Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, December 15, 1875, Image 1
A Nc. 37. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC. 16 li>75. VoL 1 HR i \NWick Ai)\EKT5S£R PUBLIHiiKD ievjiBT WEDKKSUAY MOPJCtKO ij -BY— V^OUliDISU STACY. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. C.P. GOODYEAR. | | V. H. HARE 16 GOOBYEAE & HAEBIS, . Attorneys at La’iv, Brunswick. O 1 Georgia. OFFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Bialn A Co. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit tnd .he city ol’ Darien, Ga no 1-ly, T. E. Davenport.] [W. E. Jones. Davenport & Jones, A TT OR NR VS A 1 LA W, ■\X FILL practice in all the Courts of the Bruns VV wick Circuit. Office in Smith & Dexter's Building, Newcastle street, no 1- ly D. T. DUNN, Bi BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, - - ■- - - - - Ga. B UYS and vannah 1 SELLS exchange on .New York, 8a* i, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. ' BUYS and SELLS Gold, Silver ana Commercial Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections promptly attended to and business sol cited# no. J-ly, DENTAL NOTICE. 1T7TI. NOBLE ft BRO. beg leave to Inform the YV cit citizens of this place, and the surrounding c ountry, that they have again located themselves *n Brunswick for the purpose Of practicing their profession, and ore fully prepared to do ary. KIND OF WORK IN THEIR LINE Parties wishing their SERVICES can be waited on. at their RESIDENCE S9*Applications addressed to them through the Post Office will mee with prompt attention.'Sft may lU-tf ;DEXTER BEOS, H AVE arranged with STEWART, AUSTIN ft CO., of Atlanta, Ga., to sell their Celebrated Brand of FLOUR, and; will keeps full stock at low prices. Office in Smith Sz Dexter's Building BRUNSWICK U A. Dr. L. HEINS, 'lures j ll Diseases, CONSUMPTION, PILES, AND SCROFULA, rtXCER DTSPEPSfi And ALT. FEVEE8 BRUNSWICK, : : : Ga mar. 24-ly. w gfrasae. L. B. TOOBIAR LODGE, No. 0, P. A. BI* Toomar Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, aiHo’clok. p. M. P. M. Middleton, W. M. J. M. Carter, Sec’y. / i state'that' T , 7T. ; 13 ! Prsasbyturv i f Cincinnati, 0.1 will (IK —Locals, this ween, on man «*»£ V rn« in 1 7 v •; •I* our citv mo uoiRaMn giveH us great t P.rv. )*>«. Mnvnruitte. fourth pages. j (19th) and will fill the pulpit of the We omit to-day some articles pre- ! ^‘~hytema d for this issue', to make room for . e P u, «w are invited. Seats nil pared for this issue, to make room for the communication to the United Friends of Temperance. Give it a faithful perusal. —The steamer Lizzie Baker ran on to a snag on St. John’s Bar, last week, and sank in 18 feet of water. She is valued at $65,000, nnd is a total loss, there being no marine insurance on her. No lives were lost, we learn, and part of her cargo was saved. free. —Sec advertisement of garden soeds at L. B. Davis ft Co.'s. —All who wish to Join the Fantastics on Chilat- mas are requested to meet vt H o'clock to-night, at John Fruuklin’s store. —Do you want a fat turkey for Christmas or New Year? Then go to Nelson’s and take your choice out of twenty-live fine ones—prices running from 75et8. to $1.50 each. Oh, that some of our liang-bnck sul rt ribers would come to the front with a stray dollar, so that we could get one, loo. — “Small beginnings ofltn make great endings. ” So we thought last Saturday evening as we stooped at Mr. Frank Hall’s fruit stand on the Bay, to vote his increase of 8. (R'k. He now keeps, besides fruit, pen-nuts, etc,, a choice article of choice and butter. Drop in, and examine for your self. —The meeting for nomination, last Thursday night, some how. proved a failure. We always thought we knew very little about politics, elections, and the like, but now we are sure of it, for, to our unsophisticated eyes, everything was going on spendidly, when lo! in a moment half the crowd vanished out of the door, and we heard some one whisper, —Wire- works!** Wonder what it meant. Oh. dear I oh. dear! . — Iu telling of the fire alarm in last issue, we gave more prominence to the loss of Col. Towns’ stave machine than of Dr. Anderson's mill. We did not, intend any slight to the Doctor’s inter ests, for his loss was far greater than Col. T.’s, but was only looking at the affair from u public standpoint. The mill was idle, and has been so for some time past, and consequently was do ing nothing for tb« development of the resources of our section, whereas the stave machine, although worth but a few hundred dollars-, was giving employment to at least, thirty men. —Last Saturday night the retiring Mayor and Aldermen, together with the newly elected Board, and also a few friends, “broke bread” with our newly elected Mayor at the residence Election.