Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 26, 1876, Image 1

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BRUNSWICK Nc.43 BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JAN. 26 1876. VoL 1 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PVBUIHKD XVKRY WXDXKbDAY UOBKtKQ , — BY— T. (SOULOINO STACY. . ANNU AL SDBSCjRJPTIOS $1.00. si a ji — -_LiiSi.< —a—sb L. B. TOOMAR LO0GB, No. 0, F. A. 91. Toomnr Lodge, No. 9. F. A. M., meets every 1st ana 3rd Wednesday in e&cli month, atSo’clok, p. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. J. M. Cahter, Seo’y. C.P. GOODYEAR. I | V. B. RABBIS GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia* O FI*ICE— Comer Newcastle and Gloneeater streets,—over Drag Store of J. 8. Biain k Co. Practice in all counties of tho Brunswick Cir cuit and .be city of Darien, Ga no My, T. E. Davekpobt.] [TV. E. Jones. Davenports Jones, A TTORNEYS A 7 LAW, IX/’XIX practice in all the Courts of the Brans VV wick Circuit. Office In Smith k Dexter's building, Newcastle street, no 1- ly P. T. DUNN, BANKER ana BROKER, Prunswick, ....... Ga, B UYS andr SELLS exchange on New York, Sa vannah, Boston knd”Phlladelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. OUYgand nttr.rjt Gold, Silver end Oommercia 1 Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections promptly attended to end business sol cited. no. My, I POR . TANTS We have just received a large lot of HARDWARE, STOYES, MILL SUPPLIES —AND— Jlice Planters’ Implements, A fine Assortment of Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, etc., In addition to the LARGEST STOCK of ©[LASS w&m ever brought to this Market, btsmdea # TINWARE «t wholesale and retail, and KERO SINE OIL manufactured ex pressly for opr own trade. 32-tf L. D. Hoyt k Co. SUBSCRIBE for the ' “ADVERTISER!!” iudsmi ms. ^—■ —Get ready for the Agricultural Convention, City Fathers. A slight omission on your part may cause the delegates to view us iu a wrong light. —An exchange says that young peo ple under 18 years of age should be allowed to sleep as long as they please of mornings. Our ''Devil” is anxious to have his mother read that paper. —The ladies of the Baptist Church give an entertainment on the night of the 8th of February, and also the “Star Club.” Pity they should con flict. The Oeeanies claim the 9th. A good time it looked for. —Our Marshal might find amuse ment some Sunday in the woods near Dixville, looking after Sabbath break ers. Pistol firing was quite Common out there last Subbath evening. Other violations might be mentioned. —We hear of a man in Glynn coun ty who subscribes for all the papers he can, promising to pay when liis “rice is harvested.” So far, he has t.nly se lected a piece of gronnd that he thinks, might produce good rice, but he has no idea of trying it. —The concert last Thursday night is pronounced by all a perfect success. One marked feature of the affair was that there were no “deadheads”—per formers as well as audience had to pay their way. Tho idea seems a little novel, for u man to pay to hear him* self sing. —We learn that snpt. Grant should Bay that at an early day he would , have another steamer running to For- nandinn in connection with theM. k B. R. It. The return travel from Fla. this spring is indeed worth looking after. —Mr. Page Gray, of this city, aud another man have just made the trip from Macon to Brunswick in an open boat, 700 miles, said to be. They were 15 days on the voyage, They brought rations along, and kept themselves supplied with game by the assistance of their guns. —The loug-talked-of tannery is now about to take shape. Mr. D. A. Moore —under directions of Mr. Turoley— will make on experiment this week with tho new tanning process. If suc cessful, we learn that the work will begin at once. Push it, gentlemen; prosperity is reached by just such av enues. —Wo learn that there has been a slight change in the proprietorship of the Davidson House—a Mr. Clark buying out half interest. The new firm, Messrs. Smith k Clark, haveonr best wishes. The Biain House, we learn, will al so change hands at an early day. • -Rev. N. (Shot-well preached to a large and attentive congregation at the Iresbyterian Church of this city on Sabbath morning last. His subject was well selected and ably presented. He will fill the pulpit again on Sabbath next, at-which time the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated* Preparatory lecture on Thursday night.. Let none stay away. j —There wero two “run offs” on the B. & A. B. E. Monday morning last' The passenger train struck a cow »bou l 18 miles from town, throwing the trucks of the tender from the rail No other damage, we learn. The other “runoff” ooourredatSatilla Station. Some evil disposed person ohanged the switch, which caused the lumber train —Taylor, conduotor—to take the side tr&ok, and before the engineer could stop the train, the track gave out, and the train took to the ground, causing considerable damage. No injuries were sustained, except by Mr. Taylor, who hod his hand somewhat bruised and slightly sprained. Mrs. Wm. Turner and children were in the cab, but re* ceived no injury whatever—tho baby not even waking up. Moral—A little money spent for locks for these switch es might save much loss of life and property. Corn Raising Profitable.