Newspaper Page Text
Sorth Georgia Times
/j. . B. Carter, J. C. Ileartsell,
Publishers & Pro¬
fhe Olliclal "Paper of the County,
and entered in the Post OEeo atSprinj Place
Ga., as second class matter.
THURSDAY MAY 28, 1891.
The supreme court of the Uniled
States has decided the; original
package law constitutional.
Ellijay has more clever people,
and more bottom land uncultivated,
than any town in North Georgia.
Terrel W Bailay was tri-d at Gil
mer Superior court, last week, lor
the killing of John Sellers. The
jury returned a verdict’ of volun¬
tary manslaughter and Judge j Go
ber sentenced him to five years in
the penitentiary.
Wrench of the Dalton Argus
has returned from a trip to a moot¬
ing of the K. of P. at Brunswick.
He is not, at all disfigured, but the
same old H. A. minus a pair of
eye-glasses lost in the ocean from
a fright at the sight of some marine
monster. He is a first class editor
and the Argus a number-one pa¬
The report of fhe Western &
Atlantic Railroad Commission has
been made. The commission has
decided to pay the lessees $94,644.
04 on account of taxes paid by the
plaintiffs on the property of Geor¬
gia in Tennessee, which taxes
should have been paid by the
■State. The claim for betterments
was disallowed.
The Cincinnati conven I ion failed
to organize a third party, as some
thought they would. Hon. L. F.
Livingstone stood up to tho Dem¬
ocratic party in a way that reflects
credit on the entire farmers alii of Georgia. Ho said he
thought the people could get all
they want from the Democrats and
fie saw no use for a third party.
The Rome Tribune has the follow
; to say of Mr. Livingstone;
We take gre?it pleasure in com
imciding Colonel Livingstone for
• thi. act of loyalty to the Demo
cratic party. May ha aiwavs be
loyal through a pure and worthy mo¬
tive. J One seldom meets wit.n the
manhood which ho exhibited at
the Cancinnati convention.
While driving a herd of catBo a
long the side of Fort mountain
in this county one day last week
Messrs. Wm, Steed and John Mc¬
Neil killed a huge rattle-snake.
His saakeship measured six Jeel
60V6T1 inches in length and nine
inches around the body, When
cut open with a kniio he was found
t,o contain a whole squirrel, a rab¬
bit and what seemed to be a num¬
ber of birds, T here are some rat¬
tling big snakes upTu thoso moun¬
Balow is an extract of a letter
from W D Harris a whilom citizen
of Murray county, at present liv¬
ing in Ft. Worth Texas and County
Judge of Tarrant Co. in that Stale;
Weli I am glad to see your and order paper
take a bold stand for law
and hope your efforts may bo el
fectual in bringing the citizens ot
Murray to an appreciation of the
fact that danger and insecurity oi
life, liberty aud home can only re
Bn .lt_and inevitably must result—
from the practice of all wing in¬
dividuals to personally redress their
own real or fancied wrongs. I
know nolhing of tho merits of the
* late trouble but a proceeding of
that kind can but receive the un
gratified condemnation of all right,
thinking men. Yours Truly,
W. D. H arris.
Mr. Harris is correct in the above
expressed views < f the situation
in this county. AVe are cursed
with an infamous band ol outlaws,
whose pretention it is to punish
wrong d. ers and teach them the
right, and at ihe very same time
ninety-five per cent of the whole
crew of them are meaner and more
cori upfc than the devil and instead
of cL.-.\'tising oth-srs should be iu
ihemselv< r not
.. .. Vmt ’’
other offenses, the least
v/hich are such as stealing,
and kidnaping, (or some¬
worse for it;
self-evident fact
they inveigle unsuspecting
into their secret workings
the belief that it is a great
thing for tiie country).
No later than last week they
visited a negro on Garter's Quarter
and almost beat the life from him.
