North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, May 28, 1891, Image 3

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.-^593855® North Georgia Times. Subscription Kates: Oae year, $1 00 Sixfmonths, 53oents;Three months, 23 oeuts. Payable in advance. Address all communications to The Timeb gpring Place, Ga. HOME NEWS. JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING “Creates many a new business; Enlarges many ad old busiucss; Preserves many a large business; Saves many a failing business; rr- Secnres success in a ny business.” jyjrs. Belle Keister of Dalton was sVer visiting relatives for a few days last week. I refund money in every instance il Plantation Chili Cure (Regular anil Tasteless) ever” fails—but it never fails. J For T J. Ovby Spring Place. The infant child of Wib] Adams pear Mt. Zion was ’seriously’burn ed the first of .last week. I would not urge an article with¬ out merit. I urge and guarantee Plantation Chill Oure;(Regnlar aud Tasteless) For sale by„T_ J, Ovby Spring Place Guess who come up„in th3,TiMEs office Sunday and blacked bis mus taebo with printers ink? He works at the Cedar Ridge ftflarble Quarry. For'pure fresh drugs go to F 0 Trevitt Daiton^Ga. My sales of Plantation Chill cure (Regular and Tasteless) exceed in amount all others together- For sale by T J Ovby Spring Place. Mrs, MollieHenty of Dalton has Ijpeen visiting in the city for the past week. Don't forget to call on F 0 Trevitt when in Dalton. Drugs apd Jewelry. We are requested to announce Mauldin* and ' Oarlock that Profs. will ^conduct an all dsy singing in town on the 2nd Sunday in June. Stop and think! Plantation chill cure (Regular and Tasteless) cures ^9 cases out of ever hundred, and price only 50 cents. For side* by T J Ovby Spring Place. Judge Templejiad'a’.fine mess of Irish potatoes for dinner on Mon¬ day of this week. _Jfc- 0 Trevitt is the: druggist of North Georgia-—see hiimat Dalton, John Edmondson [of Dalton is ip town and dropped in to see us on Tuesday. He is entitled to th« belt. - ‘‘Our Native Herb”—The great¬ est Blood Purifier and Liver Regu lator. 200 days treatment $100. Apply to T N Kirby, Alacuisa Ga., or J A Dickson, Spring Place Ga. Legal ‘ adds 1 ’ muss appear in our next issue, We. regret to chronicle the seri¬ ous illness of Herbert Anderson. U you want your prescriptions accurately filled take them to if O Trevitt Dalton Ga, 2 spools thi ead 5c N Y store Dalton. Mrs. D.';C. Vining of Rusk Tex as|i& visiting-relatives near Wood lliwn, in this county. A new and stylish line of import¬ ed French hats for the ladies, just received at the New York Store in Dalton. Call andPxaraina-thenb Wa have for sale a pair of coun¬ ter scale*. A bargain to anyone in need of them. Why pay 75 cents or $100 when you can buy Plantation ohil! care (Regula and Sasteless) for 50 cents, which is guaranteed to cure you For sale by T J Ovbey Spring Place. Dr. Harris was called to Dalton on Monday to attend the sick child of Mr- and Mrs Starr T. A. & S. E. Berry Buggies, are stantly receiving Nice Carts and Surries and please the most fastidious. Uur readers will notice the “ad” of the Ellij ay High School this issue. The Ladies are invited to see our nice Hats in Black and White. An mense bue oi Flowers, Mitts and Ruchicg. waists in Black and h'te. Gholston & Bailjk "The wav of the transgre s sor is hard, but the way to reach the pinnacle of sucess iu busiucss. oh vc merchants of little faith, is to. adver¬ tise—advertise persistently, advertise advertise liberally, iu the TIMES.” LOOK! LOOK!! LOOK!!! 433 Meu’s Suits. Absolutely Strictly All Wool every thread and fiber AT the extremely low price of $3 50 per suit, Baltimore Clothing Co., Kenner corner, Dalton Ga. Col. H. Heartsill is dangerously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Steed, near town. Plantation Chill Cure (Regular aud Tasteless) is the only remedy prescribed by physicans. For sale by T J Ovbey Spring Place. Sheriff Mclntire was in town Tuesday and enlivened our sanc¬ tum a few minutes, bringing,us’ a new subscriber. Thanks,Awfully. NEW HOME, >• Watch out for Major Lester and buy an Improved New Home Sewing Machine from him T. A. & S. E. Berry. The singing at Central Academy ou Sunday was largely attended aud the music was very fine. Prof. Mauldin;will never be fchappier in this life than when he is leading a class in music. Camp & Ce : have their Planing Machine iD working order and are now prepared to do all kinds of planing as citeap as can be done in Dalton. Give them a trial when