Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, February 23, 1876, Image 1

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M r' ? 1 . -' - V "*-V - - BRUNSWICK .,-14. — i : 1 * : ; ‘ " 7 : ' :t - THE PEOPLE’S FRIEND. —r-’-r— —— • A.i Nc. 47. BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEB. 23 1876. Vol. 1 L . _ BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUSUBBED EVERY WEDNESDAY MOBNINO -BY- T. GOULDING STACY. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 81.00. Lt B. TOOMAIl LODGE, Slu. 0, F. A. M. A Toomor Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, fit8 o’clok. p. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Carter, Sec’y. C.P. OOODYEAB. | | P. H. BARKIS* GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia O FFICE—. Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug 8tore of J. S. Blaln A Co. Practice In all counties of tlic Brunswick Cir cuit and tire city of Darien, Ga no 1-ly, T. E. Davenport.) [W. E.-Jones Davenports Jones, ATTORNEYS A1 LAW, ll/'ILL practice in all the Courts of tlie Brun 8 VV wick Circuit. Office corner Oglethorpe & Gloucester streets, no 1- ly I). T, DUNN, BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, ....... Ga. ■:o:- B' )UY8 and' 8EI.LS exchange on New York, Sa vannah, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. BUYS and set-TR Gold. Silver and Commercta 1 Paper* Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS* Collections promptly attended to and buslnoM sol cited. no. 1-ly, I FOR TANTS We have just received a large lot of HARDWARE, STOVES, MILL SUPPLIES —AND — Rice Planters’ Implements. ALSO A line Assortment of Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, etc., In addition to the LAP GEST STOCE. of miBB over brought to this Market, besides TIN WARE vt wholesale and retail, and KEROS DIE OIL manufactured ex pressly for our own trade. 32 ly L. D. Hoyt & Co. SUBSCRIBE for the “ADVERTISER!!” /.\n a uui&iiii&o ' —What of the “ ‘Wa^pee* Club?"" —Who can tell the biggest oyster tale on the Convention folks? —Early part of the week very warm and uncomfortable. —Now is the time to set out shade trees. See to it, property holders. —We hear of a man who plauts his Irish potatoes with the “eyes” down, to keep the sand out of them. —An (jxclmngo tells of a colored man in upper Georgia with 11 fingers. We are still ahead; Brunswick lias one with 12 fingers and 12 toes. —The ladies complain of depreda tions on the part of cows and goats in the cemetery. See tn this, Mr. Chair man, or a cow and goat ordinance will be the next tiling on tapis. 4S-CABBAGES, ONIONS, and POTATOES at FRANK HALL’S, on the Bay. —By the way, wonder if the chair - man of streets,'^cgins, etc., is aware that large ditch in Dix- ville leoim^pSpie marsh—one, too, that has noM^jln^pruperly deepened since the wan* —We »f$i : from proceedings of Legis'ature* tjiat a bill has passed the Senate incorporating a 4 Brunswick Bank and Trust Compiny.” So far, our banking aud irustwg have been kept some distance apart—too little of the former and too much of the lat ter has well nigh upset some of our merchants. ’Tis hoped a union of the two will result in good. —Another young man asks ns to ad vertise for a wife for him. He wunts one (in addition to the usual qualifi cations of a good wife) capable of fill ing the following positions: cook, seamstress, washer, ironer, milkmaid, errand girl, maid-of-all-work, and generate business manager—in short, one t^ support him. Poor fellow! Wont somo sour old maid take pity on him? AS* SOUR KRAUT and CHOW CHOW Just re ceived at FRANK HALL'S, on the Bay. FRANK HALL'S, on M. &'B. R. R.—Up to the time of this writing, nothing definite has been done by the Georgia Legislature in the matter of the M. & B. R. R. It is generally thought, however that new bonds will be issued to cover the in* terest now past due, and falling due; said bopdp to run for twenty years from jjiflyv-lst, 1876, and bearing in- terefLat 7 per cent., payable semi-an- nuafiy." ' » —Well, the tannery has taken shape sure enough, and the results are be fore ns. Just two weeks ago a young cow beast was walking at large; to-day one-nf onr citizens is stepping around up to his knees in boots made of that Very calf's hide. Query—How is Unit j for quick? Competent judges say the leather is all right A stock company has been formed, and, so far as we are able to judge, the work is goiug ahead nicely. As soon as arrangements are made, the idea is to open a boot and shoe facto* ry in connection with the tannery. Now is yonr time to take stock in the enterprise. - Bishon Gross filled the Catholic pulpit of this oily Inal Suuimlii. -Bishop Beckwith is to be hero on Friday next, we learn, to dedicate the Episcopal chnrch. Explanatory. Friend Smith, of the Appeal, gently hints that we made another “erroue- ohs statement” iu giving the idea that onr authorities licensed that soap man to gamble. Now, all we