If the people want to see this no¬
toriously vil« band of poltroons
make a regular iiell-hqle of the
county let them stay at home on
ntxt Tuesday, if not let everybody
turn out and show a willing inter¬
est in the work of bringing the
offenders to justice and placing
the morals of the present and the
coming populace on a firm basis
and in the esteem of all good men.
To tho memory of II. B.
Jones, member ot May Hill
alliance. No. 1421, of Murray
county Ga.
Whereas, on the 1st, Sunday
night in May, 1891, our belov¬
ed brother II. B. Jones *vas
shot down and brutally mur¬
dered in his own door by a
mob of unknown disguised
meu ? or kuklnx, and, it be¬
hooves us as Ids brothels and
sisters of the above named al¬
liance to pay our last tribute
of respect to his memory.
Bro. Jones was a worthy
member of our Older, a consis¬
tent member of tb.e Baptist
church, an honoiable and re¬
spected citizen. He leaves a
family to mourn his loss, lour
children of which are, now,
both fatherless and motherless.
We deeply sympathize with
his aged patents and little chil¬
Resolved, that we do all in
our power to apprehend and
bring the guilty parties to jus¬
Resolved, further, that we
will cooperate with the county
and sub alliances and ah good
citizens of the county in Lying
te suppress this lawlessness
and deviltry with which our
county is cursed.
Resolved, that tve ask the
Times to publish the above
and accept our thanks for the
same. ■
A. T. Weaver,
Jno. II. Phillips,
Jas. M. King,
We'the Fort Mountain al~
lianee, No. 1419, at our regu¬
lar meeting do, hereby, indorse
the actions ol the County Alli¬
ance in passing unlawful resolutions
condemning unprincipled the acts
of some men, who
assemble in bodies at night for
the purpose of murdering their
fellow men.
Also, we condemn the mur¬
der of our brother, Hosey
Jones, and will do all in our
power to. bring the guilty par¬
ties to justice and to suppress
all such acts iu the county.
And, furthermore, we ask
all law abiding citizens of this
county to assist us iu protect¬
ing our homes and famili s
from these mobs.
H. R. Bcivil, Pres.
W. C. D. Gordon, Sec.
At a regular meeting of the
Montgomery sub-aliiance, No.
1595, the following lesolutions
ivere passed:
We, the members of said al¬
liance indorse the County alli¬
ance in condemning the brutal
murder of brother Hosey Jones
and will do all in our power to
briug the guilty ones to justice
and ask all good citizens to aid
in the same.
W. E. Covington, Pres.
W. Ii, Bagiev. H e.
18911 ®
• x.%
Clocks v-JV . .
W atches %
' d
and - f- -
Old Men Side Twenty miles
To have their eyes tested, defects corrected, and to be
suited in Glasses, by,
J". L. TAPP %
Jeweler and Optician,
Balton Ga,
LISTEN? Wilson
& 00 .,
ton (successors to
Hurd & Delany) will
for the next 80 Days give
with each DOZEN CABI¬
NET PHOTO’S one 14x17
Crayon Picture, all for $4.00:
or the Cabinets without Cray¬
on for $8.00. Work guaran¬
teed in every respect. Bring
in 3 ’our old pictures if you
want them enlarged.
Call \ at the NEW BARBER SHOP for
first class Shavo er a Stylish ^11 tir Out.
Shampooing & Dying dono in workman-like
manner, None but White Barbu r s
Our Dandruff E radio a tor U a deni shot if
•Shop oppoaino Uemy Weyv' orly.1
C. V. B *f; k Pi». I>
If"you .-ire.going to the West,
Southwest or Northwest, save
time and money by calling on
or writing to John L. Edmond
-on, Dalton, Ga., traveling pas¬
senger Agent of the “Old Re¬
liable’ 1 W. & A. E. Ik Spe¬
cial accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas travel
Gfotgia Murray County
Whereas UN King Adrnr of
Pinkney How oil deceased, has in
due form applied to we for leave to
sell the hinds belonging to the es¬
tate of said deceased and said ap¬
plication will be heard on the first
Monday in June next. This April
30th 1891. *W H Kamsev,
_______ ._______________________
Geo-gia Murray Conn y
u*t v ™T
duly filed, tint rho baa fu!ly ad ninistered
said eernte. This is Iherofore to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said Admit.
