Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, July 07, 1875, Image 3

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»* y^M 1 -i * Ji> <" ■'. i . —A writer ditcassuig the oompsrs* tive economy of horses and males, after flMing ; M |im only superiorly I see in the mtile ii tost he will stint rough treatment better,” adds what is very true when he sayB, ** but there is neither religion nor greenbacks in harsh treat* ment of stock,” Facts Worth Knowing,—rhe Wilson shuttle sewing machine is to-day the simplest, most perfect, most easily operated, best made, most durable, and, in everv wav. most vain* able sewing machine in existence, and it is sold fifteen dollars less than all other first* clasp, machines. Machines will be delivered at any nuiP-wj BtabiOQ in el. m ouuut,. »» of transportation charges, if ordered through the company’s branch house at 189 Canal street, New Orleans, La. They send an olcgant cata logue and ehromo circular free on application. This company want a few more good agents. Jv Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment is half as valuable as people say it is, no family should be without it. Certainly no person, be he. lawyer, doctor, minister, or of any other profession, should start on a journey without it. No sailor, fisherman, or woodsman should be without it. In fact, it is needed wherever there is an ache, sprain, cut, braise, cough or cold. Farmers and “ horse men” are con tinually inquiring what we know of the utility of Sheridan’s Cavalry Condition Powders, ana in reply, we would say, through the columns of this paper, that we have heard from bun* dreds who have used them with gratifying re sults ; that is also our experience. Dr. Tim’s Expectorant. A single dose relieves the most distressing congb, soetbes nervous ness and prodoces refreshing sleep. Very plea ; aut tbiake. - i ' i i..i - — SILVER TIPPED SHOES I Did you ever nee a child tbat lia not have boles thronarb the toes of its shoes? If you did tney were i roiected bv JULVKIt TIPS. They never wear through at kbe toe. Try them. If you want to know what CABliKSCIIEW .vlRK means, *">k your shoe dealer, and(f hetian’t tell you malce up your mlpd be hastome pegged wwk on nand tnat he wan.s to sell before he dare tell you. I CABLE | SCREW sWIRE A DIKS. To'let Rouquet for the Complexion. J*amplernBH. Palmer, Albers & Co ,si. Louis E V«!RV FAMILY WANTS IT. Money in it [Bold by agents. Address M. N Lovell,Erie,Fa. lis a won per day at home. Terms free. Address •10 fiWU ubo, btinson A Co.. Portland. Maine (tOfin a month to agents everywhere. ip/SUU Excelsior M’v’e Ci Address Co.. Bnchanan, Mich. $3 SA UIPliK Free and Big Pay to Male and Female Everywhere. Address THE UNION PUB. CO.. Newark. N J. T HIS paper Is printed with Ink made by U. B. Kane & Co.. 121 Dearborn street, Chicago, and for sale by ns In largn or small quantities. SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER UNION, Nash ville. Tenn. Whether for uw on man or boost. Merchant's Oarg'lng OU will be found an Invaluable Liniment *ndI worthy of use by every resident In the land. We know of no proprietary medicine or article now u ed In the United Bhares the good will of the people hi a greater uegiee tha . this. Yel tow wrapper for animal, and white for human flesh.—//. Y. Independent. Is the Standard Liniment of tae United States Established 1833. Large size, |l.00; medium size, GO cm's; small size, 25 cents. Small size for family use, 25 ■ enta. Marnfactured at Lockport, New York, bv Mercban's Gargling Oil Company. JOHN HOOGK, Secrelarr, Q A || PT|| 11| h for you. Sells at sight. Our wUlflblnllllX agents coin money. We have aork • nd money lor all, men or women, boys or lr.s, woo eot spare time Bend stamp for iata- , cue f acres* Frank Uluck, New Bedford, Mass. N-. F 1 . BURNHAM’S T TTRBIKTE WATER WHEEL bigton.D. C .and b*spr veil to bf t - best. 19 sizes mode Prices lowit than any otter first-class Wht-ei. Pamphlet free. N. F. BURNHAM. York. Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR PATHWAYS OF THE HOLY LAND Beluga Full Description of Palestine its History. Antlqul'les, Inhabitants and customs, according to the Great Dhc tverl.«s rece> tly made by the Palestine Exploring Erped tions. It sells at slfbt. Pend for our extra terms t> Agents, and see why It sells faster than any oilier book NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. 8t. Louis. Mo. DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! OVELTY PRINTING- PRESS. For Professional and Amateur n styles. Pricer from _ iN J. O. WOODS & CO. Mcnufrsaml M Ten s< , dealers in ail kiniii of Printing Material, Stag* kirag ibr Catalogue. > 40 Federal St. Boston. This hew Truss Is worn with - perfect ■ comfort nlgbt and day. Adapts Itself to every motion of tbo body, retaining Rupture under the hard est exercise or severest strain until permanent ly cured, cold cheap by the Elastic Truss Go., 883 Broadway, New York Ulty. Sent by mall. Call or send for circular and be cured, ft DllIIUI H ABIT Cured Cheap.No public- wriuIVi |ty.Dr. Armstrong,Berrien,Mich. A GENTS can make $50 to $150 per month canvass- LARGEST SCHOOL. Dr Wa-d's Seminary for Young Ladles, Nashville, Tenn , Is the largostln the South and 11 Ah In the U. 8. Send for new catalogue. Pall esslon sep't, 2. NEW Time TAUL.K. j| ton ofHAVdeposttedln3to5 ,rt . j of Mow or Stack with Neills’ O. H. Horse Hay For k andPatent Conveyer, No extra expense to Fanners forConveyer. Descrlp’ivecatalogue free. Reliable agts wanted. Adrs A. J Nellis & Co.. Flushing, Pa T O AGENTS. THE BROOKLYNBCANDAL, Its progress and termination, with an Im partial epitome of the Te.’lmsny on the Trial, by U’Coonorof N. Y.. and Judge Nells mi charge to the Jury and their Verdict. Illustrated. For terms apply to Pabk Publishing Co.. Hartford, Conn tfcin A/, drCflA Invested I n Wailstreut often SiUjOffluUUi icada to fortune. A 7B-pa«e book explai ning everything, and copy or the W A LL street RkVIE W QCiiT CDCC John Kicxtixad Co, Bankers OtN I rtttX. & Brokers, 7J9 Broadway, N. Y. 1 nnumo W A UOlDfl for best 8 * tUn R out. Auhrilc n ft"! ull “ Woman at a Wife and Atoiher." ou F>e Henry Chavasse, Al. D. Over 75.000 sold. Liberal terms. Apply at once tor territory and outfit to R T 8UUDER & 719 Bansom street, Philadelphia, LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN HOUSE, LOCKOUT MOUNTAIN. TENNESSEE. OPEN JUNE 10, 1875. G. W. ARNOLD, Proprietor. Cl ACTIO miUT Durable, cbeap; easily ap- fcLAo I III JUIn I piled by any one; no naflj ;nc« —■ —,thmnah the iron,' In practical use IllUN 17 yea.s. Boxed for shipment to any pail onneiun '' the conn try. CALDWELL 410. isUUrlnu 130 West fccond s’.reel, Cincinnati. O. The Improved Success Washing Machine. - $140 OOO worth In 3 years, and give universal satisfac tion. It washes all sizes of clothing and Lace Collarr, withoutiDjury. Half dozen shirts are cleaned In 8 min utes, soiled wilstbanos in cluded. Krxi M Powvr Machines for Laundries made to order, eend for Pamphlet, aoints Wanted and can make a fortune. York Manufacturing Co-, York, Pa, LANE & BODLEY, John and Water Sts., Cincinnati. MANUFACTURERS OF PORTABLE ARD STATIONARY STEAM lEOsTG-IIlSriEIS, From two to two hundred Horse Power. Send for Illustrated catalogue. JNO. 3?