Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, March 22, 1876, Image 1

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BKIINSWICE THE PEOPLE’S FRIEND. N . 51. iiliUiilSVVICK^ GEORG. liltlNSWIC'K ADVERTISER FUB1.ISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MOUSING -BY- T. GOVIiUIXO STACY. ANNUA L SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. L, B. TOOMAK LODGE, No. U, P. A. »I. Toomnr Lodge, No. 0, F. A. M., meets every 1st nml Orel Wednesday in eaeli month, at-Ho’clok. p. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Cabter, Sec’y. O.p. GOODYEAR. [ F. II. HARRIS* GOODYEAR A HARRIS,. Attorneys at Law, BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA- O FFICE Corucr Newcastle and Gloucester atm-ts,—over Drug Store of J. S. Iiiain >v Co Practice in all counties of tlic Brunswick Cir cuit rad iliu city ol'Darien, Ga no 1-ly, T. E. Davenport.) [\V. F.. Jones Davenports Jones, A TTORNEYS A 7 LA W, ■ft TILL practice in all the Courts of the Bruns YV wick Circuit. Office comer Oglethorpe* Gloucester streets, no 1- ly i). t. dunnT HANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, On. B UYS and SELLS exchange-on New York, Sa vannah. Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET KATES., . BUYS and SEXES Gold. Silver aim Commercial Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. p;oLii>tly ntteuded to and business •el cited. ’ no. 1-ly, PICTURES! : U : To Th Citizens of Bruns wick!! Wr art* now prepared to ex- eente photographic worfc oi’al 5 kinds. Those wishing tine ivoiK wiSl <!o xx cl! to give ns a call, as we guarantee satisfac- ti<tn isi all cases. Please call at once, as we shall remain in your eity bnt a slaos t time. Respectfully, 41 t f. PHli .1 .IPS & HUSSEY. Wv NEW SHOP. ROOTS and SHOES. Ail work neatly duuc. and WARRANTED. Give me a call at myShop on the Bay, two doors irul.i Nelsons. Vigu- THE BIG BOOT. No. jil-ti. J. N. Blair. CITY PROPERTY fr’ORSAi/r.! [j'riSf 51 ’ •jJLlXu A HOUSE and LOT on the corner of Howe and Oglethorpe Streets, near B. k A. It. It. Office. Ap ply to CHAHLES DOEBFLINGER. Brunswick, Oa., Die. 18th lt-75. no. 38-3m. SUBSCRIBE for the “ADVERTISER!!” MORNING. MAR. 22 1876. Yol. 1 —Mnil arrived nnd leaves at —The Phot but will proba' issue. --And still t bend aloft, nnd gang- —"5cts. per dozef Leghorn lien eggs in itnble that. —We notice q| strangers in town nnd boat brings n —Some of our n] ready getting in ne\T Wo will tell you who thejj as we get permission. —When yoiir neighbor si for seed corn, rub on a littjs coal titr and then you will he cei^rn lie wont carry it to mill. —One of our merchant count of stock recently, aiil is still moving ahead. How m, s,-.y as much? — 1 Tin •ce tights nnd two fig] Bay street hist Saturday ev< Good place for locals! We won] to move down. —The last few’ days have thing but pleasant-- windy, • cold. The rain, however, Wf heartily welcomed. —Rev. R. A. Mickh the call to the Presbyterian Cb will enter iipdi Sabbath of April —We hear of tl colored brass bst Cotton and wool will he needed fo get over the first —1200 shad car. one of onr townsmeHJ] people sit down and wiil thing to turn up.” ThatsaniM’pHrty, Mr. Christy, we learn, is now making new nets for the salt water trout. — Orr little loeal last week about distilleries brought out the desired in formation. Mr. Pennimnn informs ns that the still is exported daily, nnd will be in running order at a very ear ly day. Bring on your “virgin dip!” —Wc are pained to chronicle this week the death of little Kate, infant j daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Mad- i den, aged six months nnd a few days | None save those who have passed through a similar ordeal know how to j sympathize With these bereave J }>«i- i onrs. —We overheard, a few’ days since the following remark: “If these edit ors about town would slip around on Bay street of nights, they would find something else to write about besides potatoes, big turnips, and the like.” We hope that man wont be offended if we ask him to act as night reporter for the Adyeiitiseb, for we seldom get down town after nightfall—what suy you? ^hook out for the eclipse of the snu lie 25th inst. RThe Fort Valley Mirror comes to is week for the first time, with ig X's <>n it. Of course we’ll X. alley must ho a lively place, if atnres seen in the Miiror are Tit. Our townsman J. Michelson left the last steamer for New York to rchuse his spring stock of goods will go from there to Europe to it his aged parents, and return next 1, Wc wish him a pleasant trip. I -Read advertisement of Prof. Co- n in this issue If yon wish to irn to play