Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, September 22, 1875, Image 4

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f §& ,t|p ■ iciv i>rd .-<• r.c hr* ,<• i ' ‘n n'jr i irm, • - ssmbms* is .'■■■ iT 1 jr«a>m.wpi nfjt-M s.‘1kjo~ .uii£> f "?*' 4k 9^W0TPmm^-'. T. G.)#tft<wr|jB^itwnd Proprietor. SoiseripMon • lticr.: (1 per Jtltiim or Attrance . —Ncvir make! a promise unless yon mean to fulfill it. You inconvenience 'Other people by such failures, bb they defend on you in making their ar- naigemente. _P' : / r " -r The article of Way Cross editor cf the Valdosto Timex has arrived too late for (insurer in this issue. May talk a little in our nest, —Look ovst for fro. 3 ! i?> *v*-»***■ so the old folks need to say. ^ —Our Bapist friends are preparing for an exibition, —Don't fail to come out Thursday night. Let’s have a fall meeting. —The fattest thing in town—a pig brought [all the way from France. She is a huge one sure. —The tide of travel is gradually turning. Our people are returning slowly. We shall be glad to see them, all once more. —Brunswick had all .it could carry lost Saturday—four editors, and all hunting “ads” and “locals.” S3*A large lot of CANDY JABS for sale Cheap at . * t. B. DAVIS k CO’S, ’ —A few gardens around town pre sent qnito a tropical appearance. Evi dently the banana tree feels at homo here. —The copartnership of L. DuBig- uon « Go. has been dissolved. Here after Mr. DuBiguon will furnish beef at wholesale to city butchers. —Housekeepers, winter will soon be here. Fix up your quilts and com forts, put down your carpets (if you’ve got any) and paper your rooms. —Some of our housekeepers have to send away for “Dobbin’s Electric .Soap.” How is this, merchants? Come, don’t bo bphinct tUo timoo, oond off .and get some, and bring ns your “ad.” —If a row of posts around a lot is evidence in law of possession, why not put the strip high enough for a man to walk under without bumping his head, and thus save trouble?* Take the hint, lot-owners. C9-I,. B. DAVIS A Co. have Just rocolvcd a nlo, lot of Fancy fiospa—Colgate's BROWN WIND SOR, GLYCERINE. HONEY, and CASHMERE BOUQUET. For aalo at low flgnrea. —Mr. G. C. Fahtn, having given proper and sufficient bond for his ap penrance at the November term of Court, lias been set at liberty. Mr. E. C. P. Dart is now acting ns Clerk & Tr. a m: or iu his st ad. —Wo were shown last week by our colored smith, Bob Christopher, a neat and substantial road-wagou, put- up by him for one of our citizens. The work is well done and reflects credit on the builder. Bob is an lion. e3t fellow, and merits just what he receives—a good share of patronage. —Mr. Jno...Spear has on exhibition at the New York Store “Morgan’s Patent Skimmer and Cooler.’’ It is indeed a curious machine, hut gotten up on scientific principles, we believe. Every sugar cane planter should ex amine it. Those who have used them speak in high terms of their worth. And now to the front comm Billy n. Will. Oj ml via —> nice ns ever you see. --We are pleased to see our friend Samuel Cook buck again, an 1 that he has iiiiUg hia iiotuui 6 tv the wind. A cf’UI’h A -tj?Va r M! new need?. — Juu. Ivuuilinuii’o "iuOial cii'CUS*’ will be along this full or winter. —Neither the “Iufinitely” nor the Ocean ics drilled “worth a cent” in Dixville last Saturday. —We see improvements going on near the M. & B. B, B. depot, by Mr. Habersham, we learn. He is clearing away the underbrush in front of the Hardinnm house. We wish others would follow example. . , Direct Trade. Glist Mill.