Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 12, 1876, Image 1

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SWICK Nc. 41. BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUBMHIIKD KVhUY WKDNl'KDAY MORNING • iii -. T. UOlLBISa STAC V. AISIWAL MMCRiri 10A 81.00. It. 13. TOO.UAli LODGE, Xo. 0. F. A. M* Toomar Lodge, No. 0, F. A. M., meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in eicli month, atH o’elok. p. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. J. M. Cabtek, ttec'y. t.P. GOODYEAR. | | P. H. HARRIS. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, BRUNSWICK. EfP.GIA. O FFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Biaiu & Co. Practice in all counties ol the Brunswick Cir cuit and idle city of Darien, Ga no 1-lv, 'f. K. Davenport.) [W. E. Jones Davenports Jones, A TTORNEYS A 7 LA IF, M ril.L practice in all tile Courts of the Bruns wick Circuit. Office >n Smith & Dexter's Building, Newcastle street, no 1- ly D. T. DUNN, BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, ------- Ga B UYS and SEIXS exchange on New York, Sa- Jvannuh, Bostonfand Philadelphia, at LOWEST TMARKET RATES. BUYS and SELLS Gold, Silver and Commercial Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections promptly! attended to un< ' business sol cited. no. 1-ly, DENTAL NOTICE. W M. NOBLE & BRO. beg loave to inform the citizens of this place, and the surrounding country, that thoy'havo again located themselves in Brunswick lor the purpose of practicing tholr profession, and are fully prepared to do any KIND OF W’OBK IN THEIR LINE Parties wishing their SERVICES can be wailed on at their RESIDENCE!) tarApplications addressed to them through the Post Olttco will meo with prompt attention."®! may lU-tf NEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES All work neatly done, and WARRANTED. Give me a call at. my Shop on the Bay, two doors troin Nelsons. Sign- THE BIG BOOT. No. 2*.i-tl. J. N. Bi.aiu. CITY' PROPERTY FOB SALE! A IIOUSE and LOT on tiie corner of Howe and Oglethorpe Streets, near 11. & A. R. R. office. Ap" ply to / CHARLES DOERFLINGER. Brunswick. Ga.. Pec. 18th, 187e. no. 38-3in. ~corn7 4l0 bushels splendid WHITE CORN just received, SHORTS' i»r b itter o tk**s or grdiara Bread, Also Buist's fresh GARDEN SEEDS. All of which will be sdd cheap for cash, at the old stand of J. S. LARLIN- Dee. trtth, 1875. uo 39-tf. BRUNSWICK GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, 31N. 12 1876. == ! =-rrz.r..-fe . . . - IWDMIL DtFSIQIS. F., F., F. Club. —The weather has been wuim and dry for several days past. Many pre. diet ugly days in February and March —in short, a laU-rpring. —Last Wednesday the steemer Oly phant took the plaee of the Lizzie Ba ker, and will make regular trips from Savannah to Florida hereafter, touch ing at Brunswick both ways. Messrs. Littlefield A: Tisou are her agents here. —Public school teachers in this sec tion never want any money—no, not they—they have well nigh learned to do without. Can't, somebody “split a hair,” and raise some for them? They are getting desperate. Somebody is derelict in duty; who is it? —An adjourned term of GJynn Superior Court convened in our city lust Monday—His honor Judge G. T. Wright presiding. “Old Gib,” ns we “boys” u-sed to call him in the army, believes in discipline in the Court room, ai w. 11 as in the camp. We hope he will succeed in clearing the Docket entirely. We learn that the City-Curreney-forgerv ease will come off this week, and, if reports be true, new developments are looked for. Well, we have but one wish in the mat ter, a ‘d that is, that the offender be broug it to justice, whoever he be. It is hig i time a little rt •action has ta ken pi tee, and forgers and thieves be ferreted out and brought to light. CiRcrs.- “.Stacy, of the Brunswick Advertiser, is not at all pleased w>t/i circus *». Now, Stacy, wouldn’t you like to go and see the animals? Now own u>.” Of course we would, Brother Grnbb. We k iow of nothing more instructive than a good menagerie. But of all de moralizing things, ever permitted to run at large through any town, a cir cus takes the lead. It completely un- joints every particle of social, moral, or religious machinery in any small town. People are wakii g up to this fact in various places, and if you, my brother editor, and all the rest of ou 1 brethren of the press, whose duty it is to lead public opinion, would set your fnces against all such travelling dens of pollution nnd poison, we would soon rid the country of ull such. Sep urate the thing, we say. Menageries are good, but hang the circuses! A Card. Having rented the room adjoining the Advertiser office, as a school room, I would be pleased to receive a few more scholars (boys). My terms are reasonable. Let none stay away. Apply at once to T. G. Staoy, Teacher. May he Commit no bigger Sin. For