North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, January 29, 1891, Image 3

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Nnrtll Noilftueor^ldl fr Tl HIPS Subscription Rate*: Oe* year, $100 Six monthe, 50eente;Thre aeaths, 25oenta. Payable in advance. Address all communications ti Tbr Spring Pl»o», Ga. . HOME NEWS. Give us your spring advertise¬ ments. Mrs Alfred Kincade of Dunn died on Monday night. 0et your fall and winter suits *fcOvbev ( 8. There seems to be more demand for tenants this eeasoD than usual An infant of Mr and Mrs Bartow Kincade of Dunn died on Monday night. B. H Gregory has purchased tha farm of 13. A Gregory near Hass ler Mills. A lively session of the justice aourt was held at Bull Pen on last Saturday Esq. V. A. Stuart, of near town it just recoveiing from a spell of the measles. Ool W Brimblette has moved to the L if Peeple’s farm in the edge of town. Maehburn Weils is erecting a new dwelling in the,‘yard' where ^Jiis old one now stands. Mr William Tyson and family have moved^ to Cohutta Springe Wo are sorry to give them up. The mill of Camp & Co., in town, will grind only on Friday of each week, until notice is given of a change. W E Tyson left Monday Morning with some Horses and mules for Middle Georgia where he expects to make sale of them. - »-+-•- Who has put it iu their book of resolutions that they will tuy nothing on timo this year that they can get along without? Occasionly a man comeB along and makes us smile by placing a dollar in our hand*—we would lik'l* to smile often next sals day. We 1 know bow to Bympaihize with Bro- H. A. Chapman, of the Calhoun Times, who i* undergo¬ ing a siege of the la grippe. We have experienced it. f^There is nothing that will add more to the durability and beauty of your home than a new dressing of paint, Take the jadvice and profit by it. - Deputy Sheiiff W C Grove's en¬ tered his duties last week, and is assisting Sheriff McEntire in ths preliminary work for the spring Term of court. m ■ —♦ ■ — Farmers, prepare your fertilizers during the bad woattier when you can’t do anything else and you will not be bothered with paying such large guano bills in the fall. Some men will come to town after a coffin and when asked for loral news they will tell you that they dont know auy.j,Such was the case the other day. A deed was presented to the Clerk for Kecord one day lest week that hears dato eleven thousand eight hundred and ninety one-. Ten thousand yeais before it will take ©fleet. E«q. S. G. Carter, has moved from his home in town to the '«m of Jeny Carney, one and a half miles west of fere,' where he will try his hand farming m re exten •ively than heretofore. We Call attention to the double Column advertisement in this issue of the Dalton Guano Manufact¬ uring Company They offer some Bice piemium8 and it would pay our farmer 1 to enter the contest. T. J. * Ovb«y will sell ,C„ clothn-g as cheap as it can be bought iu Ga. T. B Camp and Co have taken tbeir planer to Dalton to bo repaired and will soon be -eady to dress and match lumber for this section This will be great convenience , to a OUr people as they have tt> haul tbeil match lumber fro.n Dali Oil lit the present. ' ^ P r0 P 0Se sn ^ old. young 011(1 Pleased in shoes, Ovbey Mr FM Stewart, who went from this COllEty to Witchata County Texas, a short time ago, in a communication to one of our citi Zens gives the following prices of produce in that section: Corn 65 to 85 cts., wheat 85 cts, oath 50 cts, pork 5 cts. Ee set ms to be ver y well pleased with the naw country. This week we sand out a num¬ ber of statements for subscription and work done in tho office. We do hope that every one who receives a statement will call on us at once aud settle the amount they are duo. We dislike very much to have to dan our delinquent subscribers through the paper and . hope that those who have paid their subscrip toin for 1890 will n it feel that this is intended for them. I have enlarged my store room which enables me to carry a lar¬ ger line of general merchandise than ever before. T J Ovbey. The John B. Gordon Camp of Confederate Veterans met at the conrt house at 12 o'clock m. Jany. 14th 1891.and on account ot the inclement weather and the small attendance, the Camp adjourned to iceeUagain at 1 o’clock p. m. 1st. Tuesday in February. 