Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 19, 1875, Image 1

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No. 9. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 19,1875. Vol. 1. BRUNSWICK ADVERTS ER COOK BROS. & CO., 1TEW GOODS! t-f. a. FiTZGBtfAtr, reeur-nrc tvtBV t.ks nxkuv sroexisa -IV— , - T. GUCIDISO STACV. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION Si.00. -■Dealers in- / L VERTISING KATES I PER GQCAJ1 10 lines space, first insert'on, 75 * .acta subsequent inaa-tiur, 60 aS-SFlCIAL RATES TO LARGE ADM FT I! IIS Advertisers nenat specify lime on copy sent, or be subject ior charges until ordered out. Con munications for individual ben fit or of a personal character charged as advertis m en's. Marriages and Obituary notices not exceeding five lines solicited for free public at on. Over that amount clmrged as advertisements. Bills for advertisements due upon pr sentation otter the first insertion. The above rules will be adhered to in all cuser. All letters and communications sbo rid be ad dressed to t. goulding st; cy. Brunswick, Ga. Prole v-ional. C. P. fiOODYKAB. | | P. H. HARMS GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Lair, Brunswick, Georgia, O FFICE—Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Stole oi J. S. Blain & Co. ’ Practice in all counties of the Brunswick c ir cuit and the city of Darien, Ga. mar. 24-tf. - . GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Ship Stores, &c., 'x f. Manufacturers and Shipp ra of YELL >W FINE LI MBER. (BaySt.,) Br.cxswicx, Ga. N KW STORE! - l‘f Ait/iJX FANCY rud DOMESTIC J. F. NELSON, &CO., Dealers in CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS And SHOES, T.YGCOES, T. E. Davenport, - A TTORNEY A T LA W, W ILL practice in all the Courts the Brunswick Circuit. lice in SMITH and DEXTER’S Building, Newcastle street, mar. 24-ly. U- Uusiness Cards. CHEAPEST ROUTE —TO— Darien via. No. 1., M. & B. R. R. H ACKS always on hand to carry passengers to and firm Railroad. Comfortable lodgings for passengers ^with G. .8 WASHINGTON, mar.24-ly. Pt’r of the Line. D. T. DUNNV | RANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, ....... Ga. i B UY and SELLS exchange on New York, Savannah, Boston arid Phil- j, a dolphin, at . . -i •• - | L0 WEST MARKET RA TES. I Buys and sells Gold, Silver anti Com j inercial Paper. Interest allowed on ! j SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections j j promptly attended to and business so- ! licited. mar. 24-ly. i J. M. DEXTER, | BRUNWICli, GA. HAT, CAPS, AND NOTIONS, .O you want a splendid BOOT or 8HOE made 1 to ORDER, with D PERFECT FIT gti aranteod ? Then’call on mar. 24-ly. D. A. MOORE. BURR fUTON CONTRACTOR And BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, - GA. and. fgwi&cv,. Insurance, Real Estate and COLLECTION AGENTS Special attention given to collection of drafts and ac counts: remittances!3 made New York Exchange. HARDWARE, GROCERIES P LANS and specifications furnished on short notice. Will contract to erect Buildings in EVERY STYLE. Also superintend Buildings at reason able prices. _ mar. 24-ly. Lime For Sale. OYSTER-SHELL LIME IS GOOD FOR AGRICULTURAL PUR POSES. r IE BRUNSWICK LIME CO. soil It in bbla. at $10 per ton, free on cars in Bruns wick, Ga., for CASH. All Orders promptly filled. C. H. DEXTER, Treasurer. PBTOswick, Mar. 2f.-ly G. FRIEDLAMEE &, CO., Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Wooden, Tin * and Crockery Wure, Provisions, Groceries, Liquors. —also— Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CLOTHING, HOOTS. SHOES, HATS, AND CATS, of all descriptions Ter7 Low Figures. $•§“' Give vs a cat', mar. 24-ly. S. C. UTTIEFIELD & CO., Gen'ral Commission & For warding Merchants. O, N CONSIGNMENT and for SALE CORN, HAY, / FLOUR, and LIME, Cheap For CASH. my-12-tf. NOTIONS, HOSIERY, SHOES dc. Choice Family Grocery’s, j - ■ - k I :pro visions, * r: ■ - - - - -* -j - • - -' 1 flour, corn i . AND OATS j at the “NEW YORK” Store. Terra. or City Att < ptse-co i mnr. 24-ly. W. A. JOHNSON, BOOT and SHOE MAKEE. ■■ W ork dune ns cheaply, and war ranted to last i s long as Unit t f any other Workman in this stcthn. MenlHuy ill iie on shot t notice at AYER’S OLD STAND mm. 24rly... blacksmIthing. ROB1.RT CHRISTOPHER B EGS the attention of ull pen on s who may have any Biucksmith work to he done, and hopes they will remember that his shop can he found n-iur George stieet, between the Cify Hall arid the M. & B. R. R. depot. All work promptly attended io, and satisfaction promised. MASONIC. L. B. TOOBIAR LODGE!, F. A. M. Toomnr Lodge, F. A, M;, meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, nt 8 o’clok, p. m. P. M. Middleton, W. M. J. M. Cabteb, Secy. DEXTER BROS., sel :ng CORN, GRAIN, FLOUR and BACON VERY LOW. FOR CASH. Office in Smith & Dexter's Buildin-. BnUNSWICK, ■ GA. IlOU SB, SHIP, SIGN wild ORNAUEkV TAL PAINTING. GRAINING, - , GLAZING, GILDING BRONZING, STAINING AND VARNISHING, . Coacli painting a . SPECIALTY. Work on gbu s, Paper bunging, Picture frame re-gdded. Japanning. Paints mixed by EASOMand F OUTER over Peter’s Cabinet Shop, Newcastle Dr. L. HEINS. Cures J.ll Diseases, CONSUMPTION, PILLS, AND . SCROFULA, CANCER, DYSPEPSIA And ALL EEVEMf, BRUNSWICK, : : : GA. mar. 24Jy.