Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 19, 1876, Image 1

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% fgA ' <•*’ * MW ■ • >• ,,; v . . . nn bo. 42. BRUNSWICK GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. JAN. 19 1676. Toi. BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUDUKTIKD EVKBX WEDNESDAY MORNING —11Y- T. GOl'iOING STACY. -1 XXUAL SUBSCRlt'TlOX Si.00. y ummm— ■AO. TOOHIAU LODGE, .No. 0, F. A. 1JJ. A Tuomar Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, at So’clok, p. M. •> Moses McDonald, W. M. J. M. Cakteh, Sec’y. C.P. OOODYEAB. | V. B. HARRIS. GOODYEAR A HARRIS, Attorneys at. Law, BRUNSWICK. ECliGlA O FFICE— Comer Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. 8. Biain & Co; Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and .he city of Darien, Ga no 1-ly, T. K. Davenpobt.J [W. E. Jones- Davenports Jones, A TTORNEYS A1 LA W, -tlflLL practice in all the Courts of tho Bruns VV wick Circuit. Office in Smith & Doxter 1 Building, Newcastle street, no 1- ly D. T. DUNK.. BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, ------- a. B UYS and' SEIL8 exchange on New York, Sa vannah, BostonlandP’hlladelphla, at LOWEST ^MARKET RATES. BUYS and SELLS Gold, Silver ana Commercia Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS* Collections promptly attended to and business sol cited. no. 1-ly, I POR TANTS We have just received a large lot of HARDWARE, STOVES, MILL SUPPLIES Rice Planters’ Implements, A fine Assortment of v Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, etc., In addition to the LARGEST STOCK taMSKsav & ever brought to this Market, besides TINWARE ut wholesale and retail, and KEROSINE OIL manufactured * pressly for our own trade. v c ^ 32-tf HD. Hoyt* u SUBSCRIBE for the ADVERTISER!!” —Don’t forget the CONCERT to morrow night. Tickets can be pro cured at the stores of Biain & Mad den, Wm. F. Doerflinger, G. Fried- lander & Co., and J. F. Nelson & Co. —Centennial whiskers and military companies are now the order of the day with our young men. —Mr. John Burns and Miss Katie Gray, both of this city, were joined in holy wedlock last we*ek. —Improvements, internal and ex ternal, still going on along Bay street. Let “onward” be the watchword. —Rumor says that St. Simons Is land will soon be connected by wire with the main land. That savors of business. A live firm that, and a live man at the helm. — The ladies of the Baptist church of this city hope to have un entertain ment and supper at Marlin’s Hall on the night of tho 8th of Feb. A good time '3 anticipated. —For want of space we failed to call attention in last issue to the ad vertisement of Col. Collins. Parties wanting prime Liverpool salt would dp well to call on him. Memorial Fund. ■ fes —— To-day (19th), it will be remember ed, is the anniversary of Gen. Lee’s birth. A committee of ladies will visit every house in town to-day to solicit subscriptions to the “Lee Memorial Fund. ” Let everyone contribute some, thing, and thus swell the amount. Let no one think his contribution insig nificant, but see to it that he docs bis best. The following ladies compose the committee: Mrs. Houston Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Bostwick, Mrs. Nortpan, Mrs. West moreland, and Misses Brooks, Night* engale, Harris, Moore, Blaiti, Fitzger ald, and Bnrkuloo. Annual Reports. —We are requested by his Honor the Mayor, to state that at a very ear ly day a committee will wait upon our citizens to ascertain how many dele gates to the Agricultural convention can be entertained by them. Heads of families would do well to consult to. gether at once and determine, so that the committee need not he delayed in their work. Do your duty, good folks. —We witnessed last week at Leben’s bakery and candy store the entire process of candy making from the boiling of the sugar to the rolling of thq stinks. Mr. L. evidently under stands the business, and does produce a most excellent article. Any person needing pure candy, free from adulter ation, cither for home use or for sale, can have their wants suppleid by calling on Mr. L. Patronize home in dustry. —Judge G. J. Wright has won fresh laurels for himself in the able manner in which he conducted our Court the past week. He carries with him the respect aud esteem of all concerned. His closing remarks to the jurors, be fore dismissing them, were compli mentary and to the point. All fines imposed were remitted, and Judge and jurors separated in right good humor. En passant we would say, that as an officer in the field, or a Judge Gn the bench, “Old Gib” “can’t be beat.” Mr. Stacy: Please issue following call in Adver tiser 19 th Jan., 1876: A meeting is called at McConn’g Hall on the 24th of January, at 7 p. m., to organize a first class Infantry