Newspaper Page Text
The “ Housekeeper»» of our Health.
The liver is the great depurating or ttlood
cleansing organ of the system. Set the great
housekeeper of our health at work, ana the
foul corruptions which gender in the blood
and rot out, as it were, the machinery of life,
are gradually expelled from the system. For
this purpose Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis
covery, with small daily doses of Dr. Pierce’s
Pleasant Purgative Pellets are pre-eminently
the articles needed. They cure every kind of
humor from the worst scrofula to the common
pimple, blotch or eraption. Great eating
ulcers kindly heal under their mighty curative
influence. Virulent blood poieons that lurk in
ih~- system are by them robbed of their ter
rors,‘and by their persovcriug ana somewhat
protracted use the most tainted system may
be completely renovated and built up anew.
Enlarged glands, tumor*and swellings dwindle
away and disappear under the influence of
their great resolvents. Sold by all dealers in
A friend of onrs who is chief clerk
in the Governmental Dispensary, says that no
medicine cheit is now complete without John
son's Anodyne Liniment. We always sup
posed it was prescribed i y law; if it is not, it
ought to be, for certainly there is nothing in
the whole materia medica of so much import
ance to the soldier and the sailor as Johnson’s
Anodyne Liniment.
Are you aware that the premonitories
of consumption are coughs, colds, bronchitis,
E arns in the side a .d chest, difficulties of
rpathing, etc ? If you permit these symp
toms to run on tubercles will be the result,
and end in consumption. Now, if you want to
cure these diseases, use Allen’s Lung Balsam
without delay. For sale by all medicine
Veterinary surgeons all over the
country are recommending Sheridan’s Cavalry
Condition Powders for the following trouble in
horses: Loss of appetite, roughness of the
hair, stoppage of bowels or water, thick water,
coughs and co ds, swelling of the glands,
worms, horse ail, thick wind, and heaves.
Patented 1873. The best Elastic Truss.
Made only by Pomeroy & Co., 744 B’dway, N. Y.
that gives per
son to those wishing to
Lesseps* “Vtgorine,*'
_ , _ . h package warranted
and sent by mall on receipt of |1.00. Samples
mailed for » ct*. Address J. P. FHANKLIN,
Sole Importer, Jersey City, New Jersey.
feet satisfi
raise iieanfor Mustache,
prepared only In Paris,
"idsent m
Of say and every kind. Send (tamp'
far CtUlof no. Addrow Crr.t Wm(«
udriaMWwki, mn ■tjaiis, pa.
AND ARMS. Hit rhest award
wherever exhibited. Satin motion
Apply for
anteed. Latest Improved
VOT.tlirii.M r.n Gov’t order,
blanks to fitAa A. t't A±ae.
7.\ Ew.a.'lu Street. .vTNGTTVNATI. nr
S.W. Cor. 4th and Market Sts.. LOUISVILLE. KY.
Thb elastic truss
now superseding all
others being adopted
'everywhere by the lead
ing physicians, sur
geons, druggists, army
and navy, hospitals,
gymnasiums etc.
The success and univer
sal satisfaction they
have given, as well as the great number or radical
cures they have effected, has demonstrated the foot
that rupture can be tu> ely cured without suffering
or annovauce, and without the danger of incurring
Useful. Handsome, Cheap. Kells
-Vwrcwucio. tL : ‘ '—
sew MAPs, CHARTS, Etc.
Our new chart, CHRISTIAN
■3RACES, Isa splendid success. Cin
cinnati prices same as New York,
send for term- to E. C. Bridgman, 5
Barclay st.N.Y.4 179 W.4th St Ctn.O.
Manufacturers of Patent Breech loading, Military,
“porting and < reedmoor Rifles. The best In the
World. Winner at International and neorlv all
other principal matches at Creedmoor. (See official
Record.) Spur tine Rifles, *30 to 838.00t
Creed moor Rifles, with elevation rorl,-
300 yards, SOU and 91145. -.end for Illus
trated Catalogue. K. G. WESTCOTT, President.
