Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
The Official Paper or the Coviity,
and catered la the Post Office at Spring’Place
6a., as second olass matter.
Subscription Rates:
Oas year,$l 0# Sis months, 50«entsjThree
meaths, 35 cents. Payable in advance.
Address all eommnnicatioos t > Tsa Ti¥*a,
A good rain is badly
Sheep wanted, apply to S. T.
There was a good crowd in
town first Tuesday.
Get your Lime irt J. Trotter
Son9, Dalton.
A few loads of stove wood would
be gladly received in payment ot
Ladies, get your Jelly Glass
PS at J. Trotter & Sons, Dalton.
Capt Pierce Horue ot Dal
ton was over last Tuesday at
the mass meeting.
♦ ■ —'
-- —— ■
We regret to learn that Jos
se T. Morrison of Ft. Mountain
is critically ill.
Wheat threshing will begin
m a few dby& The crop is
exceedingly light.
V- wall
pr. R. B. Keister re
sume his school at Gum Swamp
2nd. Monday this inst.
n Gallman ----- • is •-—• quite ill
{Jean near
town, with congestion ot the binn.
His recovery is considered donbl
John Linn of the Walker Co.
Messenger is visiting relatives
and friends in the county.
A warmer June than we
h,ave j,ust passed through cannot
Toe remembered by the ‘ oldest
Miss Nora Humphreys,
daughter oi D. E. Humphreys
near D'-nnis is quite ill with
typhoid fever.
Jesse M. Mouison has just
returned from Texas where he
has been for the past; few
We.regret to, note the illness
ot our did friend James C.
Henry at his home in the vil
lage. We trust he will soon
be out again.
Masons fi uit jars the best on
the market are kept on band at
Trotter & Sons, Daltor).
.. * * • ....... ——
T A & S E Berry have un band
t)#d will keep iu stock, a first class
line of stoves. Call aqd eeq, them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Mrs. Allie Black of Carters
<Ja has our thanks f ora fine moss
Qf roasting ea-.s sent us this
iyeek—^the first of the t-t ason
no f^r a&sss^'know.
.. ..... - ... W ■ —
5>r. John F. Harris returned
from. Dahlonega last Faiday
accompanied by bis brother,
George, who has been attending
the college there.
Mr. Lets is W. Daly, of Chat
tanooga, spent Sunday with
bis parents in the village. He
is tjie at present in.the employ of
C. S. Railroad and isj we
l^arn doing well.
We have replenished our-stock of
Indies hats trimmings &c in the
latest designes and k,now no better
Way of advertising than to ask lhe
ladies to call and examino for them
selves. Our prices are reasonable.
New "Stork Store,
Bull Pen justices court held its
regular session on last Satuiday
pres'ded over by Justices
f^tewart and Fincher. The
session was quite short and
Col. It. T. Nesbitt, candidate
for commissioner ot Agricult
lure spent last Tuesday in
village and made a fine impres
sion on our people, as was a
bundantly evidenced by the
strong endorsement given him
bythe democratic mass meeting
Quite a number of cotton
blooms have been sent in dur
ing the past week, and they
seem to. be quite plentiful
throughout the county. The
first to reach us was sent by
the Campbell boys—raised on
O. C. Goins’ farm- •
Tee law card of Cob J. J.
Bates appears in this issue of
the Times. Col. Bates is well
known in this county, and needs
no commendation from us. He
is worthy ot a liberal share ot
publie patronage and will we
have no doubt serve faithfully
ail who place business in his
A singing conducted by John
R. Keith, and W. E. Tyson
was held at Pleasant Valley
last Sunday evening. The old
fashioned Chustiau Harmony
was used aud the music was
excellent. Another singing
will be held at the same place
o n next Sunday cmtiuuing all
The Methodist District
meeting for tbe Dalton district
has been in Ressio.n at Dalton
during tho past week. A large
number of delegates and minis
te:s tvere in attendance. A
mongstthe distinguished minis-*
pieaent were Bishop A.
G. Hay good and Dr. Warren
A. Candler.
Hon. P. McGhee of Murray
county, accom pair ini Editor
q ^ Xing and lady of
place Times, spent sev
end days heio this week at
tending commencement
es. Mr. King and lady
yesterday lftorning to
relatives in South Carolina, and
Mr. McGhee and family
ftjv home this, morning. Both
he ana Mr. King are staunch
friends of the N. G. A. College.
—Dahlonega Nugget.
A New Rail Road.