—We hinted last week that a movement was on foot for a new grist mill. We learn that Messrs. Minor & Hertel will have the some* in operation in a few days. They are fixing everything lu good shape, and intend to spare neither labor nor means in producing an article that will' equal anything now offered- to ithe| | public, in the way of grist and me&l. 1 They have our best wishes. * That Stove-—We examined, a few days since, the new model fob stove, invented by our townsman, Mr. James Robarts. He lms, in our judge ment, obviated several of -the imp£& feotions common to those now in haft. His fire-chamber and chimney are ofi the same end of tk j stove, causing the boat to pass aroim 1 in liulf oirolo un der the pots, (five in number) of, df desired, by means of u damper, to piaffl at once to the ohiutney, heating only- one, pot, Another'advantage galkeff is that the pipe c..n be clfiaued with out being taken off, and the third ad vantage is the peculiar build' 61 thtf upper plate of entire stove, prevent^ ing all possibility of sagging in the center from lient. A publio exhibi tion and trial will be given at on early day, when tho claims of this new in vention will be fully set forth. ;r. Public Drive. Come, City Fathers, wbnt say you to a publio drive? Other places have such luxuries, why not Brunswick? We have long had a plan iu our mind’s eye, but not seeing the way clear heretofore to carry it out, have not pushed it forward. It is this:, Open up a way from the shell ro ad. at a point just below Mr. D. T. Dunn* residence, across to the marsh above Lieut. Bialey’s (there is now a road along this route somewhat use 3), thenco along the marsh to Dart’s Landing. This would make a delight ful afternoon drive, much of the way- being wholly iu the shade, he work necessary for this enterprise would be ‘ very little indeed, mostly chopping and clearing away bushes. One or two boggy places would need a Blight filliutr of MHWiliixt. or ntbor mni«ri«l. . like themoouk,*;, or,,y 0U11 * a them raw. ( Thn entire work emil.l be done by COll- Yon'H And them to suit you at hi* restaurant. i . , , , • , ... . , viet labor, and without additional cost to our citizens. What say ye, City Fathers? Can’t the p’an be worked? Give it your consideration at an early moment, and see what can be done. We would respectfully suggest the name of Mr. J. M. Cooper, as ohair- man of your committee, to investigate this matter. Any services we conld render that committee would be cheer fully given. Give him a call whenever you feel any “cravings, within’’ for something good to eat, or wish a few quarts to carry home for the wife and babies. —Boys, when you carry a note to the doctor from your father, be sure yon don’t pat it in the same pocket with the one you have just written to your duck. You may hand him the wrong oue. Reliable information having been re ceived by our City Counoil that Dr. Worxall, Managing Director of the ’Mississippi Valley Trading Co.” will visit our city in a few days, by invi tation of our Mayor, for the purpose of examining our harbor facilities, etc. a committee of four Aldermen and Six citizens hnn ' been ftiwrtinUil fo welcome him and show him what we have got, and, if necessary, call our people together to hear whut he has to say on this subject—one, we think, fraught with interest to our whole country. We look with co.ifi- deuco to this “Trade Movement, as a mighty lever for good to the people of this section. We are pleased to see that onr citizens are awake to its im- poraance, and are seriously inquiring why the products of this southern country should be sent all the way to New York to be reshipped for. foreign markets at additional cost. Why not ship direct? is the great question now agitating the publio mind. There is no good reason whatever. United ef fort in this direction will secure the ! eiid. Then let none pull to the right ‘ or to the left, but let all the people of ' our beloved State'stand shoulder to Shoulder and push forward the mighty ‘ car of progress until Georgia, from mountains to sea, shall blossom iike the rose, and onr railroads shall groan perpetually underneath the mighty weight of ever rolling freight trains, and our harbors be dotted ’ over with the flags of every nationality of earth* These'are the great objects before us, fellow citizens: let us nerve ; our selves manfully for the work and make united' effort iu this direction. If called together by this co rnnht- tec, wo trust our citizens will respond prompily and'give Dr. Worrell ou en: thushustic meeting. He comes to our midst looking to our interest os well os that of the company he represents, then givehim dll the encouragement hcmcrits. Later. -Since tho above has been oft up” we learn from a prominent member of tho committee that Dr, Worrall will arrive, by special train, to-movrow morning (Thursday) at an early hour, and will spend the day iu inspecting our city; hnrbr, etc,, and at eight o'clock will uddress onr peo ple on tho great question above allud ed to. In behalf of the committee we extend- to all an invitation to meet at McConn’a Hall Thursday evening at the hour ubove specified. Let none ttay away. GENERAL ITEMS. Marshall, cashier of a Louisville gas company, defalcated last week to the tune of $60,000. Next? Accident on the M. & B. B. B. last Tlmrsduy, thirty-eight m.les from Macon. Mr. Joe Quinker, baggage matter, and Mr. Stone, paymaster, were slightly injured. Seventy miles **n hour was the time made on the 17th inst by the “light ning mail” train between Flmyrn and Sanduskey, over the New York Cen tral. That beats the M. .V B. or tlio i ii. i A. all to piece?. Tho Deleware peachcsf sent by re frigerator steamer to England decay ed before reaching destination on ac count of insufficiency of ice. Foul play, ’tis said. . An intellectual Saratoga correspon dent says that ‘ Congress Spring is eighty-three years old. Will he now look into the mouth of the St Law rence and tell us the age of Niagara Falls?—Ex. Severe storm in GMveston on the 17th. Mach damage done. Flo. State Script now brings 681 eta. on the dollar. One hundred bales of cotton shipped from Fernandinalast week by steamer Montgomery. * 'Telegraphic communications” from Key West to Pnnta Bussa is carried hv Ateamei*. A new nf.rln Mi4 The leabody appropriations nave been withdrawn from Lomsiwo, on account of the disturbed condition of things there. A Chinese girl, eight years old, has been admitted to tho public school of Sacramento. Said to be the first case on record. Northern manufacturers are contem plating a removal of their machinery etc., to tho South. Come on, geuts, Brunswick can accommodate several of you. ’Tis said America puys $22,000,000 for liquor, $10,000,000 for dogs, and 7,000,000 for the spread of the Gos pel. Wlmt a picture! A granger, speaking of fanning, quotes the following: “A little farm well tillai; A little house well filled; A little wife weU willed," and then says they are the greates^. earthly blessings a man can possess. That fellow is our man for Governor. His head is level. The question is solved at lust. Liberty county will have a camp meeting. Don’t we wish we could be there. Visions of chicken-pie, turkey, roast pig, peanuts, sugar cane, “ *ta ( ter fixin’s,” and Courting- the girls- 1 - boyhood’s recollections of that famil iar spot—still bauut onr mind when, ever we hear of camp meetings. Oh dear! who wouldn’t be a boy on such occasions. The Georgia Grange, “Official Organ of the Patrons of Husbandry,” evidently has no love for H. I. Kim ball. It denounces him and the Her. old, which, it claims, be controls, in very strong language, alleging that they are enemies, instead of friends, to the true interests of Georgia. This Grange movement is taking a strong hold on the people of onr State, and will, erelong, shake to the very cen ter these corrupt rings that have plundered our people. God speed the day. >~ New Advqr^sements. oysters: JJAVING opened* restaurant on NEWCASTLE st.. opposite Blain's Hotel, I will be pleased to serve OYSTEB8 in any style desired. Families supplied regularly, no 25- tf. v •' w.P. Bunas. MARKET GARDENS’ PARTIES desiring MARKET GARDENS or grounds for PRIVATE RESIDENCES con now secure a row desirable lots for a Smaix Cash Pay uk nt—tho balanco of purchase money to bo paid in Thbex or Fivk Yxass, at a moderate rate of in terest. Apply to No 24-St. HENRY C. DAY. 8w Jewelry Sioj. Win. DOERFLINGER, : Formerly with Charles Doerflingcr on Bay Street has taken tho room betwoen the Davidson house and post office, where he will be ploosed to meat his friends and •11 who nifty wish any work done in his line. Sat iefcction guaranteed, with moderate prices. He Will «oon teveft select stock of FINE JEWELRY to which he invites tho attention of the publlo- Glre him • call, and a fklr trial.