Ahmoby and Office, Hartfobd. Conn.
Go to River Side Water Cure, Hamilton, 111.
Do not Despair. Your congh can be cured.
Dr. Tntt's Expectorant Is the remedy. Thousands
attest its efficacy.
•^■fcJIKSpSSff 8
Was selected, 4 y-ars ago, and put to
work In toe Patent Office, Washing-
.on, D C. and has proved to t>e the
best. 19 sizes made Prices lower
than any other first-class Wheel.
Pamphlet free. N.F BURNHAM,
York, Pa.
DR. C. A.
N O. 619 North Fifth Street, St Louis, Mo., ESTAB*
LISHRD1837. Cures all sufferers without the use of
Mercury. Charges reasonable fees.
B.*s ‘'Treatise on Special Diseases,” which
fully explains the nature, causes, symptoms, and means
to cure all forms of Nervous Debility, all Disease? caused
by the “ Errors of Youth,” and valuable information on
other delicate subjects, sent free in plain scaled
OIL CHROMOS for $1; two for 25c. Agents
waDted F.W.McCleave* C'o,BosU)n<fe?hlcago.
Each week. Gold nfncil free. Address
PALMER, ALBERS 4 C'O., St. Lonis
Agents. Chang Chang sells at sight. Necessary as
soap. Goods free, Chang Chang M'f'g Co.. Boston.
A DAY. Agents wanted, male and female.
Address Eureka M’fgO'o, Buchanan.Mich.
AC CO on per day at home. Terms free. Address
3>3c-W^U gko.Stinson<6Co..Portland Maine
can be obtained at about one-half the usual rates
by orderlrig direct. Singer’s, 4) ct-. per dozen;
Wheeler 4 Wilson. 60 cts.; Howe’s 50 cts.; Grover
& Baker. 50 cts.; and others in proportion. Inclose
the amount ana Nee lies will be returned by first
mall. Address.
658 Broadway, New York.
„ Address
Excelsior M'f’o Co.. Buchanan, Mich-
$200 - montn 10 ?K el ? t \? ver £ wn . pre
Soda Fountains.
$40, $50, $75, & $100.
Shipped Ready for Use.
Manufactured by CH 4 PM AN 4 CO„
Madison. Ind.
WP8ond for a Catalogue.
Truss In use i hat will bold the rupture securely in
all positions In which the body can be olaced. It
luiilOft: on res when all others fall. It
can he woru with ea-e and comfort when r.o spring
truss can he used. V.’h-r: once adjusted ttomouuu
of the body or accident can eisplacd It These In
stiuments have the unqualified approval or the
moat eminent practitioners hi the profession.
From the numerous testimonials In our posses
---* (h£./o!!owtng:
*’ After the experience <*i mouths, patients testi
fy strongly to the effleaey, as well as to the ears and
freedom from inconvenience with which the In
strument Is worn. With superior advantages, the
Mastic Truss possesses In a nigh degree ALL re
quisltes and qualifications claimed tor other Inven
tions. I have no hesitation In regarding It as an
important means for Abe relief and cure of Her
nia. J. 5ft CARNOliliAN. M D.
Kx Health Office of the Port of New York Sur
geon-ln-Uhief if New’York Slate Hoplstal.” etc.
Gbo. V House, M. D., Superintendent Elastic
Truss Co. <e
Sear Sir .-—After suffering for thirty years, in
my own person, from the use of every form of
Metallc Truss procurab'e Id this country and in
Europe. I, two years ago. applied yonr Elas'ie,
Truss, and since that time 11 ave experienced com
fort and satisfaction, and been taught the truth
that the Elastic Truss Is the only Instrument that
ebnuld be used for the relief and cure of Hernia ;
and now after more than thirty years' continuous
practice, aud having adjusted many hundreds of
Trusses (and for the last twenty months yours ex
clusively). I gratefully declare it to be my dellber
ate opinion, that your Elastic Truss Is the only one
entitled to the coofldence of the public ; that elas
ticity is the only power at all adapted to the re
quirements of a T russ or Supporter, and am con
vinced that your /Clastic Iru s actually cures a
large proportion of all cases to which It Is applied,
not only among children, but in numerous cases
within my own knowledge of patients from 53 to
75 years of age. H. BUBVHSM, U.D
Prof of Anatomy and Surgery, N. Y. E. Medical
Beware of cheap and worthless Imitation Elastic
Trusses, which some parties advertise and sell,
fraudulently representing that they are manufac
tured by the Elastic truss Co.
