Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 12, 1875, Image 4

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- #nwi8Ulfli -ZyF-" x. w. Stacy, Editor and Proprietor Subscription Priori (1 ptr Annum j» Advance- WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. 1875. m--' LOCALS. —Some folks don’t remember worth a cent. W« wish they would. —Who will buy the Macon A Bruns- nick Railroad ? That is the question now that agitates the minds of: some folks. - ; —The 15tl» instant is the last day allowed ns for the payment of First ' Quarterly City Taxes. Look out, or the Marshall will ftvjr on yonr prop* j ~ erty. ” ’ j , —The steamer, Lizzie Baker, hav- 1 ing changed her days, will hereafter I arrive from Suvnnuuh Friday nights, j ■ ami retnming, leave here Monday af- j teraoons. ! —Say, City Fathers P How ahout that Committee of One, appointed by j you to receive information about i that Ci'tit money matter of lust .year ? Have you abandoned .the chase ? We j hope not. . _ j —Well, if we hare never seen a fe male lecturer, we have at lust seen a female exliorter; she made her appear ance at the colored M. E. Church on ! Sunday night last. Her appeals to , the impenitent were warm uud eatlm- siustic. —Rumor says, the 11. lc A. R. T. will pay off to-day, its indebted ness of the post two months. A good many dollars will change hands in cor - sequence. We are pleased to learn that the entire rolling stock of the road is now kept busy. ; —A Macon carriage Arm says it si Vos from five to t right dollars on ev- eiy buggy shipped, by way of the Brunswick Packet Line ,fr».m New York instead of via of Savannah & Central R. R. This is a mutter wor k investigating. —The only solvent institution ue know of now in thissectiou is the Fur, Fin and Feather Club. They own quite nu outfit for camping purposes, have money in their treasury, and dt rf’t owe a dollar. They ought to be content. —“Village Go ; s r" was the subjec t of Rev. Mr. Atkinson’s sermon last Sabbath night at the Baptist Church of this city. We know of no more ap propriate theme just at this juncture of affairs. The suggestions thrown out by Mr. A. were good and wonld result favorably to all if heeded. —Cot. Tomab, Chief Engineer of Government Survey from Gunter’s Landing on Tennessee ‘river to this place, is now making his he dquartera f here. The surveying party, nineteen in number, are now running an.air line from No. 8J to No. 1, M. & B. B. IT," uud will probably reach this point by -- June 1st, —We are glad to find that Mr. It. , 1). Meador, so long connected with the interest of the B. & A. R. R., is again in our midst as Assistant Super intendent of said road in place of M , Geo. X. Cook, the presentlncumbeut. But whilst we welcome him hick, we are Icth to part with Mr. Cook, who lms wou for himself many frit ndshere by lis courteous and g ntlemahly l*earing. The nl ove exih nge goes into effect June 1st. -• - ; x ' " ' Messes. Littlefield A Co. are offering Com, Hay, Flour etc., cheap for the cash. See theft card in this issue. f —The Thermometer, on Monday f t* St- o 1 90° in the sliude; summer ft- ou us. —A ten foot snake was killed in a yard up town last wo-k—a coach-whip, 8o culled, .—Messes;. Haywood & Co. have shipped: already this -eason, IftTihuah- ds or vegetabi-s, consisting of peas, beans, squashes and potatoes. Truck farming in this secti- >u will, in time, be the business. . — 1 Tnr. Telegraph Line to Darien'ft complete. Our young townsman Mr. John Wood took charge of the office , at No. 2, Where this line joins the other, j The appointment is a good one. THE BEAMS. Met ers. M. Coun & Marlin inform ns; j that they have sold more good* in the-•} last ten days than uuy other period of ,4 the same length since they opened ! business about u year ago. The rea- ! son is plain—th« y advertise largely in j the AuvEimsEH. Don’t stand in your * own light, gentlemen,' but use more j printer’s ink—Apvebtisek’s ink at V that. It will do .the work for you. f Our paper goes to households where j no other paper is ever seen. It has ( the largest circulation in this county, j uud along the line of the Brunswick A1 Albany Railroad, than any other pa- ! per now published. This may sound It try e but we believe it to bo truth. We set out to furuisli yon a cheap adver tising medium and don’t feel th .t we have failed i y any m. an . Try < s and see. .Ho For l aiiiberlaud I A party of thirteen gentlem n from Macon i asse th ough our ci«y n Snturd y last, for a trip to Cmulier- land Island. They were equipped for hunting ns well ns.angling. There arc, in the party, one physician and four dentists; these latter, doubtless, will find ample room for n display of t ie.‘r powers in extn ctiag • — mosqtii- tot bills «|Mm this part of the programme They, evidently,' felt that thfry ltad a reputation to sustain and right well did they, do it, under the guidance of oar young friend, Miss Myrtle. Dinner—that thing of all things at a pie uie—was announced at half past ono o'clock for the yonuger opes, who were served first, the larger ones to gether with parcuts and visiting friends, and lastly, the Committee of Arruugewcms—poor, tired ones —who, as usual, did all the work, and got few thanks. ImLed, we don't know that they got any, for when they finished their labors and thought to have at least an hour or so of pleasure, to their .amazement the whole party was gone, and they were ftft to get home os be-it they could, with naught to refresh them hut the recollections of the day's fatigue. " As Marshal of the Day, we hud a good opportunity of observing several of.the many frailties of human nature, among them. quite prominent, the ca pacity of