1591. All members are requested to be pres ent as the election of officers will take place at said meeting. J. A. McKamy, Secy. For tombstones and monumental work call on C N King. The Force Bill is de d and the sjuth retains her liberty Congress has so decided. The shot guns and bayonets have been laid on tho sheif. I am now receiving a complete line of imported dress’goods and invite the ladies to examine them before dealing elsewhere. Ovbey. Messrs T. A. & S. E. Barry of Dalton, Oa., have rnteied into a copaitm-rship with Dr Blossar for the mauulrcture of bis great rem¬ edy for catarrh, which is a perma¬ nent cure for Catarrh, Bronchi¬ tis, Colds &c. It ii very pleasant to use, not being a snuff or douche or anything of that kind. A trial sample mailed fiee to any applicant. Address Dr J. W. Blossar & Co., Dalton, Ga. AIXU’CE l ICTCBKBS. The Executive committed oi the farmers Alliance of the statehas ap pointed lecturers for each congress ional district, who will enter upon their duties on the 6th of Februa¬ ry, who will give the brotherhood throughout the state the present status of the organization and what is hoped to be accomplished in the future. The lecturers will receive instructions from the state lecturer at such times as ho may desire. Lecturers for this, the Seventh Congressional district are W 8 C peland, A P Farror and Pal¬ mer. Alliancemen should make it convenient to hear them. Notice the changed double col¬ umn advertisement ot J. L Tapp of Dalton in this issue. It will be to your interest to see his elegant and buj erb line of Jewlery. His stock of watches and clocks, is not to be excelled in North Georgia; he is also making a specially of Spec¬ tacles, is prepared vrithlhe lalest improved instruments for testing the eyes and corectmg defects. If you need anything in this Hue it would pay you to call and see b m Next door to Loveman*. A %?< ^ »gaS®S!S.5icB2y5S *»«» Mur*. Ad , lMtoMothrtl . Mrs.WmuLoWs soothing sxnurshould«iw*»* be used -when children ore cutting teeth, it r— itoveet^uuk-suffere^aonoe Uprodnoes&itnrah 2e a button.” it ie very pleiraant to teste. .It ^InSeethoborreU^and diarrhcea, whether erising is tlf« Sit from known teething remedy os for bottle. whoroeueee. Twenty-fire cents a Of course I got my suit at Ov bey‘8, no belter goods can be had in (he market. Ovbey is leading in clothing, JOB PRINTING. * When you need anything in tbia line-jjfud {jhiPrtsill, your orders to McNally & Cleveland, Tennessee. Thiy»will do you right. All work dote promptly. Send for prices &c MONEY TO LOAN, on real estate, in amounts not less than $300, cheaper than oan be get at home. Apply through C. N. King. We are bound to lead the market on Clothing this season. Wu have received and are re¬ ceiving the largest line of Clothing ever brought to Spring Place. We have culled the market for best goods that could be had, and buying in large quantities, enables us 1 to sell at Rock Bottom p'ices. T. J. Ovbey By George! that's a pretty suit —Yes, got it at Ovbey’s. When you are in Dalton dont forget that L Buoholz keeps the the standard confectionaries and is always ready tc wait on the Murray boys. A good square meal will be furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬ member Mr Buck, first door below Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store. MARCH SHERIFF’S SALES. State or Gkoroia Murray Court VViil be sold before the court house door in the town of Spring Place, to the highest bidder at pub lie out Ciy between the legal hours of sale on the 1st Tuesday m March next, the following described prop trtv to wit: One store house and lot in Spring Place Ga. being the lot whore W. J'. Johnson livos and docs business, and said lot containing a bout one aero and a half; also twenty eight an lone half acres of land out of the North East co. ner of lot * f lend No. 319 in the 9th Dist. and 3d sect, of said county of Murray. Said property levied on as the properly of IV. J. Johnson to satisfy on exocution from the justiee court of the 821th dist, G. M. of said county, in favor of Sanford, Chamberlain A Albers against said W. J. Johnson. Also at the Stine timo andplaoe, one house and lot i i Spring Place, Ga , loing the hoi se and lot whete W. W. Andersen now lives, bounded oa north and west by Spring l’lare and Ellijay road, on South and East by Harris and Ogletree land Said lot contain, lug seven acres, more or loss, and being the lot under fonco where W. W. Anderson lives and being a portion of lot oi land No. 244, in Dili Dist. and 3d Sect, of said county of Murray. Said property levied on 119 the prop¬ erly of W. w. Anderson to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Su erior court of said aounty of Murray in favor of L. J Ouiahuudro A Co. against said W. W. Anderson. Also at the saiuo time and place, eighty