These 'l rimes ere seut by mall to all parts sf the
country. Satisfaction guaranteed In all cases.
Before purchasing any other, write for Descrlpi lve
Urc. lar(ft es) to the
683, Broadway, New York.
Sold by agents. Address M. N. Lovell, Erie, Pa.
t6WC A1VEKK. Afcnts wanted everywhere. For
$40 outfit 25c. Fbitcu & Walker, Dayton, uitio.
®f)A Dally to Agents. 85 new articles and the
best'Family Paper In Amirlca, wltn two
51 ebromos. free. Am. M’f'g to.SOO Broadway.N.Y
CJOST PER DAY commission or $30 a week
salary and expenses. We oflferitanrt will
PAY it. Apply now.G. Webber & Co. Marlon C
nut V <t!0 Fisher’s Patent Pbairie Mower
UNLT iPw> Knife Grinder Sold by dealers. Cir
cuit! HENRY FISHER, Canton, Ohio.
WANTED A GENTS Everywhere, to sell our pop
ular ‘Life of Dr.Livingstone.'from his childhood to
his ’last Journal.’ Full, complete, auth/ntic,attract
ive, people’s edition B.B. Bussell,Pub.Bost'n.Masi.
DVERTIBEBSI Send 95 cts. to GKO. P.Row-
.hll A Co, 41 Park Row. N. T.. ter their Ponv.
et of lOO pages, containing list* of *,COP jewe
lers, aud eellmatea showing cost of advertising.
HIS paper Is printed with Ink furnished by
Charles Enen Johnson 4 Co., 509 8o. 10th Bt-
TT TAT n Catalogue Free. Ru>
fx U JN 0a * Co,, 1018 K
5th street St. Louis, Mo.
A MONTH.—AGENT* wanted every
where. Business honorable and first-
class. Particulars sent lree. Address
WORTH 4 CO., St. Louis, Mo.
rhe People’s dollar paper. The Contri
butor, emaro.d to ul columns, religious
Wfllltfi Ibutor, enlarg.d to Gl columns, religious
tuvJSvirisland secuiar. Takes everywhere Five
ouoonis 'Inagnlficent premiums Sample, terms,
AGENTSletc.Tfree. J. H. EARLE. Boston.
The Improved Success Washing Machine.
|140,000 worth sold In 3years
and give universal satisfac
tion. It washes all sizes
of clothing including Bed
Spreads, or Lace collars,
without Irjury. Half dozen
shirts are ole ined In 8 min
utes, Including soiled wrist
bands. Power Machines for
Laundries to order. Fordo-
J. 8. Winslow 4 Co., Bhlp
Brokers, Portland, Me., say:—
^"We honestly tniuk your Sea
N iFostn superior <o all other
Baking PowderB ”
West, atone 4 Co., Grocers,
Spring Held, Mass., say “ Sea
Foam combines all the quali
ties desired In a first-class
Baking Powder.” Try It.
