Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, June 09, 1875, Image 2

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BRUNSWICK MOT. BRUNSWICK, ^£EORGIA. My'fret beve never trod tby flowery wife, O my felr inland5—situate in the sea, Wfiote green, curled tonoues still lap thoo back Strive tow I n»iy. Tot ofl in winter day# _ t 1 wrytvSiay bards toward tuoo so umot u a um» ■ Tint warns and cheerf. I know wbat awoetaeta £ils TbOE&groveaof-tblne ; what clash of tiny bills Jidrip with ntnalc; what sweet wind delays Am> sr the bashful lilies cloistered there. In summer heat# I watch, through dust>nd f. glare, The grey ndsis wrap thee, and acroaa tby crest Ihe rainy grass blown slautwlse toward the weat While aleeplng fountains rise and shake their balr, fiomttlmea I aeek aml-a—O deaf and blind !— And cannot And thee, loveUest, anywhere. Tct-whether it be aome vague, stirred pulse of air. Or fugitive sweet odor undefined— Ev’n then I know thee, O my rate and fair 1 That then dost lia between me and the wind. TIMELY TOMCS. Geo. H. Pbioh, the Adams express messenger who killed a robber in his ®ar recently, has been voted $1,000 in gold by the directors. Some of the French journals treat the reports of the alarmists about war with Germany as unfounded, and others con sider them exaggerated. All are confi dent the czar is in favor of peace. It looks as if tho Prussian chancellor ship was not suoh a pleasant position after all. Bismarck and his friend Dr. Jalck have to be constantly protected by policemen. ,, - t , .* -• Da. Lindeman, the United States mint director, estimates the produot of the Comstook mines in Nevada for this year at thirty-five millions of dollars, >nd next'year’s product at fifty ^Billions. A Washington telegram estimates Shat the government has been defrauded out of two and a half millions of dollars during the last three months by illicit iistillatioh. , : - B : S' 7/ The number of-, passengers saved from the ill-fated steamship Sohiller was only fifteen out ol a total of two hun dred and fir *y. The loss of life, all told, will reach fully three hundred. Lateb advioeB swell the-number of Jives lost on tho steamor Cadiz to 62. The Cadiz was out of her course in con sequence of a misreokoning of her cap tain. She struck a rook and sunk almost immediately. • * The southern memorial association has adopted a resolution that all sol diers of tho federal and confederate armies be oordially invited to join the memorial association in decorating the graves at Arlington the 1st of June. Two " valuable ” dogs tried to eat up a little Atlanta girl the other day, and one of the Atlanta journals expresses the mild hope that she may recover. The dogs, meanwhile, are looking for another small girl to lunch on. - N New Yobk city sends through its postoffioe 260,000 letters in a day It pays forty percent, of all the newspaper postage of this oountry—$82,000 against Chicago 1 » $18,080, Boston’s $16,000 and Philadelphia’s $12,000. The tobaoeo outlook is that the crop of-tobacco will be very late in being transplanted; that it will not muoh, if may, exceed, from this oause, an average wop, and that it wOL necessarily be one of tbe’m&et inferior, immatured eropa The Fren&h pepers baye reoefyed an intimation f&mwxe‘mIi&terof the in- terior to abstain from discussing mili tary matters. Such an order savors of a state of war, when journals are forbid- jen to note military movements lest ■tS, . - vf'/'". ' ’ nformation be given to the enemy. Toe latest assertion of the historical iconoclasts is that ; documentary evi- denoe exists to prove that the Boston patriots of 1773 emptied nothing but paintfid oats into the narbof, the Brit ish tea-being taken ashore and economi cally used in the ordinary >way—. - “Thrift. tfirlft. Horatio.” The total revenue jMcipts from July 1, 1373, to Aprii 30, 1871, were $81,815,- 612.01. The receipts from July 1, 1874, to April 30,1875, were $89,758,871.95; increase, $7,913,259 94. If. to the re ceipts for the first ten months, is added the receipts of May and June of the last fiscal year, the total will be $il0,274, 807.04. «- r * The passage of what is known as the i“Peace Preservation rot,” and wbieh is n reality an oppressive law akin to the “ Curfew ” law imposed by the Norman conquerors in England, has been so obstinately resisted in the English par liament by the Irish members that the business of the government has been seriously obstructed. Ann Eliza, the seventeenth Mrs. Brigham Young, has come to grief. Chief Justce Lowe has practically re versed the decision of his predecessor Keene which awarded her $500 per month alimony. The new jndge de rided that as there could have been no legal marriage, there could be no legal divorce, and hence no alimony. The Russian government, it is re ported, has become convinced that Tuikey has neither capacity nor right to exist aqy longer as a state. This is no novel conclusion. All the great European powers feel the same way, but not one of them will