you have anything; in their line; they Will give you satisfaction. Presiding Elder Robins of Dal¬ ton was in attendance at the Quar¬ terly conference of the , M. E. church, South, held at this place the first of the week - Cutaways aud Prince Al¬ berts reduced 25 per cent to make room for an immense fall stock. Baltimore Clothing Co„ D. Iton Ga. Gome to town next Tuesday and attend the mass meeting. The peace of the entire county is sols ly dependent on your undivided attention and we have the utmost faith in your interest in this matter. Mr. Eva, superen ten dent of the cell work in tho jail is having the job fixed up m apple pie order. Mms May Johnson visited rela¬ tives in Gordon county this week. The w$?k on the graveyard was commenced Tuesday. The com¬ mittee will have the work done neatly and the people may expect to see it greatly improved. Messrs* Temple, Robinson and Ovbey are going to hare some de» cided improvements made on their residences in the Way of painting. Let the good work go on. Thursday night of each week is the time appointed for prayer meeting. Everybody is invited to attend and assist in the good work. A Mechanical Wonder. The Deqpration Day issue ©f the Albany, N. Y., Telegsam will be the most original, unique and pop¬ ular paper ever presented to the American public. Nothing like it ever attempted by a newspaper in the nineteenth century. As a me¬ chanical wonder and a military lit¬ erary library there will be nothing to even compare with it issued in this country. It will be printed on red, white and blue paper and consists of 16 pages. If there is no agent in yonr town you can have the paper mailed to you at 5 cents a copy. The graveyard committee re¬ quests us to state that the work of shrunbing off aud filling up the old graves has been commenced and all who are interested are asked to come and point out the graves of their dead as a great number ol them are hard to find. Alt contributed t > the fund are ted to come and Day iu the as it is still needed. Died: On the'morning ol the 26th Inst., Mrs. Kilgore died at the residenoa of J- D. Eobinson, after an" illness of several mcnths. Wo extend condolence to the be¬ reaved relatives. By George! that's a pretty suit —Yes, got it at Ovbey's. For tombstones and monumental work call on CN King. Died; On Thursday of last week Mrs. Elizabeth McMahan breathed her last on earth. She had lived to the advanced age of 91 years and leaves a Large concourse ot friends to mourn her loss. I anj now receiving a complete line of imported dress goods and invite the ladies to examine them before dealing elsewhere, Ovbey. Ovbey is leading in clothing, Dim; On Monday of this week Mrs. Bramblette, mother of Miles H. and] Wm. Bramblette died after a lingering spell of sickness- Orio by.oneHhe old people of our'eoun ty pass away to their rest in the grave, never more to bo worried with the ^trials oi this earthly-life. We call attention to the new ad¬ vertisement of Teem, Logan & tindly in this issue. They are livery-men and Mr.-Logan is well known to’the- Murray people, as this is his old home. Give them a trial. T. J. Ovbey will sell ’ycu clothing as cheap as it can be bought in Ga. Teachers Examination. The teachers of Murray coun ty aref requested Jto meet at the'eourt house in Spring Place on Saturday June Gth, at 8:30 oclock a. m. for examination ohe day only, and’to consider the interest of the coming Normal, to, be held at Mt. Zioa. S. H. Henry, C, S, C. Of course I got, my suit at Ov¬ bey's, no better goods can be had in the market. HOLLY CREEK NEWS. Notwithstanding the general confusion in our community caused by the murder of one of our neighbors we’are having ■ flourishing Sunday School at Casey’s Springs and New Ppos nect We have a union of the e ' Methodists and Baptists . in , lue Sunday school work in this J and hope it . much Community success. We also have a debating so> ciety, which meets every 3rd. Saturday evening of each month. The question last meeting was: “Resolved that the world is growing, morally worse,'’ and alter an interest¬ ing discussion the decision was rendered in favor of the Nega¬ tive. Subject for next 3rd. Saturday is: “Resolved that women should be allowed to vote” All are ipvited. A. T. Weaver lost one ot his fine match fillies last week; thought to have been poisoned. Some of the neighbors’ hogs are dying of cholera. Our friend Andrew Thomas has left for Ala. His wife was almost crazy from fear of the kuklux and lie moved to please her. Roberts & Stewart have moved their sawmill to