Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, February 02, 1876, Image 1

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tMMtMRMMBMMR ■HMMMWMMH THE PEOPLE’S FRIEND. ‘ IfS $*-tW Nr, 44. BRUNSWICK GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING FEB. 2 1876. „I ' .,.. ;.r: Yc!. 1 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER FUBUSBXD KVJCHY WEDNESDAY MORNING ., —by—.. ::- v T. GOULDING STACY. ,, * ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. " ■ ! ' - ' !■ 1 L. B. TOOMAR LODGE, No. 9, F. A.’M* ToomarLodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every 1st and 8rd Wednesday in each month, at8o’clpk, p. h. Moses McDonald, W. M. J. M. Cabteb, Sec’y. C.P. GOODYEAR. I . | 1*. H. HARRIS. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia- O FFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester Btreeta,—over Drug Store of J. S. Biftih & Co. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and the city of Darien, Ga no 1-ly, i. ir.k. Jonis. T. E. Davenport.] fW. Davenports Jones, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, “1 XT’ILL practice in all the Courts of the Bruns VV wick Circuit. Office iu Smith k Dexter’s building, Newcastle street, bo 1-ly D. T. DUNN, BANKER and Brunswick, BROKER, - -% - Ga. -:o:- B TJYS and r SELLS exchange on New York, Sa vannah, Boston and’Phil a" ‘ vannah, Boston and ’Phil adelphla, at LOWEST MARKET BATES. BUYS and SELLS Gold, Silver and Commercial Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections promptly attended to and buainesa •ol cited. no. 1-ly,* IM POR V T ANT! We have just received a large lot of HARDWARE, . STOVES, MILL SUPPLIES .. »r-ANI>-*- - J • Rice Planters’ Implements, —Also— ’/.* ! A fine Assortment of Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, .» Lanterns,'etc., *» %u addition to the LARGEST STOCK of . siiiaa vmm ever bvought to this Market, besides ■ • TINWARE KEROS IN E OIL manufactured ex pressly for our own trade. 32-tf ' « I* D. Hoyt* Go. “ADVERTISER!!”! mmi, sum*.. - —Read notice of "Big Invention ” —Mrs. Griggs of our. city di&l on Monday last. —A new line of steamers is soon to be the order of the day—so we learn from Messrs. L. & T. Glad to hear it. —Services at the Presbyterian church- next Sabbath and Sabbath af. ter by Rev. R. A. Mickle of Cuthbert, Ga. —Mr. D. J. Hollister has sold out hi - store, etc., on the Bay, to Nelson Bros., sous of our,worthy townsman J. F. Nelson. —The Valdosta Times wants to know what we mean by "centennial whis* kers.” Side whiskers, Brother, the growth of ’76. —Well, we have found one more man who did not know that such a pa per as the Advebtiseb existed. He is no longer ignorant on the subject —The committee on accommodations have prepared for 865 delegates, so the chairman informs ns. We are pleased to know that on r people responded so promptly. —Read notice of Brunswick Houser- in this issue. *Mr. L. N. Clark, the new member of ttie firm, comes to us well recommended ns a hotel maul' Carpenters are now at'work on the building, making necessary changes. —Should any memlier of the Agri cultural" Convention of next week be come’ bo enamored of onr oity as to begin to price lots, we hope the old panic wont seize anyone having lots 8 ' , —Who forged the oity money? The accomplice is gone, hut the principal is'some where about, i Hunt him up, City Fathers. Dont give up the search because one bird bos flown; and when you catsh another clip his wings. —Messrs. Cook Bros. & (Do.,. ever with an eye to business, are extend ing their wharf facilities, audutiliz* ing evdry part of the wharf front. If business opens up this spring, as ma ny predict, theywiUbein condition to do a full share. —See advertisement of City Hotel in this issue. We bespeak for Messrs, Fahm & Dart (the proprietors) a lib eral share of patronkge, not only from onr own citizens, - but the travelling public. The bouse is being put in thorough rtipiair. — —Messrs. Hilliard, Baily & Rep- pard have recently shipped down to our city, en route to the Centennial, quite a large stick of pine tiuioei fiviu j H»*dr mills on B. & A. R. R. It is <34 ! feet long, 19x20 inches, and contains 2026} feet of lumber. It is "all heart’* and well grained, i —$45 was raised by onr Lee Memo rial committee on the ISth uli. All classes contributed. Cobrecxion.