Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, June 23, 1875, Image 3

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— To Lead all Competitobs is the aim of the proprietor of the Wileon shuttle sew ing machine. It is founded on the very beet principles known to tewing machine science, and improvements, in advance of all Other sewing machines, are being adopted constant ly. The Wilson is rapidly gaining the - prefer ence of alt parties that are acquainted with sewing machines, and it has already taken the front rank among the first-clast machines of this country; and its price, owing to its being manufactured where labor ana material is much cheaper than in eastern cities, is fifteen dollars less than all other first class machines. Machines will be delivered at any railroad sisiluu iii this eouiitv. free of transportation Vltougcs, if Oi'loicu Uu'OUgii Hit. tOijipMij'i branch house at 189 Canal street. New Or.eadiS. La. They send an elegant catalogue and chrome circular free on application. This company want a few more good agents. It is often remarked by strangers vis iting oar State that we show a larger propor tion of good horses than any other State in the Uniox. This, we tell them, is owing to two principal reasons; In the first place, we breed from the very best stock; and in the second place, onr people nse Sheridan’s Caval ry Condition Powders, which in onr judgment are of incalculable advantage. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will give more relief in cases of Chronic Bhema- tism, no matter how severe, than any other article known to medical men. Used internal ly and externally ;< __^_^_^_ A MAN OF A THOUSAND. A Consumptive Cubed.—When death was hourly expected from Consumption, all remedies having failed, accident led to a discovery whereby Dr. H. James cured his only child with a preparation of Can nabit Jndica. He now gives recipe free on receipt of two stamps to psy expenses. There is not a single symptom of consumption that it does not dissipate— Might Sweats, Irritation of the Nerves, Difficult Ex- pectoi ations, sharp pains in the Lungs, Nausea at the Stomach, Inaction of the Bowels, and Wasting of the Muscles. Address, CRADDOCK & CO., 1< 32 Race Street, Pbiladephla, Pa., giving name of this paper Dr. Tntt’s Expectorant is p pared by a physician of twenty-five years practice and is a Compound of rare excellence. SAMPLE Free and Big Pay to Male and Female evert wneie. Address THE UNION PUB. CO.. Newark, N J. the FABQUK4B SEPARATOR DO YOU It OWN PRINTING! ■PRINTING press. [F«^t*r<ifession;iI and Amateur dealers In all kinds of Printing, MMerlUl. Be °d stamp fonpataiogue ) 49 Federal at., Boston SILVER TIPPED SHOES I Foolishly spent—money paid for children*880061 not protect ed by 8lliVltRTlP». Two week s Is about tbe time It takes a so art, active child to ventil ate tbe toe of a shoe. elLV Il'lPd tbe on'y preventative. Was selected, 4 years ago, and put to wore la tne Patent Office. Washing- 'ton, D C. and has proved tone the .best. 19 slats made Price* lower 'than any other first-class Wheel. Pamphiet free. N.F.BORNHAU, Torn. Pa. Tn* ELASTIC TRUSS AND tUPPORTKR Is now superaedina all .others being adopted everywhere by the lead ing physicians, scr geons, druggist, army and navy, hospitals, gymnasiums etc. The success and univer sal satisfaction they have given, as well as the great number or radloa they have effected, has demonstrated tbe feel! :ure can be surely cured without suffering .once, and without the dange- of incurring Uease or Paralysis, often caused ny f he se vere pressure of Metal Trusses and ajpporier«. It is the only sure cure fur Hernia, as it la the only Tr.tis ir. use that will bold the rupture securely in all position* In which the bod? «« !» placed. It will perform radical cores when all othi rs tail. It cuiiw wuro