neros of the North half of lot of land No. 278in ths Ulh district and 3d seetion of said county. Levied on by virtue of and to satis¬ fy a justice court fi la issued from the 824th distri ;t G. M. in f.vor of F. Vornberg A Co. vs. O. P. Owen. Property pointed out by the plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by 1. M. Campbell, L.C, This the 28th day of J.a uary 1891. J. C. MgEntirk, Sh eriff. • ’ • T IRON I FENCES 6 [improved! For Residues, Church, Cemetery. i Roof Hitching •rating. Posts. AlJ imsst* 1 LINTELS. Iron Verandas. fail Cells cmSSl Saw Mills and I Machinery, Write hr Price*. lihSL? HAHmcmXHOCO., DALTON, GEORGIA Be wire you mention this paper. —. Trr r v— Roy’s Blood Purifier Cures Boils, Old Sores, Scrofulous tTlcers, Scrof iileus Sores, Scrofulous Humor and all scrofulous diseases. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Con tageous Blood Poison, Ulcerous Sores, diseases of les,Itch,Tetter,Ring-worms,Scald-Head,Ecsema^ the Scalp, Salt Rheum, Blotches. Pustules, Pimp¬ Rheumatism, Constitutional Blood Poiaon, Mer¬ curial Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen¬ eral Debility &*d all diseases arising from impure Blood or Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail dru ig gists. $1 per bottle. Ray Remedy Co ., Atlanta. f -»- We sell the Spencer Optical Company’s Spectacles and eye glasses. They are very fine glasses and you should try them before put chasing else¬ where. S. J. McKnights New Drug Store, Dalton Ga. * : -~ = -------—— ■ ........— EXECUTORS N0TICB. Georgia Murray County M. M. Bates Executor of the Estate of 0. C. McLain deed., represents to tbo Court in his petition duly filed, that he has fully ad¬ ministered said I) C McLain’s estate. This is therefore to oito all persons eoneerned, heirs and creditors to show cause if any they can, why said Exeeutor should not bo dis¬ charged from his Executorship and receive letters of dismission on the 1st Monday in March 1891. This Deo 3d 1890. W. H. Riusiv, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Oxouaix MurratCouktv. Whereas C N King Admr of D L Pettitt represents to the court in his petition duly filed, t at he has fully administered said estrte. Thii is therefore to cite all persona concerned, heirs and oraditors to show cause if >:ay they oan, why said Admr. should not he discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the 1st. Monday March 1891. W. H. Ramsey, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. | Georgie. Murray County Whereas C N King Admr. of K isabeth Mauldin, represents to the Court in his pe¬ tition duly filed that he has fully adminis¬ tered said Estate. This is to oiteall persons concerned, heirs and oreditors to show oause if any they oan why said Admr. should not be discharged fro a his administration and reoeire letters of dismission on the 1st Mon¬ day in March 1891. W. H. Ramsey, Ordinary. FEBRUARY SHERIFF’S SALES. Statu or Gioroia Murray couuty. Will be sold before the Court House d.or in the town of Spring Plaoe Ga. to the highest bidder at public ontcry between the legal hours of sale oil the first TutBdsy in Febru¬ ary next the following p operty towit: One block marc, with blaze (aoo, ton years old, aid one black horie three yeais old. Levied eu as the property of, J. W. Rape! - by virtue of a mortgage fi fa f om Murray Suporior court in favor of John Silvers Sr. against J W Raper. This Deo SOt'u 1890. AlsiCat the same time and place, two ten ths undivided interests in the north hfclf of lot of lend No 65 in the 9th Diet and 3d section of said county. Levied on as the propa rly of A G aud D M Vining—one tenth as the property of each by virtue of a 8 fa from the county court of Mrogan county in favor of Clayton A Webbvs.jA G aud D M Vining. the 3rd 1891. January John C. McEhtirk, Sheriff. NOTI3E. • AU persons having claims agnintt the Estate o f R. B. Keister, deceased, are noti¬ ced to present them at once for pay ment to Trammell Starr and all persons owing said • state are requested to pay at once. This Jany. 23d 1891. MaroakktA. Kristie, Administratr'x. ZS~ - APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. Georgia Murray County: To the Snpcri-r Court of said County. The petition ( f William C. Tilton, John G. Gwuld and Henry S. Granger shows that they desire to he made a body corporate and politic under the laws of Georgia, under the nemo and style of ‘‘The Cdiutta Tale Com p,,riy”. That ibe i.I-j.