have to say on the subject is this: We don't know what the city au thorities licensed him to do—it mat ters not, any way, for they were not the prosecutors; but this we do know : that the county officer, who licensed him, knew just what he was licensing him to uo, for be went to Mr. Soap Man in person, and told him that he must take out a license. Now, we don’t go back on what we have said—we stick to it, that “hav ing been licensed by proper authority, he should uot have been interfered with. If it was wrong to license, then punish the party who gave the li cense.” Whiskey or no Whiskey. The Legislature has passed a bill to regulate tne sale of liquors within the corporate limits of Emus wick—the same, however, to be submitted a vote of the people. Much can be said on either side of this question. Noue (ex* cept those who deal iu the article, and not even all of them) question the gen- (■)•'. idea t at much evil is daily oc curring iu onr midst from the improp er use of liquor. Numbers of our young meu are fast forming habits of intemperance that will paralyze their usefulness in after years—or worse still, cause them to fill drunkards’ graves. Now, to avoid this is the great end sought in the present move ment. Many think tho passage of a law excluding the sale of liquor from our midst the very thing to accom plish wliut is wanted, whilst others claim that the resalts arising from this measure will be tenfold worse than our present grievances—giving rise, they think, to secret resorts and numerous dodges to evade the law. They argne that some men are fond of whiskey, and will have it at all hazards, etc. Now we admit that there is weight in all this reasoning, but have onr doubts about the latter evil being worse than the former—we mean in its influence upon the rising generation -,-iit least, we would like to see a fair test made. Let’s try it for twelve months, or more, aud see the results. Stacy’* Private School—Department. THE EIGHT HIGHEST. Below, patrons of the above school will uud i’ii« deportment of their chit, dren (os given in by themselves), for the week ending Feb. 18th—that is, of these whose average is 46 or over— 60 being the maximum. Should your child's name not appear, ask him why. Menzo Williams, 45; Eddie Leben, 45; Paul ” 46; Carlton Stacy, 60; Thos. Hocket, 47; Wm. Dangaix, 45; Hampton Bryant, 47; Snm’l Gates, 48. Revivals.—We read of revivals all over the country from one end to the other; a general spirit of awakening seems to be taking liofd of the people in almost every locality; why are not we similarly favored? Is it that we arc so wicked that the Good Spirit has concluded to “pass us by?” Or is it only that we nre too ppQwl to bid Him enter and “sup with us?” Let every church member pondef this. U! G INVENTION. Lloyd, the famous map man. who made nil tho map* lor General Orant and tho Union army, cer* tifleates of which he published, has just invent* edaway of getting a relief plate from steel so as to print Lloyd'a Mop of American Continent— allowing from ocean tooeenn— on one entire sheet of brnk note paper, 40xK0lnehes large, on alight* ning press, and colored, sized and vsrnlshrd foe the wall so an tn stand washing, and mailing any where in tho world for 30 rents, or unvarnished tor 25 rents. This map shows the Fnitcd States and Territories in a group, from - ni-vevs oflfi7S, with a million places on it, su.-h an towns, cities, village*, mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, gold niinps. railway stations. Ac. This map should be In every house. Send 30 rents to the Lloyd Map Company, Philadelphia, and you will got a copy by return mail.—X. York lUwttrnted Chriitian Weekly. 44 4 New Advertisements. Assignee’s Sale. W ILL bo sold at PUBLIC SALE, commencing on Saturday, 26th Inst, nt 10 a. m.. and eon tlnuo from day today until disposed of, tho stock in trade of Dubignon A* Reek, lfanbrupts, constat ing of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Hoots, Rhoes, Notion*, Groceries, Wooden Ware, etc., etc. Terra rash. no 45*3t, H. A. KEN RICK, Assignee. HOTELS. ORIENTAL HOUSE, CUMBERLAND ISLAND, ELIAS CLUI1II. — — Proprietor. THE -ABOVE HOUSE, pleasantly situated on the north end of Cumberland Island, is open for the accommodation of tho Public. Parties from the Interior will find It • pleasant place tor a ma roon. For fnrther particulars address tlje Pro prietor at Brunswick, Ga. *. Terms Very Low. Brunswick House, SMITH & CLAHK, Proprietor*. URUN WICK, - - - - GA. J. D. Smith, L N. Clark, late Davidson House, Mansion House, Brunswick, Ga. Rockland Lake, N.Y. ; * Terms*, $2.50 Per Day. SMITH & CLARK, no 44-tf. Proprietors. J. E. Dart,] [G.C.Faihi, CITY HOTEL, DART & FAHM, Proprietors, BRUNSWICK. - - GEORGIA. .....0 Board, Per Day, $2.50, o— • Tmnsporialinn to the iliSei’-nt- Is lands furnished at low rates. . no 44-6m. PRIVATE SCHOOL, for the year 1876. 15 or 20 boys only will be received. Apply to T. G. STACY. W;