with ease and comfort wlirB no spring truss «tnoe us-d. When once adjusted, no mo- j wwu i»A kite Uirtljr i>« tt* uiubtii CtxU t ' nrf> insi rumen ts baveti miw eminent prantl From the numerous testimonials In onr P08S63 na the Ids' rumen ts have the unqualified approval of the Itlnnera tn the profession w following: Instrument Is worn. With superior advantages, the Bostic Truss possesses In a high degree ALL requisites and qualifications claimed for other in ventions. l have no hesitation in regarding it as an important means for tbe relief and core of HernU J. H. CARNOCHAN, M. D.. , “ Ex-Health officer ot the Port of a ew York. Bur geon In-Chief of New yore “Hate Hospital," etc. Geo- V. House, E aj„ superintendent Elastic Truss Co. Dear Sir .—After sutfering tor thirty years, In my own person, from th use of every form of Metaiic Truss procurable In tbit conn ry form try and »nnumn mivrrrmn for best selling book out. Hubnio WAJUlbb “ Woman as a Wife and Mother," oy Pve Heury Cbavasse, M. D Over 76.0i n sold Liberal terms. Apply at once for ter ritory and onint to B T. SOUOER & CO., 719 8ausom s reet, MtHadelph'a. Europe, I, two yean ago. applied your Battle Truss,and since that time I have experienced com' fort and satisfaction, and been taught the troth that tbe Elastio Truss Is the only Imminent .tba should be used for the relief and cures, of Hernial and now af*er more than thirty years' contlnous practice, and having adjusted many hundreds of r i roues (and for the last twenty months yours ex clusively). I gratefully declare It to be my deliber ate opinion, that your Batlie Trust Is tbe only one entitled to ihe confidence of the ““ Absurd to think Of using thread! which will rot. or pegs that shrink and fall out. to fasten! the soles of boots and shoes to theopper. CAULK SCUKW W1KK Is the only method that will hold. | gable; | SCREW I'wx r e: E very family wants it. Money old by agents. Address M. N. Lovell,Ei in it. le.Pa. O Bill mi HABIT Ctfted Cheap. No public v”IUIwl tty.Dr. Armstrong,Berrien,Mibh. a month to male and female agents every where. Eureka Mfg, Co,, Buchanan, Allen. $72 Each W e°k. GOLD PENCIL FREE, Address Palmer, Albers Sc Co., St, Louis. Excelsior 1 vwnere. Address Buchanan, Mich. $ 5 C $ 2 O' ffxo d HTiN: hom ? , - Ter 9 :l8 ftee -. Address (son A Oo„ Portland Maine. VTTDTTO OUR BUDGET “ free,” send your friend. ulfltUu Address W. J. Mars, West Phils. Fa. UMo and copy of 'he 8ENT FREE. CAn Invested in Wall street often tJUUi leads to fortune. A 72-page l book explaining everything, Wall Street Review John Hicklino & Co. Ranke Sc Brokers. 72 Broadway. N ' SOMETHING work and money foi for you. Sells at sight. Our rents coin money. We have work and money for all, men or women, boys . * - Ca f lirts, whole or spare time. OKue. Address Frank bend stami Gluck. New for Cata- rd, Mass. I' for the fastest selling book _ J ever published. Send for __ cuisrs and onr extra terms to ageuta. Nation al Publishing Company, Memphis. Tennessee, or Cincinnati, Ohio ELASTIO JOINT {BBiWyss, fS'MS 10(111 <”* * root through the iron/ In practical nse inUn 17 years. Boxed for shipment to any part DnnClklD° r the country. CALDWELL Sc CO, nUUllHO 130 West Second street. Cincinnati, O. SIS ennsu. Rheumatism, TO MAKE, Hair Grow. Ottawa Beer, Boots Waterproof, Yeast, ither receipt or the IO for 50 cents. P.O.Box 8381 or glBBroadwsy.N.Y. We qell on tbial the BOLLING EH Wine Water Wheel. It is the best Wheel In the matket. Does not Gog. O- tea are independent closing. It is economical In the use or Water and has an Adjustable btep. PORTABLE Soda Fountains. $40,-$50, $75, & $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP. Shipped Ready for Use. Manufactured by CH A PM aN & CO. Madison. Ind. BOrsend for a Catalogue. LANE & BODLEY, jolin and Water It*., Cincinnati. MANUFACTURERS OF