Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, June 16, 1875, Image 4

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i'jwi T^Tn' Lfe ^i’fW'rgryir r^g f*4# ^pmlta* <- ft ; % s'- f T < __ r V -- - -=-_-■ - ^ --. 'i --' -- ’■ T. G^S-tacy, p iitor amTProprietor., —— «M«»» ■ ■ --. - V - it •- - -; h * ■ . * HuUKriftton I'fior: fl )»r Annum t» Adrana, ;WTLNESDAY, Jun l(th 1875. —Many thacks to the ladies of the •Baptisf Obur- h for eowrteRies. ft • —Another yuilil race will come off on the UUh of July between the Jane It. on i the Henrietta. —Oh! for a few puffs from Arc u/s f . ion v*gj« us to Draper down the weitorltogi bent of tl.e lust few day*;. —Competition is a great thing. J’. >ef Is now down to eight ana ten c nts iu our burp 1 . Hunger no more. J-'tn Mfrirri® X('7r Papkh, Empmss E.nvkud >.h l«**t New S'orii s'.; Iit,fvrjiUu«t t: n Tost or.i P. -i, Mr. S. T. Rhodes and Miss 6m- :-i- Tuyior wore joined iu the holy bonds of wedlock on the lf-tli in? . --On and after the 22nd inst. the ri^itmrr Lizzie Baker will arrive here from Savanhah on T e day night, and iv*utning, leave li re -'or Si.vaui li or. Friday afternoon. —One of o t citizens says that wiienever he thinks about fighting ali hi.s “ambition goes right iut > his foot." He is pretty govd on a loo- race—so said. —That well in the cemetery is till su eye--,ore to the ladies. It need; a bucket and a sweep, besides some re pairs'on the curb. Coxae, Mr. Chair man, fix it for them. —The Books of our County officers were pronounced by tliQ Grand Jury, in thoir recent Presentment. to bo t -orrcct und kept iu neat uuluci." —Whortleberry-picking is the pas time of th-) colon d children obout town. Fifty-eight of them wen ovrated a few evenings t-inc<, in ti e .cods i long ofie of the roads leading into town. --Friend Franklin has placed <n our tabic the premium for the ? set in a hnndm me f nine.. Theihrcmo is indeed beautiful. Friend F. is wo | supplied with picture from s of . 1 kinds. If any of our res e n cd anythug in that line Le can sup;, y their wants at low figures.. -The stcumer Lizzie Baker wi.l give a grand excursion to St. Argu<- tiue, Fla. on the 22nd inst. The , % t • ■ m PARADE, Fire Company* —The Brunswick Fire Compunyin- a nd having ubigp-r Js on the 4th of July. Wo learn th-it their new, uniforms;ware expected yeaterdiy. • We shall be, pleased to see tlim in their new rig. They are a tine 1> sly of men and well oiJicercrt, and vriii r. n der good service should occasion re quire. Wu hope, however, iked time is not vere hear. II l! for Jek) 1 Island. Tiio members of Cedar Bower Council, No. 12, United Frriud; (f Temperance, are respectfully invited [ aoimmnJ had rcacuj.1 Ci ddsbor , tl e but must object to vour uroposiM n. My masterluw pLiceduuboumled con fidence in me; lie lias trust 'd me with his team and tohac< o and s-ut me *6 flu-taw wit,I them; he exoects me >ac iii a few days moie. ui.d if I t 1. **) d>n»j to timchewill jojc voufidvuec i.i me. 'I’iiO ofti'er f with birr a.:d hdti him he was fy.)ii«h .etc., but i; muds no chang » iu dial ile sun 4uitl “I Finding further nrg-.nmnt nw-leaa he told him that he mint have him n f ;w days anyhow, as he needed his team. He readily c msent-’d to re main a few days lint im longer. At the end of the thir.l dav. ait.# tin* to participate in an excursion to Jt - kyl Island, on Fr,^y tveniuji, i itli in*t. uoats wiii'-ftsil from Hi * wharf of C<s)k B os. & C . at. four o'eloea P M. aud reti’.rn tarty ^ uy nu-u- ni7. By order of th Council, ' J. ri. Nathans, W. f-. pro iem. Yu, lit lluti-i Th*- yacht race tod: p ace lest Fri day pub ished. l ot., boatB—Hiil- I .