intended to be made. Richmond, Columbia, l.iucoln, W itkes, Oglethorpe, E' linrt, Madison J nek-on Clarke Franklin Banks Hal', Lumpkin,Dawson,Gilmer, Fannin, Pick one, Murray, •• hiifieldnud Villous-. Said Com pan> to he urganijed and conducted in con lormity with alt the sogubitinns. provisi.ns and requirements ■ f the statute of the State of Georgia, known aa the General Law for the Incorporation of R ilroads, npbruved S.piembnr 27th 1881, and entitled av act to provide a genera law for tiie incorporation ot railroads and to regulate the same, uudex iug etoenduieiiU the repf Tiie VouipLiny thus formed shall lie known as the A 11 , 118 ' a Nit Clin I ton oga Railroad Cumanj, hm! the raiiinud const iu ted by said coin pa ay ihir.ugh raid coin.Ins snd be laeen the f’<regoir.gdesorib.-d points, shall be, ss i.-ar as can be »..w aserrluniud, two hu> died nnd lw nty mil s in lengiii, Tbe CMpiral stork «l said Oetupany shall be four iniiiiiins. f .loli.irs, .livided into Torty n ous nd share- of one hundred dollars each. Ti e pnuripsi office . and residence of -aid company in this slate aim I be in ill tbe eity ol ‘tiigus’i. and county of Richmond. I. will,ess wheieof we, tbe undersigned, have hex inno signed tbe foregoing articles of association and have affix d opposite our signatures the number of shares agreed to be taken by us in said company, together with our Paul r spcctive places of esidence: It. Slcrl.e, Bve shares, Augusta, Ga. W M Tiuiher'ake, five slimes, •• ** Alfred Baker t n shares, ii Z. McCuiil, te sb re», Geo. T Ban es. five -hares, ii T D Caswell, Ire shares, C ament A. “ “ Wiu A Courtenay fire shares, Charleston, S, C. Jag. K. Edgrrtou,five shares, Cba-lestan, 8 C D*«>. W Wi Ham*, Jr , flve shares, Charles •«» S C. Of whom the foregoing twelve pursuit, abal I be tfee dUeoeut# fug lh* first yaar. HOMESTEAD NOTICE. Isaac W McLain has applied tor (xembtion of personalty and seltiiifr apart an-i valuation of iiotnesteafl, ami I will pass upon •hesura* at 12 o’clock M- on the 29 th day qf April eight-teen hnn 'red and ightv fl<r e at my office. VV H. Ramsey Ordinary ER LAWSHE, Optician and Jeweler, —DEALER IN— WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW ELRY&c. 4 Thallite WhSt., Atlanta, Ga DIVORCE NOTICE. f-"' :*? Stat*OF Gxoaeta,Murray County: Nancy Moatks 1 Murrap Superior Courts Jas. To I R. ,, Moatcs J > March adjourned term t; 1885. It appearing to tbe Court from the retura of he Sheriff that tbe deft doe. not reside in this o..«aty, and it further appearing that she dura „.,t r aide in said state: It is there f"re offered by the court that service be per¬ fected by publication in ’the North Georgia Tinas, a newspaper published in said oounty, >n terms of the law. March 2, 1885 J C FAIN, . The above . is . true J.S.C., C.C. a extract from tbe min¬ utes of court. C. N. KING, Clerk. DO YOU KNOW THAT LOKILLARD’S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO wi h Red Tin Tag; Ro*eteaf Fine Cut Chew ' e H 0, sSi\Dr Fa an the belt nod cheapen* duality .uusidesed.