PORTABLE ADD STATIONARY STEAH BXTC3-X2STES, From two to two hundred Horse Power, send for illustrated catalogue. JJVO. I*. DALE. As’t Nashville Boston. Bay Your Sea Foam fects.tlsfactlon.' It F- <fe F. Rice Sc Co.. Grocers, M.B0S10 V gives per: is ex eileit Cornells & Munford. Grocers Providence. R. I.. say;—"Onr sales are immense. Every body praises It "it makes bread richer, light er, whiter, purer, sweeter, and more wholesome than any ther way.” The greatest thing to sell you aver saw. send at once for cir cular to Oeo. F. Oantz Sc Vo., 176 Duaue street. New York. I Geo* p. Rowell & Col The World la In Bloom. Nature wears her .ummer smile. But the victim of Nervous Depu ty is like a blighted branch In tbe snnsblne. Let him re-vliallze tone and purify his system with Tarrant’s Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, and within a week he will feel like a new man. SOLD BY ALL DRUGK3-2STS. MEDAL. MACHINES. . nw ton btati AmontoiAb worn. unpleasantness; us profess' Tmeses. Hnppnrters and Pile I Pipes. ••Neeley’s Hard Rubher Trusses," cooi, cleanly, light, perfectly safe and comfortable, Fee horn all sour rusty, chaf; • ‘ ,WAM ilon. long’ tested, always reliable. Es‘ab]Iah meats, 13 *7 Chestnut s$.trflU»aeipmii. and T37 Broad Wt N.Y. Sent bymaii or express and sold by leading druggists. Kend for catali gue. "LAST JOURNALS."lunfoldS ■ oband achievements, also the curt- and wcalth of that marvelous “-.masw; rt; Only ixs*. Low In raios. Out- I week*. . Address 11a. or Clncln.- O. ostites, woNDxas and wkalth or that ni MMS5£* 83Kh3|Ni O BROS. Pubs. Phi $10'$25H&£»i23K23C is public ; that elas ticity is the only nower at all adapted to the re quirements of a Tress or Hfipporter. and am con vinced that your /elastic Truss actually cures a large proportion of all cases to wbten It Is applied, not only among children, out in numerous cascfe within my own knowledge of patients from SO to 75 years or age H. BURNHAM. H. D. Pror of Anatomy and Surgery, N. Y. E. Medical College. . , , .Beware of cheap and wortuleas Imitation Elastic "Trusses, which some parties advertise and sell, fraudulently representing that they are manufac tured by the hlastlo Trass Co. These Trusses are sent by mallto all parts of the country. Natlsfactlou guaranteed iu all cases. Before purchasing any other write for Descriptive Circular (freeyco ihe LANTIC TRUSS FOMPA*®Y. 6t3 Bioadway. New Yoik. KEIIICIISRKSDERED USELESS! Volta’s Electro Belts and Bauds are indorsed by the most eminent physicians iu the world for theenre of rheu- matism, neurnlgla.llvercom- plaint, dyspepsia, kidney dis ease, aclies. pains, nervoim dis order.fits,femnlo complaints nervous and general debility, and other chronic diseases of tbechest, hend, liver, stomach _ kidneys and blood. Book.with I 1F F, foil particulars (tree by Volta ■s-I I te Bbit Co (jjneinnati, Ohio. B75& Agente wanted everywhere. For Fbitou Sc walkxb. Daytoct, Ohio DR. WHITTIER, So. 617 It Charlei Stmt St Lonlt *,.. iSlSaSSf.«57SKffi^B«|M sarrrssBiaKas ed by the atete of Missouri, was founded and i been established to securegafe, certain andre- jle relief. Being a graduaiFof several medical colleges, and having the experience of a long and successflii life In bis specialties he has perfected remedies that are effectual in all these cases. Hie patieute are beln* treated by met! or express Mery where. No maiter wb-> felled call or write. From the great number of applications he is enabled to keep his charges low. 30 pages, giving foil synapto A s, for two atamps. MARRIAGE GUIDE, 260 pat ee a popular book which should be read by everybody. No married pair, or persona contem plating marriage, can afford to do without it. It contains tbe cream of medical literature on the su Ject. the results of Dr. w.