^U«ltut | Jane L., Betsey and Bessie- iiu y, \v< re entered. The entire party i it the cotton press wharf at. the same tilth , each boat’s civw confident of s u-u'hs. The trip around the marsh island opposite, too oity was made in II e Inna und twenty-six Minutes, the .icssie- may arriving at tho starting point four seconds uucudoft .e rest. Owing, however, to difl’erenee in the sizes of the,boats, tho judges (ac cording .to yachting rolls; aoil the. stakes to the Jane L., Cu , . Aik- oil’s boat. The race, to niuuy, was cry exciting, ns evinced ; y the inter- , t manif. sted by them. Moi« Improvement. AVe learn that the enterprising firm of L. B. Iiuvis & Co. have pure auseu of Mr. Stufilrd the store next to the ■Smith & Dexter Building, and wil- soon fit it n for their uiug bus iness . In y coa,. ^.piuU, t on early day, extending it miek to the othe stm t ive i.-iii'ii i-iso that a l, er sa. nt tail, r ii*m iu. e,-n win buili; ver: soon, ust across t.fe u*t next 1o Dr. J[ad(U-n. Wo hear of another party wishing to rent the buildi-.g now occnpie loy the Dexter Bi’im. That's right, geu«le f ithful fellow renewed liis request- to b t allowed to pass the lines with his t lint and return In liis master, say ug t at if refused ho would l..uvu his If am and gn nu foot. Ail etfor s hav ing failed to inspire in the breast oi this worthy son of Afric’s snuny c iin- a spirit oi free.../-, paivuiaed ut the pr .ee ox lilt -oas o •‘mastei-’s eou- fi ieiioiv’ lip was furnished with a paw and allowed to depart. He had pro- c edal. but a s„ort .list .nee b yond the Federal lines wueu Hinldenl hi In-o ight fiie,* to face with the wri er of t! is artic e. who ord- i eJ him to “halt nnl s u-re.nb-r.’’ He did so, under p.iotest hotvvvtu, net-u,ring that it w;is too bad t- » bo d-luyed He was detained by our pickets t\v days, owing to tire dist nee from ‘Vead Quarters. ” His iudignutim !;.i -w no bou.i ls by the m ddln i f t'» o second day when he was heard to soliloquize thus: “Well, dis beats de berry Ole Boy. Dem Yankees keep me tree whole days to In lp dem an’ den turn me loose to go home, and .h(*re my own ; -eople wont let me pass but stop m f ir—how In g. I cmi’. toll. What will my boss s,»v it d nigger aint home by tomorm night?” it to siy that In- w». >u o e( de art tli • ne<* m >mln<», a ap i-* iuo -till; 1 y fur, than any of hat oil i picket force. We publish tho above with no spirit of raking up the dying embers, but simp : y of giving to the public this iu- stan je of what we. call true pluck. X. li. All that tri n jiired whilst he was in the Federal liue-i is taken from his o vn statement*'. GENERAL ITEMS. ,Ueu, get as clou- io ri e Adve ms.n route is up the St. John’s river to T . u Uce as possible. We w i strive to coa, thence the exennriotii-ts go via vail to St. Augustine. F. ir for the round trip, including uu-ul,aud st«U- room on steamer, $1.1. —Exclusions for July st em to be the order with our colored folks. The members and friends of the First Afri can Baptist Church go to Albany, by invitation, on the 5th, to returu ou the 6th. Another excursion w ill leav; for Macon on the 8rd to participate iu a grand celebration on the 4th. A good, opportunity is here afforded to parties wisiiiug a cheap tri)> to i it he: et the ahovt- cities, Srz.EKi>ia Hams, lTj et*., at J. S. Marlin’s *—We welcome oh our exchange list 77k> Ke>/ To The Qutf—VL. A. Crone Editor and Proprietor, i Although a large sized folio sheet, tho editor has ouly one page left him to “say hw •my,” the rt-maining pages being all Vik^n ujp 'wttji | advi rtiseUK-Bls, . He nutat^e ahappy ruuu indeed, if noi, we have no sympathy to offer. do thee good. True Pluck. An Incident of the Wat. Th * people in was tern Georgia tuko to their storm-pits and cellars every time a window-blind slams.