Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, February 16, 1876, Image 1

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m* a 'iawe&s.##»w<g«aBragfe*»i r>i,flHi> i mmmm Nc. 46 BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY. MORNING. FEB. 16 Bn ! ■8 9. -w. la I VoL 1 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUBLISHED EVJCHT WEDNESDAY mousing ’ —BY— T. GOVLDINO STACY. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. L. B. TOOJIAK LODGE, No. 0, F. A. M. A Too mar Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, at 8 o’clok, p. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Caeteb, Sec’y. O.P. GOODYEAR. | j V. II. HARRIS* GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, - Brunswick, Georgia-' O FFICE^- Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. 8. Blaiu & Co. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and the city of Darien, Ga no 1-ly, T. E. Davenport.] fW. E. Jones. Davenport & Jones, ATTORNEYS A1 LAW, WflLL practice in all the Courts of tho Brun® V T wick Circuit. Office corner Oglethorpe k Gloucester streets, uo 1- ly D. T. DUNN, BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, - - - - - - - Ga, B UYS and* SELLS exchange oh New York, Sa vannah, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET BATES. BUYS and bft tJi Gold, Silver and Commercial Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections promptly attended to and business sol cited. - no. l-ly, I POR TANTS We have just received a large lot of HARDWARE, STOVES, MILL SUPPLIES —AND— Jftice Planters’ Implements. ALSO A fine Assortment of • Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, etc., In addition to the LARGEST STOCK of liiiLiiaa ever brought to this Market, besides TIN WARE at wholesale and retail, and KEROSINB OIL manufactured ex* pressly for our own trade. 32 ly L. *D. Hoyt * Co. SUBSCRIBE * for the “ADVERTISER!!” -7-The Firemen’s Ball, last week, proved a success, $175 being raised. —Messrs. Phillips & Bussey are tur ning out some good work. Now is the time, if you want a good picture, —Dixville comes to the front this week with an eleven-toed chicken and a baby that has cut its jaw teeth before its front ones. ; —We welcome upon our exchange list, this week, the Dawson Weekly Journal, a live sheet published in Dawson, Ga., by S. R. Weston. —Thieves are again at work in the cemetery—vases, etc., have disappear, ed. WquM it not bo well to offer a small reward for their apprehension ? It might bring them. —The brig Laura Gertrude arrived safely in port last Saturday, with hea vy freight for Brunswick and Interior. The report of her being aground out side, and throwing cargo overboard, was erroneous. —“Brother Stacy propounds this; ‘Why Brunswick?' Brunswick be cause there arc some pretty girls there.” So says Brother Charlie Pendleton, of the Valdosta Times. —From various marked copies of western papers sent ns recently, we infer that J)r, Worrall is still vigor ously pushing his Dh'ect-Trade move ment. He meets with much opposi tion, as a matter of course, but is manfully holding his ground. 49-Anotherlot of 86 dozen of those Tennessee Eggs expected to-day. They ore larger and con tain more nutriment than the ordinary egg. En quire at 3. T. NELSON k CO'S. —The Pearson Pioneer crows over a watermelon six inohes in oircumfer* ence, and says “how is this for soon?” Pretty soon, Brother Pioneer, but not much ahead of Brunswick; tomatoes ready to bloom is what we claim for “soon.” —Whilst numbers are crying “hard times, and worse a-coming,” we hear of one of onr citizens who is quietly engaged in trapping tho fur-bearing animals that inhabit onr marshes, with about 200 traps. He deserves success. —“Wat de Lord gib yon your foot for—for kick wid, or for walk on?” is the way we heard one little colored girl pnt it to another, who, had just planted her “pedestal extremity” into her side just below the short ribs. Query—Is not a Christian spirit shown here worthy the imitation of older hcado? . —Jones, of the Macon Telegraph and Messenger, thus closes a lengthy arti cle on late Convention: “In oonduding these noteb upon the Convention, we cannot forget to ac knowledge the conrtesics extended by the editors of the Seaport-Appeal and Brunswick Advertiser, Messrs. Smith and Stacy. The latter gets ont quite a readable little sheet, with the sol** as sistance of a thirteen year old typo, his own son. This is bringing expenses to a focus, and there is no room for fail ure in his case.” . —A new club is in process of organ ization in our town, we leurn, to be styled the “Wampee Hunters”—the den being to give up the great strug gle of “living by »tho sweat of one's brow,’’and subsist on pine mast, poke leaves, acorns, cabbage palmetto, and “wampee,” for breadstuff, and fish and oysters, for meat. We lmve been approached on the subject, and re quested to act as