dare become a Turkey gobbler, because it means a general European war. Chinese cheap labor is not all that Koopmansohap has painted it. ‘‘The Chinese tailors of Ban Francisco have strqok, i&dfhate pJnauiDiB# through out the Chinese quarter, offering a re ward of $400 for the killing of any boss tailor who won’t, pay the wages de manded, and an additional reward of $300 for the killing of any tailor who consents to w money. Team has Fortunate Accidents. The cracking of a picture in the sun shine set Van Eyck experimenting to S roduce«a varnish that would dry in *6 shoes. Re |puo4 whit fought, and foyrcy beridjathji| by it wjjth force and brilliancy, and required no subsequent varnishing j ancF so came about thA discovery, or * rediscovery of the art of painring in oil. Mezzotmto owed its invention ny Prince sinner* to the simple accident of a. sentry’s gun- barrel being rusted in the dew, Henry Sohanward, a Nuremberg glass-cutter, happened to let some aquafortis fall upon his spectacles, and noticed the S asB was oorroded and softened where e aquafortis had touched it. Tak ing the hint, he made a liquid accord ingly; he drew some figures upon a piece of glass, covered them* with varnish, and applied bis corroding fluid, out away the glass around bis drawing so that when he removed the varnish the figures appeared raised upon a dark ground, and etching upon glass was added to- the ornamental arts, Alois Senefelder, playwright and actor, thinking it possible to etoh upon stone in lieu of copper, polished a slab for the purpose. He was disturbed by his mother coming into his small labra- tory with tho request that he would jot down her list of things for the wash, as the woman was waiting to take the basket away. There being no paper or ink handy, Senefelder scribbled the items on his stone with his etching preparation, that he might copy them at his leisure. Some time afterward, when about to clean the stone, he thought he might as well see what would be the effect of biting the stone with aquafortis, and in a few moments saw tna writing stand out in relief. Taking up a pelt-ball charged with printing ink, he inked the stone, took off a few impressions upon paper, and had invented lithography. TLa pelt- ball used by Senefelder was long in- dispensible in a printing office. A Salophian printer, in a hurry to get on with a job, could not find his ball, and inked the form with a piece of soft glue that had fallen out of the glue pot, and with suoh excellent results that he henceforth discarded the. peit hall altogether, and by adding treacle to the glue, to keep it from hardening, hit epon the composition of which printers’ rollers have been made ever ■tod* -• i -■ - -|i~i — t~ FACTS AND FANCIES, a aldea ? Prospective »3Jhr. The American Rifle Team nas a ength been seleoted for the coming in ternational oontest in Ireland. . The successful candidates are Major Henry Fulton, Golonel Jno. Bodine, Colonel H. A. Gildersleeve, General T. S. Dakin, G. W. Yale and L. L. Hepburn, the reserves being Messrs, Coleman, Canfield, Jr. < and Jewell. The Irish men will have to look to their laurels when they meet suoh a band of exper ienced marksmen.—;New York Herald. Chicago is badly swamped financially. ThA delinquent tax list foots np $6,750,- 000, and the city Ja borrowing money to meet£ itstrefisury by rea son of the shortcomings of tax-payers. Bat worse than that, it is acknowledged that if all the delinqaent taxes were collected they wonld not be sufficient to pay the outstanding, liabilities of the oily not provided for in the funded debt. :tl 2_ . The San Francisco Chronicle calls the attention of immigrants to Califor- i nia, that they will have to contend against the cheap labor of the large Chinese population ; ou the Pacific coast, and consoles itself with the- reflection that Caucasian labor will oome off . vic torious and drive the Mongolian popu lation back to China.- This may be true, bdtlhe record is that the China man trill Underbid any dash of laborers for work, and the; existence of a large Mongolian element in California .should be duly considered by men without capital who have eanght the Pacific ooast fever and meditate migration. Revival of the Iron . Trade, ' / It is poor consolation in adversity to kno w that we are not alone' iif our mis ery; such as it is, however, our iron manufacturers may take it to them selves. The depression of the iron trade is general throughout the world. This state of things is partly the result of an unfavorable condition of the gen eral industry of the manufacturing na tions, causing a diminished demand for whatever involves a consumption of iron, and more expressly it is the con sequence of a severe check upon rail road construction and the building of iron vessels. As the iron trade is de pendent upon a thousand other indus tries and subsists upon supplying the instrnments of industry and commerce,, its present condition is the most ex pressive oommentary possible upon the state Of business among the commeicial nations generally. The only cheering faot discoverable in this unsatisfactory aspeet of things is that the iron trade of England begins to show distinctly defined beginnings of a recovery. The reduction in the price of iron is grad ually increasing the demand for it; and now the cheif obstacle to a steady re covery appears to lie in the stubborn re fusal of the workmen to accept the wages that employers consider the changed state of things calls for. This i« a difficulty which, from the necessi ties of . tlio csss, cannot ba prolonged much further; and its settlement must be in favor of the manufacturers.—New York Bulletin. —" Arrah, me darlint,’’ cried Jamie O’Flannigsn to* bis loquacious sweet heart, who had riot given, him an op portunity to get in a word edgewise, during a two honre’ ride behind the little bay nags in his oyster wagon; "are ye aftherknowin’ why your cheeks are like my ponies there? ’: ,J‘Shure and it’s because they are red, is it?” quoth the blushing Bridget. "Faith, and a better raison than that, mavour- neen. Because there is one o’them aioh side of a waggin’ tongue.” keep your eyeAfroin I Keep your heart from foolish fears, Keep your lips from dull oomi..Aining, Lest the baby think ’tis raining. -If rumor be correct, the Princess Clothilda will be shortly separated from her husband, rrjno* Napoleon. at her own urgent request. It was a mar riage ae convenance. “ Oh why should a fellow feel sad When it’s easy enough to-feel gay ? Oh, why should he go for to die When there’s overy.mducement to star ?’’ —An English justice fined a boy ten shillings for whistling while a clergy man was passing the gate, and that's the sort of a little man John Bull is. If the boy had been humming a tune he’d have probably been executed. —A genius thuB defines the difference between men and women: "A man gives forty cents for a twenty-five-cent thing he wants, and a woman gives twenty-five-cents for a forty-cent the thing she does not want.” —It must be rattier binding on a man one hundred and ten years old to pick up his favorite paper in the morning and find a quotation like this in the leading editorial: “The good die young ; Bat those whose hearts *re jitj Mfi. summer dust . Barn to the socket. —An editor, who is evidently a man of family, sagely remarks that a boy who will yell like a Tartar if a drop of water gets on his shirt band when his neok is being wathed, will crawl through a sewer after a ball and think nothing of it. ' , —The Parisians say that they have had enough of the high heel boot fash ion for ladies. They assert that it flings them too much forward, hints the spine and reduces the size of the calf. The doctors recommend the reverse fashion, very low heels indeed, and high soles, for a time, so as Jo fling the body backward from the hips upward. -Prof. Huxley, Dr. Sanderson, Mr. Darwin, and other eminent biologist, intend to petition parliament on the subject of vivisection, in case it comes up for discussion. While they are anx ious that useless cruelty should be prevented, they are extremely desirous that no obstacles should be placed by legislative aotion on research, and these views will be embodied in the petition. —"There is a dog.” This trivial phrase was used by an instructor of actors in Paris as the vehiole of an im portant lesson. He taught them to give it in the sense of various impres sions, as, fear of the dog, love of the dog, contempt for the dog, astonish ment, regret, etc., and so exhibited that it mattered less what words an actor had to give than how he gave them. , \ -Bald-headed men are only living a i;ttl i in advance of their time. Accord ing to Darwin, we are indebted to our frisky ancestors, the ape, for our hair, and men with long beards and prolific scalps hive no reason to feel that they are particularly superior to their less lovely fellow-men. It may be extinc tion to the barber business and a blow to human vanity, but the coming man is to be bald-headed. —The trade in "blooded” dogs is an item of no little amount. _ The valne of these principally pointers, brought to this oountry from England during the last two years, is stated to be $100,000. Tbe furore about Lave rock’s red Lush setters, Gordon’s and kindred breeds, is now as great u was ever that in Japan about spotted rab bits. No dog that oosta leas than $1,000 is now considered worth owning. These valuable animals have their pedigrees preserved with as muon care as the nobility of England. —The growth of Catholiasia this Catholio tffiurch^in *the United States probably numbers 8,060,000 communi cants. The Oatholics occupy 6,920 sta tions, chapels and churches;- they have the servioe of 4,878 priests, flopostolic vicars, 49 bishopB, 9 archbishops and 1 cardinal. They have 18 theological seminaries, with 1,500 students; over 2,000 schools of all grades, and more are among them' 7 different orders of monks and friars. 12 of nuns, 8 different institutions, suoh as Jesuits and Re- andbrother’s andSOsisterhoods. P