Company, to elect commissioned and non-commissioded officers, to name the Company, and to make arrangements for obtaining arms and accoutrements. This call is made by over a hundred bf our substantial citizens, and we re spectfully and earnestly request all to support the movement. Alexandeb W. Coupeb. We are in receipt of copies of annu al reports of State Treasurer and Comptroller General for the year 1875, from which we gather many items of interest, viz’: A diminution of taxable property in the State of $11,887,408.00 since ’74. This, however, is accounted for in the exemption of $50 worth of hoiise. hold and kitchen furniture, and $25 worth of plantation tools. In the county of Glynn we find a decrease of $185,066 in “city proper ty," and $24,478 in “money and sol vent debts;” but nn' increase of $1,000 in merchandise. We observe, also, a diminution in nnmber of laborers employed from 203 to 168. Total number of voters 980—821 whites and 559 blacks. The colored people of this county own 5,678 acres of land, valued at $20,867, and city property valued at $18,867, which, together with other property, amounts to $48,466, and pay a tax of $247.83 into the treasu ry. guilt; it was but right, therefore, that he should be turned loose, altho’ he might be ever so guilty; but, fail ing to prove kirn guilty, why turn loose the man who confesses his guilt? That’s the question that staggers ou r mind. The community is now in a deeper mist than fever, and, to our notion, will be so for some time to come. STATE AGRICULTURAL SO CIETY. ^ The Next Meeting at Bruar- attfcJU wick. 3 The next semi-annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society will be hel* at Brunswick, on the 8th day of Feb ruary, 1876, and will remain in ses sion three days, The meeting is made up of three delegates from each coun ty society in the State, and there abe generally from two hundred and fifty to three hundred delegates in attend ance. THE EXPERIMENTAL FARM. Dr. Pendleton says that his report upon the operations of the experimen* tal farm will be the moat interesting one he has yet made. It will be a de tail of the experiments of the pas 4 year to ascertain the oost-of the pro' duction of cotton and Ijhe cereals, con sidered with respect to the threo ele ments which enter most prominently into their production, viz: Food, labor, and fertilizers. This, alone, wil* be worth the trip to Brunswick, and it is a subject which our farmers need to discuss.—McDuffie Journal., Hew Advertisements. 1— New Developments. In our last we mentioned that new developments were looked for in the city forgery case at the session of the court lost week. Well, those new developments came, but in the wrong way The eptire community were on the tiptoe of expectation to have the whole matter brought to light, and the guilt nailed where it be longed. But such is the peculiarity of the law, that the acknowledged con federate in the crime, and so far the only witness, is turned loose, and ere this, we guees, is safely stowed awny in Dismal or Okefenokee swamp* If this be law, may we be delivered for all time. It does, indeed, seem a hard matter to punish crime in GJynn eonutv. Theve n lrv/vr*— l 1 - , --,-r-1- f • mnutiwatsiM U»P «« IV TO- SALT! PRIME LIVERPOOL SALT In lots to snlt Pur- hasors. Apply at Cotton Press, or to *W il*3t J.T.OOLLIN8. PRIVATE SCHOOL for the year 1876. 15 or 20 boys only will bo received. Apply to T. G. STACY. DENTAL NOTICE. W M. NOBLE k UUO. beg leave to Inform the citizens of ttii- place, and the surrounding country, that they have again located themselve 8 in Brunswick lor the purpose of practicing their profusion, aud aru fully prepared to do any KIND OF WORK IN THEIR JUNE Parties wishing their SERVICES can be waited o n at their RESIDENCE!! njrApplicatious addressed to them through the Post Office will wee with prompt attention.-*©# “isy ip-tf TwT TA\ii 19 .iif *? u u n i j f ill n s cape. The action of last week offers a pre mium on lying. All an accomplice has to do, if in trouble, is to turn State’s Evidence on some innocent person. The Conrt failing to find corrobo rating proof, both are turned loose, and the self convicted criminal takes “leg bail” and is gone. We hope this state of things will some day change, or some people may resort to that ter rible practice known os “linch law.” The prosecutiou brought forth no corroborating proof of Mr. Falun’s m In * BOOTS and SHOES. All work neatly dene, and WARRANTED. Give ina a call at my Shop on the Bay, two doon from Nelsons. Sign- THE BIG BOOT. No. 20-tf. J. N, Bun. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE* A HOUSE and LOT on the corner of Howo and Oglethorpe Streets, near B. & A. B. B. Office. Ap ply to CHAKLEB DCEBFUNGEB. Brunswick, Ga., Dec. 18th, 1876. no. 3*3m.