Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, July 14, 1875, Image 4

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    ffcr K
T. G. Stacy, Editor and Proprietor.
Hubtcriptian Pricer $l.jxr Annul* in, Advance
WEDNESDAY, “J;:l 14th 1875.
— Ton*, arrow (15th) is the last- day
for payment of second installment of
City Taxes.
—We learn that Mr. Henry Hudson
and Mrs. Sallie Baskins were joined
in holy • wedlock on lost Thursday
night. -
—Bead new advertise.n-mts in this
— .’ho steamer Reliance takes the
place of the C.i.rie (now- undergoing
repairs) for a few trips.fiqm Savannah
to Brunswick anil up the Satilla.
—The Barbecued. Dinner given ast
week by Mr. , Putnam was not quite
as well attended us was anticipated.
Public notice was not given in time.
—New sweet potatoes, grown - by
Mr. Wm. Gignilliatt, have been shown
around during the past woek.
—Messrs. Nelson & Co. . have just
reieived a line lot of fishing tackle.
—“Sody,” well sweetened, was the
drink mostly craved by the excur
sionists of last Friday and Satm-day.
£*‘Their heads were plumb level.’’ •
—We w'ere shown a fine specimen
of worsted quilt—“Uncle Totn’s Cab-
* in ’ —a few days since, made by Mr,
.' Heitry'■ Cox of this city. ’Tis now on
exhibition at Me Conn &.Marlin’s, and
will be raffled in a few days.
. ■■ -i ■
—Thieves still prowl around this
town. They are no respecters of per-
sous, but go for all alike—legislators,
Counoilmen and all. Blue is after
one fellow with a sharp stick.
—Friend Grubb of the Gazette says
that our people are soon to have an
invitation to visit Darien and partake
°f the hospitalities of that city. We
hope (hat he is not mistaken.
—“Hot and dry” is still the cry.
Say, City Fathers, can’t yon give
Newcastle street “a wettin’?" We
will have no shell road before long, if
this drought continues.
—Don’t forget to go to Lebcn’s,
young man, before starting to see
your sweetheart. She would appre
flinty a package of those choice cau
dle.-. We know they are nioe, for we
have tried them.
—Mr. Aymar has just fini-hedtlse
pulpit for the 1 a/ e.i Presbyterian
Church. The style is similar to that
oi the Prosbyteriau Church of this
city, with very few improvements ad
ded. Mr. P. has quite a reputation
in that line.
_ The ladies of ?ha Mite Society
will give another of those delightfnl
entertainments for which they ore so
famous, on Friday night (16th inst.)
at the residence of Mr .Wm. Dart on
Union «t. Come ono and all, and lei
us have a good time.
—Thanks to friend Powell for the
finest specimen of watermelon sent us
this season. It weighed 27* pounds.
A few knowing ones hinted to us a
few days ago, that they had hud bigger
ones. Now we don’t car • “a hill of
beans” i abort their bigger ones, for
they took good care not to even let us
•eethem, much less taste a piece. Nev-
• er mind, friends, we forgive you this
time, especially if you will try and
beat friend P, Come now, * ‘fetch tun’
Devil Fish.
Whilst Judge Jn'o. L. Harris was
fishing last Week at Dart’s Landing,
he hooked one of those hideous mon
sters known as "devil fish.” He de
scribes it as being about five feet in
length and about six feet from tip to
tip, with great huge eyes resembling
goggles, out of its head.
Its tail about four feet long and two
inches in;, diameter at the body and
tapering to a point. Its arms much
like its tail, an I its enti e body striped
• across wiih different dolors.. The
Judge was fishing forsheepheud when
the ugly monster seized his line and
.started off.- The sudden jerk given
when t te line-became taut so fright
ened the creature that it sprang at
least fo ir feet out of the water into
the air, giving Judge Harris a.fair-
view of its proportions. Wo iieed,noi
add that the fislrng line was snapped
as easily as. a thread and Mr. “Devil ,
Fish” disappeared from view ’nealh
the briny waters of Wilson’s Creek.
The impression made on the mind of
our worthy Judge must have been
strong and lasting, for he obs< r/ed,
after describing the entire scene, to
one of our city past< rs, “Sir, if you
had seen that monster as I. beheld
it, you would firid’no trouble pext Sun j
day in portraying the ‘Old Fellow*
in such glowing colors, as to arougq
the hardest sinner.'” . . rJ j
Since, writing the aboye we have!
been informed by Mr. Cooper that 5
,ii s monster is not a d'lvil fishbut.u^. j
rf the same family (R.iy)‘kaow^s ;
il e Whip.ur. J . |
A, Big Day.
■ '! 01
Ju’y 9th was indeed a big day for
Brunswick. •, jWofk. whs suspended and
; our peoplo, together with a large ex
cursion party from along the line of
theB. & A. B. B., entered upon.the.
pleasures of the day determined.upon,
a good time. First on the list was the ;
race In-tween the Henrietta, the Bet- f ,
sey and the' June L., os published in
former issue. The race was an excit- £
ing oue, indeed, to many, hut espe
cially so to those who had “planked
their money.” The trip arouud the
marsh island (7 miles) was made by
the Henrietta in ono hour and nine
minutes, and by the Betsey in one
hour, nine minutes and thirty seconds
The Jane L. abandoned the race before
she reached the judges’ stand, conse
quently her time was not taken.
The next eventof the day wus the
Grand Parade through our streets, of
the Oceanic Fire Company, which, to
our simple mind, was a nobler sight,
by far, than all the boat races this side
of next January. Its presence speaks
.volumes for the safety of our prop
erty. We looked with'pride upon the
Oceaniesas they moved along with
engine all decorated. They are in
deed a fine body of men, and should
have all the encouragement they need,
not only from our City Fathers, but
from our citizens, whose property
they stand ready to protect at all haz-
i.rds. The appeal of the Foreman
for material aid was warm and earnest.