From Athens Ga., to Chat
tanooga Tenn,
Application for a charter
has been made to build a rail
road from Athens to Chattan
ooga. thi ough the counties of
Clailce, Jackson, liall, Gwinett,
Fcrsyth, Dawson, Cherokee,
Pickens, Gilmer, Gordon, Mur
ray, Whitfield, Catoosa and
Work is to b< gin. at once,
and pushed as rapidly as men
and money can can y it.
Tbe incorporators are V/. A.
Robinson and F. II. Frazer,
Atlanta; J. T. Robinson,
Athens, snet E. R. Halbert,
Chattanooga. The cha'ter
appliedfor uuder. an act of
legislature approved April
1881. Tbe capital stock is
000,000, divided into
shaves ot $100 each.
That part of the line
Athene fo the Georgia line,
Walker county, as already
veyed is about 155 miles.
Atlanta Constitution.
Tbe notice of tho
for the cha'ter of the
railroad appears in
column of the Times.
FOR Tlllfl HI.OOIJ, Xudlgeatlon
Weakness. Malaria, nnu
JSPaSr Oct the genuine. For^lfb^Hdealers in
The conti act for a new iron
bridge at Zants ford was let on
the 27tb. of June to a Pttt'usyl
vania bridge Co. at the sum of
uineteeu hundred dollars. The
bidding Was spirited, thir
teen bridge companies being
John S. Tyler! t Libel for Divorce in Murray
YF. Supr. Court Feb. T«*rfc» 1890,
Nancy Tyler.J It appearir g by the Slier*
iff‘s return that the dofeodatit dues notresido
in said county of Murray, nor Stato Of On.
It is ordered by the Court (lint service be
perfected by publication in the North Ga.
Tims in terms of tbe law. Tbo defendant
is hereby required to bo and appear at the
next term of court, to be hold in and for said
county to answerP nintifl's libel for divoroo.
Taos. W. Milsrs, J. S.C. C.C.
I hereby certify that the above is a true
copy from tbe minutes of court. This June
16, 1890. C. N. Kiso, C. S. C.
J. J. Bates,
SpRIKQ Pi.ACIK, Gfoiuiu.
Special attention given to collec
tions and criminal practice
gds £3
,Ofuro \£) One Biliousness: reliever, Cbk-Hssdacb-s iitev In4
dc-so Meui . Jpiu. w e r.; v
prevent Chills* 6 Favor, Sour closiach Da...
Breath. Clear tho ihe.systonu Skin, Tone the Heines, and hfiH nt
Ufo fry ther and Vigor and to v:|!l,rover Dose
tnco you bo without b'tm
Pn-e^o Afhdlcln© cts per bottle. Soli by ,r r
C eaieragenerr.My. Son! Ort sxcoir,-c»
price in stamps^postpaid, tojany^addfoss.
VamtfacU r«r» and Sole • • , r.i! tOUiS. PO
A f i v« a.I lit* yCH . * i Ot *
v. !. r ji s y.m i .ud s!itf)berV*
• * i: vi v t do tHjuc
' : r.
- I
I •
. i. -Jb—-Cs. i
Needing a touie, or children that want building
np, should tnkr
It la pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indiges
tion, and Biliousness. All dealers keep it.
Advice to itlothcit.
Mr*. Wntsno'v's Sootnmo Hyk'jv sbonldalwAM
be used when children ere eultinR produoesnatural, teeth. It r—
lie ves the little euffererut ouco» it
quiet sleep, und the little cherubawakesas .'bright It
os a Irntton.” it ie very pleasant to taste.
soothes the child, softens thequmR, known ellny.atlp-fin,. remedy
regulatestheboweis, diarrhoea, whether andistiio arising best from teethiug
for bottle. 0»
<hei; pauses. Twenty-Rvv cents a
PRICE ------50 CTS.
Residence, ChHfch,
C.'.lcs, Posts, Stairs, Verandao, P.oof
Cresting, Tower Finials.
Steel Mil Cases.
Builders’ Iron Fronts, Columns, Sili3,
Lintels, Straps, Bolts, Rods, Anchors,
Roofs, Window Guards and Shutters.
Write ua for Pictures and Prlcos.
Manly Manufacturing Co.,
Be sure you mention this paper.
***** l
a ^m^MJr m meay
m 18
§ <3
D. H. Harris Dentist’
is sloping at Spring Place, and
will cheerfully wait on those want
ing Dental work done, and at pri
ces to suit the times.
