North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, April 30, 1885, Image 2

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North Georgia Times APR! V# 30 IW5. A Hungarian Bridal Procession. The h,idemother greeted the I J-ttle rose brine cordially, and the count, after speaking with S carriwjes t he groom, handed her into his | where she was seated ! „ t the right of the b idemother the count sitting opposite to ner. 8be showed some emotion but bore herself with a Simple, graceful dignity which would have done credit to a fine lady. Then began our progress to the church, at the other end of the little town; the bridegroom and bridesmaids walking near the eount’s carriage. Young beech trees had been cut down and set in the ground, forming an allee of tender g v een foliage, tiom house to ehu ch, tlrough which we passed. At least 1, 000 people were on foot ab.»ut us, throwing torpedoes beneath our horse’s feet, singing and shouting, and sonetimes dan cing in couples. I can give you no idea of the noise and con - fusion and of the discordant music; of the mad plunging of our horses, of the wild capers of the ponies of the bauderinm ; and, but for the continued and smiling complacency of those besides me, I should have ex¬ perienced terror rather than enjoyment of this very novel aud very un-American bridal precession. The old chained Bible of Can terbury Cathedral, which has for so many years been careful¬ ly preserved in the Cathedral Library, is now undergoing renovation. Dean Payne Smith and the Bishop of Dove, con¬ templating its leplacement in its original position upon what is known as Cranni' i’s desk, in the northeast aisle ot the Cat he dral. The book is one of large size and consideiable and would appear to have un¬ dergone very rough usage, probably at the same time of the rebellion. A caret j. 1 exam* imition . . shows that i.t the cover must then . sr , been torn «. ave ou, the , strengt ET of ... at 1 least . three . 1 men having been, it is thought, necessary to have wrenched asundcr the five thongs with which it was fastened. It is one of those known as the sec ond edition ol Cianmer’s Bible, and contains two very fine en gravmgs—one of the Earl of Liecester and the other ot Lord Burleigh. The fonnei portrait was very much obliterated, but the old paper and lines have been restored with great care and success. The clasp and chain fastening have also been torn from the volume.—From the London Times. Loudon, April 24.—At a great meeting of rb-h aud influ* ential land owners, held iu this city to day, and attended by such persons as the duke, of Argyll, the earl of Carnarvon, mat the marquis of Ripon, it was resolved to lake steps for tho immediate formation of a large corporation to lie called the National Land company. for the purpose of securing the glad it'd breaking up of “large partial svstern of land j ownership, row inju:iou*K prevalent m G-cat Bnunn. O ne present modi* of tin* n* vv organization is to bnv i:t> th<*; 1 tv I at wholesale and sell it i m tn I lids not t(> exceed io tv B *l The Typlottl Creole. There she goes now, on her K* to the Jesuit church a round the corner. She is a little Creole rosebud <»f the shy, fawn type Note lnr modest dress, simple mexpen sive and in fault less taste. Tliem is no marching, no strid itig in her walk, she nittves like a thor< ugh'-red me r, with an elastic undulation and swing in her movements that is lovely to see. Sin* looks neith er to the light nor to the left, and doesn’t even know tin meaning »d that odious >h»ng word, •‘a mash” which ha* crept into • nd corrupted th* English and the mo id* «>( iii« many young women whose hml breeding permit’s tln-m t<> use it. When this little Cr-ole rosebud comes out and faces the ]*>ng line of “masheis” in fiont of the church she will simply not see them. She i* a hundred years b< hitul th<*m — New O leans Times-Democrat. Our readers, probably, ex¬ pect an edi to tial this week on the condition of affairs between Russia and England, but they no doubt will be disappointed ‘ | We a T e averse to the underta¬ king. Latest dispatches sat that active preparations aie being made by both nations and that war is almost inevita¬ ble. England makes her de¬ mands and Russia obstinately refuses to make the demanded concessions. We hope, liowev ei war will be averted, and that peace will fill the homes of the nations with gladness. Our reason for not writing an editorial on this topic is: We would be compelled to use some Russian names and we fear we might o share the lainen table, fate of Col. Marcus Twain “catch a lock jaw” that would close the priuting office, Winnepeg. April 24.—An Other Hudson bay '* Wiireho.lSC was burned to uight. A scout . just . the oilier , party 111 says IS * on the , south 1 side • 1 in carnp c r Battle to night , and , will : , river cross to moilow. The scout has returned to icport the sil uation here. Mounted Indians are riding excitedly about the hills south of here. Signal fires are seen in all din ctioti s. The garrison have been kept mi der arms all night, and the situation is considered critical. Judge Roulans’ house has just been fired A Fargo, Dak., special says; A ton ist just returned from the national park reports that the Indians in Montana arc quite uneasy. The emissaries trom ltie] have been among them inciting the bucks to go to war against the dominion. One hundred and and fifty of tlisin mwl the Northern Pa cihe .„ tracks t , o Sunday, v , bound , north , tno 1 ) ?li trouble con tiuues many va»riois ot r ut Wy-: M>» nml the , Black; n 1 * 1 i osnnv' iiutia a ills will to join . . I i go n a ps Washington, April 24.—No! ther action In beu'i taken in the case of Loll.ctot ( , who <> ’cliut-d t( ie-i at the: qur-st. o> Hie leta' v <>( fin*, tr ••»*»:ry. *ident,i I; lias| been !< tied to )he p.-« and i. ;* understood fiat order . the , will suspension o) Cla, . e- SjE. E. BROWN, The Jeweler. Dalton, Georgi - Watches, Clocks, Silver Ware, Sp ctacl s, &c. P rsotial attention given t<> rei»airing. store next door to bank. Wm, C. Martin, Attorney at Law. Spuing Place, Georgia. Immediate attention given to all legal business. Elnarging Pictures. All . ,, who , Imve , ,, t ,,e..„„ s tuey desire to have enlaiged, ® ’ rater , to . J T F Moutgomcy, Coo 0 suwattee, D Goruon , county, Ga. , w Wo . 11 L clone the best style aud . cheapest , rates, GUARDIAN'S NOVICE, rt*txovg*o»o»*, Monray Coaaiy. «*. I r* Cox, Sr.. liny jog applied to me.'or the janardiansbip of tin Blak# Oo X ra i, )or chiabeD »' George D Cox, deo'd. notice "’“by *- iveu di^t his application Monday :' in mv next Given ru ’ mV . HTI . **"’* . u, . , " IP ' P ” S'cna f in e, tlllH A uni 1. 188' IV HK,m.«.y.Oriin.,y. To various army posts, socie¬ ties, cities public schools, states corporations and indi v id unis north and south, who have t'KEa so kind as to send me congrrtillations ou my sixty third birthday. I wish to offer my graTJul nckuou ledgKiuents Th© dispatch©* liav© t.©©n no mum rous mid m> touching in Ion©, that it would hue© been impossible to misw© them it 1 had o en in p©Kte< t lie hh. [signed.] H. S. (iltANT. Wilkins 'li*- ur- aim s\vindl**r i of'oroci* y met chant I lio iu-<>i At Until, was arjvsted the oth¬ er das in New Otlejtns and ■ ‘..Oil-Ill to Atlanta inel.nm * that he ......iv,-d no m im\ f in 11....... ^ will -how a, the pi p r tin flint .i.t hi" | luis ttl\v;t\s l t | v*«| j iirti - * reel life. He i* in* tainl, one of I be shrewdest, die kies! . . . piofossiopai swindler* that ha> made a lour of the ouili tor several , V M's. Lord Gladstone 1 * sp *ech la*t Monday in tlie house of co u mons was one of the h ippiest and most successful efforts ot his cueniful file, lie asked fo about $.