—Only ninety votes wi re polled last Saturday for Mayor and Aldermen. The following Ticket Was elected: for Mayor—T. E. Davenport; for Aldermen—M. J. Colson, J. F. Nelson, W. W. Watkins, and A. T. Pntunm. There was no opposition, whatever, except, probably, a few sc; tiering votes for some unknown person. Mr. W. W. Watkins was elec ted to fill the unexpired term of Col. Mevshon, resigned. These gentlemen, together with the older members of the Board, have heavy work before them; let us, the people, strive to encourage them in their efforts, and not Ctist stones, either at them, or in their way. knifed Friends of Temper ance, Attention! Yon are earnestly requested to at. tend the next regular meeting of your Council, on the night of the 17th inst., as there is pinch busThess of impor* tance to be transacted at that time. The year is about to become a thing of the past; soon it, with its events, will become a link: in memory’s chain, a tie that binds us to the irredeemable “gone' bv;” with its passage we will al] lie landed one year nearer the tomb, the portal of the mystic, unknown eternity; us its hist Hcene is being en acted, we will all retrospect the pro ceeding ones to see how we have, each, sustained the parts allotted us; and when the sable curtains are dropped, and the infrangible seal of of the past in stamped npon the tomb of the dead j yoor, how will our record, as temper- ] unce workers, appear to those who come after us? Shall it be In the glow ing lettersof success, nnd enveloped iu the wreath of the proud conqueror, or shall it be dimly yet indelibly stamped upon the walls of time, in letters traced with the tears of heart broken wives, the cries of starving children and the curses of shattered manhood, in the dark habiliments of defeat? Temperance workers, this is a fearful thought, a question on the answer of which bangs the welfare feat and to gain the crown of tt Then, “Friends cf Temperance,” be • friends liiul-eTl: hoid V-at the name and , bo devoid of toe muni, IVakc up, one i and all, and let us bo United Friends Let us place onr, shoulders to the wheel, and with one desperate push put the grand old machine in motion, r.nd by Working together increase its ■u lecity until it shall attain lightning speed. There is glory ahead, if we will but work. Then let us not be idle. In the name of humanity, in ti e name of the fadeless principles of Love, Truth, and Temperance, in the name of your loved ones, and all that you hold dear, we call upon you to arouse yourselves trim your lethargic state, put on the temperauee armor, raise the battle cry, lolly around the totter ing banner of onf noble cause, and strike a death blow to King Alcohol. “Strike foryour altars and your fires!’’ Strike for freedom anil happiness, and with the find dawn of the “New Year’* let us proudly view our grand old ban ner floating triumphantly iu the breezes of happiness and love; nnd os the angel band strike their golden burps and sing, "Peace on earth, good will to men,” let us catch up and prolong the holy strain, and exultant ly shont, Long live the glorious Prince of Love and Temperancel , Miss Minnie Marlin, W. H. W. E. Jones, W. P. New Advertisements. Seeds! Seeds!! Seeds!!! . Buist’d Fresh GARDEN SEEDS, la Store,- and for «alo by L. B. DAVIS ft 00. g«-A»ll early and make eslectlon.-Ct W ANTED. £.V=i£ an toecher. either in * a neighborhood Kcbool, or aa governed in a ptirate family—the latter preferred. Address TEACHER, care ol Brunewfck Advertiser. INS of Judge Houston. The evening was j and happiness of many of your city. NEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES. All work neatly done, and WARRANTED. Giro we a call at my Shop on the Bay,, two doom from Nelaona. Sign- THE BIG BOOT. No. 99-tt. .i# J. N. Bum. indeed a pleasant one, and the repast inviting. During the evening, Mr. J* B. Habersham entertained the party for a few minutes with congratulatory remarks to the Mayer fleet, in view v! hi® almost unanimous flection, and to ilia citizens electing worthy an officer. To which Mr. Davenport replied, thanking Mr. H. for the kind* ly words spoken, nnd promising to strive to retain the good will of the community, by faithfully discharging the duties of his position. No liquors were furnished for the guests, and, so far as we could judge, no one suffered thereby. How shall it be answered by ns? Are we, like the old year, going to die? Have we straggled through the sum mer’s months and the chilling days of autumn, but to die with December’s blasts? To be entombed with the old year, and with il LcCCuio a mernm-nt- on which is stamped Ife/eau C**u for bid. But sad os the thought is, fear ful as the consequences will be, such will our record prove if the zeal and interest of onr members is not re-ldn- dled, and those now resting iu the ap- aihewi state do not wake npandoome to the rescue of the few, who are strug gling so heroically to ward off dire de. TANT! A fine Assortment of Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, etc. In addition to the LARGEST STOCK of ever brought to this Market, besides TINWARE at wholesale and. retail, and KERO SINE OIL manufactured ex pressly for onr own trade, 82-tf L. D. Hoyt & Co We have just received n large lot of HARDWARE, j STOVES, j - MILL SUPPLIES? —AND — Jiice Planters’ Implements. i a 3E3I