■ Dont forget the Old
Hatdware Store of T A & S E Ber
All the citizenn of Murray coun
ty who are desirous of going, or
shipping their freight to Atlanta
Ga., or points south, or to Chatta
nooga and points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Texas and northwest,
will find it to t‘ieir interset to write
to or call on Mr. John P Reynolds,
Agent of the Western & Atlantic
Railroad at Dalton, Baggage
checked through to all points
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and Dalton in comfort in any kind
of .veathor. The hack leaves this
piaco at 7 m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 s. m. daily.
Horses and buggys for hire at
all times.
When you are in Dalton
lorget that L Bucholz keeps
the standaid confectionaries and is
always ready to wait on tbe
boys. A good square meal will
furnished for only 25 cents.
member Mr Buck, first door
TreviUo & Bryant’s drug store.
Jilin Evans, an old Murray
is located in Dalton, opposite Kel
lers, and is keeping a first
restaurant, and asks tho
boys to come around and cat
him when in Dalton.
Vs ill also furnish lodging in
neclion with restaurant.
We sell the Spencer
Company’s Spectacles and
glasses. They arc very
glasses and you should try
them before put chasing
where. S. J. McKnights
Drug Store, DhI^m* Ga,
F. Ij. Keith
J Dealer. In }
Whiskies, Brandies, i
WINE1S, for
lOlt East Eighth Street,
Wlfcn you want pum
call on or send to me, I will
antee my gonda to be as
My . corn whiskey is the
in lliis market. I invite my
Murray comity friends to call
see mo. Let cash accompany
der. 4 18-ly
The Giant
Yill make a stand on my
ises during the present
Will use all means to
accidents but will take no
sponsibility if any should
cu\ By the insurance at
Loss Bates
State or OxonniA mcbray coddty.
Will bo sold before tho Court House
in tho town of Spring Place Qa. to tho highest
bidder nt public outcry botweon the legal
hours of «*’e on the first Tuesday in Aug.
next the following p operfy towif: The weit
part o( lotof laud No 302 in the 10th District
end 3rd section of said County supposed to be
9(1 acres more or loss. Lovicdonby virtue of
a tax (1 fa Issued out of the. Tan Collectors
office for taxes due tho Stare and County for
the years 1881, 1882, 1663, 1881, 1885, 1886
1887, 1888 and 1889. Levy made and relumod
t6 mo by J L Robinson L. C. This Apr 8th
1890. J. C McEntire,
Georgia Murray County
Whereas.J A MoKpiuy Adipr. ofJ.B. Miller
represents to the Court in his petition duly.
Clod an <l entered on Record that be h»s fully
administered J R Miller esiate. This is
therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin
dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said ndminintrntnr should not he
dischsrj ed from his administration, au<! re
ceive letters r-f dismission on the first 5 on
day in July 1800. . 'V. II. Ri.m»ey,
New York Store.
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
LnUse of Murray county call and examine our ubely selected Goods
Hats, Bonnets, &u, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Harr s & »av s,
WOODLAWN, -oo:oo- Georgia.
-{ DEALERS [in f
General Merchandise and Count'y Produce.
Millinery Goods,
[Just Received at the Mimicry Store <>!
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. S5, Hamilton Street,.
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Mtlioery and Straw (loo-t;,consisting of Straw
Bonnctsand Ladle; ’ and Children's Hats [trimmed and untrinmed] Noah
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet P.ibbons, Neck Ties, Bonnot Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes,flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our goods
were bought of the largest and best importing Houses in Haiti,
more and New Yorx, and will bo sold at very low
• , prices for cask.
1890 . 1890 .
T. J. © V B E ¥,
Spring Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clotliign!!
I have ou hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready
made clothing, on the market.
tW°L Iso a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard
ware, Groceries[<fec., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold,
at Rock bottom pvices for cash or barter.
El. E. Brown j.
joiwstoirJ S’ATEN
. LaveB.
any defect in vision that can be remedied by refractive power,. ac».
and skillfull corrected by G H Brandon the Optician at E K.
Brown’s Jeweller, Dalton Ga. No charge lor testing the Eye
Spectacles For Sale By
Dr, John F. Harris,
Spring Place Georgia.
—Dealer In—
.... Diugs, Medicine, Chemicals,....
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes, Ferfnmeiy &c. Keeps also a iulljiue
Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints, Oils, Varnishes «fee.
A choice selection of family Groceries,,
cheap, for cash.
H. H. Anderson
Attorney at Law
PnActt, Gaonoix.
Prompt attention given to allie-:
business and tho collection of
Spring Pleoe^p*,
Attorneys at Law,.
Prompt atteutlor given to alllegatlnuli