>. DALE, Ag’t. Nashville. STOCKS ileilt In at the New York Stock Exchange bought and sold by us on margin of live percent, PRIVILEGES negotiated »t one to two per cent from market on ra-niher. of the New York Exchange or responsi ble parties. Large sum, have been realized tbe pan 30 days. Put or call costs on 100 abates $106.25 Straddles 9250 each, control 200 shares of stock for ■'» days without further risk, while many thou, sand dollar* profit may begalned. Advheardln formation furnished. Pamphlet, containing vat liable .t.tlstlcai Information and growing how Wall Street operations are conducted sent FREE to anv rddress. Orders solicited by mall or wire and prompt y executed-hy us. Address TUMBRIDGB & CO.. Bankers and t-iokers. , No. 2 Wall Street. New Yi rk msim Bottled Bits*. It Is Impossible to c nceive of a more refiesbing diaugbt than Isaflurded by Tarrant’s Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, which combines the advantages of a luxury with tbose or the purest, safest aud most genial nl te-a tlveand tonic ever adm'mstered as a cure for dyspepsia and bilious rffettiods. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Driscoll. I thttrch A Hail, Oro- .n eers, New Bedford, Maw.,says: is I •* The demand for your Sea Foam increases rapidly. Never a complaint.” Jones. Fenner * Co.. Wilkes- barre, Ba.. say.—” Have sold your Sea Foam to all classesof trade. It never failed to give satisfaction ” Biggest thing to raise you ever saw. Greatest thing to sell you ever knew. Many valoa- r* hie co king recipes sent free, d hend at once for circular to Geo. F. Gautz A Co., 170 Duane Street, New York.. BOOK AGENTS Nettse Medical Arlvl P SYC’HOINANOY, or Soul Charmiug. How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose, instantly This art all cau possess, free, by mall. 25 cents; to- S ither with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, reams. Hints to Ladles. Ac. l.OwVUO sold. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAMS & CO , Pub 1 GEO. P. Rowell & Co.| SAMARITAN NERVINE is a sart ears for Bplleptls Fit*, Conraiilons and Spume. It h*a fcoea luted by thoaunds and never waeknown tofanioailuxlecaie. Incloositam * circular firing evidenced cam. AddranDr.l EICHHOND, Box TO. Bt, Joseph, If a Wanted to sell “Hie .. _ People’* Common Adviser” it Is the cheapest boo < ever publish) d; 880 pages, over UOU iilus- trat'ons. 81.50. Tbocsandv any It at sight who canid notbe Induced to pm chase the hlgh-nrl- ed books treating of Domestic Medicine. Unlike other books sold through agents this woifc Is thor- oiiguiy adveriiseii iliiougUou; 7,cr::. Arucrtra. Till- intll, bu,<riuc> with ill- large c Izp, elegant ap pearance. and many new femmes of the boos, j causes It tc sell more rapidly than any work ever j published in this country. Those of my agents who have bad experience In selling hooks, say that In all their previous canvassing they never met with such soccers or iuadp so largs wages, as since commencing the sale of my work. Fur terms and lerrttory, audress (Inclosing two postage stampi and stating experience). R V. P1ER.E, > M, D*. World s Dispensary. Buffalo. N. Y. Note -Mark envelope ’-For Publishing Dep't -.aTDfArs. 8KDICIIE BEIDERED USELESS! i YU * I'WrL Volta’s Elkctho Bzlts and LV e Si Bauds are iudorsed by the most eminent physicians in tho world for the cure of rheu matism, neuralgia, liver com' nervous aud general debility, and other chronic diseases of timeliest,head,liver, stomach kidneys and blood. Book with full particulars free by Volta Hki.t do., f-lnrlnnatl. Ohio. I PnpP I will send yon a pocket Knife free, || MCE for the names and address of twelve Dfl 0 V ITT acllTe hoys or gkls from six different I Ull Ilk I pcstoflloes, whollo not sow take the If Ul rp | Gem. Address MVirC * John A. Osabk, Wadsworth, Ohio. MORPHINE HABIT,speedily cured by Dr. Deck s only known and sure Remedy, NO CHARGE for treatment until cured. Call on or. address DR. 4. C. BECK, *12 John Street, IJIVCISNATL OHIO. OPIUM O YXT’HEN wrlttng to advertisers please mention the name e: !h'* neper No. BA 8. ,V. IT, pro Habit Cured A certain and sure cure, without inconvenience and at home. An antidote that stands purelywn its own merits. Send for my quarterly magazine (« costs you nothing), containing certificates of hundreds that have been permanently