We involuntarily felt for oar old pock
et-book, but alas! to our sorrow, re*
membered we were an editor. Never
mind, Oceanics, we “made a resolu
Of the Ball, the last—and to many
the greatest event of the day—we are
unable to say much, from the foot that
we were not present. We learn, how
ever, that it proved a success, and
netted the Company $100. Long
lire the Oceanics!
Another steamship lost. The
Saranac—offVancouvers Island. No
lives lost.
4@"*Jessie Pomeroy—the Boston
boy murderer—is to be hung at an
early day.
JBSy-Monticello, Fla., had a very
destructive fire on the 8th. Nine bus
iness houses were destroyed.
Bgy-The great bridge across the Mis
sissippi at St. Louis cost a little less
than $7,000,000.
JBS'Watkins & Co. and E. D.
Smithe, of Savannh, have both bank
rupted. - r
J6@-The Snv. Register goes for tho
News with Bible quotations. That’s
right, gentlemen, they deserve it.
: fi@y*We are sorry to learn that the
Jesup Georgian has suspended opera
tions. Want of money seems to be
the trouble.
JBSf“Quite a numbt r of pur exchang
es ask; pardon for shortcomings in the
issue of this week. Editors gone to
the Press Association.
f®“The McIntosh Dragoons have a
pip-nic on the 21st. No intoxicating
liquors will be sold in’ Darien on that <
day. , A good idea we think.
Although very dry in Bruns
wick ive are pleased to learn r thaf the
evi ps along the line of the 13. & A. R.
' R' .are very good. >• “
JfcaT'Mr. Geer, bf Columbia county,
-lainis to have invented a propeller
that will drive a twenty foot yawl one
mile lii two minutes.—Register.
V&*Six thousand watermelons were
solc^t auction in Key West last week.
Many of the u from Texa .
Florida has sent a delegation
of fruit-dealers to Chicago to make
arrangements looking to direct ship-
; ment to that point. An important
step, we think.
j5®fLiberty county, the home of
our childhood, has had a wc> k of en
joyment. Two military celebrations
and two sohool exhibitions—refresh
ments at both of them. Don’t we
wish that we conll have been there!
J5^“Key West has a type of fever
so much resembling yellow fever that
the medical faculty are somewhat di
vided os to its true name. Most of
them, however, pronounce it billious
JBQySalt Lake City has recently been
visii.od by Queen’s Circus. $100 per
day license was charged, besides fam
ily ticket for Brigham Young and
Wells. One hundred and seventy is
all they asked for.
$©■* ;’l e ‘’Coweta Agricultural and
Mechanical Association” will give a
grand fair, beginning October 26th,
and continuing five days. From a
premium list sent us, we would judge
that great preparations will be made
and the whole affair prove a success.
K^Columbus, Ga., is now Called
the “Lowell of the South.” She runs
65,000 spindles and 2,500 looms.
JSrtBeef is selling in Nashville, Ga,
at five ots. per pound.
J^The new telegraph line from
Jacksonville to Jesup will be com
pleted in a few days. So says the
Weekly Reporter of Lake City.
l®»The steamnr Pandora, Captain
Allen Young, sailed on the 26th alt
from Portsmouth, England, in search
of the relics of the Franklin Expedi
Key West gets rid of its surplus
dogs by throwing poisoned meat
around promisrcoasly.
: New Advertisements.
State of Georgia, I The cot>nrtnership Uith-
County of Glynn# | erto exiting between Ur
banuB Dart, Jr., J*. ob E. Pvt and William It.
Dart, under the firm name of U. Pvt, Jr., k
Bros., has been this day dissolved by mutual
c-oiiseiii. sad by mutual agreement Urfcanaa Dart,
Jr., is employed to settle'affairs of copartner
Brunswick, Ga.,) Urhanua Dart, Jr.,
July fitli, 1876 J Jacob E. Dart,
' W. It. Dvt.
July 14-2t.
Building formerly occupied by Mr. Bobert
Williams. Inquire of
Mrs. Copt. Smith,
Ward’s Building.
july 14-tf.
Every day.
Thirst no more, but come and get a drink cf
at the Drug Store oi Blum k Maddkn.
July 7th-2t
P. HERTEI, Proprietor.
Boilers and Engines
made and repaired. ' !
Saw Mills, Steam Boats and General Ma-"
>:hinery repairs * a Specialty. Sugv Mills,
Pans, Gearing, etc. always on baud. .<
All work neatly and promptly exocuted^and
satisfaction guaranteed.
For sale at the woras now, one Sixty Horse
Power Engine and two Timmons Saw Carriages,
a lso two Steam Pumps.
Bay Street, Brunswick, G a .
It Je velry Slop.
Formerly with Charles Doerflinger on Bay Street,
has taken the room between the
where ho will be pleased to meet bis friends and
all who may with any work done in his line. Sat*
isfaction guaranteed, with moderate prices. Be
will soon have a select stock of FINE JEWELBY
to which he invites the attention of the publie-
Glve him a call, and a fair trial.
June 9-2m.
Bakery a Specialty.
..eeps on hand, daily, a supply of
fresh bread such as
Pies, Cukes, Kisses, Etc., Etc.
Delicious SYRUPS, besides everything
pertaining to a FIRST-CLASS BAKERY.
49-£3~Excurslon and Wedding partios accom
modated on short notice.-£t~kX Mey 2tf.
country, that they have again located themoelvS
in Brunswick for the purpose of practidna ttv
profeesiou, and are fruly prepared^edaany
Parties wishii
on at their T
can be wait
^-Applications addressed to them through the
Post Office will meet with prompt atteation.-«a
may 19-tf.