the^iddle (the best mu- yet) liere is your chance. The Pro sor now has eight pupils, nnd do* s a few more. He can be found at 3runswiek House. .. . —‘•Take some more” is the way we heard one man hit another last week, who had taken an unmerciful month- ffil of his fine-cut tobacco. Wc smiled,' k and taking out our noto book, wrote .down these three words for future re- Tobncco—Bill—Local. —Friends of the Advertiser, who ‘Executors” or “Adminiatra- lll ploase bear in mind that "n pnblish their notices in any hey may wish. The Adverti* ing a large circulation in this justly claims a share of this go. Itroprictom oftlieCity Hotel, At Brunn- lu their guests on flit wild turkey*. Now uted to stop at a hotel wo would certainly ley dish out wild turkoya. Dart* Falun "proprietors of this houso and wo ruconi- them. above is from the Darien Ga- We hope the next time one of le delicacies is to be “dished out,” proprietors wont forgot that all s-fike wild tnrkcps. ixville claims to lmvo the most strions colored citizen in town. If hie doubts it, just let bim go out & take a look at Jack Morrison’s truck field. Ho has converted that miasmatic pond near him into a splen did garden spot, where he can raise anything wanted,'whether the season be wet or dry. Besides all this, lie is a paying subscriber to the Advertiser and n good citizen. —There are three classes of our rea ders wo can’t love enough to fulfill the Scripture: 1st. The man who eagerly subscribes for the paper nnd promises big things, but utterly fails to re spond; 2d. The man who wont sub scribe, hut always borrows bis neigh bor’s paper, and thus cheats the prin ter; the 3rd and last, and biggest, sin* ncr of all, is the man who gets bi« pi>. i per from the office, reads it himself, i and than either throws it in the waste basket or else stuffs it in his pocket for “wife to read,” but never gives it to her. This latter class are “mean to kill.” Jnst as if ladies don’t want to know the nows! The truth is they have more curiosity to bear the local news and less chances of -obtaining it. One gentleman has been reported to us already by his wife. If he is ar raigned a second time, out comes his name. —Yes, itj^ns just ns we predicted. Another imfrringe took place Inst Wed nesday morning—Mr. Wm. Bunkley of CnniberHBir-iWid Miss Carrie Wild er of this city. We wish them a Imp* P.T life. Now Tjifi nre going to jnnke another prcdic^uy^f our eyesj^invp. not* de ceived us^t least two more couples will soon he made lmppy. Well, wo hope in the midst of their joy they went forget#*-send in their notices to tlu? printer with the usual recompani" ment. —»*-' - .Oppression. If n dog isn’t a species of pmperty, what is it? And if property, why not taxable? And if taxed, where iV. tho oppression ?—Appeal. The oppression is found in the Ian" gunge of the 3rd sect j op of the Ordi nance, which reads thus: Be it further ordained, that all per sons keeping a dog or dogs within the limits of said city, who has not retur ned the same ns. above required, shall bo double taxed, and shall he liable to be lined in a sum not e.^ceo/ftiJg..twen ty-five dollars, or put to Vorl£*ot)* tlie public works not exceeding sixty days, or imprisonment in the guard house not exceeding ninety, day*.. And tho said dogs on which the taxf fljis .not been paid may lawfully be killed. Now we fail to soq why-a man-should be punished more for owning an nn- returned dog than some Dther species of property. If he fails to return oth er property, ho is simply double tax ed; bnt not fined or imprisoned or pnt upon tho public works—why should he be in tho ease of a dog? Wo nre aware of tho trouble that Council has always had on this subject, nnd would bo glad to see an abatement of th® nuisance (for we consider the uogs ns. such), but in doing this, they should' be careful not to overstep the mark. Stacy’s IVIvutn School—Deportment. Tlic Six Highest. FOR THE WF.EK ENDING XIAR. 17. . ' MAXIMUM 50. Mmr.o Williams, 30; Raul Williams, 47; Willie Nelson, 4.7; Gret a Norwood. 4!>; Willie Daogaix, 80: Eddie Lebeu, 47. New Advertisements. MUSIC. Lessons on Violin by Prof. A. COHEN. Instructions given at Mr. John Tison’s room on Bay street, or at privuic resi dence if desired. Teruis-*-$8 Yor li Lessons, no 51-2t. READ! We arc now prepared to furnish CORN & FLOUR cheap for cash. tv Wm. P. MINOR & Co. 48-tf. Office at Brunswick Foundry* DIRECT! I.AMBRIGUT'8 LINE to DARIEN! Boat leaven Lambright's at 8 o'clock a. and 8)4 p. u.. Sharp—returning immediately on arrival at Darien. Hack connect with up oa well w dom* train.. l’assago by boat 80ct«. no 43- 3m. JOSEPH E. LABIEUIGHT, \