cecretary, but had to decline. We learn tho headquarters of the club will bo somewhere on the A1 tamaha ri\’er, to bo near the “warn pee” supply.” Wamn peas are good, we know, but of “wampee” we know not. , ,1 * , Creator, all that could he desired; deep water and a safe . and eommoii- harbor invite the entrance of the rich argosies of the universe; railroads pen etrating tothe farthest hounds of the nation stand ready to pour in the va ried produot/bf the connin’, but alas! the lack’ of that magical talisman— ‘money, paralyzes every energy, and renders abortive in a great degree, all the benignant gift*of Providence. HTGIKVFVItfGIV. Lloyd, the ftmom map man, who in ado all the maps for General Grant and the Union army, cer tiorates of whir# he pnMiahol, hart ,!hr ' invent ed a way of getting a relief plate iron 1 steel *0 as to print Lioyd's Map of American Continent— showing from ocean to ocean—on one <nl : re sheet of henli note paper. tOxM inches lurce, on a light ning press, and colored, sized and varnished for the wall so as to stand washing, and mailing any where in tho world lor HO rent*, or unvarnished for 25 cents. TJ)1* map shows the United States and Territories in a group, from -urv. yg of 1875, with a million places oii it. such as towns, cities, villages, mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, gold mlhes, railway stations. Ac. This map should he in every house. Send 8Q eon's to t he Lloyd Map Company. Philadelphia, and you will get a copy by return mail.—A*. Turk IUutlra'ed Chrhtian Weekly. \> <4 4 Licensed, and yet not Licensed. Here is a strange A man comes to town, announces his business, puys all demands for city, oounty, and State lioensns, proceeds to run his business* that is dnly licensed, and lo! he is or rested by the 'mighty arm of the law, and arraigned for trial under the charge of gambling—his bnsiness be ing to sell small cakes of magic soap said soap being warranted to wash out all stains either from “olotbing or character” (nice soap that!)—every purchaser being entitled to a “throw” and to receive the article on tho num ber thrown. Query—Was he not licensed to do this business? If so, why meddle him? If he was gambling, and deserve 8 punishment, why not pnnish all who gambled with him. Was he any bigger sinner than those who gamble at church snppers? If so, wherein? Now we dont wish to be understood os approving this character in his un lawful bnsiness, but we do think that having been licensed by proper au thority, he should not have been in terfered with. If it was wrong to li cense, then punish the party who gave the license. The following is from a reeent num ber of the Macon Telegraph and Mes senger: —Loose horses about the public pump are getting to be something of a nnisance at times. Tho resnlt last Saturday evening was one runaway scrape, and numbers of frightened wo men and children. Moral—Don’t al low your horses to run at large “down town,” or the City fathers will be for ced to fix np a “horse law,” os well as a “hoglow.” Brunswisk will contribute to the Centennial a gigantic stick of GEORGIA TIT,I/l-T.- VTTR, sixty-four feet in length, and measur ing twenty-one inches one wuy by nineteen the other. It is at the lum ber yard of Mr. Cook, and will attract general attention. The people of this rival seaport of Savannah are still * 'hoping on, and hoping ever. ” And. indeed, one thing only is lacking to make it take the front rank among the maritime cities of the Atlontio coast, and that is capital. The high, salubrious site, adorned with live oaks, cedars and oleanders, is already, under the plastic hand of the New Advertisements. Asstenso’s Sale. XTTTLL bo sold at PUBLIC SALE, coiumc nring f V on Saturday. 2fi'h ins*, at 10 a. m.. andean tinuo from day today until disposed of, the stork in trade of Duhignon k Berk, Bankrupt*, consist- lag of Dry Good*. Clothing, Hnta, Capa, Hoots, Shoe#, Notions, Groceries, Wooden Ware, eto., etc. Term cash. •, , no 4R-8t. H. A. KENRICH, Assigneo. HOTELS. ■ ORIENTAL HOUSE, •/ CUMBERLAND ISLAND, ELIAB CLUBS. — — Proprietor. THE ABOVE HOUSE, pleatanfljr situated on tho north end of Cumberland Island, hi open for the accommodation of the Public. Parties from' the Interior will And It a pleasant place tor s ma roon. For further particulars address the Pro prietor at Brunswick, Ga. H): ..... Terms Very Low. Brunswick House, SMITH At CLARK, Proprietors. BRUNSWICK, - - - - GA. — :0: L N. Clam, Mansion Home, Rockland Lake. N. Y. •fr* 3. D. Burra, late Davidsop Homs, Brunswick ,Ga. Terms, $2.50 Per Day. SMITH & CLARK, no 44-it. Proprietors. J. E. Dabt.] [O. C. Fain*. CITY HOTEL, DART &.' FAHM, Proprietors, BRUNSWICK. - - GEORGIA. Board, Per Day, $2.50. 0 ' Transportation to the different Is lands furnished at low rates. S no44-Gm. 7 : PRIVATE SCHOOL, f° r the year 1876. 15 or 20 boys only will be received. Apply to T. G. STACY.