Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, March 15, 1876, Image 1

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THE PEOPLE'S FRIENP. Bb. 60. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. M^LR. 15 1876. : f- * * VoL I |. Snerism. and lit, _ . 1 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY MOBKINO -BY— T. GOl'LDISG STACY. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. it. B. T003IAK LODGE, No. 9, P. A. M. Toomnr Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, at 8 o’clok, v. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 2S-ly J. M. Carter, Sec’y. O.p. GOODYEAR. | | P. H. HARRIS* GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick. Georgia S UFFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester J streets,-over Drug Store of J. S. Biain & Co actice in all counties ol the Brunswick Cur suit and .tie city of Darien, Ga no l-ly, [W. E.Joses T. E. Davespobt.] Davenports Jones, ATTORNEYS A1 LAW, ■YTriLL practice in all the Courts of the Brun 9 W wick Circuit. Office corner Oglethorpe* Gloucester streets, no 1- ly D. T. DUNN, BANKER ana BROKER, brnnswick, ^ a ' B l >UYS and' SELLS exchange on New York, Sa vannah, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. BUYS and SELLS Gold, Silver and Commercia’ Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEIOSI'IS- Collectione promptly attended to and business ■ol cl tod. no. l-iy. PICTUKES! = U : To Th3 Citizens of Bruns wick!! We are now prepared to ex ecute photographic w ork of al* kinds. Those wishing fine work will do well to give us a Call, as we guarantee satisfac tion in all cases. Please call at ante, as we shall remain in your city but a short time. Respectfully, 14-tf. PHILLIPS & BU8SEY. KEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES. All work neatly done, and WARRANTED. dim me a call at my 8hop on the Bay, two doora team Nelsons. Sign- THE BIG BOOT. JTo. 29-tf. *• N. Blaib. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE! A HOUSE and LOT on the corner ef Howe and Mglethorpe Streets, near B. & A. R. B. Office. ApJ pi, t<, CHARLES DOERFLINGEB. Brunswick, Ga., Doc. 18th 1875. no.38-3m. SUBSCRIBE for tho “ADVERTISER!! 99 —brother Grubb oi tlie Darien Ga zette paid u« a pop -call last Monday, We don’t believe he is sorry “worth a cent" having married a wife. —A dog kennel was built here last week and carried North, with the fol lowing inscription thereon: “Beware of the dog.” How suggestive! —Tho underbrush in front of Mr. Habersham’s new residence has near ly all been cleared away. Catch the spirit, property holders. —One “professor” and two wander ing musicians visited our town last week. The former we should think a benefit; the other, a nuisance. —Under the head of improvements we notice this week a new building going up near Putnam’s stable, to be occupied by Col. A. J. Smith as an office. —That was indeed a considerate an imal that upset conductors Taylor and Sharp out of the buggy last week. She knew locals were scarce. No lives were lost, fortunately, and but little damage done to the vehicle. —Judging from number of vessels around Cook Bros.’ wharves for the last week or two, we conclude that their N. Y. agent must be a live man to secure so many orders these tight times. May they prosper. > —Somersaulting was practiced to perfection by some of the folks at the B. & A. R. R. “smash up” last week. Professionals stood nowhere when compared with these.) The embank ment was only 21 feet high. —The city wants 100 brass badges for dogs. Bids will be received there for until noon, 22d inst. We will tell anyone just how to word his bid to be sure to get it, if he promises not to tell how he learned it. —Now that tho cemetery is in nice order and the gates all fixed, we would suggest that notices be placed at each, requesting visitors to keep them shut. Our sexton is talking about putting up an arched entrance on the front side. A good idea. —Dixville is in luck ac last. Four John Chinamen und one little color ed offender, all members of the con. viet force, are on that ditch, and it is indeed refreshing to behold how tho mud does fly. Wade in, boys, you are ou a glorious mission! Just here it might not be amiss to suggest the propriety of opening Lon don street, or rather of finishing up the work through the pond now being drained, thus rendering the locality more healthy, and at. the same time giving the people of Tiixviiie at leas* one street. As it is, they have only a twelve foot communication with the inner world by way of George street- There is now on tlpe minutes of Coun cil (four years back) an order to com plete the work on this street. Come, Mr. Chairman, hunt up the order, and finish up the job. Four long years they have waited. -Mr. J. hiB shoe shop^ * F * T<I ( ° r. Pcitxer* the guasii^w *htex> to weirther aown , 'L . / and Jewelry Pack,' the Bay.