—We learn from Mr. W. T. Jones that we were misinform ed about the switch at Satilla Station, B. & A. R. R., being without a lock. He tells us that he iB very particular about having locks on all the switch* es. and that the one above mentioned must have been forcibly removed by some designing person. The switch was not only changed, but secured in that position by a hickory pin, driven in fast. We take pleasure iu making the above correction, ns we w<nld not willingly do anyone an injustice. Our remarks were based on the information given ns. Debating Society.—In thinking over the many things that might be done to build up our place and bene fit our people, among others, it ap pears to us that a debating society might prove of much advantage to our young men. and furnish a pleasant pastime to our people generally. Be sides the advantages gained in a liter ary point of view, the moral influence would, we think, be for good, tending to keep many away from places of questioned propriety, and giving to the otherwise unemployed minds food for thought and reflection. What say you, young gentlemen? Talk it over amqng yourselves, and if ybn think the idea a good one, let us know, and yon will have onr hearty support in pushing the movement forward. Bryan, Prazoi Co.. Texas, Jan. 22 d, 1^86. Editors Brunswick. Oa., Florida and Alabama Newspapers: > Gents: • Ask of the whereabouts of one Mr Frank Hale, for a destitute widow— Mrs. Lizzie White—with two small children, one two years and the other six months of age, and oblige one of her supporters. J. W. Findley. HlfilWVailTIOS. Lloyd, the fiunou* map man, whomadaall tho map* for General Grant and the Union army, cer tificates of which he pnblished, has just invent ed a way of getting* relief plate from steel sou ' Lloyd’s Map of American Contim I to print showing from ocean to ocean—on one entire sheet of benk note peper. 40x50 inches large, on »light- ning press, and colored, sized and TarnUhod fori the wall so as tb stand washing, anffmailing any where in lbs world'Tor 80 cents, or nnvtrnlshed tor 3ft cents. This map shows the United States land Territories in a group, from surreys of 187ft, withe million places on'it, such u towns, cities, | villages, mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, m mines, railway stations, Ac. This % 'eddy. Hew Advertisements. —Do you want a t good picture of P ? j Then go at once to Messrs. Phfllips*Rqw>ey, at, their tent, mid you can get it,. We b*ye examined their spebimens,,, wbiob are fine, and have an assurauoe from them that they will produce as good for anyone wish ing them. Bead their notice, and call early. nmrs HALL, F R U A H y STM, 18T6* The "STAR” AMATEUR COMPA NY announces to the Publio that they will give a performance on the above night; rendering THREE FAVORITE PLAYB. Proceeds devoted to a benevolent pm * 'or Cast of Characters Ticket* irill fee lor srIr onihe5th»t Blain A Hadden’s Drug Store, and J- F. Nelson k Co.’s: and on the night of Performance at Finney’s Hall. Brunswick Souse, ' SMITH & CL AKB, Fropr'etorg, BRUNSWICK, - - - - GA. I. D. Sxros, L V. Ctan, late Davidabh-tlouiie, , Mansion House, Brunswick, Ga. Bockland Lake, N. Y. Terms, $2.50 Per Day. • b‘MITH & CLARK, proprietors. no 44-tf. J. E. Dabt.) [G. O. FASM, CITY HOTEL, DART &. FAHM, Proprietors, BRUNSWICK. - - GEOneii *. ■■••yO...... Board, Per Day, $2.50. •0- Transportation to the different Is- ’ lands furnished at low rates. t no 44-6m. PICTURES! ......lip...... , To Th? Citizens of Bruns- wick!! W© are now prepared to ex ecute photographic work of all kinds. Those wishing fine work will do well to give us a call, as we guarantee satisfac tion In all cases. Please call once) as we shall remain in your city hut a short time. Respectfully, PHILLIPS & BU8SEY- In the District Court of the United States, FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GA. In the matter of DnBignon k Beck—In Beak- • ! I/ njptcy. ' ■ To Whom it May Cohcorn: fTtHE UNDERSIGNED hereby given notice of hie JL appointment Assignee of the Eitate of Du- Blgnon * Beck, of Brunswick, in the county of Glynn, in Mid District, and who were, to-wit: On the 2let day of December, A. D. 1875, adjudged Bankrupt* upon the petition of Creditors, by the Diitrict Court of aaidDiatrlct Dated at Brunswick, the 18 th day of January, A. D. 1876. • 48-at. HAMILTON A. EENRI0X. Assignee. PRIVATE SCHOOL, for the year 1876. 15 or 20 boyB only will be received. Apply to * T. fU STAflY NEW SIIQIV SOOTS and SHOKS. !.and ; *'S - WARRANTED. , > } ( . */ Olve me a call at my Shop on % 4he Bay, two doors from lfelaon». Sign- THE BIG BOOT^ CITY PROPERTY FOBfiAbft *il viT A HOUSE end LOT on the corner ofHowe -aad OSli0Mp<Hn*>a.warB. »A. B.B. office. Ap ply to ;; cmwiw doerfungfai. Brunswick, Ga., Dec. 18th, 1S75. no.