Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, December 08, 1875, Image 4
fnwiMfak gvtfujertljeiey. T.G. Stacy, Editor and Proprietor. SuhtcriptUm Price l $1 per Annum in Advance WEDNESDAY, Dec. 8th, 1875. A Lesson toFafhers. Tho tyrant secret of brinjring tip chil dren is to establish ami preserve per feet confidence between parents and children. If the father is the boy’s best friend, ns all wise mothers are the girls, ’ there is no trouble about keep ing them from bad associates, whose vicious examples and silly bravado have a lasting effect upon their charac ters. . Fathers, in your efforts to secure fortunes for your families, remember that money will not save you from many a- if your boys go wrong, and that their only j^ being kept close at your side, helping you from childhood in your business, and you in turn sharing their fun and play. . 7 Nothing is so flattering to boys as the society of their fathers, <*hd noth ing makes a man so popular with them as his joining in their amusements. ' cuts, and vour sons T>nl “t 10 t«m to understa"- 3 • J '°" r curos aI,,J troubles. Tab* as much pains to preserve them from contamination in the shape of immoral companionship as mothers do their girls, and you will find them growing up to be modest and virtuous men, fit companions and husbands or gills who have been carefully guided and guarded from all kdowledge of evil. Devote your evenings to family amusements and pleasures. Invite young people to your house and pay them attention, instead of going to bed or shutting up yourself in anoth er room the moment they make their appearence, as if there was and could be nothing between your manhood and their youth, so shall you be kept } ouiig in heart, and the inexperience of your son will he tempered with something of the society of experi ence.—Exchange. J. M. DEXTER, BRUNSWICK, GA. anil §nto, Insurance, Eeal Estate and * COLLECTION AGENT. Special attention gives* to , cnSSecfian »f drafts »s»tl ac* i rousts; remittances j promptly made 1.N New York Exchange. , LITTIEFIELD & TISON. General Commission & For warding Merchants. On CONSIGNMENT and for SALE corns, If AY, FLdik,"' and LIME, Cheap For CASH uiy-2 t! A. PETERS, CABINET M AKER & UNDER TAKER, prepared lo furnish COFFINS, CASKETS, etc. at lowes. casll p r j ces- Making and Repairing Furniture a.„ t .c ialty . no 21-3m- D S> C+- <J o < ir 3 o <? trj Crq P5 *s CD Ui w > b tJJ o g tt s-3 tn & a c/3 W o fed Zfl O H a § j er-> Kj o o o o co § o ^toORDER.^vUh*' 1 '' 1 BOOT 0r SHOE madt ' PERFECT F IT guaranteed > Then call on mar. 24-ly. D. A. MOORE. W. A. JOHNSON, Terrible Railroad Accident. Augusta, November 18.—A fright ful accident occured last night on the Charlotte, Colombia and Augusta rail- road, near Fine House, about twenty- live miles from Augusta. After the regular passenger train left Columbia yesterday ufteruoon for Augusta, it Wits followed by a train of empty cars for i ugusta. The two trains rolled along at about the rate of twenty miles an hour, one following closely behind the other. The passenger train had just reached as.ding, aud was about to stop, when the second train came rush ing along, and the engine telescoped the ladies’*passengcr car, throwing it and the smoking car from the track. A terrible scene fol’owed. The ladies’ cai was filled with passengers men, women and children were jammed to gei oar—wounded, crashed and bid d ing. Auui a few moments' confusion the windows and doors were baoken °P ei1 and the pussengei-s emerged from the wreck. It was discovered that while many were bruised seriouslv, but one life was lost—that of Charlie Nightengale, a bright aud sociable child about six years old, son of Win. Nightengale, of Brunswick, Ga. The child hail but a wound on his head and seemed to be steamed to death. BOOT and SHOE MAKES. 2 g g S ZD H o -Dealers in W ork done as cheaply, and war ranted to last as long as that of any other Workman in this section. Mending done on short notice <it AYER’S, OLD HTAND mar. 24-ly. BRUNSWICK FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS- P. HERTEI, Proprietor. GENERAL MERCHANDISE\ Ship Stores, &c. f Boilers and Engines made and repaired. Saw Mills , Steam Boats and General Ma chinery (repairs a Specialty. Sugar Mills Pans, Gearing, etc. always on haud. All work neatly and promptly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. For sale at tne worss now, one Sixty Ilorae Power Engine and two Tinunons Saw Carriages, also two Steam Pumps. P- HER TEL, Bay Street, Brunswick, Ga. B l) K R WIXTOI. CONTRACTOR And BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, (ja. P LANS and specifications furnished on slxoi-t notice. Will contract to erect Buildings in EVERY {STYLE. Also superintend Buildings at reason able prices. mar. 24-ly. Manufacturers and Shippers of YELLOW PINE LUMBER. (Bay St.,) Brunswick, Ga. BAKERY ami CONFECTIONERY F.LEBEX^AGT., Bakery a Specialty. -Kseeps ou hand, daily a supply cf fresh bread such as * LOAVES, TWISTS, ROLLS, Ties, Cakes, Kisses, Etc., Etc. —Also — PURE aud FRESH x ICE-COLD SODA WATER with Delicious SYRUPS, besides everything pertaining to a FIRST-CLASS BAKERY. —o— *Jr•5'Excursion and Wedding parties accoin modated on abort notice.May 2 tf. F. A. FITZGERALD, PI 9 to SO IQ Z * o o COOK BROS. & CO., DEALER IN FANCY and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, SHOES <(v. Choice* Family Groceiies, P ROYISIONS, FLOUR. CORN AND OATS at the “NEW YORK” Store Terms Cash, or City Acceptance. mar. 4-1 y. BLACKSMITHING. ROBERT CHRISTOPHER T3EGS the attention of all persons -L-' wlio may have any Blacksmith- work to he done, and hopes they will remember that his shop can ho found near George street, between the City Hall and the M. & B. R. R. depot. AU work prom})tly attended to, and satisfaction promised. Lime For Sale. OYSTER-SHELL LIME IS GOOD FOR AGRICULTURAL PUR POSES. T HE BRUNSWICK LIME CO soli it in bbls. at $10 per ton, free on cars in limns* wick, Ga.,for CASH. All Orders promptly filled C. H. DEXTER, Treasurer. Brunswick, Mar. 24.-ly New Jeweliy Slop. Wm. DOERFLINGSE, Formerly with diaries Doerflinger on Hay Street, “us taken the room between the Davidson house and post office, where he will be pleased to meet his friends and all who may wish any work done in his line. Hat isfaetion guaranteed, with moderate prices. Ho will Boon have a select stock of FINE -JEWELRY to which ho invites the attention of the public- Gve him a call, aud fair trial STATIONERY. QUICK SALES and SMALL PROF ITS!!! / TALL at (lie Post Office for LEGAL, CONG]!J'<-S V CAP, BILL. LETTER, COMMERCIAL Not" and INITIAL Paper,. JINE Rep and all the lat est styles at 30 ets. to 75 per box. GARTER’S INK, Warranted the best, in 10 els. stands and pint bottles. Mucelage in stands and pints. ESTERBROOK’S celebrated STEEL PENS and PENHOLDKR8, Dixon’s LEAD PENCILS, Reese’s ADJUSTABLE STENCILS, &c, Ac. Remember; call at the Post Office: get a goodar- tecle, and save money! Grist Mill We are now prepared to furnish GRIST & MEAL, at wholesale only. «5*C»ty Trade Solicited Ho ’ m, > W. P. MINOR A CO’ 4 0 % 9 40