Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, June 23, 1875, Image 1

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m rtfe^'SifeagsBgsMMWfc^^ ‘asejwtawgi TOWSHKF .IMilffitf •>: .: •? * r ' | -: k No. 14. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1M7S. | Vol. 1. BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUBLISHED EVKBY WEDKESDAT MOUSING —BY— T. GOCLDIN6 STACV. A NNUAL SUBSCRIP TION $1.00. ADVERTISING RATE8« PER SQUARE. 10 lines space, first insertion, 75 ” * each subsequent insertion, 60 DS“"8PECJAL BATES TO LARGE ADVERTISERS Advertisers must sped I,v time on copy sent, or lie subject for charges until ordered out. Communications for individual benefit or of a personal character charged os advertisements. Marriages and Obituary notices not exceeding ftvi lines solicited for free publication. Over that amount charged os advertisements. Bills for advertisements due upon presentation after Hie first insertion. The above rules will be adhered to in all case-. All letters and communications should be ad dressed to T. GOULDING STACY. Brunswick, Ga. Professional. C. P. OOODXEAB. | | F. H. HARRIS GOODYEAR A HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia. COOK BROS.& CO.,| HEW GOODS! NEW STORlg! -Dealers'in- GENERAL MERC IT A NDISE,' j J. F. NELSON, & CO., Ship Stores, &c., .Dealers in Manufacturers and Shippers of YELLOW PINE LUMBER. (Bay St.,) Brunswick, Ga. O FFICE—Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Blain & Co. Practie * m all counties of the Brunswick Cir emit and the city of Darien, Gu mar. 24-tf. T. E. Davenport, ATTORNEY A T LA IF, W ILL practice in all the Courts of the Brunswick Circuit. Of fice in SMITH and DEXTER’S Building, Newcastle street, mar. 21-ly. Business Cards. CHEAPEST ROUTE i). T. DUNX, BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, - - - - - - - Ga, B UYS and SELLS exchange on New York, Sa annali, Bosto'u and Pliil- mlelp.iiu, .1 LO WEST MARKET RA TES. Buys anil sells Gold, 'Silver and Com mercial Paoer. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections pr imptly attended to and 1 usiness so licited. mar. 24-ly. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS And SHOES, HAT, CAPS; r v AND NOTIONS, F. A. FITZGJDHALD, DEALER JIT t FANCY and DOMESTIC DRYGOODS, NOTJCXS, lWUmtY, SHOES <u«,* Choice Family Gioccth s, peg Vision s . V . * * , / FLOUR, CORN AND OATS at the “NEW YORK” Store. Terms Cash, or City Acceptance. mar. 24-ly. W. A. JOHNSON, HARDWARE, J. M. DEXTER, Bill N WICK, GA. Darien via. No. 1., M. & B. R. R. ! H ACKS always on hand to carry | passengers to and from Railroad. j Comfortable lodgings for passengers with G. S. WASHINGTON, raar.24-ly. Pt’r of tlie Liao. Tan'icr mid Insurance, Heal Estate and COLLECTION AGENT. yon want a splau.lid BOOT vr SHOE made 1J tar— t ORDER, with PERFECT FIT guarinteed? Tiionoallou ui-tr. 24-ly. D. A. MOORE. Special attention given to collection of drafts and ac counts; remittances promptly made BURK WIN TON, New York Exchange. CONTRACTOR iu It. TOOBIAR LOEGE, No. 9 F. A, M. An 1 — BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, GA. P LANS and specifications furnish'.ft on short nutiiie. Will contrai*; i ■ .ovrt Buildings iu EVERY STYLE. Also superintend Buildings at reason* 1 able prices. mar. 21-ly. Lime For Sale. A m oom'r Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meets eyhey 1st and 3rd Wednesday iu euch • atHo’elok. r. a. r. *.r. Miiidi.ktov, XT H. J. M. Carter, See’y. GROCERIES of all descriptions Very Low Figures. ES?" Give us a call. mar. 24-ly. S C. LITTIERELD & CO., Gen ral Commission & For warding Merchants, O, K CONSIGNMENT cud for SALE CORN, HAY, , FLOUR, BOOT and SHOE MAKER. W ork done ns cheaply, aiyl war ranted to lust as long as that of any other Workman in this, section. Mending done on short notice at AYER’S OLD STAND . mar, 24-ly. BLACKSMITHING. -K): ROBERT CHRISTOPHER B EGS the attention of all persons who may huve ant' Blacksmith work-to he done, and hopes they will remember that liis shop can he found near George street, between, the City Hall and the M. k B. If. R. depot. All work promptly "ttehd&i to, ai d sati f iction promised. .'•••• OYTER-SHELL LIME IS GOOD FOR AGRICULTURAL PUR POSES. T ie BBTSSWICK LIME CO. «*U it in bbli..»t $10 per ton, free ou cor* in linuis- wick emfllftCASH. . All OM-r. prumptly filled. i 'dSntjf A H. DEXTER, Treasurer. biroyaSff* **pL- Come One, Come All, ' AND Subscribe for the BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. It is a Nnc Enterprise and should be encomiged. Its influence for good is already felt. SVBSCRltVlOX—tlM. AO VKRTISISG—LOW May 19, IS75. aad LIME, Ciieap For CASH. my-lii-tt • • DEXTER BROS., ^^RE selling CORN, GRAIN, FLOURandBACON VERY LOW, FOR CASH. Office in Smith & Dexter's Buildin-. URVSKWICK, GA. HOUSE, SHIP, SIGN null OHXAME' . TAD PAINTING. GRAINING, .. GLAZING. GILDING BRONZING, STAINING AND . ... VARNISHING, C mch ^uniting a SPECIALTY. Work on glass, * ; rnjw hanging, Pi *<ure frame rc-gildr.'*, Jap: , an inf. Faints mixed by EASOM mid PORTER over Peter’s Cabinet Shop, N« wcastle street. ( mar. 24-ly. Dr. L. HEINS, Cures Jltl Discuses, CONSUMPTION, PILES, AND SCROFULA, CAXCKR. DYSPEPSIA And ALL rtrERS BRUNSWICK, : : : GA* mar. *4-Jy.