Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, June 09, 1875, Image 1

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No. 12. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 9. 1875. Vol. 1. BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER rt ni.»<ii*T> KV£St|wx»xiMnt jwicKJsa -BY- T. GOULDISfC STACr. COOK BROS.& 00.. IEW GOODS! ; F. A. fitzgebaij), •NEW STORE! ' i Dealers in- ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. ADVKBTISISG MATES: ?:.B SQUARE. 10 l'am space, first insertion; « * each snbao iueut Ins ;rtioi>, f.O SW'BPEC IAX RATES TO LARGE AD VIRTU EB8 A'tYTlih rs must speciiy time on copy sent, or I * subject/or charges until ordereit out. Oominunlcatlons tor individual benefit or of a persona] character charged as advertis*«nicnt«. 'I’rriages and Obituary nodiens not exceeding live lines solicitedTor troe publication. Over that mu mnt charged as advertisement*. Hills for advertisements due upon presentation art ;r tiie drat inaortion. Tlie altove rules wiU be adhered to in all case*. All letters and communications should bo ad- droMod to T. GOULDING STACY. Brunswick, Ga. GENERAL MERC HA XD f <E, Ship Stores, Professional. | r. H. U.V0BXS c. p. niMUiYKan. | GOODYEAR A HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia. O FFICE—Corner Newcastle and Glouu later .streets,—over Drug Store of J. 8. Blain & Co. Pr.'.fitice in nil counties of the Brunswick Cir- et it and the city of Darien, Gu mar. 24-tf. - - ; — T. £. Davenport, ATTORNEY A T LA IV, m W ILL practice in all the Courts of the Brunswick Circuit Of fice in SMITH and DEXTER’S . Building, Newcastle street, mar. 21-ly. Business Cards. Mnuuf.tcturcra and Shippers of : YELLOW PINE LUMBER. (Bay St.,) Brunswick, Ga. CHEAPEST ROUTE —TO— Darien via. No. 1., HI. & B. R. R. H ACK always on hand to carry passengers to and from Railroad. Comfortable lodgings for passengers with G. .8 ~ mar. 21-ly. 1). T. DUNN, BA.NKCS and BROKER, Brunswick, ....... Ga, T5UY8 itnd SELLS exchange on New I-I York, Fa-nnnah, Boston and Phil adelphia, ut LO WEST MARKET RATES. Buys and sells Gold, Silver and Com mercial Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections E romptly attended to and business so- cited. mar. 24-ly. J. M. DEXTER, J5RUNWICK, GA. J. F. NELSON, & CO.. Dealers in CLOTH IXO, DRY GOODS, BOOTS And SHOES, HA T, CAPS, AND NOTIONS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES OKA J ER IN FANCY and DOMF81IG DRYGOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, SHOES Ac., Choice Fatally Groceries, PROVISIONS’. ' ; . • ; ) * FLOUR, CORN AND OATS at the “NEW YORK’* Store. Terms Cask, or City Acceptance* mar. 24-ly. W. A. JOHNSON, o * ■ BOOT and SHOE MAZER. AT VASHINGTON, Pt’r of the Line. ilvndid BOOT or SilOE lurv’e til D O you want a ap] to ORDER, wit. PERFECT FIT guaranteed I Then call on mar. 24-ly. D. A. MOORE. b ukkwiYton, CONTRACTOR And — BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, GA. P LANS and specifications furnished on short notice. Will contract to erect Buildings in EVERY STYLE. AUo .superintend Buildings at reason able prices. mar. 24-iy. Lime Fur Sale. OYTKR-SHELL LIME id GOOD FOR AGRICTJLTUBAL pUB- POSES. I I IK BRUNSWICK UVE CO. aeUitia . bUi. at $10 per toa, fra* on carats Brum- «.vK,Oa., toe CASH. All Orfiera promptly filled. . C. H. DEXTER; Tra aur«r. a, k'ar. aa.-iy 1 g»8litX m\ §roUr, jof.Ude^riptions Insurance, Real Estate and! COLLECTIONAGENT. jy ery L(JW FigUreS. Special attention given to toy-Give u* a to; lection of drafts and ac- ! 0 i, r counts; remittances j mur ’ 24 * lv * promptly made W ork done as cheaply, and war ranted to last os long as that of any other Workman in this section. Mending done on thort notice at AYER’S OLD STAND mar. 24-ly. BLACK8MITHING. ROBERT CHRISTOPHER B EGS the attention of all persona who may have any Blacksmith work to be dune, and hopes they will remember that his shop enn be found near Georgo street, between tbe City Hull and the M. i B. R. B. depot. All work promptly attended to, ami satisfaction promised. -H- New York Exchange. B. TOOMAR X.ODGK, No. 9 P. A. M- & Tooimu- Lodge, No. 9, F. AM., meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, at8 o’clok. p. n. . P. M. MiDur^rroN, W. M. ~ J. M. Cabteb, Sec’y. Come Cue, Come Alt AND Subscribe for the BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. S. C. LITTIEFIELD & CO., General Commission & For warding* Merchants. Ox CONSIGNMENT and for SALE CORN, HAY, FLOUR, It is a New Em encouraged. Its is already felt. and should be Inenoe for good sugscsimioN-HM. ADrurtaiKo-uow May 19, UTS. HOISK, SHIP, SIOK mnd ORNAMEN TAL PAINTING. GRAINING, GLAZING, GILDING BRONZING, STAINING AND VARNISHING, Conch painting a SPECIALTY. ' Work on ghu-s, j . Paper hanging, [ Picture frame rc-gilded, i Japanning, and LIME, Cheap For CASH, j P| , jute m j xe dby . } EASOM and PORTER | over P< ter’s Cabinet Shop, Newrastk* street.. ~ mar. 24-ly. i Dr. L. HEINS, ■> * - .T - ' *) Cure* * ll Dieeaeet, ;J CONSUMPTION, PILES, AND SCROFULA, CA SC KM, DT8PKP8IA At* ALt KKrKMA. BRUNSWICK, : : ; • OA* : mar. 24-ly. j " - . ir ; ! DEXTER BROS., ^RE selling CORN, GRAIN, FLOUR and BACON VERY LOW, FOR CASH. Office in Smith & Dexter's Buildinj. KimWICK, OA.