cured. I claim to have discovered and produced the fiust, obioinaL AND ONLY SUES CUBE FOB OPIUM BATING. OIL S. B. COLLINS, La Porte, Inti. B. 9. .WOOLEY, Sole Agt. Southern State* Atlanta, Go, Dr. J. Walker’s California VIa= egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from tlio na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges a* the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted thorommi without the nse of Alcohol. Tbo question is almost daily atked, '‘What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vinegar Bet tersT” Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are tho great blood purifier and a life-gi viug principle^ a perfect Renovator aud Invigoratoi cf the system Never before in tba b.Htory of tho world bus a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinmiar Bitters in healing the siek of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well us a Tonic, relieving Congestion or InflutninUtic' of ihe Liver nod Visceral 0rgt<?*, iu Rilioui Diseases. . i ■ : The properties of D\.. Walker’* V inkoa RBmEitH are Aperient, Diaphorethi, Oanuiutttive. Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretie. Sedative, Uountor-Irriiaut. Sudorific, Altera tivt>. aud Anti-BUiom. R. n. HcDONAbn « co.. HICH0L8,8HEPARD A 00.’8 "VIBRATOR” THRESHER. The BRILLIANT SUCCBSSof thlaGrmte- •avlnc, Ttgiflattai THRESHER, I* unprecedented la Umannals of Farm Machinery. In a brief period it has become widely knows and FULLY ESTABLISHED,, as tlM M LBAOING THRESHING nACEANBJ* GRAIN RAISERS KEFCSE to rahffltt to tbe waatefttl and imperfect work of ether Thresher* when poated on the vast superiority of this on* for saving grain, saving time, and doing fast, thorough and economical work. THRESHERMEN FIND IT highly advantageous to in a machine that baa no "Beater*" "Picker*" or “Apron," that handles Damp Grain, Long Straw, Heading* Flax, Timothy, MUIettsndail such difficult grain and seed* with RNT1BH BASB AND EFFECTIVENESS. Clean; to perfection; saves tbe farin't his thresh MU by extra earing of grain; makes no "Litter irge;" requires CESS THAN ONE-HALF thenraal jolt* Boxes, Journal* and Gears; easier man* aged; tees repairs; one that grain raisers prefer to employ and wait for, even at advance* price*, while other machines nre "out of jobs." Fonr sixes made with 6, 8,10 and IS bor*e “Mounted” Powers, also a*pe> elnltj for 8 other If interested in grain raising, or threshing writ* tor Illustrated Circulars {tail free) with full particulars of eixe* style* price* term*et& NICHOLS* SHEPARD * CO., Battle Creek, AHdkfeeh tr of Sepnralora “alone,” cxprertely 8TBA1H POJYER, and to nifiteh er Horse Powers. ])E. WHITTIER, K:. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Vo,* Das tx’cn long in nnoagxd in the treatment of ftll Vena- rcai DlM*M*—8pccmatorrhCM, Sexual Debility cni Impo* tency—than onjr other Fh/sieUn in fit. Louis. Dr. W.'t establishment Is chartered by the Stete cf Missouri, ni founded and has been esUtUshed tu aucurr safe, certain and reliable relief. Being a grsdsstc cf rrrera! ncii* mi mtiocoa, nnd having fho experience of n long and sucf.’csslul life in his snocutiucs iio ass j/vt teewd rent* tzzi arc cScutualin a!l ttZT* H*; p.'.hn!: •tu Uiag treated by m*i? •‘•f r«*s rvorywLiUi. Xd matte r who failed, call or trrito. From the great Dda* t-r of appliesUous h« is enabled to keep hLr charges low. 30 pages, giving full symptoms, tor two sumps* MARRIAGE GUIDE, MO ptf**, a popular book which should be nvt by crory. body, no married pslr, or persons contemplating mu. rlage, can sO>rd to do vUhost It. It contains the ercau of medical literature on this sotyset, tho nXoluor Dr. Y/.’s long experienesi slso the host thoughts Item lata works la £ drop* and America. Bant aaals*post-patd hrgSa d4OoC0Cperdiqr. Send for ChromoCsUlogu* 4>1 U ^ H. Burro op’s Bons, Boston, Hoi*