•' It Is Just the thing for dys
peptics and weak persons, and
better still for the strong and
well.” Many valuable cooking
, A recipes sent free. Send for clr-
Ocular to Geo. F. Gantz 4 Co.,
176 Dunne street, New York.
Dr. J. Walker’s California Viu«
egnr Hitters are a purely Vegetable
prepara. Ion, made chiefly from the na
tive berk.-* found on the lower ranges ol
the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, the medicinal properties of which
aro extracted therefrom without the use
of Alcohol. The question is almost
daily asked, “What is tho cause of the
unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit
ters?” Our answer is, that they remove
the cause of disease, and the patient re
covers his health. They are tho groat
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator and Invigorator
of the system. Never before in the
history of” the world has a uiedioine been
compounded possessing the remarkable
qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing the
sick of even disease man is heir to. They
are a gentli Pi rgativo as well as a Tonio.
relieving Congestion or Inflammation ol
tno Livor and Visceral Organs, in Bilious
The properties of Dr. Walker’s
Vwjeoar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic
Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic
Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alton
tive. and Anti-Bilious.
whboe’s oohpootd ot
scrlpttve Pamphlet addre-s
York M’f'oi’o.. York. Pa.
For Profenalonal and Amateur
Ten styles, Prices (Tom $5.00 to $150.00
BEN J. C. WOODS & CO. Manurnand
<ie»!cr« in ail kinds of Printing Material,
• - • • !.) 49 Federal 6t. Boston.
Send ittiimp for Catalogue.
T HESE wonderful Cards enable anyone toper-
form the most astonishing Tricks without de
tection. ' • Ith them, and with the same Cards you
can rhow all eight spots, all deuces, all red tpots
or all black, 4c, Tne pack is put up In a neat
wrapper and sent to any address for only 25 rents.
Address J. M. FOLSOM 4 CO.. Box 64. Bristol,
EDf 0 rffieCEN1£NNIAL
A book for every American, sells every where at
sight. Farmers, Teachers, students, lawyers, mer
chants. school directors, manufacturers, mechan
ics. shippers, salesmen, men of learning, and men
who can only read, old and youog, all want It for
ife •*
I, a rire core for Eplleptla Fit,, Convolitoni and everyday reference, and use. Show, grand results
Spasm,. Ith»«b«nt*ne<l By tboimr.Ii and neror , nt tm year, erm-rp-s A whole library.—Easton
vii known to Tallin a tingle case. Impose «Umj> for
L1 Cli It ON D ** P '( V «t. ienh . Mo.
Olole.' Not k luxury, hut a necessity ~mter ijczan.
po,t soiling book published Good pay. Want gen. j
Witbor’a Cod Liver OH and Lime.—The
great popularity of this sale and efficacious prepar
ation Is alone attributable to its Intrinsic worth. In
the cure ol coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, scrof
ulous humors, whooping cough, and all consump
tive symptoms it has no superior, If equal. Let no
one neglect the early symptoms of disease, when
an agent is thus at hand which will alleviate all
complaints of the chest, lungs or throat. Mana
factured only by A. B. WIlBOR, Chemist, Bos
ton. Sold by all druggists.
8a 617 St. Churl,, Street, St. Lrab, 11a.
culars and our extra terms to Agents. N ATION
AL PUB. CO., Cincinnati, Ohio,or Memphis, Tenn.
flu I AOENTs Wanted EvtiBVWHKRE.-The
rH A choicest la the world-importers’ prlces-
l I'lfi largest company in America—staple article
•pleases everybody—trade Increasing—best in
ucemeats—Jnn’t waste time—send for circular t >
iobert Wells, 44 Vesey St, A. Y.; P. O. Box 1.87.
With per30-is des'ilng to exchange Pouthern or
r i_ i -_ „t „ .^ ^ AAKnneotlon twinr*a r\T
murvu ivr luvcaiuis iu aw. * L,vu.d property. —.
--.Hinformation as to value and titles Imparted to
cHefies WKKTcorr. Herman 4 Rainey, Counsel-
jrs.kf, '
--w-^r tmpr'"i-nr- -no sapmutlM IMttn.
Dr. W. < Mwn.-uhowat I, ebarterrd by tb« Stats A Mia.
loarl, wa# foandrd and has beea established to tseart
rate, eerisia and reliatie relief. Ueiug a gradual, mi
T HE Second Annual Fair of the Agricultural,
Mecbaolcal and Horticultural Association of
Mobile, will be held Tuesday, April 27, 1875. aud
continue fire days. The most beautiful g.ouuds
In the South - Most delightful drives In the World
Every arrangement mado for the enjoyment of
visitors No entry tee charged exhibitors. Races
each day of the Fair. Railroads and Steamboats
carry passengers and articles for exhibition at
hair rates. Fend to Secretary for Premium List.