some* folks for ciiickt n legs and such like. Now, we have always ci-nt nded that we hud no super far* in this matter, but we now yield the point and own up fairly that we have been.beaten. Four legs, two wings, two side-bones, a tew slices, of breast and the puff-brute is all we ever care for at one time, but these ain’t a circum stance to whut well, we won’t say uny more about it—somebody might think we wore personal. Well, laying all the t se little things aside, we must say that upon the whole, our pic uic was a perfect success; a flucr day could no- h ive been chos*-r. The children all 1 ad a good time and went home happy, t n -aee with them selves and all the w- rid; so wo are sat isfied. GENEFA'. ITEMS SA. UA’i ll SCTICdl. PIC MC. Villon Celebration. Wednesday morning dtwned pro pitiously, despite the tVaiseuu-ili.nii u the day previous by many of our lift folks, uud by nine u clock the liorhobd of the M. E. Oluireh was on. of bustle auduuxiety—all jubilant: nd cxi>eetniit. At ten o'clock the stir- ing strains of our highly appreci; fcd Lend • were heard, putting till, young and old, on the very tiptoe of excit. meat, eager f *1 the pleasures awuiting. them. After the anniversary him was sung uud prayer offered* the procession w.ts .framed and marched to the Crow, keeping step with the music of t.u" Band. Arriving at th» Grove—n mo it lovdy spot—other hymns wer« sung, and brief addresses by mi st m Palmer Stacy, Will Mciver, auu Ro >t. Ouslv. Suffice it to say, the ch nils they represented had no cause to feci at ail ashamed of their orators; they i did nobly We mention last, l ut not least, Miss Myrtle Harris aud ti e girls of the public school who fuvoreu ns all with some of their own school spngs. Their. woet, innocent voices rung out clearly upou the morning air uiul ad ded much to the pleasure of the occa sion. We wi re peculiarly struck igjth the zest with which the little ones entered Quitman now lias tliree newspapers, she ought to be happy. Beef in Macou is twenty cents per pound. Snow was twenty-one inches deep in New York State last week. Several Democratic successes lias been achieved recently in North Car olina. Three colored men were set t to the State Penitentiary from Mcln'osh eo. last week. Screven county was visited lust week by a. terrible storm which did much damage. No lives lost. Muc-m cob -red women have a new way of gettii g rid of new-bor.i babes; they tie them up iu a bag and drop them down r. neighbor’s wel\ The accounts from the last storm arc distressing. Nnmlmrq-of familii b have been made homeless and even shelterless. Savannali is talking about a new hotel. Brunswick, ividently, heeds one. We' mean a hotel and uot a hoarding house. . - The Savannah- News speaks of the railroad tunnel «'»f 4th avenue as a new tliirfjr. Wbv, have heard of antler. »p-ninni ntilrtKtiis up there long befor. the war The 8. Undid saw mills of Eppinger, Russell & Co. have been destroyed by tin-. -ve -entlv. Actual loss about $75,- QQO. Th.*y don’i snsix'nd, howe.or. Arkansas has at hist, gotten rid of earp^t-bag rule. Eye;ything- there lias put on new life. We hope others will soon enjoy simil-.r blessings. The East Go. Messenger comes to :w this week iu good- shape—letter size, but full of life. It has. been sus- | pended for a short season but is again • on its feet-, all right, in a new place. j Ben Hill is elected to Congress from • tlm tbit District.' Wonder if he and | little Alee will pjill togetliei there, we , believe they never did iu Go. A supposed thief was killed in Black - shear last week, by one J. W. Broth- era. It seems the clnip was trying to i enter the Bar-room of Mr. B. through i a window, when he was shot and i killed. | Murray county, Ga., has a rock j burned iu its mountains that yieh s an excellent lubricating oil; it iscalleu j •‘minerulinc" and is pronounced by 1 chief engineer Filthiaii to be a’most f equal to olive oil. ! A violent hurricane recently passed ! over Columbia, S. C., doing much ] damage to the sie p’.e ol the Pivsby- : terian Church and nuroofing part of l the office of tlm: {•Southern Presbyte rian. No lives were lost. i Memorial day was observed in An. | gusta with imposing ceremonies. The key note of Genl. ' speech on the occasion was “Let us do nothing to keep alive the passions of war.” Truly a beautiful thought ! i The Qnitmau Reporter gives an ac count of t «• accidental killing of a lit tle child one year and one month oh 1 , by her brother only two years ami , four months of age. The little follow was playing with an axe and cut her in the mole • r soft part of the head, causing death in a few minutes. A colored boy in Rome, carrying a pistol, in his pants pocket, started oft' i to work a few days since when the firearm went off suddenly, mid til ■ boy thought the bullet went into t ; e ground, but was astonished some hours ; after to find it iu his knee. ! Young Christopher found his out last week much sooner than that. Tunis Campbell of Darien notoriety was arrested a second tim -, recently, and- r the charge of false imprison ment and malfeasance in office, whilst acting as a Justice of the Peace a few years since. The colored people of D.iri» u undertook to rescue him; a lit tle skirmish ensued in which several persons were shot, none very seriously, j however. The ring-leader-, we learn, j have all been arrested. Xew Advertisements. S. C. LITTIEFIELD & CO.. | General Commission & For warding Merchants. v_/ X COXSIOXMtXT auil for SALE CORN, • ' HAY, . 1 FLOlR, and* LINK, Cheap Foi CASH. my.iiif. . DEXTER BROS., /^RE selling Corn, grain, flour and luct n VERY LOW. FOR CAFJI. Office in Smith & De.\tei f s Biiildin . ilRUNSWIC'K, . . . GA.