^t^e*|| —As we hear of a rumor tojfcjE effect that a change will soon be made in the leaving time of trains on M. & B. R. R., going out at 11:30 at night. —Elder Weston, the Second-Ad ventist, preached to qnite a number of our citizens ou Sabbath and also on Monday night, touching the peculiar doctrines of his church. —City Taxes are to be paid in this year by the following uoys: 1st qnar- ter, April 15tli; 2nd, June lfith; 3d, Aug. 15th; and 4th. Oet. 18th. Books now open for returns. Tax to be lev ied for the year, one per cent. Right here we would snggest that all persons be compelled to pay their taxe3 promptly as per above dates, and none allowed this privilege or that. —The city council has passed a dog ordinance,, recently, that will reach every “purp” in town/ Everyman is required to take an oath that neither he nor anyone else on his premises keeps a dog, or else pay $1.50 for ev ery one kept Result—Plent to give away. Query—I council the power to pt who keeps his dog in his < ure and fails to “return” i savors of oppression. —While our City Fath, perly pass and enforce the protection of i trees from injury tice the trees nr stroyed from tl site mistletoe, tending over; 1 matter should!) told Pen*, Pet Holden* bowls* nnrlj cot bui atten tion, or the IddT.mMdof our city, its sh dt.ut.wimdiui.LonUTi/ion be among the 1 VN >RINTl) —We hear niKT TfL.JHaints con cerning the recenrissue of B. & A. K. R. bills, on account of their resem blance to the former—now worthless issue. Some unprincipled persons are circulating the worthless bills among the more ignorant portion of our com munity. We hold the B. & A. B. R. Company committed a gross error in issuing new bills so similar to the old, whereby many of the people are im posed upon, and the Company should close this door to fraud by calling in the present issue and, if they must have a circulating medium, pnttiug out new bills entirely dissimilar from the old. f —Jake Dean and Cash Jones (both colored), laborers at Cook’s mill, were playing with each other last Thursday night, when Dean drew a pistol and pnnehed Jones m the side. From some unknown cause, the pistol fired sendiug the bullet into him. Jones* died m a few hours. READ! We arc now prepared to furnish CORN & FLOUR cheap for cash. Win. P. MINOR & Co. 48-tf. Office at Brunswick Foundry. —Mr. Win. Bart and Miss Cordell* Gray, all at this ciiy, were matrind last Sabbath night at the Methodist Church by Rev. J. W. Eymmoiis. And now as we go to press, we im agine we hear of preparation for still another marriage. Hurrah for the girls and leap year! —An odd character, a negro, was arrested in our town a few days since, who represents himself rb a doctor of great pow er, being able, by some mys terious agency, to work wondera such as making the two races love each oth er and marry, giving power to person* to escape from jail, etc. One powpr lie evidently does possess, nnd that in to take other people’s money, for the ex ercise of which power he has been ar raigned. His medicinal budget con sists of thtee rabbit feet, a little wad of cotton, another of wool, a paper of powder of some k‘nl, besides n few vi als of stuff, and other little tricks. With these aids he claims his power is irresistable. Later—His Dootorship was brought before Judge Houston yesterday mor ning for trial, but was set at liberty, there being no proof to show that be stole the money in question, but re. ceived it as pay for wonders that he had agreed to perform. He was ad vised to leave town at an early day. Accident.—As the passenger train on the B. & A. R. R. was leaving Way Cross one day last week, from soma unknown canse, a box oar, about mid. way the tr&in, quit the track and cau sed qnite a “smash up,” resulting in the destruction of a culvert and thre* box cars, besides damage done to a fourth. The baggage and passenger cars kept the track. The freight in the earn destroyed, being naval stores mostly, sustained very little injury f wb learn. A word of special commen dation is due to train hand Alf. Jack- son. He was at his p03t at the break to the passenger conch when the acci dent occurred, and so well preserved his presence of mind that be uncou pled the passenger coach from the others, made fast his break, and then leaped from the train, having done all in life power to save others. That hreakman deserves u reward. We ure pleased to state that no lives were lost. The track has been repaired, and trains are running regularly again. Stacy’* Private School—Deportment. The Ten Highest. FOB THE WEEK ENDING BLAB. 10. MAXIMUM 50. Henry Robinson, 49; Menzo Williams, 60; Willie Nelson, TO; Green Vrt»wAAd Hampton 4S1 Thomas nickel, 60; Paul Williams, 48; Willie Danpair, 47; Stacy, to? Sddte tshas. 40. New Advertisements. DIRECT! LAMBRIGET’S LINE to DARIEN! Bos* leaves Lambrigtit’s st 8 o’clock a. at., and 6y, »• if., Sharp—returning Immediately on arrival at. Darien. Hack connect with up as well aadoaw trains. Passage by boat 60cts. no 49- 3m. JOSEPH E. LAMBBXOHT,