— Xeiet--. Thera seems to be no cessation in the ravages of the grasshopper in the states of Kansas, Missouri and Minuc- j sota. They sweep every thing green ! before them. Hundreds of families Oil - for r. prep at jtHt one y die * legged spring chicken.--Barnesvilfe Qaztc. Come tn Brunswick, Br^., and we will try to get you a “droth stick,” at least. . • A hi otoTiin *n went to i "awye r or p for talvitk*, ..n 1 d- a’lol tl.e circum- ! stances of fhe ease. 11 H i* v.-- yr.u tc-ltl' me the facts precisely as they occur- 1?” ask, tl the Liwycr. “Oh, aye, :er!” rejilii-d he. “J. thought it best o tell ti:e plain truth. Ye can put li • lies into i* your.-If. ” Ne \v A cl vertiseimmts. TV iu. LI^ CtSR, ■’on.- crly with UftrtlriDoprHI* yer nu JJi.y Stre«'.. lias ‘&k-;u f.!ij i-.vio >;*-.-.ccn tV.e llAl'IlIK.'” TTf-rSE AND POST OITTCK. w.'lero 'u> will li -; 11 nm -IMi fri *ni’s in* '' vrli.- mnv «iy v.-id»u in':! ilia j. Sl'.- '•*».** oi guarurtert, w.ta lUuilor ti priees. 1I.1 will H on have u t Htoikut Vx.m. ..iilVLUi ' •o wlil.-h Ut* .'nvltv'i tilt* at.Vn'.',.n ji too plii (■'■itii him a . ail, itndt. i..r t.-.ii. Jnno- 9-2m. miKEUi ..t-.-l CO FE.'TIOXEK’t / F. agt.. EallC u. SlDC5y;.£»Ae K< eeps on ’ip*;- 1 , dally, a "supply of resli bread such as LOAVES, TWISTS, * UCLLS, Pies, C ties, Klsson, ZLi., Etc. —.\2so — PURE ami TREfill ICE-COLD SJLA WATER with Delicious SYRUPS, besides everything lertaining to a FIItST-OLA'jS ilAKBitr, —o— *4 aS-Lxcun<iiiii and Wn.i.jng imr'iri ac'-om- ...Hlntuil oil nhort notle.’.-*.»-,# M.-iv v BEEF! E1M! rq 1 ON HAND W EVERY DAY, W K —AT — A. Borclmi'dt’s Shop, . on OltANT Str.-it, in rear of lUvery St iblo. Tern « CASH. Give me ... all. maysfi-tl. BEXTIUTKY I PHtTOGllAPIiV ! 1 1)11. A. BROWN. three-mule team, wlion the following conversatior. bn .substance) took pir ce Offiavr—Well, my man, whither are you truveliiij X Necru—1 urn traveling to Danville. Va, where my muster lives, I have been down to Cheraw with aloud « f tobacco and nu now returning home. O.—Would yon like to be free? N. —I huvo fto special objection wbeu tire LorI sees fit , . O. —Well there is a chance fur you right, now. I wont a team, and will just press youfa into service anil you can go along’With me and be as free as any man. Com:, what eay ? When Oi-nernl SliermiiL's comma'nd aviis marching from Clieraw, So. Cu. are preparing to leave that section, j to Goldsboro, N. C. one of his officers I and many are ttum'ng their course iu. J overtook a negro mau in'charge of a C iz?ns of E" mirn,,i*i Tl.. are mr.- i king arrangements fertile erection of c. monumeut to the Confederate dead three thominnd of whom are buried Lucre.iu Wmal Lake Cemetery. Huy • the origioator of that movement have j pLioed over his ashes when he is gone as grand a shaft hr he now seeks to erect over the gn vos of our “fallen bruies” He gmst; indeed be a.trn hristian gentleman. May be pros* per. — — TTAVIXO -'PITCTIED MV TGNV' FOR A FEW *■ days in yv»ur I »m jirniian* 1 to -jervo tha citizens of Brunswick in citli.-r of tii: ubovo pro- f.-ssiuns. I c u bu Aiun-1 at AVI H ’Vit OC'.IXG TIIF. DA V A T HY TBSt oj Nnwca -to «t.a«,, vr ut tiia GRiWtiS HOUd tnay.f I. The exports from Key West, Fla. to New York, for two -weeks ending June , 3rd. is estim i ted at 8165,060, N. —1 alb much obliged toyou iL“, j priuoiiwlly cigars and sponge. ■f- DENTAL NOTICE, \VTIIJJAM NOBLE bet-a leave to inform thl citizon** of tills place, and the aurrounditjg ixmntry. tbi t bn hin s^sin U>catp! hlinarlf lit.. Brunnwii-k for the f>urpo«« tifjwacti-ing bin pro ibaaion, and is felly prepared to do any KIND OF WORK IN HW LINE. Puttea wishing bis SERVICES can be waited ua at tUeir UE8IDENCF. 0»*AppUcaMon» addrawed to him throwh-tha Poat O»oe will meet with pnnrpt attsntlon.f# may BV.: .*?