should not be discharged from her Adminis
trotinn and receive letters of dismission tho
first Monday in Juno 1891. This Mardk 3d
1891. W. II. Ramsey, Ordinary,
Many Persons household
Are broken do .rn from overwork or
.-arcs jSro’.rri’s Iron Bitters
rebuild,' tho rid ryshtn.nids diprestion, the removes genuine. ex¬
cess of oilc, euros malaria. Get
A Household Remedy
Fpfi A Li.
cr -tsttr-Av rt rj
es B k- m ^
i . 5
lokak k’iT <
fer u ot r»\ ■ Vu' T Wi\, j
S'gUJ ftvtn.j i'/tf'r. »* :: ii-ji v : .• v’;t
5Jf3td.R .6. .i i
IV! 13 1 ifgp.l'r t"
rurpo-t $•■{•;-i.v •
JtisUfy :t;. .-Hi
Win* ii'-- S". .: • ”
If you are going west or
south west and want Cheap
Tickets and Quick Time ad¬
dress or call on W. E Sutton
or J. L Smith general emigrant
ticket agents Dalton Ga.
State op Georgia Murray Corny,
Will be sohl before the court
house door iu tho town of Spring
Place, to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic out ciy between Ilia legal hours
of sale on the Ist Tuesday m June
next, the following described prop
trfy to wit:
On all that portion cf lot of land
No.' 65, lying North of Body creek,
excepting the saw mill and gin
property, including nboufc three
acres of land. Also fifty rods off
of the South side ot lot. No 266, all
ip Rani D:st. find 2nd Sect, of
county, Justice by virtue fatal to
,satisfy t|e a ccurtjR fa, icons
3013th Diet, G lu said county,
favor of the Pacific Guano to. vs.
Peeples: Levied on as the
■properly of tho defendant.
Alto at the eama time and pl.uW
one steam engine and boiler (made
by T M Niggle) and sa*v mill and
fix.!ares thereto. Said engine be¬
ing 25 horse power,j.the boiler 30
horse p: war. Said saw mill, eu
gine, boiler and fixtures theieto
located about 2 miles west of Spring
Place near the residence of W W
Mauldin. Levied on by virtue of
and to satisfy a mortgage fi fa is¬
sued ironn the Superior court of
b.bitfield county in favor of GW
Hill vs. V L Run & (‘o. Property
in possession ot Vv H & B F Jones
and will be delivered where it now
stands. This April 29th 1*91.
3. O. Me Entire, 'Sheiiff.
Special N otice!
Having lost by death my eeie
brated Native Jack, Maringo
Mammoth, I concluded that Mur
ray county should have a first c'ass
! ; Jack. I visited the Woodward
j COmbinaiioil S.lie lit LfeXilK/fcim Ky.
™* ot r B ; ,d u krse nom -
wriCKa 'ri’GTB lor SJilo, blit did
not get suited. Afler looking over
quite a large teritoi V, I purchased
‘ GALLO" a thorough-bred Span¬
j ish Jack of the Berry and Murray
imnorUtion, sa d by many to be
tilts finest Jack of his age- in Kentucky
Descriptio&. .
GALLO is it black Jack with
mealy points, io hands high, 4 years
old, remarkably largo bone and
foot and with a style cl neck, head
and ear unsurpassed by any Jack in
America. He is high lived, and as
full of action as a trilling horse.
Nothing but black stock can bo
registered in the American Jack
GALLO will make the season of
1891, at the Cohntta Stock Karra,
Dennis Murray county Ga.. at 810
for mares and 825 for Jennctts, by
insurance. Stock from a distaoe
kept at reasonable rates,
Dennis Johnson.
if Yorrn i sack actiiss
^ von fire fill .y.orii out, r-'-rTll^good for nothing •
Saw P. Maddox, Trammell Starr.
jg Maddox! Starr, IS
Dalton , Georgia.