*a long experience; al*o tbe best thoughts from late works In Europe and America. Sent sealed, pod-paid for 60 cents. VINECflRBITTERS Dr.,T. Walker’s California Vtea egar Hitters are a purely Vegetabte preparuMoo, made Chiefly from the ac tive herbH fouad on the lower ranges 4 the Sierra Nevada mountains of Calitor- nia, the medicinal properties of whkA aro extracted therefrom without the cm of Alcohol. Tbe question is allLJfll daily asked, "What is the cause of tte unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit- TERsf” Our answer is, that they remora the cause of disease, and the patien' covers bis health. They are the^MMl blood purifier and a life-giving priuuiow^ a perfect Renovator and Invigoiatas of the system. Never before ir cfct history of the world has a medicine &e*i compounded possessing the remarkutdr ompounued possessing tne remarks,’.*' [ualities of Vinroar Bitters in healing ick of even disease man is heir to, Th«y are a gentlt Pt rgative as well as p 'Pouic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation it the Liver and Visceral Organs, in BiflMM Diseases. The properties of Dr. Walkiu«; Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoteaev Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Diorotb. Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, AltSM tive. and Atii* iOIU **ia- R. H. MCDONALD <S CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, California, and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., N. K Sold by all Uragj|ists and DcalWL NIGH0L8,8HEPARD & CO/8 "rami" ni The BRILLIANT SUOCBSSbf this Grat*» Saving, Time-Saving THBB8HBB, (a Unprecedented in the annals of Farm Machlawy. In a brief period it has become widely knswn and FULLY ESTABLISHED, as Om “LEADING THRESHING HACHUdC/i 1 GRAIN RAISERS REFUSE to nM to tbe wasteful and imperfect work of ettac Threshers, when posted on the vast iMMrisrtfo of this one, for saving grain, saving tlm* M doing fast, thorough and economical work. THRESHERMEN FIND IT highly ad van tageewto ran a machine that has no "Beaters," * •Pickers,'* or “ Apron," that handles Damp Grain. Leaf Straw, Headings, Flax, Timothy, MUIett and all snchdlfficnlt grain and aeedr BASS AND EFFB aged; less repairs; one that grain niters preSw to employ end wait for, eves at advajaoed prices, while other machines are "out of JoIsl" Four sues made with «, (.lOeillfl bores “Mowntod” Powers,also aim other Horae Powers- If interested in CTtondaliiit.orthreahliifcwigp for Illustrated Oircnlara (*e«lA**) wifh NO ulara of sites, etylea, prices, tem^eth NICHOLS, SHEPARD dc OO n BattU Crtslt, tOM/mt, <ER Sc MBLICK CO., , Patentees and Manufacturers of ___lwat,Chaih a»d Lever Horse-Powers,Thresh ers and Cleaners, Threshers and Hhakkrs, Clover Hullebs, Feed Cutters, Ithaca Wheel Horse Baxes, Horse PrrcHroRxs, Shingle Machines, Straw Preservtno Ete Threshers, Ac., Portable Steak Engines, Cider and Wine MiEls, and Doo Powebs, Ac. ALBANY, STY. Bend for Circular. msm GOLD! I To Agents in addition to last cash eomminio% ILLUSTRATED LY with fashion ind supplements, land circular, free i. ( 72fl Santom SL, Phils. A SAMARITAN NERVINES Spasm,. IlhaatMBt circular (1, toe crUesccoreanc. BlCBNOND.Dcx ML 8b Joccsb. - A certain and sure cure, without inconvenience, and at home. An antidote that stands purely on Its own merits. Send for my quarterly magazine (ft costs you nothing), containingcertificates of hundreds that have been permanently cured. I claim to have discovered and produced the first, original ans only sun cube fob opium eating. DR. S. E. COiiLNS.La^nts, Ind. B.M.WOOI.EiT-SoleAgt.8outheAnStmte( Atlstssta, Ss. afdoma M ... . Agents. Auger bosk i Auxer Co.. St.Louis.**. WYTHE v writing to advertisers please must VV the name orthls paper. No. M3 S. N. U. y Dr. iJeck'«*o2y known and sure Remedy, NO cnuraiH for tieatmasl until cured, cut on or aiHasw DR. J. O. BECK, f|a Mb ~iid epenrnu. anfo mm