Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, July 21, 1875, Image 1

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BRUNSWICK N . 18. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 21,1875. Yol. 1. BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUIiLIHHED EVERY WKDSEbBAY M0BKH50 —BY— T. GCULDING STACY. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION §\M. ADVERTISING RATES* PER SQUARE. 10 lines space, first insertion, f 75 “ • ' each subsequent insertion, 60 A3-8PECIAL RATES TO LARGE ADVERTISERS ^Advertisers must specify lime on copy sent, or bo subject for charges until ordered out. Communications for’ individual benefit or of a personal character charged as advertisements. Marriages and Obituary notices not exceeding five lines solicited for free publication. Over that amount charged as advertisements. Bills for advertisements due upon presentation after the first insertion. The above rules will be adhered to in all cases. All letters and communications should be ad* «' resFed to T. GOULDING STACY. Brunswick, Ga. Professional. O. V. GOODYEAR. F. H. HARRIS GOODYEAR A HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia . O FFICE—Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Blain & Co. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and the city of Darien, Ga mar. 24-tf. T. E. Davenport A TTORNEY A T LA TT, W ILL practice in all the Courts of the Brunswick Circuit. Of fice in SMITH and DEXTER’S Building, Newcastle street, mar. 24-ly. COOK BROS. & CO., -Dealers in—i- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Ship Stores, &c., Business Cards. CHEAPEST ROUTE - —TO— Darien via. No. 1., M. & B. R. R. H ACKS always on hand to car: y passengers to end from Railroai. < omfortable lodgings fir pa sengeis with G. S. WASHINGTON, . nmr.24-ly. Pt’r of the Line. O you want a splendid BOOT or SHOE mai.e to ORDER, with PERFECT FIT guaranteed ? Then call on m ir. 24-ly. D. A. MOORE. BURR WI 1ST TON D CONTRACTOR And • BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, GA. P LANS and specifications furnished on short notice. Will contract to i rcct Buildings in EVERY STYLE. Also superintend Buildings at reason able prices. mar. 24-ly. Manufacturers and Shippers of YELLOW PINE LUMBER. (Bay St.,) Brunswick, t a. D. T. DUNN, I — ! BANKER and BROKER, j i runs wick, - - Ga, B UYS and SELLS exchange on New York, Savannah, Bost >u and Phil adelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RAT.IS, Buys and sells Gold, Silver an 1 Com mercial Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections promptly attended to and business so licited. mar. 24-ly. J. M. DEXTER, BRUNSWICK, GA m\ grab*, Insurance, Real Estate and COLLECTION AGENT. Special attention given to collection of drafts and ac counts; remittances promptly made —IN— New York Exchange. ii. B. TOCEIAU LODGE, No. 0, F. A. H* NEW GOODS! NEW STORE! o J. F. NELSON, & CO., Dealers in CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS And SHOES, HAT, CAPS, AND NOTIONS, HARDWARE, A Lime For Sale. OYTER-KHELL LIME IS GOOD FOR AGRICULTURAL PUR POSES. rn IE BRUNSWICK f,UIE CO. sell it in I bids, st $1(1 per ton, free on cars in Bruns- wt dt. Ga., for CASH. All ilrd-rs promptly filled. C. H. DfXl’E.l, Treasurer. j:r.v»wii'K, Mar. U.-ly Toomar Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, at 8 o’clok, p. m. P. M. Middleton, TIL M. J. M. Carter, Seo'y. DENTAL NOTICE. \VM. NOBLE &'BRO. beg lesve to Inform ths ” citizens of this place, and the surrounding country, that they have again located themselves in Brunswick for the purpose of practicing their profession, and are fully prepared to da any KIND OF WORK IN THEIR LINE Parties wishing their SERVICES can bo waited on attbeir RESIDlNCq Applications addressed to them through the Pos t Office will uiee with prompt attention.-®* may lfl-tf. —AND— GROCERIES of all descriptions AT Very Low Figures. S&"Give 18 a call.‘^3, mar. 24-ly. BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY F.LEBEN,AGT., —o— Bakery a Specialty. Ke F. A. FITZGERALD, DEALER IN FANCY and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, SHOES&c„ also—— Choice Family Groceries, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, CORN AND OATS at the “NEW YORK” Store. Terms Cash, or City Acceptance. mar. 24-ly. W. A. JOHNSON, BOOT and SHOE MAKER. W ork done as cheaply, and war ranted to last as long as that of any other Workman in this section. Mending done on short notice at AYER’S OLD STAND mar. 24-ly. BLACKSMITHING. -:0:- ROBERT CHRISTOPHER B EGS the attention of all persons who may have any Blacksmith- work to be done, and hopes they will remember that his shop can be found near George street, between the City Hall and the M. & B. R. R. depot. All work promptly attended to, and satisfaction promised. .eeps on hand, daily, a supply of fresh bread such as LOAVES, TWISTS, . ROLLS, Pies, Cakes, Kisses, Etc., Etc. —Also— i gjPURE and FRESH v (gtDKIlMSTOKip'tr. . ICE-COLD SODA WATER with 1 Delicious SYRUPS, besides everything pertaining to a FIRST-CLASS BAKERY. — dS-dS-Exoundon and Wedding parties accom modated on short notice.-®*-®* May 2 tf. HOUSE, SHIP, SIGN and ORNAMEN TAL PAINTING. GRAINING, - GLAZING, GILDING BRONZING, STAINING AND VARNISHING, Coach painting a SPECIALTY. Work on glass, Paper hanging, Picture frame re-gilded, Japanning. Paints mixed by EASOM and PORTER over Peter’s Cabinet Shop, Newcastle street. mar. 24-ly. Dr. L. HEINS, ~ Cures /.ll Diseases, CONSUMPTION,'PILES, AND SCROFULA, CANCER, DYSPEl'StA And \LL FEVERS BRUNSWICK, : : : GA. mar. 24-ly.