Prompt attention will be given
to ail legal business in Murray
and adpiniug c lunties.
Piles [cured WITHOUT
Call on or Address,
w- 'Dr. McKnight,
New Drug Store,
Dalton, . .
Dent ist.
Office over National Bank
Dalton Ga.
Teeth extracted without
pain, a specialty.
M. H. Anderson
Attorney at Law
Spring Place, Geoeoia.
Prompt attention given to all le¬
gal business and tho collection of
Spring "lace, Ga.
J. J. Bates
Spring Place, Gfokoia.
Special attention given to collec¬
tion* and criminal practice
Dr. B. 8. MoSEAL 3
Physician and Surgeon
Pamsey ~Y--- Ga.
Prompt attention given to
cads, d ty or night.
Office at the residence of
John It. Keith.
The New
L. If. Tinsley!
First class meals tor only 25
Fourth door * onh of Dr,
Plain’s Drug Stole, Dalton, Ga
F. L. Keith 9
-J Dealer In
Whiskies, Brandies j nd
WINEb, tor Sacramental
103 East Eighth Street,
Chattanooga Tenn.
When you want pure whiskies,
call on or send to me, 1 will guar¬
antee my goods to be as represented
My corn whiskey is the best
if this market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see me. Let cash accompany or¬
der. 4 IS ly
State op Georgia, Murray County
Leonard Mary E Leonard, widow of M JVJ
deceased, having applied
for twelve months support for her
self and minor children out ot the
estate of said deceased, end ap
praisers appointed to set apart the
same bavin" made their return.
Tina is i n cite all persons concern
ed to shew cause if any they can
why Said return ot said lasers
should not he set npirt t.o said
widow and children as a twelve
months support, on the 1st Mon
f| 3) in Line, nest. TJiis the 30!h
%t r R-.:r ■'
• ••
t f j, rjj £ 'jy «arj* V
& iiong«st f
• ,£ ge|:
§84 k ,
ilSfiSl mm
Dalton Oa.
We desiro to call the fi tteation of the puh*
lie, and the ccople of Mu r ay, especially
that we are now wide awake in the LIVERY
BUSINESS; having purchased the entl^ bus¬
of Mr. S. Stable. D. Poaioh. Wagon jokfl^pa
cocneetlon with
ss .... M
e l«St
1 1
I m l
■ V -
VSlftolCAN t>ClD Al^^AGENCYJtir
A pamphlet of Information and ab-,
t .stractof ^Obtain Paints, theihwa, showing How ton
Caveats, TradcJ
1101 ^JIiw Broadway,
For i
Residsaee, Church,
4> Roof Creating.
Hitching Posts.
aU 8lLL *'
iron Verandas.
foil Cells cages
Saw Mills and
f Machinery,
- 9
Write for Price*.
Be sure you mention this paper.
W m &B9
Western & Atlantic Railroad.
Close Connections in Union Passenger
Depots. See that your Tickets to
—Read via—
Western & Atlantic R. R.
Only lino making: close connection^ in UNION
PASSENGER DEPOT, Atlanta, for Savannah, Au¬
gusta, Charleston and all Florida points.
For Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations, &Ci
write to or call upon
s S. L. Rogers, City Pass. Agent,
Frank Sevier, Ticket Agent,
C. B. Walker,
T. Ag’t, Union Depot.
K. D. Mann,
No. 4 Kimball House,
General CHAS. Passenger E. Agent, HARMAN, Atlanta.
J. W. THOMAS, General Manager.
Neuralgic troubled Jrcrsons
And those with nervousness resulting taking
from care or overwork \ will be relieved by
l}rown , olid Iron Hitters. Genuine
has trade mark crossed red lines on wrapper.
' "