nine long months he has read the Advertiser; looked for it eagerly every Wednesday morning; mourned when he failed to get it promptly, and yet, reader, he has jpst found out, when called upon for a dol lar, that he “wasn’t a subscriber.” May he be forgiven. The entertainment given to the Fur, Fin, and Feather Club of our ejjy by- its President, Iasi. Thursday evening, wns indeed what it purported U> be-- a “social re-union.” Being simply an invited guest, we took no part in the deliberations of the Club, hut held our fire until called upon to charge the rich viliuds prepared for the Club and guests, by the hospitable President. Suffice it to say, that, being an “aver age Libcrty-countian, we faced the music in good shape, and retired only when the order to “fall back” was giv en. The Club are all hearty eaters, and enjoy these social re-unions huge ly—especially when entertained with such a repast as that of last Thumb r evening. In corroboration of tuL> wo ha\e but to state that at a reemit affair o* the same sort one of them* m- bers declares that he ate ro much t u 1 key 1 hut he dreamed Unit night tmt he himself was a huge gobler up a tail pine tree, and that every lad in town was trying to shoot him. To the gen tlemaulv President of the Club we re turn our thanks for the courtesies of the evening. Gu. State Agricultural Society. The spring meeting of the above so ciety will convene in onv city on Tues day, 8tli of February, less than a month fr mi date. About three hun dred delegates will be in attendance, it is thought. They com > by invita tion of our City Council of last year. Our pe» pie will be expected to throw open their houses, and extend to them a hearty welcome. Times are hard, we know, bnt let everyone put forth a lit tle exertion, and strive to make their stay pleasant. These delegates, it will be remembered, are representative men from the various counties of onr State, and will do more to : advertise onr city and its surrounding, when they return home, than any other body, probably, that could convene here. Let us, then, show them all the attention we can, so that their visit may be to the interest of all con cerned. Extension of R. & A. R. R. There was something of an excite, ment in town last week over the rumor the ex tension of the B. Ac A. R. It. westward. It appears from what we can learn, tbut Mr. De Neuville, on on the part of the company, recorded in the Clerk’s office a mortgage for one million dollars upon the B. & A. R. R., setting forth as one of the reasons therefor, tiie raising of money for the completion of the road to Eufala, Ala. We would suggest to onr citizens not to be too jubilant over this enterprise, as it may not result in anything of profit. If the B. & A. R, R, i* to be extended by the sale of its bonds alone, we fear that it will not be extended s ion. Southern securities are worth very little indeed. Capitalists prefer some other investment for their mon ey, so we had better not bo too merry, for we may reap only disappoint ment. V- ■ 3 li\ VoL 1 Bigamy.—Most men are satisfied to be the “husband of one wife.” but not so with one Mr, Green, who leftwife and family in Alabama, and about a month ago wooed and wed Miss Ellen Morgan of this county. He now has his meals and lodgings famished him (without his bride, however) at the city’s boarding house.—the one with the high fence am ui;7 it —awaiting further developments. It is said tha* a litt'e missive, breathing words o love and affection, penned by his in nocent victim, mis-carried, somehow* and reached the true Mrs. Gin n, and led to the discovery. The unfortunate girl, her aged parents, and the much injured family in Alabama have our deepest spmpothy. , —Dr. I. N. Shannon was elected last Saturday to fill the vacancy in Oi ty Coun cil caused by the election of Alderman I Davenport to the Mayoralty- j- Married. At the rcaiden e of the bride’* father, In Gaines ville, Ga.. un ’j ..eaimy afternoon". 4th.iust.,l>y the Rev. Mr. Wilkes. Mr. L. C. MARLIN, ol Bruns wick , Ga., to Miss LI,IMA II. AUSTIN, of tho for mer city. j We wish for the happy couple a cup j of happiness, full to overflowing. | They will please accept onr thanks for j token of good will sent us. I New Advertisements. SALT. PRIME LIVERPOOL HALT in lots to suit Pur chasers. Apply Cotton Presa, or to no 41-3t J- T. COLLINS. PRIVATE SCHOOL, for the year 1870. 16 or 20 boys only will be received. Apply to T. G. STACY. IM FOR TANTI We have just received a large lot of HARDWARE, STOVES, MILL SUPPLIES —AND — Rice Planters’ Implements, ALSO A tine Assortment of Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, etc., In addition to the LARGEST STOCK IsSKBEBBTf & ©iLAsa w&m ever brought to this Market, besides TINWARE at wholesale and retail, and KEROSING OIL manufactured ex pressly for our own trade. , 32-tf L. f>. Hoyt Se Co.