—Mr. Wm. Tnrnley, the Alabama man, who raised 217 bushels of corn on one acre of land, of which we made mention some time since, is in town this week, selling seed. etc. He informs us that the 51 ears raised from seventeen stalks of oorn—1 bushel—which he exhibited at the Mocon Fair, were sold by him there at $1 per ear. Think of it, read er, 651 for one bushel of coral Convention.—We are pleased to see that the City Council ore alive to the importance of preparations for the convention on the 8th proximo. The committee on “somewhere to sleep’’ should lose no time, but have their ar rangements completed at once. The idea of a fish and oyster repast on Rt. Simons Island is a good one, but we most earnestly hope that the plan Of transportation suggested by some, of going down in lighters in tow of some tug, will be abandoned, as being both disagreeable and dangerous. The sound would be quite an uncomforta ble place to navigate in such crafts, if a “squall” should come up. Would it not be better, gentlemen, to charter for the oocasion either the Olyphant or Reliance? Both will pass here du ring the sitting of the convention, and could, no doubt, be chartered for very little more than the cost of the pro posed conveyances. To our citizens we would say: entertain as many as you can, for it takes a good many beds to sleep three hundred men. Big Turnip—Practical Joke— Judge Sold* before by Judge Nonna a of Liberty county, bt t which they lu=t out of the buggy whilst en route to the station. Strange, reader, that two judges couldn’t keep track of one eight pound turnip, don’t yon think—and both v temperance men, top? His Honor presented that turnip to the Advertiser, with request that wo “writeit up.” We have written up the parties, bat muoh prefer to eat up the turnip. , Three cheers for Judge N. for rais ing such a tnraip! Three cheers for the wag that found that tnraip and perpetrated the “sell!” And may we not add, three tears for Judge H.’s half dollar—express charges? - Splendid Tennessoe Butter In 8 pound cans, st $1.75 each, at J. F. Nelson’s k Co’s. Wilson’s Corned Beef In 0 pound aana, at $1.85 -tlioh ■■ * .. .. bio, st —tlto best thing out—ready prepared for theta J. F. Nelson k Co’s. New Advertisements. Members of Oceanic Fire Company are reqnes- to assemble st Company’s Room Monday evening at 7* o’clock D.T.DUltN. REMOVAL! The office of Southern Express Co. la remove** this day to now Depot of M. k B. B. R—Little' field k ©son’s building. Bay st. W. H. Bern*. Sound the hu-gog, strike the ton-gon, Beat the foz-guz, wake the yon-gog, And let the loud hosannahs ring, Bom, turn, fnzzle gam, dingo, bim,” For—a lawyer, and a jndge at that, has at lastbeen badly sold. His Hon or JiKifCH rTiirii*. wliiiet driving dnwu Newcastle street last week, was accos ted by the gentlemanly agent of the Southern Express Co., ana informed that there was a package in the ex press office for him—a bandbox. His Honor, alighting, settled the charges —60 cents—and qui^ty proceeded to investigate its contents, and found on ly on eight-pound turnip. Who would not be Judge to get such presents! He thinks it bears a striking resem- blanoe to one presented him a week In the District Court of the United States, FOB THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GA. In' the matter of DnBignon k Book—In Bank* raptoy. To Whoa It May Concern*. IT1HE UNDERSIGNED hereby glvea notice Of bt* l ap pointment as Assignee of the Estate of M*. Blgnon k Book, of Branawlek, in the county of Glynn, In eald District, and who were, to-wit: On the 31st day of Deeember, A. D. 1875, adjudged Bankrupts upon the petition of Creditors, by he District Court of said District Dated at Branawlek, the 18th day of January, A. D, 1876. 43-3t. HAMILTON A. KENRICK, Assignee, SALT! PRIME LIVEBPOOL HALT In lots to suit For* chssers. Apply at Ootton Press, or to no 41-St J.T. OOLLHTB. PRIVATE SCHOOL. r * or the year 1876. 15 or 20 hoys only will be received. Apply to T. G. STACY. DENTAL NOTICE. ip NOBLE k BBO. beg leavt to inform the TV dtlxens of this place, and the surraundttf country, that they have again loaded themselvs* in Brunswick for the purpose of practicing their Profession, and are folly prepared to do any KIND OF WORK IN THEIR LINE Parties wishing their SERVICES can he waited »n at their BE8IDENCB5 ^Applications addressed to them through th a Feet Office will mee with prompt attention.-^* may W*tf NEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES. Ail work neatly dene, and warranted. (live ate a catt at my Shop on tho Bay, two doers from Nelsons. .Sign- THE BIO BOOT. No.lWX. J. H. Bun. CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE* A HOUSE and LOT on the corner of How* and Oglethorpe Streets, near B. A A. R. B. Office. Ap* ply to chaw; Brunswick, Ga.. Dae. 18th, 1875.