Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, March 29, 1876, Image 1

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THE PEOPLE’S FRI ■tutuNSwiCn.; ctEOrt&IA, HR l? SWIC K A D\I Cirri SER PUEI.IKUED KVKBY WEDNESDAY HOBNINO -BY— T. GOULDING STACY. annual subscription $1.00. I*. B. TOOMAH LC DGE, No. 9, P. A. VI. Toomar Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every 1st end 3rd Wednesday in each month, at ft o'elok, V. M. Moans McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Carter, Sec’y. C.P. <ioODV£A». I I r. n. habbia- GOODYEAR A HARRIS, i Attorneys at Law, Brunswick. Georgia 0 PI-ICE— Comer Newcastle ami Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Biain «V Co Practice ill all counties of the Brunswick Cir cult and .he city of Darien. 6a no 1-ly, T. E. Davenp/ibt.J [Vf. E. Joses .—Davenport & Jones, A TTOR.NEYS A 'I LA W, Hi practice in all the Courts of the Bruns wick Circuit. Office corner Oglethorpe & Gloucester streets. ~no 1- ly w -4- D. T. DUNN, BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, Ga. B UYS and 8EIXS exchange on New York, Sa vannah, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. BUYS and SELLS Gold. Silver ana Commercia' Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS- Collections promptly attended to and business sol cited. no. My, We are now prepared to furnish t £<>>EN & FLOUlt cheap for cash. Wm. P. MINOR & Co. 48-tf. Office at Brunswick Fouudry. —Drum fishing has been th of the day lately with some] people. Luck pretty good. —With this issue —No. 52- our first volume. Many than who have given us a helping Jji —Mr. James Herr Smith and ly left for their former horn' Wrightsville, Penn., last week, wish them a safe jour.uey. —Friend Watkins is soon resident of Dixville, we learn, purchased Col. DeBruhl’s pre In many respects a good ml we think. —The latest agony in these wateri a new kind of fish(?) caught last wee! by one of a party of gentlemen from lurcity. ’Tis thejMg-fish. Didn’t be lull, though! —Shingles steeped in lime wash are said to last much longer. Lime cheap in this section. Try it, you who are so fortuu'ate as to have any money to build with. —We see quite a quantity t f new goods this week at the stores of J. F, Nelson & Co., Cook Bros & Co., and F. A. Fitzg eruld. Hunt them up when you want something-new. . 1 —Eev. R. A. Mickle enters on his duties as pastor of the Presbyterian church of this city on Sunday next. Hereafter preaching may be expected there every Sabbath. Seats fre all. —A colored lad about 1 attempted a little game of hand” on Dr. Madden’s mi er last Monday, but the alarm hell would go caught and went at onci up.” LAMBBIGHT S LINE to DAEILN! Boa 4 leaves Lombriglit’s at» o'clock a. m., and 5% v- jf„ Sharp—returning immediately on arrival at Darien, Hock connect \viHS-u%as wcllaa dvnw » 3g”" by E. LAMBRIGHT. NEW SHOP. ‘BOOTS and SHOES. Ail work neatly done, and WAREANTED. Give mo a collat my Shop on the Bsv, next doov lu gun ahop. Sign- THE BIG BOOT. No. SMI. L N. Bbaib. CTY PROPERTY FOE SALE! A HOUSE and LOT on the comer of Howe and Ofclethorpe Streets, near B. i A. It. E. Office. Ap ply CHARLES DOERFLINGEB. Bran*wick, Ga.. Dec. 18th 1875. no. 33~3m. M BSCUIBE for the EimSEK!!” —Evergreens for the one of the churches iu No' Conn., on Palm Sunday, wi from this port last week, chance for some injlustfious develop another of our many resources next winter and spring. —St. Simons Mills is the name of a new Post Office just established on that Island. It is situated at Hamilton— Mr. W. J. Way, Postmaster, The route to and from is not yet establish ed, but will be very soon—probably by steam, daily. —“First cast out the beam out of thine own eye; theu shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother’s eye. ” This passage will ap ply to quite a numerous class iu all our towns, who arc continually harp ing about “New York prices;’’ wlmt they can get this or that done for at such and such a place, etc. But just strike oue for a trade for something he may be offering, and the tale soon changes—Southern figures are then quoted with a glibness astonishing to hear. “Oh! Consistency, thou art a jewel ” There is still another- class closely allied to these, but, if any thing,* a little worse: Those who mnko all they can here, and spend it else where. They have uothing to spend hero for ««y enterprise whatever—not even a dollar for the Advertiser. lspection^ old—“the hal been told.” The location is indeed a most excellent one—just at the bend of the river, a high bluff, beautiful groves of oak and cedar, and a level surface covered over with a perfect mat of wild flowers, presenting some what the appearance of a clover field in full bloom. But it is not of these that we would write, but of the MILL AND ITS SURROUNDINGS. The main building is 60x200 feet, two stories high, besides engine room and machine shop attached. When completed, there will be one set of gang saws,. flanked by two circulars and two edgers—one of the latter run ning li ve saws. The Captudbjr ox the euliie mill will be about 125,000 feet per day. The plans shown us for wharves, tracks, skids, etc. are, in our judgement, admirably adapted to the wants of the mill—in short, the entire arrangement of the whole affair evi dently was gotten up by men well versed in matters of this sort. The machinery, wharves, buildings,—in fact, everything we saw wosgottenup in substantial style, and colonial FOR THE WEEK MAXIMUM WlUieNeUon, 45; Willio D*ng»ix, 47; Green Norwood, 50; Carlton Stacy, SO; Eddie Leben, 60. New Advertisements. WRAPPING PAPERr NEWSPAPERS (exohRngcH). al 1 i sizes, for wrapping purpo-esi tor sale cheap. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. M U S I £ Lessons on Violin by Prof. A.JI&&1T. Instructions gif room on. denco if■ Lessor