Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, March 01, 1876, Image 1

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BRUNSWICK THE PEOPLE’S FRIEND. X'.. 48 BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAR. 1 1876. VoL 1 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUEUSRSJ5 BVKBT WEBSESDAT HO&SZXS -BY- T. GOILDIKO STACY. ANNUAL SUBSCJiirriOXi $1.00. m amBsassaas ■ wBteamm L. B. TOO SIAM LODGE, No. 9, V. A. M. A ToomarLodge, No. 9, F. A. M„ meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, acSo’clok, p. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Cabteb, Sec’y. c.t. qoodtSak. I I y. H. HABB1I. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia. AFFICE- Corner Newcwtle snd Glouceeter etroets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Biain &Co- Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and aha city of Darien, Ga do l*ly, X. E. Davs*post.] fW. E. Joska Davenports Jones, A TT0RNEY8~A 1 LAW, %\rjLL practice in all the Courts of the Brun* W wick Circuit. Office corner Oglethorpe A ,. Circuit. Gloucester streets. »o 1-ly D. T. DUNN, BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, Oa, B UYS andf SEIXS exchange on New York, 8a* yum ah, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. S c and OTT.T.S Gold, Silver and Commercia* a, Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS' ections promptly attended to and busineia sol cited. no. l'lY> PICTURES! =0 : To The Citizens of Bruns wick!! We are now prepared to ex ecute photographic work of at* kinds. Those wishing fine work will do well to give us a call, as we guarantee satisfac tion in all cases. Please call at once, as we shall remain in your city hut a short time. Respectfully, 44-tf. PHILLIPS & BUSSEY. NEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES. All work neatly dene, and WARRANTED. (Uve me a call at my Shop on theBay, two door* irom Nelson*. Sign- THE BIG BOOT. No. 29-tf. X N. Bun. city Property fob sale: tL&iMOb OfliS§. A HOUSE and LOT on the corner of Bow* and Oglethorpe Streets, near B. A A. B. R. Office. Ap* ftf to CHARLES DOEBFUNGEB. Muswlsk, Oa., Dae. ISth 1876, no. 384m. SUBSCRIBE for the “ADVERTISER!!” —Wonder what has become of the Hinesville Gazette? No paper in four weeks. How is this, Brother B. —Dr. Cargyle requests us to ask Conncil to let the people vote on the “hog law,” as well as the ‘ local op tion. ” What say, Fathers. —Read notice of Wm. P. Minor & Co. They keep always on hand a sup ply of corn and flour, which they of fer “cheap for cash.” —Rev. Mr. Brown, of Florida, preached in the Presbyterian Church of this city on Sabbath morning last- Those who heard him enjoyed a rich repast. —That “Centeunial” stick of tim ber sent down by Mr. Roppard has been shipped and will soon be in po sition as one of Georgia’s coatribn. tions to the world’s great show. —The new steamer General Sedg wick, now on the Florida route in place of the Olyphant, made her first trip last week. She is pronounced a very fast boat. —Messrs. Phillips & Buscey are still on band, turniug out fine pic tures. They can take “light” eyes as well os dark ones—so despair not. ye who, so for, have failed on that score; try again. —Notwithstanding the hot coal fire kept ap in our Post Office, it has some times very cold elements within. Lost week it had at one and the same time, North, Rnin(ey), Snow, and Ice. How is that for temperature? —Come, gentlemen, hurry up with that 4 ‘Bank and Trust Co.” We know of two parties—men whose promise, no far, have been sufficient—who tried all of last week to borrow a little mouey, and could not get it. —Weston, of the Dawson Journal, calls our townsman, J. F. Nelson, ug ly. Guess he did not see him with his “Sunday-go-to-meetin’ ” clothes on, or he would not have thought so. Come agaiu, Brother, and take anoth er look, by daylight next time. —The Household of Brattleboro, Vt., (by the way, one the best month lies we know of) in its last number took up a half column to tell how to cook a goose. Brother, couldn’t you tell ns first how to get the goose. We’ll find a way to cook it. —We are requested by Mr. H. A Kenrick, Assignee, to state that there will be an auction to-morrow (Tbnrs. day), 10 o’clock, expressly for the la- dies. Now is the time to bay your, selves neb. —The Episcopal Chnrch of this city was dedicated lost Friday by Bishop Beckwith. On Sabbath he preached twice to very large audiences. After —We are pleased to sea the brush piles in the lower end of town disap pearing. This is u step in the right direction. Keep our drains all open, oar underbrush all trimmed out, and our trash burned up, and we will have no siokness this summer. —We are pleased to meet once more our young friend Geo. B. Mabry, who has been spending sumo time in the State of Texas. He thinks, all things considered, Georgiy a better place. He will probably locate in Baxley, No. 7, M. & B. R. R. for the further prac tice of his profession, the law. —Why conduct the business of ’75 in ’76? The county tax matters of Inst year have not been settled up yet. This is all wrong. Twelve months is surely long enough to do it all in. Just such as this is why we hear men say, “Well, A and B did not pay tl)«ir taxes till spring; b’lievc I’ll wait, too, next time.” — 1 The frost last Friday morning was a sharp one, but, so far as we hear of, no damage in this section done to ten der vegetable. Many of our truck far mere took the precaution to cover up tomato; cucumber, and other tender plants with palmetto leaves, whilst others kept large fires going all night among their plants. The yield cf ear ly vegetables in this section will, it is thought, be very large. —On a round of discoveries last Friday p. u., through the apper por tion of town, we saw some things wor thy of commendation. We found every drain and ditch in ‘‘apple-pie” order! evidently onr chairman Iias not been idle. The colored cemetery wo found remarkably dean and free from under brash, the gate locked and the fence in good order. The gardens in the up per section of town show that their owners appreciate the fact that times are hard, and intend to make the soil do all it will to help out'the larder. the evening services, eleven young persons were confirmed. —Col. Collins, whilst out driving on Monday evening, was thrown from his buggy and somewhat bruised. It seems his horses took fright at some objeot in the neighborhood of the Baptist church, and dashed off. In attempting to stop them, one rein K ve way. Considerable damage, we irn, Was done to the vehicle. Local Option.—The Local Option matter is still the theme with some of onr citizens. The arguments pro and con ere somewhat varied, both as to style and weight—some powerful and to the point, whilst others seem an those of drowning men “oatching at straws.” Our individual ideas on the subjeot do not, probably, agree with some others; we hold (as does the Ap. peal) that heavy taxation is a better plan; bat with this we woald couple severe penalty for every offense of drunkenness, or every evil conse quence of the same—in short, hedge in the evil with strong measures, and thus strive to control rather than kill out. Bnt this is not the issue now bn- j fore us; the question, ns we nnder- I stand it, is, Shall liquor be sold by the drink, or in quantities not less than three gallons? We hope every man will weigh the matter well for him* self, and act as his judgement dictates, irrespective of the opinions of others. We earnestly hope that neither side at issie will resort to unfair means, and that the result, whatever it may be, will not cause ill feelings among onr people. Christian. Spirit. —She went to visit her little one’s grave; found her evergreens scattered, and a goblet that contained them gone; sought for it, and fonnd it not very far off filled with beautiful flowers, adorning the grave of another. She took a milk can lying by, filled it with water, and transfered the contents of thu goblet to it, and gently returned the flowers thus removed, to their place, and then retired to her own lot to repair the damage done. Query—if it be true that departed spirits take cognizance of us here, what must have been the emotions of the spirit of the ono thus decorated? Cemetery. We do dislike to be forever talking ing ono thing; bnt “circumstances al. ter cases.” If goata and cows are to be allowed to occupy the cemetery at will, why try to plant any shrubbery there? Our ladies are devoting much time and caro now-u-duys towards beautifying this Bpot, but we fear they will lose their zeal if something isn’t done to stop this nuisance. Rosin and Turpentine. Now that the Benson for naval stores will soon be upon ns again, we would onee more speak of the fine opening; as we think, for some one with capi tal to turn au honest penny. We have conversed with different gentlemen, who think that a fine business could be worked np and a handsome profit, realized by establishing a depot here for the pnruhaso and shipment of tnr. pontine and rosin. As we remarked before, almost every one engaged in the business wonld prefer selling his staff here for cash, to waiting the usu al time for a return from his ship ments North. We don’t mean a mid* die man, to handle the staff, and get his commissions out of it—the produ cer, mean time, waiting, as before, for his money—bnt one with the cash in - hand to pay down for the artioles a* received. Such an one could be of benefit to the producer, and at the same time realize a living profit Who will occupy the field? —Mr. Charlie McIntosh and Mrs. Danguix, all of onr oity, were joined in holy wedlock Inst week. Next? Stacy's Private School—Deportment. The Seven Highest. FOB THE WEEK ENDING FEB. 25. MAXIMUM 50. BsrrrHblIsn4,45; Hsmpton Brysnt. IT; Prssly Billy, 47; Henry RoWnsoA. 4T; Willie Nelson. 48; wmie Dsneslx. BO; r.rHcw ^Efow^SvorSeirorots." READ! We are now prepared to furnish CORN & FLOUR cheap for cash. Wm. P. MINOR k Go. 48-tf. Office at Brunswick Foundry.