{00,0(10000 ill the. event that war should ’>e a certainly lietw. en Eughiini mnl Rus*ia, mu l the etSect of his speech was so pow i rfu11 !ta his r« qu st was granted without a <iis*ei.ling voic . “A thing” says; Tin* Lon¬ don Post, unprecedented in tin his to t y of the world. ■ - ' » — ........ - Senator Edmunds, win e cently made an evening c dl on the president and si*ter with Mrs. Edmunds, came away en¬ thusiastically phased with Mi** Cleveland’s conversational gift* and graceful dignity of man¬ ner. JUNE SIIERIKI<>8 SAI.I5. St*ti"of Gxoroi*"Moxe*t Countyy W ill be sold before the courthouse door in the town of Spaing Place, to tho highest bid¬ der at public outcry, between the legal hour* of sate on the first Tuesday in June next the following described (property to-wit: Also at the same time aud place 2U ere* of land a* the property of M P Bond ad joining a 20 acre piece oflaud owned b> T<)l LotRpeioh lynig in tho South east corner of Bot No. «7 in the #ih d Strict »ud 3rd *ec tion of Murray Conuty Georgia aaid l>l ltd levied on by virtue of an attachment fi fa. 1“ ut ''t frou* the.'Uhtioe court of the 8‘J4th district u. m. in favor of j wPatrio against .11 I* Bond. Lew tnadeend returned to ur by do Ken ,«r, Lu¬ C. L. Tkrry. MONEY TO LOAN, On Five Years Tune, at 8 per cent, by Corbin Banking Co., ol New York, on improved lanus in Murray county, Appli atioii must be made through dec 7, tt. Trammell Starr. Flour lor Sale At the Spring Place flouring mills, situated nine miles east ol Spring Place, ou the waters ot Holly creek; first family flour is always kebt on hand at I In* lowest cash price. A. T. Logan. BEN J. F. OABTER, Attorney at Law. j Georgia. homestead notice — ofpersonan.y, ” •B^hnp *'i(l ha* setfinp allied for aod exemi>tia D (ion fh..mesirad»iid apart valna 0 r will pn** upno the sameat 13 O'oloek m oa the 15th of May Directory, J C. Fata, Judg-Superior Court C. N. King, Clerk Superior Court C. L. Tarry. Sheriff. W, H. Ram ray, Ordinary. T. J. Ovbey, Treasurer. M. U. Brainhlett, T .11 Receiver, W. D. Gregory, Tax C«Ue*tnt. M. M. B i tv-. Comity Surrey or C B llollBml, Coronnr Comluis-ii,* era,.Dt-onis Johnson, R IV liou-u. Sr., S. L, Triulmier, Job.- . T W J White. Bu.ri.f Kiuciiioh. M!>. 0 n Vro* s ii.ii«nr« -Bu’y> iiioi. Cu» utia^luiirr, W. U. Uurri,. II. {,. Pa g>, J,,fau U. Spruill. JUSTICE*. S|>ri g P nee—824ili i'lKt . S II l'« »cr J. I*. H ileiruiii n. p., i* u K»«. « ...d Job. Guilder* 0 natures. bi». kCu..*table* Eighth—98Lh * D*«t ’ , W H Lttokev J. P., J . II huliri . \ v I*., J . M Pni anti . Jobu , . It«g»e , uxstahie*. Doolittle— fMnd Di-t. IV C 0 Hurd ..11 J {'. D K Humphreys N- P., J T M»»rri*ou Out,. 8 t«bi©. . T ® ti>—87m. nut., x j Brynm J. e.,uci Du ii Cotmuble. •Inna . *n—IllUili Dial., J II ■ J. . P, j J II Ilium A. I*.,J D B.ixterejid K S Iluw llli C'limlublcS 1013th nut., M W C’ner J. P., B F C Lnughridge N. P., K L Bate* mid U W Svrttntoti C'lcstabies. Shuok Pen—1039ih Di«t., K'V Bond J.P., J B Bond and aud W M Richards Co stables* Ball Pen—1291th Dial., J W Fincher, J P. B B Brown N P., A T Osborn and W II Biuwu Constables. Arrival and Drp -riure of N .Us. Dalton—Departs 7 a, m. daily, arives 5 pm. daily. Talking R.ok—D-part*7a. m. Saturday, arrive* 6 p. in Friday. Ellij iy—Drpart* 7 a. in, Tubs 'ay, Thurs¬ day. Saturday; Arrive* 5 p. m, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Caasville—Departs 6 am Monday, Wed¬ nesday, Friday; arrives 6 p M. Tuesday. Thursd y, Saturday. Connnsaiiga—Departs # a. r»day; arrives 7 Thursday. WII.D I, VNI> SALES. VVillbeso'd before the cour house dcor in :he t 'Wti of Spring Pbice. Ga., to t, >e h oliest, triitd^t tu puli ic out erv bet ween itn* |c gal to urn of httlc ou t 1 -t T'lc* day July »y xt »lit- f Imvntg wi'itt ands to-a 1 1: lot of luml N >. 272 in tie i wenly ■dxth distnct arni sec i>d**fli>>n t said county. L‘vied on l>y virin of a tax fi fa id f»?or of tb» state and county «c»iost>aid lot of laicf for the year 188’J Also at tlicbuiDe time and place lot ot (and No. 2C9 in the 26.idts trictand 2-d section >1 sai l cuunti Levied on by virtue i at J lo snt isfy a tax fi fa in f iv>.r of ih t . Btate and couoty nga ns said f t oi l toil for the year, euhtei n bui dre<) and eighty : \v.