Buy an excursion Ticket and come to the Fair.
Habit Cured
A certain and sure curs, without inconvenience,
and at home. An antidote that stands purely on Its
own merits. Send for my quarterly magazine (It
costs you nothing), contalnlngcertificates of hundreds
that havo been permanently cured. I claim to have
discovered and produced the first, obioinal aro
DR* 8* B. COLLINS, La Porte, Ind.
B. 51, W'OOLEY, Sole Agt. Southern States,
Atlanta, Ga.
400 testimonials. Add
HABIThCURED at Borne; No
Publicity. Term* moderate.
„Time short Fouryears of nn-
I paralleled success. Describe case.
> testimonials. Address Dr.F.E.Marsh,Qulncv,Ulcb.
ttAAA and expenses a month to agents. Addretf
9aUU A. L. STODDARD. Jonesvllle, Mich
Best French Burr »t i irspin-
file lutdi-r-rmim-rx, --- It head
uiijM-i'-rmiiiiis for Farm or
Uereliaut work. .Suite-
eior .11111 Slones of ull
ailed. ItenniiH- Hutch An
ker Boltins? C’lotH, Bill
Picks, * "i s Mlwller* mid
rlMimr-, (li-miiiB, Shsttiua,
Pulli.-, Kniigera, .10., ull kimL
■if Mill Mseliiu-ry mid Millera’
-uppli-v. 6hti.1 fur Pamphlet.
Strtiult Mill Comimny
llitx 1430. Cincinnati, O,
eRSVi UOMAXCY, or Soul Charming.-
^ w t-itiis-r ttr-x Dirty fiwcluflic »»«l **lu Ibe 1«vp *i»g
»*K-:h'n »■ 5 rtitv i fr*uii tltcy cboow*,luntontljr. TUl*»rt tli **aii
». t r .... ! *y :$**;!, 2* I'igpthpr wilb»Mflrrl»4xeGuide,
E *' ''tSrtti Or»‘ W. Hlnl* ft* I^kdlPt.Ac. 1,000,000A
%’ch. twufc. Awj. rs* T. WiLLUUS A CU.Prnb*i, PbfUdtlpUUk
Watid lucceairui ure
nsawici tuat uxv cucctuai
•ud bhYinR (be experience w a
bu apeclaUiee h* perfcete**
o all Gscm cmcs. ills patU&tt
»tter wbo failed, call or write. From the great
r of application* be It enabled to keep Ma cl
*• 30 pages, (riving fall symptom*, for two sti
'(to pages, a popular book which thouM be read by-wry
v»ly bo marr.ed pair, or periom eoDtamplatlDg t—
•l-rtf’ c ,*» »*>”• w do without It. It contain, tt- crea
—dicat literature on tht, «nt||eet, the re.nlu of Or. ’
„n« experience; ai»> the heat thought, from late WOT,
3 Kuiop; md America Sent waled. po,;.p,lil forhOgu.
An interesting illus
trated work of 280
pages, containing
valuable Information for those who are married or
contemplate marriage. Price fifty cents by mall.
Address Dr. BUTTS' DISPENSARY, if North
Eighth street, St. Louis, afo.
cured l>y Dr. Deck's only
known ami sure Remedy.
‘or treatment until cured. Call ott or address
112 John Street;, CINCINNATI, OHIO.
to $95 PER D \ Y—Send for "Cbromo''
catalogue. J. H Uuffobd’sSons,Boston.
HEN writing to advertisers please mention
the name of this paper, fho- 15.8, N. U»
islng f
my new catalog
'or advertising in art nowspapM'J^fiire i
ly new catalogue of over ON 14 THHli
Papers. S. P. SANBORN,lit Monroe-st.,Chicago,]