within, about one mile south of the campground. Farmers much in need of are rain; some have stopped, work until a season comes. Crops are very small for the time ot year. Li ttleWit. EUijay Seminary. Unexcelled for efficiency and cheapness. Faculty of fonr able teaohtr3. Buildings well equipped for school purposes, Tuition from $1 to $2 per month. Incidental fee 25 cents per term. Board cheap, and dormito lies at small rent for students wlio wish to bosrd themselves. Special course in Book keeping $3 per month. Students admitted any time hetwocn July 6tU 1891 and Apn ( the 15th 1892. Forfurtner iufoimation address: Rkv, J. E- Tallant, A. M. President of Faculty, Elijiy.Ga, 1891—Clothing! Something O we can’t do t out and we are bound to keep it. ; We have received and are re-, cehhng the largest line of Clothing ever brought to Spring Place. We have culled the market for best goods that could be bad, and buying in large quantities, enables us to sell at Rock Bottom prices. T. J. Ovbey We sell the Spencer Optical Company’s Spectacles and eye glasses. They are very fine glasses and you should try them before purchasing else¬ where. S. J. McKnights New Drug Store, Dalton Ga. N otice To Tiie Ladies. We are bouud to suit the ladies’ fancy regardless of what it costs. Have received a beautiful stock of ladies’ hats and would like to stress the fact that they are of the very latest style and fashion. A cordial iuvitation to all. T. J. Ovbey. Notice, Parties wishing to buy En¬ gines, Saw mills, Cotton G.ios, Power Presses, Elevator Fans, Wagon Scales, Shafting PuL leys, Etc., Etc., will find it to their advantage to corres¬ pond with me in legat'd to specifications and pi ices before placing their orders elsewhere. I handle nothing but first class machinery and guarantee satisfaction. Address, T, W. Harbin, Calhoun Ga. ---—«. IF CATARR Bold in the by Head, Throat, or Lungs, wo ca) mire you our now method. Remedy pleas At. Cost moderate. Send for sample, whig tvamail FREE! Address, DR\J. W. BLOSSER & CO., DALTON/JA. ™ T ,„, 8 etryj^etitior: for Partition of lot of land No. 6SMd north haif ofiotNo.sooih Dist. and 3rd section Murray Co. Ga. It appearing to the court that Benjamin Vising Sr., one of the defendants and ten ants i r common in this ease resides cut o the state. It is ordered by the court that said Viniiig be served by publication in terms of the statute—open court Feby. Term 1891. Thos, W. Milnks, J. S. C. C. C I certify that above is a true copy of the order ‘roui the minutes of court. This Apr. I5tb 1891. S. H. Fincher, C. S. C. NOTICE TO PERFECT SERVICE. Mxky Fakrak’ Vs Wm Fakeab. Application to sot aside ms-rriags contract in Murray Supoiior court, Feby Term 1891. It appearing to tho court by the/, return of the Sheriff in the above stated case that the defendant docs not reside in said county andf it further appearing that bo does not reside in this Sta e. It is therefore erdorod l y the court that service be perfected ou the defend¬ ant by the publbatiou of; this order anco a month for four months before tbo next term oftbis court in the North^Geougia Times a news paper published in Murray county Ga. Thos. W. Milnee, Jones & Mamin, 3 S C C C. Petrs. Attys. I oertify that tho above is a true copy of the order from the minutes of court. This Apr. 15th 1891. S II Eincheb, CSC. NOTICE TO PERFECT SERVICE. It appearing to the court, by tho petition of D II Loughridge that G B and Mary Jane Gentry on or about t elOth of November 1889 executed and delivered to said D H Lough¬ ridge a mortgage on eighty acres off tile North portion of lot of land No. 188, in the 8th Dist. and 3rd Sect, of Murray county Ga., for the purpose of scouring said D H Lough¬ ridge against loss as surety for the said G B and Mary Jane Gentry on a promisory note executed by them to John Hill, dated Janu¬ ary 27th 1887, for Thirty dollars principal, with eight per cent per anum and due Doc. 1st 1887, on -which said note judgement has been taken in favor of said John Hill against said D H Loughridge which said G B and Mary Jane Gentry refuses to pay. It is therefore ordered that the said G B and Mary Jane Gentry pay into this court on or before the next terra thereof the sum $30. and Int. at 8 per cent from date of said note, and the cost of this suitor in default';; thereof the oourt will proceed as to justfoo shall appertain and it is therefore ordered that this rule be pub¬ lished in the North Georgia Times, a news paper published in said county of Murray, once c month for four months, or served cn the said G B and Mary Jane Gentry, or tlloir special agent or attorney three mouths pre¬ vious to thovext term of this court. Jones & Martin, Thos. W. Milner, Potr. AEys. J. S. 0. G. 0. I hereby certify that the above is a true tract from th miuirles of court, Feby 1890. S II Fincher, Clerk SC. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery ft © €l § 9 LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION 1 Just Received at the Slilinery Store ot J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goods,consisting of Straw A now Children's Hats [trimmed and untr,mmed] Nech Bonnets andLadies* and Bonnet Silks, Satin., and Sash Ribbons, Viivct P-ibbons, Neck lies, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments &e. Oar goods j bought of thelargestand bestimporting Housesin balti- A wero and will bo sold at very low 9j more and New Yotk, (task. ieo3for 1891. 189 J. OVBEY ? Spring Place, Georgia Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!! I have ou hand, and will keep tlie best line of Gents ready made clothing, on the market. jgTAlso a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, ’Shoes,'.Hard ware, Groceries &c., and will sell at low prices, for cash. rrxrrrrr—rr_ ff, J. J©MFfS©rf, DEALER IN Y Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Eats, Etc. SPRING PLACE, GEORGIA The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir’s Factory Thread and a select stock of Summer lints of the latest styles, all of which will be so;d at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. Hem street & JL e e k. —DEALERS IN— Marble and Granite. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, TABLETS CROSSES Coping, and General Cemetery Work. Special Prices Given On Application 19 W T est Montgomery Are. UhATTAN ''OCA, Tss>» C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia. 1891 1891 Robinson & Fincher, spring place, GE0BG1A, .... Dealers In .... Groceries, Provisions, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Moat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee. Syrup and in fact everything in tho grocery lino; Queens and Tin ware; Also a select Stack of NOTIONS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN TO BUY THE ABOVE-MENTIONED GOODS. • • • .Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens, eggs, butter, corn,.,.* peas and anything in the produce li;-e. and pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Call and see our goods and get prices before you sell your produce or buy T, onr groceries &c. M. V. Te. A. T. Looan. 3. E. Findley. git, TEEM, I0GAN & FINDLEY, Livery Feed & Sale Stable. First Class. Accommodat ion*. We solicit a share of your patronage. ELLIJAY _ — — — — • Georgia. County Directory. Superior Court meets 3rd Monday in Feby, nd August. Judge. Hon. T. VT« Midneb, Hon. A. W. Fite, Solicitor General. S. H. Finches, Clerk Superior Court. court of o rainar y meets 1st Monday in each month. VI. H. Ramsey, Ordinary. J. C. McEntire, Sheriff. M. H. Bbamblettb, Tax Reeeiver, M. M., Tax Ceileetor. J. A. Dickson, Treasurer. M. Kobkuts, Surveyor. U, f. Tucker, Coreucr. Court of County Commissioners meets on Wedu»sdpy after 1st Tuesday in each month. w. IiWFMAN, Chairman—W. E. Coying S. A. Gregory, A. B. Weaver, Jas TON , W. Mackey, Commissioners. JUSTICES COURT. Town District 2nd Monday. Ball Grouiid/DistS’ 3rd Saturday. Eighth “ 2nd “ ; Doolittle “ 4th “ Tenth “ 3rd Alacuisa « 2nd Sh rek Pen “ 2nd Bull Pen “ . 4th 1013th •< 1st County/Sehool Board—S. H. Henry, E. W.RehRRRt, T.J. Bryant, C.D J. A.McKaut, A. T. Weaver. E. T. V & G. KY TJ!E CDRAI." Corrected to Slay Ilth, ’90. Trains From Dalton 80CTHWK8T No. 1. 9:06 p. M. , for Rome, Selma, Mo¬ bile, Now Orleans' Texas anil California, No. 11. 12:44 ni ht for Rome, Atlanta, Macon, Savannah, Brunswi.k and Jackson¬ ville. No. 13. 2:37 p. M., for same as No. 11. NORTHEAST and WEST No. 2. 3:40 r. m., for Knoxville, Bristol. WaehiDgton, Philadelphia and New York. No. 14. 4:05 P.' m., for Chattanooga, Memphis, Little Reck, Ft. Worth, Kansas * City, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago. No. 12. 4:47 a. h., ForsRme points at No 14. No. 16 11:30 a. M. ” Through Sleepers to New Orleans, Flor¬ ida, New York, Philadelphia, WaahirgtO a , Cincinnati and Memphis. B. W. Wbemx, G.,P & T. A. Knoxville, Tenn. J. L. Smith, & W. E. Sutton, T. F. A. Dalton, Go* FOR DYSPEPSIA Use Brown’s Iron Bitters. Physicians recommend it. All dealers keep it. S1.00 per bottle. Genuine has trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper