Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, November 17, 1875, Image 1

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• • 3 a.f BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. He. 88. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOV. 17 1875. Vol. 1 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PCSLISHID STKB* WEDNESDAY mornixo —BY— T. OOVLDING STACY. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 61.00. 1>. B. TOOMAR LODGE, No. 9,P. A. M* A O.P. GOODYEAR. | | If. H. HARRIS T. £. Datshpobt.] fW. E. Jobes. Davenport & Jones, . ATTORNEYS A1 LAW, ”11|riLL practice in all the Courts of the Bruns VV wick Circuit. Office in Smith & Dexter's Building, Newcastle street, no 1- ly D. T. DUNN, BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, Oa, B VYB and 8ELLS exchange on New York, 8». vannah, Boston and Philadelphia, at {LOWEST MARKET BATES. BUYS and SELLS Gold, Silver and Commercial Paper. Internet allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. .Collections promptly attended to and business a ol cited. no. 1-ly, DENTAL NOTICE. 1 ¥rj|. NOBLE A BBO. beg leave to inform the W citUens of this place, and the surrounding ou ntry, that they have again located themselves nBrunswick lor the purpose of practicing their o rofession, fsnd are fully prepared to do any RIND OF WORE IN THEIR LINE Parties wishing their SERVICES can be waited •n at their RESIDENCE £**Applications addressed to them through the Port Office will mee with prompt attention .'It* may lS-tf DEXTEJR BROS, H AVE arranged with STEWART, AUSTIN A CO., of Atlanta, Os., to sell their Celebrated Brer'l of FLOOR, and will, keep a,'full stock at low prices. Office in Smith & Dexter’s Building. BRUNSWICK » 'OA. Dr. L. HEINsj Cures All Diseases, CONSUMPTION, PILES, AND \ SCROFULA, CAtfCSa, DYSPEPSIA And] ALL] FEVERS BRUNSWICK, : : : GA mar. 24-1 y. Orisiliii. P. Bum.. | * Wm. P. Union We are now prepared to furnish GRIST & MEAL, at wholesale only. *rCltjr Trade Mklt*d.ft Mn.SMt. !L©®!&!L aiRSES. Toomar Lodge,•No. 9, F. A. M., meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, nt8o’elok, p. m. P. M. Middleton, W. M. J. M. Carter, Sec’y. GOODYEAE A HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia. O FFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. 8. Biain k Co. Practice in oil counties of the Brunswick Ctr- D uit and the city of Darien, Oa c° i-iy. —Only 193 voters registered. Some, body will regret not registering when too lute. —What about thut tannery and shoe factory? Hope they have not been abandoned. Prince and not Jim Smith, as we published last week, is the name of the party who tried to enter Captain Burke’s residence a short time since. —Attention Compuny! Right dress! So we thought on Saturday morning upon meeting a lawyer friend, not “with sword and pistol by his side,” but with a “leetle” drum in bis hand- Now for the infant(ry). —The ladies are a little curious to know if the town lias reformed. Th e work m the cemetery censed before completion. The natural inference beiDg that there is now no convict force. Elevate the standard a little if such be the case, for we must get that work done by some means. —Messrs. Woodward & Prince could not take all the orders sent them last week for oysters from the interior* simply because the “demand was greater than the supply,” and ye 1 numbers of people are standing idle, crying, “nothing to do.” Here is a chance - -pitch in. Tie no disgrace to work. They want 1000 bushels a week. Produce them. The money is ready. —Mr. Joseph Lassier, pilot at St. Andrews Bar, was severely wounded last Friday night by the accidental discharge of his gun whilst out hunt ing deer on the island. It seems he and another man were “still hunting” for deer. Mr. L. climbed np a tree, the better to observe their approach. Upjn attempting to descend, his gun slipped from Ins hand, breech down wards, and striking the hammers on a limb, discharged both barrels at once, the loads entering the fleshy part just above the thigh and coming out in the back, and causing a most ugly wound, He was brought to the city on Saturday for medical treat ment. Later—Since writing the above Dr. Cargyle informs us that Mr. L. is do ing well, and will, no doubt, weather it through, though the wound is a se vere one. Election.—Come, voters, let s put out onr candidates for Mayor and Al dermen. Mark the language—“let’s put out our candidates.” “Let the office seek the man, and not the man the office,” is our motto. So fnr, we are pleased to s iy, we have heurd of no aspirants. That is as it should be. We hear that the issue, however, is to be “pig, or no pig." Now we hope that such minor things as a “hog or dinance” wont influence the good peo ple of this city in their choice of May or and Aldermen for next year Our financial affairs are in anything but a healthy condition, so we shall need onr wisest heads to take us through safely. See to it, then, that you are not induced to ride a useless hobby. Good men is all we ask for, we have no special ohoice. By the way, what has become of the temperance hobby man? J —See notice of removal of Express j Office in this issue, and observe office hours of the same. —The Oceanics are in for another ball at Finney’s Hall to-morrow (Thursday) night. Those who like to 1 ‘cross their feet” can now have a good chance. Admission—geutleman and Indies—$1.00. —Wo note improvement at the Post Office this week. Parties wishing to see the Postmaster* privately, or to procure money orders, etc., will find the little room on the left quite a con venience of a chilly day. The fourth and last Quarterly Meet ing ot Brunswick Station embraces next Saturday and Sunday. Preach ing on Sulii day at 11 o’clock, by the Presiding Elder, J M. Austin. N. B. Ousley, Pastor. TAYLOR CHAPEL. The members and congregation are respectfully reqnected the meet at the church on next Sunday at o’clock, for the purpose of organizing a Sab* bath school. Brothers Powell and Shepard will be preseut to render any assistance in their power to organize and keep it in successful operation. N. B. Ousley, Pustor. R. 11. Depot Consolidation. If a man puts up a saw mill for for eign shipments un island suits him just as well as the main land, if only tne vessels can get to him. If, on the contrary, for home Bole, he tries to get as near into town as possible. So it iB with the railroad matter. Accom modate the bulk of the business, is the prime idea in all enterprises. But why this new change in the pro. gramme? The cry has been for some time past “deep water,” “deep water terminiiB,” and the like. Are our peo ple so fickle as new to be clamoring for shallow water? For our part we shall stick to tlm old blazes, uud con tinue to point to deep water. We would much prefer to bear of a.i effort to make the Dodge & Co.’s (now Mr. Smith.s, we believe) wharf the point in question. That would seem more like business to us. There in another point in question. This town is under very heavy obligations to Messrs. Lit tlefield & Co. for our present shipping facilities, both packet and steamship. Now why seek to take aw* y their bus iness? We hold (and correctly, too) that any such move as the one sug gested would be a .direct step in that direction. This much we say in vindi cation of even-handed justice. If the demands are so great, however, for au up-town movement, Messrs. L. A Co. will be ready to supply the de mand. Having leased the Dart ware- honse and wharf, they propose to erect at once, in addition to the present warehouse, another very large one- giving to the railroad companies all the warehouse and office room they need, free of chirrye. The channel, we learn, is deepest just at this point, hence its adaptability to the pur pose. A FTE&TION OrjRANK’SJf All member*. are hercty ordered to appear In uniform at Company a Hall lor parade. Thursday iifterro jU at 4.30 sharp B. T. Dunn, Foreman- '"removal. Tko Offlre of the Southern Express Co. has been removed to the store of Dexter Bros, in the same building. Office hours from S to 13 *. u. und 3 to Op. U. 33 tL W. J. Borrio, Agt. Kew Advertisements. IM FOR TANT! We have just received a large lot of HARDWARE, STOVES, MILL SUPPLIES —AND — Rice Planters' Implements. ALSO A fine Assortment of Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, etc., In addition to the LARGEST STOCX ©!LMi§ Wi\m ever brought to this Market, besides TIN WARE at wholesale and retail, and KEROSINE OIL manufactured ex pressly for our own trace. 32-tf L. D. Hoyt & Co. OYSTERS! W E are now prepared to ship OYS TERS to any put of tnc Intrior at Short Notice, both OPENED and in the SI'S EL l», as good os the Market affords, nua Guar- ante 3 Satisfaction. £S&“The Local Trade Wuppliccl*Qa Respectfully, no. 31-4t* 1 1 n.svi:., sijmUFFiiYr QUICK SALES and SMALL PROF ITS!!! C vALL *t the Port Office tee LEGAL, CONGRESS > CAP, BILL, LETTER. COJilIKKCiAL Nut*, md INITIAL Paper. FINE Rep an.l all tin. lat est »t j lea at 30 eta. to 75 per box. CARTER'S INK, warraptoA lh, b«-». -- •. ataeda aud i.inthottl**-. in .Unit*. >n>i pints. KCTfRUROOK B eeletratod STFF-L 5 K>> inti PENHOLDERS. Dixon'* LEAD PENCILS. Reesu’x ADJUSTABLE STENCILS, Ac, Ac. Re»ember; call at the Port Office: get a good sr- teda, and uro money t NEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES. Allfwork neatly done, and WARRANTED. Oiva me a call at my Shop on the Bay! two door* from (Net bom. Sign-THE BIO BOOT. No. 29-f. J. N. Bub. VT.*