« aud eighteen Inn divd a.ui > ighty t hie (1 L Terry. Sheriff Our Name and Trade-Mark. In buy in if l he iin<tntion you pay as murli I*>r an inf ri<>r article as tbt< genuine costs. lie Sure Yen Obtain The tii nuliu. LOUILLARD’S CLIMAX Red Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco. The i^ineHt .^u>e* v»vy Oit wiii^ To¬ bacco Beware of Imitations. Stock and Convey ances For hire or sals at JESSE HOLLAND’S Livery Stable m Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon Yard is kept in connection therewith. The patronage of the people is much desired, and especially those from Murray County. J. S. Barnett, DALTON, GEORGIA. * 2 Agent for WALTER A. r*' K ShT WOOD’S Harvesting Machines, v V Rviipers, Mowers and Binders. - - 9/ ,*;v V *. 1 4 Also agent for FRICK & CO’S Eclipse Tt action and Plowing En tu , .iiting n Threshers, Cotton Gins, Grist ' ! .... i • At ji-, f i>t Aiiii*. ..ini a Gcucral line or MacniDerj. UO TO W ooten •IN V Koines, I WHOLESALE DEALERS IK DliUGS 0II A WIND0W GLASS ’ CIGARS * AND TOBACCO. i blcou. Georgia. 7 — “ - zzrrr--r.-r: ~ ~ r r ~r NEW AND BEAUTIiUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION 1 Juki Krcelvrd at the Mllluery Store ef J. & J. H. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A new and elegant anturtmeni of Milinory nml Straw OooJ'.a oral,ting of Straw Bon-ct« mid Toidicr’u-d Ctiildrrn'i. Hats [triimm-d a d untriniued] Neck and B»*l> Ril.liun., Vllvat Ril.honr, N«rk Ti««, Bonnet Silk*, Satin*, Volvel* and Crape* Flower*, Keather*,Ornament* &c. Onr good* were bought ot tlie large*t and be*t importing House* in Balti¬ more and New Vorx, and will be sold at very low prfre* for oa.-b, J. H. Bergen, Now o 'er* to the I'la.’iff-rs ol Georgia .the most powerful STUM I* EX 111A (.'TOR ever■■ invented. 1 , ■■■ Given up by the Leading Expert Machinists to )•« more powerful than any other device ever invent-; ed. lie ivill sc!) county rights or imv taint bt r of counties in the htate of Georgia. Good live itK ii can make from $10 to $12 a day with this machine rt any season of the year. Parties., that mean business can address J 13 . BERGEN, Woodlawn, or^tialton.’Gf L f j T A lull *iz>' uu king machine can lie seen at Dalton/Ga, LO HILLARD’S xMaccoboy Snuff*. Caution to ronsum. rs. As many inf. tier m lalion*- h .vi api'cared upon it.< nonlo 1 in pad. s so close y resemblioR oms as p> .u ceiv 1 lie unwary, we would rt quest put chasci to see that th - red lithociaplied tin cans in which it is p icked always b ar DIVORCE NOTICE. Statu or Gkoroii, Murray County: Nahoy MoAtr.B } Murray Superior Court, Vi* .Minch iiiljoarneil terra J»s. R, e MoitxsJ 1885. It appearing to ihv Court frotn the return of the Sheriff tli. t ilm ilel’i (loi*. not reside in this c-u tv. arul iM'urther appearing that she lines not r side in said state: It is there¬ fore ordered hv the rourt tha 1 service be per Tunis, feeted by publication published in the North Georgia in terms a newspaper ofthe law March 2 in 1885. said ouuiy, J C F UN’, J S. C , C. C. The above is a true extract from (l 1M ini n - utei» of court. C. N KING, Clerk. DO YOU KNOW THhi LOUILLARD’S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO w! , h Red Tin Tag . H a 8 , pu« c«to.ew iog; Navy Clippings,and Blaok, Blown and Tel low SNUFFS are ibe beat and abeapeat duality considered. HOMESTEAD NOTICE. Isaac W McLain has lev t-Xernhtion of personalty and sHiin* apart, and valuation '"luuMeful, aim I will pass !"■ sain at 12 o’clock |VJ. on 29ih oay of Aprd eight-teen ted a-d iylit five at my office. W il Ramsey ER LAWSHE, Optician and Jeweler, —DEALER IN— WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW EI.UY tfec. tTlixliiO W list.. Atlanta, Ga