-eb of said company is thv purchasing, loaning, owning, mortgaging, Bulling, improvement and development of mineral and other lands; the mining and manufacture of talc in *11 its forms and (Mi til a .1 olhur minerals or proper¬ ties owned or leased by said company; the •etsiblithme.iit and one >ura»;ttmett t of industries at.d immierntlon; the conducting of a general morn* utile lusiliere; the use nnd deve'opmtnt of water power, the build¬ ing of s'uica ways, construction of dams, bn Uirg of rnilrasds, tramways »nd hotels; the “esteblishnunt of fleam, olect.iic and water power plums, .- ail privileges for maintainance of the same amt for the profit¬ able e nducting of saidootnpany’e busoiess. The said Company to It re the light to site mid b« sn d in its corpora!o name, to have hr ! to u o acomuion seal, to make by¬ laws him! s; upon ite own numbers, not in consistest with the laws of 'he State or the Uuitod Stat s; to re-.five donations by gift or will, to make and jescind its by-laws at pleasure and to procure *wh efoendmeat? !o itt charter as may be au: homed by a iwo thirds veto of the capital stock; to borrow money, to issue notes or binds and to secure t! e same by mortgage, deed or other con¬ veyance, either absolutely or in trust, Hpon any of its rights, privileges, f anchises, pow¬ ers and property, and to exercise all powers usually conferred upon corporations of simi¬ lar chatactor. os may he Cotisisteu' with the laws of Geoagia. The said Company is to have its principal pla o of business in Murray county Ga Potitioners furt' er show that the capital stock of said company is tu be divided into.10,000 shares of $100. each, said stock to be full paid asd non and petitioners desire the right to said oapital stock by a two-thirds vole of the stuck at *ny tirno to an amount not to ex¬ ceed $2,000,000. Ten per cent of said capital sto khes been paid in. Your oetitior ers pray the passing of an order by the Honorable Court graining tbeir application, aDd that they and their sueoess ors be incorporated for and during a term twenty year, with the privilege <f at the expiration of said twenty years, for the purpose* hereinbefore set forth. Trammell Stabr; Aity. for petitioners. Filed in office this the 27th day of Jany. 1891. S. II. Fixchrb.C. S. C. A *rue extract from the minutes of Murrry Supeiior crurt. S. H. FiSoh.b, C. S. C. Farmers 8. E. BERRY, President T. A. BERRV, Sec'y end Trees. P. B TRAMMELL, Vlcr-Pres. W. M. HAIC., Gen. Manager. OFFICE OF The Dalton Guano and Manufacturing Co., Of Dalton Ga. Manufactures of Standard Fertilizers, Offer the following premiums for the best yield of seed cotton on an acre of land where fertilized with their Ammonuted Dissolved Bone: $50,00 for largest yield on one acre. 30,AO ” 2nd. ” #1 i) V Ton Ammoniated Dissolved Bone for 3d. largest yield on acre; ” Acid Phosphate for 4th. largest yield on an acre. $15.00 tor 5th. largest yield on ” an acre. ” $10.00 ” G ” ” ” $5.00 ” 7 » 11 1) »' Contest to be decided by disinterested judges on sworn statements. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION 1 Just Received at the Mlliuer} Store of J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw floods,consisting of Straw Bonnetsand Ladies’ and Children's Hats [trimmed and untrimmed] Neck and Sash Ribbons, Vilret Ribbons, Neok Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our goods ware bonght of the largest and best importing Houses in Balti¬ more and New Yorx, and will be sold at very low prices for eash. 1891 . 1891 . T. J. O T B E Y, Spring Place, Georgia. Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!! I have on hand, and will keep the best Ime <>f Gents ready made clothiug, on the market. flgy Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬ ware, Groceries &c., and will sell at low prices, for cash. Spectacles For bale By Dr, John F. Harris, Spring Place, Georgia.. —Dealer In— . ...Diugs, Medicine, Chemicals,. • » • Fancy and Toilet Articles, Spunges, Brashes, Perfumery <fcc. Keeps’also a tull 4 lm of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints, Oils, Varnishes <fcc. A choice selection of family Groceries, cheap for cash. w. J. JOHNSON, 4 DEALER IN y Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Hats, Etc. SPRING PLACE, GEORGIA The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir’s Factory Thread and a select stock of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. Hemstr ee t & Leek, —DEALERS IN— Marble and Granite. MONUMENTS, ITEADSTON J 8. TABLETS CROSSE Coping, and General Cemetery Work. Special Prices Given On Application 19 West Montgomery Ave. , (Jhattaw 'QQA, Tennu c. N. KING, Local Agent, Spiing Place, Georgia.-